Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 77: Let's go out for leisure.

One and a half months have passed since I married Elise and others.

Although weddings and receptions were troublesome, the newlyweds are happy.

The surrounding area, especially around Roderich, is like a spell like “A mansion. We're still 16 years old.

Vilma and others are 14 years old, so I don't think they need to rush to that point.

"I guess, but I'll be impatient as soon as possible."

For convenience, inheritance rights are set for older brothers' children, but this will be lowered when I have a child.

Even though my brothers are taking care of it for an emergency, they have already said, "Do you have anything to do with Count Baumeister? There seems to be a stupid aristocrat who asks.

Most likely, he controls his young nephew and his elder brothers who seem to be ignorant of politics.

"Vell's strong presence drives development. There are so many stupid aristocrats. ''

Since Erich, who participated in the wedding, is usually in the royal capital, he seems to have the most opportunities to interact with such stupid aristocrats.

While sighing, I was full of bitches.

"I want you to make a child soon"

"Erik, do you say that?"

"Tell me. It will also affect the future of my and my older brother's children. '

Because the inheritance rank is high, if I have anything, I will be involved in scrambling for and fighting for unsettled land.

As a father, that would be unacceptable.

"I have to do my best and make children"

"Hah ..."

The topic between the brothers was subtle, but aristocratic might be such a thing.

Inheritance increases troublesome things without children.

Given the ugliness of the struggle and the incidents and scandals that have resulted, it seems that a decent nobility would not want to join.

"Ahhh. I will do my best. There is also the magic of the teacher. "

So I've been working hard for the past month and a half.

Open the bindings of the magic book left by the teacher and fulfill his duty as a noble and husband every day every day while restoring energy.

Nude Ena was lying next to me on the bed.

"Hey kids ..."

"Do you want a vel?"

When I recall a conversation with Erich, Ela seemed sorry.

However, since he is only a month and a half newly married, there is no need to worry about it.

Wife seems to have narrow shoulders if no children are born, but that is far ahead.

"It will be someday. Wouldn't it be nice to be around 20 years old?"

"If you can't have children for four years, you can recommend a new concubine."

"I see. I mean. But ..."

It's a vulgar way to say it, but you can do it naturally.

However, Ena's expression is not good.

"Any concerns?"

"Hey. Did we have a magical power recently? At first we were frowning, but maybe there are side effects ..."

Increased magic power prevents pregnancy.

Certainly, 100% couldn't be said to have no such side effects.

"But. Has magical power stopped growing?"

"It's really stopped, but it's an intermediate level of magic in a month, so I'm very happy."

Of the wizards, there are only about one in ten intermediates.

Ena seems to be satisfied because even a small amount of usable magic has contributed to raising her fighting power.

Speaking of which, last time he played against Roderich with a spear and lost.

"I'm truly a wife"

Lauderich was laughing, but I know.

He resumes his spear training when he has a little time.

In fact, he hated Loderich.

"As long as the magic stops rising, you should be pregnant normally."

"Yes, that's right."

"That's why I'll do it again."

"Vell. Isn't there any more language?"

I can't say there isn't, but I can't say that she's the hero of the book she usually reads.

Such an embarrassing persuasion complained to me, a former Japanese, that I was ashamed of.

"What should I do?"

"Hey, it wouldn't be."

I don't think it is because of my physical age.

Because my body is still 16 years old.

"What a lie. I'm in trouble if I go to Amalie's place more than planned."

"Amarie step sister? What is it?"

"Is Amarie's magical power up?"

"It's not at all"

"Vell. You're not going to hide it?"

I noticed that I'm stuck, but pretend to be stuck on purpose.

Eina immediately noticed that.

"What was it?"

"Never. When I first met, I thought I was the ultimate friend."

"I still think so."

"That's right. I'm going to make my wife like me."

Immediately after that, I will try my best because the night is still long, but it may be a law of the world that I can't do it once.

And, as usual, greet the morning again.

It is customary for two people to take a bath in the morning as usual when the tragic situation on the bed is normal.

"A woman and a mixed bath. Vel. Get moge!

One person was spitting a curse only when Elle was with me, but as expected, there was a sense that she would not say when there were other vassals.

From their point of view, it is desirable to have a physical relationship with a wife who will be born sooner.

"Eina has beautiful hair."

"Thank you. In fact, she may be the only woman to be proud of."

I usually bundle it, but Ena's fiery red hair has no habit and is smooth.

`` Katarina sometimes has her hair exploding. ''

"Every morning, I'm taking the time."

There is also a reason that her daughter drill hair is actually a terrible habit.

Every morning, I forcibly make that hairstyle.

