Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 725: : don't know what to use


"Lord Cagalli!"

When Cagalli rushed into the command room with Chisaka, the expressions of the officers and soldiers in the room suddenly became clear.

Yuna's hands were tied behind his back, as if he was being surrounded by them for a confession.

Seeing Kagali appear, Yuna hurriedly stood up and shouted filial piety: "Cagalli! This is too much for me!"

Judging from his bruised nose and face, he was probably held up by someone in a rude way.

"You're too cruel, Cagalli! I've worked so hard to look after you..."

Seeing him shouting grievances there, but without a trace of remorse on his face, Cagalli involuntarily raised her fist and hit it.

However, no one around came out to stop her.

"Ka... Cagalli...?"

Yuna, who was knocked to the ground, looked up at her with a sad face at this moment. It was a pity that he still didn't feel ashamed, and he didn't understand why he was beaten.

He seemed to have forgotten all about Cagalli's assertion in Dardanelles that she was an impostor and his order to attack her.

"The First Cause of All Realms"

Having said that, Cagalli was not angry about those things, but his attitude of taking things lightly.

Whether it was the casualties of the national army in Crete, or the war brought fire to the country today, Yuna's seemingly innocuous attitude really made people angry.

Cagalli clenched her fists, trying to resist the urge to throw another punch.

"...I never blamed you all! I listened to Unat, you, and the deputies, but I failed to fulfill the duties of Aub's representative, and I also bear most of the responsibility!"

" did you say that..."

Seeing her furious, Yuna backed away on the floor in fright.

"But, what's the matter?"

Cagalli pointed at the screen, and the screen showed the MS fleet desperately protecting the country, as well as the smoldering silt energy Qilu.

"I thought we had different opinions, but the heart of protecting the country is the same!"

How could I have completely accepted what this person said in the first place?

In order to protect the country - just this sentence, let Cagalli sign a covenant, and as a result, the country has been reduced to where it is today.

Who knew that these people didn't take those words seriously at all!

I didn't notice this, and it was stupid to go along with their opinions!

"No, listen to my explanation...!"

Yuna guiltily avoided Cagalli's gaze, as if he was trying to perfunctory her.

Cagalli grabbed him by the collar regardless: "Speak! Where is Jibril? Do you still want to cover him up now?"

"I... I said I don't know! I don't know!"

Yuna was frightened by Cagalli, her eyes widened, and she shouted at the top of her voice.


Cagalli approached his face.

If the sight had physical power, Yuna's face would probably have a hole in it.

Yuna kept shaking his head: "Really, I really don't know! He did stay at my house, but now..."

It seems to be true, and he doesn't have the courage to cover up others tenaciously.

Cagalli rudely threw him to the ground: "...Take him away!"

"Uh, don't do that, Cagalli! I'm staying here with you too..."

Yuna, who was taken away by the soldiers, wailed loudly, but Cagalli's thoughts were no longer on him.

Things got tricky.

If we can't capture Lodo Gibril, we will have less leverage to negotiate with Zaft.

To make matters worse, in case he escapes here again——

An ominous thought arose, and Cagalli hurriedly asked the officer beside her, "Has Kaguya completed the blockade?"


The officer answered solemnly.

The mass projection device Kaguya had just been rebuilt, and Jibril probably chose to abscond from Orb because of it.

It is a pity to say that the second war that spread to the country was all because of it.

In any case, the most important thing at the moment is to seal the road to the universe, otherwise, if Jibril escapes from the earth and the moon's combined forces, things will be irreversible.

"Anyway, we want to arrest Jibril as soon as possible!"

Chisaka encouraged everyone, and Cagalli also shouted firmly to them: "Don't give up! As long as you can repel them, you can open the road to a truce! Don't think too much about other things!"


The command room was filled with tension again.

outside world.

The war is still on.

The troops dispatched by Zaft this time were not too stubborn compared to the Battle of Paradise Island.

Even with the assistance of the Black Triple Star and the Archangel, they still could not turn the tide.

above the sky.

The four fates unite with one legend to madly encircle and suppress the eternal covenant.

Light beams scattered across the sky.

Clear the world with a radius of one kilometer.


Heine's roar of filial piety was incessant, and the anger of being shot down by Noel last time made him feel a lot of blows in his heart.

Heine is also a proud person, he has his own pride.

He was the trump card of the Yakinduwe campaign, and he was someone who could not change his face even in the face of many times and his own enemies.

This is what he has always been proud of.

So in his perception, even if he is not as good as the super ace of Noel Cassia's level, he is definitely not much worse.

But now-

"What a tough bunch of guys, why haven't Kira and Aslan come yet."

Noel turned over and raised his hand to block the Arrondette beam saber.

Then, without entanglement with Heine, he retreated with a single blow, and quickly retreated to the rear.

next moment.

Legendary Gundam Dragoon muzzle flip.

Combining with the Rika Sita beam cannon burst.

Helpless, Noel had to retreat again.

And at the back, Shin Asuka appeared with a light wing and a knife.



The two came into contact again, and the Eternal Covenant was directly knocked off the sea.

When it was about to touch the sea, the covenant flipped parallel, and the roar of the engine made the sea rippling.

Under the coverage of the dragoon beams, the Eternal Covenant flipped and drifted against the sea, drawing out huge waves.


Destiny Gundam No. 1's back muzzle flipped, and the beam cannon shot landed on the sea in front of the Eternal Covenant.

The sea rolled into the sky.

The eternal covenant also left the sea at this moment, flipped and jumped into the sky.

And there, the Destiny Gundam driven by Heine had been waiting for a long time.


Suddenly, just as Noel was looking for a gap in the battlefield, the voices of Kira and Aslan suddenly sounded in the cockpit.

Looking at the friendly MS identification model that appeared on the radar, Nuoer's originally calm face showed a hint of coldness.

The Eternal Covenant is very strong, and its own strength is also very strong. This is a fact.

But the opposite is not weak, and with the large number of them, Nuoer did not dare to entangle at all, so he could only flee passively.


"