As if you are using magic to heat your hair, you think that the beauty salon can be opened without the perm machine on the earth.

"Vell's hair conditioner is amazing."

There was shampoo in this world, but no rinse.

Aristocratic children and others trimmed their hair after shampooing with balms.

There, I made a natural rinse using vinegar and handed it to my wives.

The reputation is so good that Arterio is planning to sniff it out and sell it.

The olfactory sense was as sharp as ever.

"That was good, so let's wash that hair."

"I can do it myself"

"Once a week would be nice"

"Thank you"

In addition, when I walked in front of my bedroom on the way to the living room after leaving my bathroom after washing my body, Dominic was instructing a new maid on bed making.

"Are you okay? Many of the current Baumeister families have many such secrets."

"In other words, the palace is unequaled!"

"The voice is loud."

Listening to Eina and herself, Dominic seems to be telling a young maid what to do.

"Your house is unequaled. That means I and Dominique have a chance!"

"I'm married ..."

"However, the house is passionate about the beauty of Dominique unnie!"


Dominic drops his fist on the head of a young maid who makes unscrupulous remarks.

We felt like I saw her surprising side.

"Are you okay? The palace does not do such immoral things."

There is such a discretion that you will not touch your wife.

I seemed to be highly valued by Dominic, but given that Amarie's sister-in-law, I thought I wouldn't need to rate that much.


"It's hard to overestimate Elise's childhood maid."

"Isn't Amarier good?-He's single now."

"Ugh. Thank you."

"Don't cry ..."

I'm a little tearful to the kindness of Eina.

"Are you okay? Leah. You've been recommended because you're my cousin. If you're punished with extra rumors, my reputation will fall."

In Japan, people are often criticized for gaining a connection, but if they fail, they will smear the face of the recommender.

It's not simply easy or enviable.

"In addition, if rumors flow that the palace is unequaled, extra sales will increase."

Dominic explained to his cousin, a newcomer maid, that there could be more nobles and merchants offering daughters to strengthen relationships and desire for rights.

"In other words, it could make Elise's position worse."

The concubine who comes in later receives the favor and looks down on his wife.

Disturb the sum in the back.

It was a common story in aristocratic societies.

"I and Leah. Elise-sama has become such a formidable wife, and she has such a privileged treatment."

"Surely the pay is good, right?"

Because my work location was undeveloped at the southern tip of the kingdom, I paid more than average.

To me, it's like a remote allowance.

"I'm sorry. So please do bed making quietly and learn other jobs as soon as possible."

"Okay. Looking at the distress on the bed, the special allowance is a hush."


Dominic again drops his fist bone above Leah's head.

"I'm likely to have fun memories of my childhood and memories of the work I was taught."

"I wouldn't say anything extra!"

"Dominique unnie is tough ..."

Although Dominique is just getting angry, Leah's maid seems bad but clever.

I was making beds quickly as instructed.

"The sheets are amazing. Dominique unnie. But if it's so great, maybe I could be the concubine of the museum."


Three times, Dominic drops his fist bone above Leah's head.

"It hurts. Dominique Unnie. At the age of five, memories of going to Lake Geneva to swim are likely to disappear."

"Isn't it gone? I'm going to the next room."

I and Ena immediately move from the bedroom to the living room, but all the talk on the way was about the new maid.

"That girl. Are you okay?"

"There are some light-mouthed parts, but the work was brilliant. Dominic would educate well."

"That's right."

When they move to the living room, breakfast is being prepared by other maids.

However, living with a maid in the mansion and taking care of everything is something you are not used to.

Because of the original poverty, it is somehow restless.

"A man. Which one are you today?"


"Some people have a lot of rice!"

Eating at the mansion was free to choose between rice and bread.

I usually eat rice, but even a guru who has recently returned to the Imperial City has ordered rice from a maid while presenting his own large bowl.

But does this person need not serve the Royal Palace?

"Guru. Is there no public affairs at Ojo?"

"It's exactly there, but you don't have to have a certain one!"

A guru who is also the “final weapon” of the kingdom seems to be in basic leisure if the final phase does not come.

"The lack of work is a peaceful proof of this country! By the way, what is Blanctag today?"

"I'm off."

Blantaq can't come here right away unless I pick him up with "Momentary Movement".

He has no plans today and he has been working recently, so he will enjoy vacation with his newlywed wife for a while.

"What is Count Baumeister's plan?"

"Today is a complete rest day."

"Then go hunting in the Demon Forest!"

"No, I don't go. I'm on vacation."

It's a hobby, but hunting in the Demon Forest is my job.

No need to go if you are off.


"Instead, I go to the sea."

"Are you swimming?"

Actually, it was a leisure declaration without notice, so I did not talk to Elise and others.

Suddenly, I heard a little from me today and seemed surprised.

"Wendelin, swimming is going to the sea during the hot months, right?"

"that's right"

Sea bathing habits also exist in this world.

Breichburg and the royal capital are far from the sea, so most people will be able to stop by nearby rivers and lakes.

It seems that rich people sometimes take a break to go to the sea.

"I went to the eastern sea about seven years ago."

"Elise's parents' home is indeed."

Eina was impressed by Elise, who has experience of bathing.

Considering the time and cost of traveling from the royal capital inland to the sea, no one had ever experienced sea bathing.

"What is Ena?"

"I swam in the river near Breichburg"

"I'm the same. The sea can't go that way."

Eina and Luise have no experience of swimming.

"What is Vilma?"

"Let's catch fish in the lake near the capital city"

For Vilma, playing with water seems to have to double as a fish catcher.

Because you may get hungry when you swim.

"What is Katarina?"

"Once in the west, the sea was so close, but is it so much fun?"

"It's probably because Katarina went alone."

"Wow, how! Why it?"

When asked why, I was originally a bocce.

Bocchi knows Bocci.

Looking at Katarina before I met, I can't imagine her going to the sea with a group of friends.

And the sea bathing in me was to make salt on the southern coast of the wilderness, catch and eat fish and shellfish.

"(Going alone in the sea is a high level ...")

I can't tell people, but in a way I'm impressed that it's a big deal.

It's the loneliness of Katarina.

"Because there is a private beach of the Baumeister family."

"Do you have such a thing?"

"I've set it up. Let's have a barbecue for lunch and enjoy the holidays."

"It looks interesting."

He quickly agreed, so after breakfast he immediately went on a “moment trip” to a private beach at the southern tip of the county of Baumister.

"It's a great day for bathing!"

After preparing after breakfast, he flew to the private beach with "Momentary Movement", and the guru was overjoyed by the white sandy beach and the blue transparent sea.

I was the oldest of them, but for some reason I was like a child.

Now it is winter seasonally, but the wilderness is a bit cooler in the morning even in the northern part of the north along the Major League Mountains.

The southern coast was hot enough to swim throughout the year.

Still, it is not as humid as Japan, and the temperature is slightly more than 30 degrees.

Because it doesn't steam as much as in Japan, it's cooler if you get in the shade of the trees, and it can be said that it is a tropical country that is easy to spend.

"By the way, what happened to Elvin?"


I'm usually my guard, but I also want to leave the work of leading various lords in the future, so I had to go to Tristan for regular training.

"Don't be enthusiastic. It is impossible to command the army.

It can't be helped.

Because gurus work best alone or in combination with high-level wizards.

His Majesty knows that, so he may be free.

"Well, sea bathing is a swimsuit."

"Uncle. I'm getting ready."

"I'm really my niece!"

Elysees brought their own swimsuits, and Elise was preparing for the guru.

Everyone immediately set up a screen in the shade and started changing clothes, but the guru suddenly took off his robe in front of me and started changing clothes.

Bodybuilders can still see the blue muscles of steel that have been forged, but they don't want to see naked men.

I turn back, take off my robe and start changing clothes.

"It's an unusual swimsuit ..."

As expected, the guru was a man, but he wore an old-fashioned swimsuit that was covered with cloth up to the knees and elbows that old people wore on the earth.

I am a trunks type swimsuit that I had previously made at a store in the royal capital.

"I finished changing clothes."


"Vell, quickly!"

And because Elise and her swimsuits are covered with thick cloth up to the knees and elbows, which have no sex appeal, I immediately put out no good.

Louise, who changed clothes the first time, seems to be surprised at my immediate failure.

"No good ... swimwear is like this."

"I don't like sex"

"I understand what Vell is saying, but if you think so, you have to prepare a new swimsuit."

"Hoho. I told you, Luise."

"Well, are you ready?"

"Correct answer, Mr. Luise"

I was an amateur in clothes, but I almost remember the design.

Therefore, she was asked by a top-class garment craftsman in the capital to make a swimsuit that women usually wear in Japan in this world.

"Change here. This is our main order."

"Wow! There's not much cloth. I wear it because it's my chief order, but what about my first chief order?"

"I'm not wrong because I'm the owner."

"It's good, but it's a private beach with nobody else, but what's the size?"

"Luise. I've been married for more than a month. I know my wife's body size."

"Vell's etch"

Despite saying, Luise returns to the changing room with her other wives' swimwear with a slick look.

"Mr. Luise. Wendelin wants to wear this?"

"Even the chief order"

"Here's the chief order .... You can see the navel and the whole thing."

"Isn't it okay to hide the essence, isn't it? Eina. It looks good."

"Luise, you are ..."

"It may be easy to move"

"Mr. Vilma is enviable because she can think like that."

"Katarina is enviable because of her style"

"Because I'm a nobleman, I'm always careful because I'm always seen by people around me."

You can hear the voice from the screen, and it's finished changing clothes in a few minutes and showing up in front of me and the guru.

"I see. Count Baumeister wants to promote new fashionable swimwear?"

"No. Purely a hobby."

This is a private beach anyway, and it doesn't matter if the swimwear I made is going to be fashionable.

I just wanted to dress Elise and others.

There is no other reason.

"Um ... Wendelin. Uncle .... I'm a little embarrassing ..."

"I think so because it's the first time, but I feel like it will soon become popular."

Elise was shy in her yellow bikini-type swimsuit.

She leaned forward a little and hid her chest, which she could often look at.

However, I think Elise's breasts are amazing.

Still, the waist and the like are usually thin, so it looks like a gravure idol.

"Elise is wonderful"

"Is that so?"

"Nobody else is anyway, and he's more dignified. It's beautiful."


When I praised, Elise looked very happy.

"Ena is also beautiful."

"Thank you"

Eina had a normal chest, but she was well trained and slender and good in style.

It looks a little cool when combined with red hair.

In addition, I was reluctant to wear a new swimsuit at first, but when I actually wore it, I was surprisingly dignified.

"Ena. I don't have much wasted fat and I'm jealous."

"Is that so?"

Katarina, the incarnation of Petit Diet, looked envied at Eina's slimness.

"Katarina. I'm thinner."


"Would a new swimsuit look good too? My adult appeal is on the front."

"That's right ..."

Luise wearing a light blue bikini was cute, but the type was clearly different from Elise and Eina.

It would be appropriate to be cute, but that was her charm.

"I think it's cute"

"I'm going on a different route from Elise and Eina. But Vilma is nice ..."

Vilma is surprisingly big, even though the same body belongs to a small frame.

Louise seems very enviable in that regard.

"If it gets bigger, it's hard to move."

"Uhh .... I'd like to say such a thing just once ..."

Luise had a strong glance at Vilma's chest.

"Virma is also cute. How about a new swimsuit?"

"It's easy to move. It's a bit embarrassing."

Vilma in a pink bikini turned around in front of me and showed her swimsuit.

"Because it's easy to move, I catch a lot of shrimp and shellfish."


However, Virma seems to prefer appetite.

This private beach was a place where a sea dragon was defeated before, so the seafood was abundant.

"Um ... Vendelin."

"What's wrong? Katarina was shy, so she chose a one-piece type."

"Even this one piece type is embarrassing!"

Since Katarina is the most shy, she prepared a purple one-piece swimsuit, but she still complains.

"Isn't it suitable?"

"It's nice to be my wife, but why is this swimsuit severely cut at the crotch?"

"Because I designed"

Katarina's swimwear is a high-leg type that was popular in Japan in the past. In addition, the cloth on the chest was thinly designed so that the shape of the breast could be almost understood.

Why did that simply because it was my hobby?

There must be no other reason.

"I think it looks good"

Appearance, Katarina looks high and looks like S, so this kind of swimsuit looks great.

"no good?"

"I can't say no, but ..."

"Well, with our chief order

"Why do you fire there?"

Since everyone changed into a swimsuit safely, somebody hit my shoulder when I tried to play immediately.

It was the guru himself.

"I don't know why I'm out of the ordinary!"

"In other words, should the guru wear a new swimsuit?"

"Do you have anything?"

"Yes, there is ..."

I had some men's swimsuits made just in case, so I gave them some and the guru chose the most impossible swimsuit design.

It was a very small boomerang-type brief type black that I made fashionable and that a swimmer could wear.

"This is, in a way, appropriate!"

We all took our first swimsuit off and started changing clothes, so we were all looking away.

The guru, who finished changing clothes in a flash, was checking the comfort while posing like a bodybuilder.

"(It seems that the memories of Elise's beautiful swimsuit are overwritten by the memories of the guru's swimsuit ...")

I felt like I was going to win a bodybuilder competition on earth, but unfortunately I was not interested in that area at all.

"Okay. I've changed my clothes, so I'm gonna play ..."

The guru continued to take out a bottle with some liquid.

"If you do not apply sunscreen, it will be difficult later"

Sunscreens exist in this world.

Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide will not be available like the earth, but there are some highly effective products derived from plants.

Instead, the price is considerable, and you need to be very wealthy to get it.

Aristocratic women go swimming in the sea, but they also want to prevent their skin from becoming rough.

"I'm Earl Baumeister. Could you paint me in a certain way?"

I turned my gaze to his niece, Elise, because of the improbable request from the teacher.

"Um ... Elise ..."

"Can we paint each other?"

"I agree with Elise's opinion!"

"I agree"

"I paint on Katarina"

"So, I'm Virma."

But even Elise, the niece of the guru, doesn't like applying sunscreen to his body.

They were out of their pinch in a strategy of successfully painting women.

Naturally, I will be abandoned.

"(I wanted to mix too ...)"

The plan to apply sunscreen to Elise and others has collapsed, and conversely, the difficulty of applying sunscreen to the guru's body awaits.

The mentor has nothing to do with Socci, but what is so sad and muscular that he must apply sun oil to his forty-something father?

"Sometimes I'll paint Earl Baumeister."

"(I also hate that ...")

I'm further pinched.

Because I usually want Elise to apply sunscreen.

"(Think! How to get out of the pinch ...)"

An idea comes to my mind thinking of trying to avoid the worst.

It's a ruthless way, but that's because I get out of the pinch.

I made my heart a demon, and immediately put on my robe from the top of my swimsuit and flew to the guard garrison in Baulburg in "Momentary Movement."

"A man?"

"It's an errand for Ell."

You pass through the gatekeeper's check with your face pass and enter the training room, where you find Elle who is giving a lecture from Tristan.

"A man?"

"Tristan, I'll borrow a little."


When I grab Elle's hand, who is not well aware of the situation, I return to the sandy beach with "Momentary Movement".

"Oh, what kind of business ... Uhya.

Elle saw her swimsuits and stretched her nose down, but they did not crave Elle.

Because I noticed my evil plot.

"Guru. He wants to apply sunscreen."

"Is that so? I'll ask you."

"What? I am?"

As Ellu turned, he saw a guru wearing a boomerang brief swimsuit, and was given a sunscreen jar from him.

"Oh, Elvin, apply some sunscreen. I'll be asking you all over my body."

"Hey, Vel ..."

Ell finally realized my intention, and turned to her a terrible expression.

"Ell. This is the chief order."

"You are an ogre. Vell ..."

El seems to be overwhelmed by the fact that his first order is to apply sunscreen to the guru's body.

"Actually, when I touch a man's skin for more than a minute, I have hives."

"I know it's a lie in one shot!"

Of course, this is my lie as El says.

"It's just an order. I wonder if I could get Elise sunscreened?"

"Fall to hell"

No doubt, I would have said the same thing in Ell's position.

If you have other vassals, you will be grossly guilty, but listen lightly and go straight to Elise and others.

"I'll ask you everywhere. Elvin boy."


Jewel was applying sunscreen to the guru halfway through.

And I'm going to work on applying sunscreen to Katarina who hasn't finished applying sunscreen yet.

It was my victory that made the early decision to leave it to Elle.

"How is that feeling?"

"It seems like something is disgusting ..."

"Anything between the couple is disgusting, but nothing.

"Mr. Wenderin. I don't mind, but also consider the gaze around you ..."

Unlike how it looks, Katalina grows calm when pushed in the direction of my hand.

Still, I didn't hate me, I was sunscreened.

I applied sunscreen to the whole body of Katarina, and I was also sunscreened by all of Elise.

"Vell. I also paint on my ass."

"I'll be happy to accept it."

"Huh, it feels good."

Luise was also sunscreened comfortably.

"I like this."

Is this a fall?

Or happiness?

When I thought, , a guru who had Ell apply sunscreen all over her body was posing like a bodybuilder.

Lell seems to have applied sunscreen properly and looks very happy.

"This is good, because if you burn too much sun, you may burn your skin."

"If you're a guru, I don't think you'll get a single burn if you're burned with hellfire ..."

"Oh Elvin, you're not that strong."

The teacher seems to think that El is making a joke, but this is definitely a remark.

Because I and Elise were convinced of Ell's muttering.

"So what is my job?"

"This is the end"


Before I complained, I once again flew to the guard garrison in Baulburg in "Momentary Movement", handed him over to Tristan, and returned to the sandy beach.

I think it was a pity, but I was able to become an Earl.

He wanted to leave the penance of applying sunscreen to the teacher's body to others.

"Isn't Ell a bit sad?"

"Ell is off tomorrow, or is Ena painting instead?"

"Well, let's play fast."

Eina didn't seem to want to apply sunscreen to her guru, no matter how bad El was.

I was immediately deceived by switching topics.

"Play! Before that ..."

This time, he flew to the mansion with "Momentary Movement", and then called out Dominic and the rookie maid Lea who had been waiting after finishing their morning work.

We decided to leave them ready for lunch and drinks.

"It's amazing. Dominique unnie. Private beach."

A lot of people have small territories that have a territory along the sea, but if they are noble people who do not have a sea in their territory, they do not have to be large enough.

If you look at Lea, who grew up in the royal city, it will look like an extravagant luxury.

"Leah. Let's prepare drinks and meals without saying anything."

Because there are not many male hands, I and my guru set up parasols taken out of a magic bag, arrange reclining chairs, and have a barbecue party at a barbecue party.

The ingredients were also prepared, and the Dominiques cut meat and vegetables, handled fish, made cold mate, and made sorbets and juices with fruits.

"I hope you will be generous with expensive magical tools at an outdoor party.

Leah seems to be impressed, but all are obtained from the basement warehouse in the Demon Forest.

The magic tool over there is as compact and easy to use as Japanese home appliances.

It doesn't have a code, so you can use it by replenishing your magic.

Fuel efficiency is also different from conventional products, so it does not take much effort to replenish magic power.

Speaking of which, did the magic guild that bought it out produce results?

"I'm just a find. You can eat and drink between work. There are no other maids today."

I can't say that there are no other maids or servants in the mansion, but I don't care today because there is no one but us.

"Thank you, man."

"I'm lucky today. Dominique unnie."

"First of all, thank the museum!"

"Hey .... Thank you ..."

Dominic had also dropped a fist bone above Leah's head.

"Oh ... this time, memories of going to a picnic with my family when I was six years old ..."

"I don't remember?"

"What dominic is tough."

"I'm good at remembering and working well, but there is a problem with how I speak ..."

Dominic seems to be struggling with his younger cousin's maid education.

"Then I'll leave it."

When we leave the food to Dominiques and head to the sea, we all go into the sea and swim and dive and start playing.

After a long time of bathing in the sea, Vilma and others began to dive deep and catch shrimp and shellfish.

"Wilma is the best at swimming among them."

"That's right. Wendelin-sama. Don't let go of your hand."

"It was surprising that Elise couldn't swim ..."

I was teaching her from a fluttering foot while pulling Elise's hand.

"I have experience in sea bathing, but women only played near the sandy beach ..."

It seems that he has no experience of swimming itself.

"I'll make it in the pool in my house, and I'll learn it as soon as I tell it."

"Thank you, Mr. Wenderin"

"Vell. This crawl can swim smoothly."

"It's easy to breaststroke."

Next to where I teach Elise to swim, Luise, who learned to crawl with haste, was swimming with Sui Sui.

Eina is also happily swimming in breaststroke.

In this world, swimming only exists like swimming.

They realized that swimming was only for men, as they could swim even with heavy armor.

"Vell often comes up with such a swimming style"

"I was free when I was a child."

Actually, it was the junior high school and high school days and the swimming club in the previous life.

Of course, he has no talent, and he can do all sorts of swimming, but there was a point that he was all-substitute.

I think Luise and Ena are more amazing than that.

I just learned how to swim, and now I can swim faster than me.

Regarding motor nerves, they seem to have a day long.

"And Katarina ..."

"It's difficult to move your hands and feet ..."

She can swim normally, but she seems to have difficulty learning new swimming techniques.

"I'll make a pool in my residence so I'll teach there."

"Um. Hand movements like this .... Feet movements like this ..."

Katarina's motor nerves don't seem so different from me.

When you move your hand with a crawl, the movement of your feet stops.

I repeated the same mistakes as when I was a child.

"Even if you can't swim, there is no problem because the wizard has magic."

"That's what it's up to."

Since there is magic to create air bubbles and move underwater in them, it can be said that there is no problem if you can not swim unless the magic power is exhausted.

"Wendelin will tell you so much.

"It's easy for my uncle to learn too."

"Hello guru ..."

Elysee looked envied at the guru, who swims a little further away with a sprinkling of water.

But he just learned the butterfly quickly, ignoring crawls, breaststrokes, and backstrokes.

"Like a large monster swimming"

Although he seems to be having fun, when viewed from the side, it looks as if an aquatic monster is approaching, as Luise says.

"When I talked about it, I came here ..."

The guru who swims here at a terrible speed stops at the position just before, but a lot of water splashes hit us.

Everyone is flooded.

"This swimming style is convenient!"

The teacher seemed to like the butterfly a lot.

"By the way, Virma?"

"Certainly, you should be catching shrimp and shellfish by diving ..."

Immediately after answering Luise, the sea surface rises greatly and Vilma appears.

In his hand, he held a net bag with prey.

"Caught a lot"

"Yes, it was good."

For Vilma, fishing alone seems to be more enjoyable than playing, rather than learning new swimming techniques.

He landed on the sandy beach, but there was an unusual amount of shrimp, shellfish and fish in the bag.

"I have a lot of drinks but can I eat them all?"

"If you put it in a magic bag, it will not lose freshness, so you can enjoy it for a while."

"I'm nervous ..."

It's just lunch here, and we'll have lunch that Dominiques were preparing.

The main menu was barbecue, and they ate meat, fish and shellfish, vegetables, etc. baked on the net with sauce.

"Soy sauce, miso sauce, and shio sauce are delicious."

Everything was made by my own formula, but the guru ate a lot of grilled meat and fish by scraping.

"Uncle. How about vegetables?"

"Vegetables are fine at a later date. Now, meat and fish and shellfish have priority."

"Not good for your health."

The teacher spoke like a child, and Elise was more like a mother.

"Wendelin also eats vegetables."

"The sauce for that"

I was sorry for the product of a maker that made sauces using high-quality materials in the previous life, but I was having trouble mixing the tastes more than expected.

The same ingredients could not be obtained, or even if they did, the taste was different, and we knew most of the ingredients, but struggled with the mixing ratio.

These three types of sauce are the crystals of my struggle.

"Does the taste change with such a small blending ratio?

Even though he was struggling to mix the sauce, Lell put tea from the side.

He is a ridiculous man who adds a bite to the sauce composition.

That's why you can say that you executed a sunscreen on your guru.

"Sure, this sauce is good."

"I want Arterio to sell the recipe."

"He's a business person."

"Because it's a former adventurer, I think it's clever"


When I'm talking to Elise, Vilma calls me this time.

"What? @ Vilma"

"I don't get hungry"

"It's a certain thing"

Apparently, she and her guru only eat meat and fish and shellfish, so they may have felt that they lack carbohydrates.

"Eat that and still eat?"

Eina looks amazed at the pile of shrimp and shells that they ate and ate.

"Well then, should I make it?"

"Vell makes something?"

"Because I came to the sea, I have to eat something strange."

When I take out the iron plate from the magic bag, I replace it with an empty net and start heating.

Continue to drain the oil, fry the minced meat and vegetables, and add the steamed noodles you have prepared.

Use the same sauce as the sauce for the seasoning, put it on a plate when it is roasted moderately, and put red ginger and blue seaweed on it.

I was making sauce yakisoba, a summer sea tradition.

We had a hard time reproducing this, but the chef at the house was excellent and he was saved.

I told them to some extent that they prepared steamed noodles, red ginger, and blue glue.

`` Salt fried noodles made with fish and shellfish in another version are also completed ''

"It looks delicious"

Catalina seems to have been sucked into the scent of the burnt sauce and blue seaweed.

"It's not like a noble dish."

"Mr. Wenderin. Aristocratic is how you eat rare dishes and show off at parties and so on."

Katarina quickly began to eat yakisoba on a plate.

It's a great deal, but is the diet you care about always good?

"It's delicious"

"Salt flavor is also delicious"

"This is my first noodle dish

Eina, Luise and Elise also liked Yakisoba.

"Delicious but not enough to make more"

"I saw how to make it, so let's try it."

They didn't seem to have enough.

Vilma and the guru begin to fry the noodles in a competitive manner.

We prepared a lot of ingredients such as noodles, but they were all baked on an iron plate.

It's like a stall on a fair day.

All the ingredients you have prepared are baked on the iron plate, making a sizzle.

They were watching the burning while moving the iron with a mysterious expression.

"Guru. Can you eat everything?"

"It's not enough."

"Guru. Earlier, my father-in-law said he was angry."

"Is Military Edgar a Sorry."

The mentor said,, but it was not persuasive to say that someone eating dozens of fried noodles in competition with Vilma.

"I'm not going to burn my heart"

As Eina said, both of us were lying down on reclining chairs on a sandy beach and taking a nap after eating.

The mentor hears an explosive snoring sound, which can be used to repel the loudness and demon.

How are your wives sleeping together?

"Vilma looks cute."

As Katarina says, Vilma is a cute little squirrel, sleeping and sleeping, inviting protection.

It doesn't look much like a guru to eat.

"Are we going to take a nap?"

"Yes, I'm a little sleepy when I'm full."

"It's the real pleasure of taking a rest to be able to sleep at such times"

"I agree"

Since we got tired of everything since the wedding, we lie down on reclining chairs and start napping with cold tea or juice.

"It's a luxury time."


Everyone is 16 years old, but because he is busy in various ways, Elise becomes a conversation like an elderly couple.

Even though the earth is young enough to play as a high school student, I feel that many people in this world are in a hurry.

"I'm helped by Elise. I don't know much about the nobles of the royal capital."

"I'm glad to tell Wendelin that way."

Elysee smiling at me was cute.

And the breast that does not lose its shape even if you lie down is the strongest.

"Yes, because I'm the daughter of a jury, so I can't advise Vell in that direction."

"I'm the same. The world has been different so far. Katarina is just an appearance."

"I can't help helping me because I'm a noble fallen man. I need an appearance to advertise. Mr. Luise."

"That's true"

Eina, Luise, Katarina, and Elise are at a glance.

By the time I reaffirmed that, Elise had already traveled to the world of sleep.

"I'm tired"

I put a towel on Elise and enjoy my nap for a while.

And a few hours later, the beach was dyed red at sunset, highlighting its beauty.

"It's beautiful."

I and Elise were impressed by the beautiful sunset seen from the sandy beach.

"It's really beautiful. Mr. Wenderin"

"Let's come again. Vell"

"No, I'm off today."

"I had a lot of delicious food"

"Private beach. I enjoyed it."

Speak to the Dominiques who are cleaning up to watch the sunset for a long time before returning to the mansion.

After lunch, they would clean up by the evening and leave the rest of the ingredients to cook and eat.

I thought Dominique wouldn't be able to run away, but I was sitting under the luggage with that freshman maidlayer.

"What happened to this girl?"

"I'm ashamed of eating purely."

"Eh! Is that so?"

"A large amount of seafood that can rarely be eaten.

It looks like you're doing everything right, but you're sitting there with limitations.

"There will be a limit!"

How many times is this?

Dominic had dropped his fist bone above Leah's head.

"Ah. I remember going to a high-end restaurant with my family when I was seven years old ..."

"So, isn't it gone?"

The combination of serious Dominic and funny character Leah was like a comic combination.

"If I eat too much, should I even drink stomach medicine?"

Take out the stomach medicine derived from the crude drug from the magic bag and give it to Leer.

"Oh, the mercy of the palace permeates this body ..."

"(This girl. Interesting ...)"

After letting Leah take the medicine, change clothes immediately and return to the mansion with "Momentary Movement".

Because salt was on my body, I took a shower and went into the living room to have dinner, where I saw Elle reading a thick bundle of paper.

"What are you reading?"

"Learn how to command the army. First, from classroom lectures."

"So that's it"

It seems that Tristan got a bundle of only the necessary parts from the military study books.

I was reading it eagerly.

"But, isn't it terrible today?"

"Are you ..."

I explain that it was an unfortunate accident that nobody applied sunscreen to the muscular groom's guru, and that the presence of Elle came to mind suddenly.

"Is it going to be tomorrow?"

"Even if you don't apply sunscreen to your guru's body, you're off tomorrow."

"After all, did you notice it?"

"I want to know the guy who doesn't notice!"

That's exactly what El said.

"Instead, let's introduce a girl alone."


"Oh, she's a pretty girl."

I am not telling a lie.

The newcomer maid, Leah, is two years younger than Dominic, but her style is as good as Dominique, and she has a flair-colored hair and a pretty appearance.

According to Dominic, it was really good as a maid, saying, "If you could manage that mouth ..."

"Is it true? Who is it?"

I'll give you Leah's name because she's so happy.

Then, Elle's complexion starts to cloud as soon as possible.


"Did you know?"

"Well ..."

She has witnessed several times seeing her fist drop by Dominic, an educator.

"Are you okay?"

"It's a bit subtle, but I think it's a surprisingly good girl."

The ability as a maid should not be so defeated by Dominique.

I think it's good to be a wife.

"Would you like to try it out on a date?"

"Well, I think."

The next day, Elle went on vacation alone in the city of Baurburg, but Leah was the first holiday to come home.

"Dominic unnie. What if I could talk to a man in the city?"

"If you're persistent, tell the guards that they'll help you if you're working in a mansion."

I always drop my fist bones, but Dominic seems to love Leah.

I was seeing Leah going out on the town on her first holiday in front of the mansion.

"Okay, so it's time to start searching for sweets."

"Don't waste money"

"I know. I'll buy souvenirs."

When you can no longer see Leah's appearance, I tell Dominique that she has recommended Elle to Leah.


"As El's best friend, I don't want to force her out, but I'll be able to choose her as an option."

"Are you okay?"

According to Dominic, it's unavoidable that you're worried about that subtle way of speaking.

It's been a while since I made some corrections.

"There is a possibility."

"I see. I'll take care of it."

Will they really get married?

It was the future that only God knows.

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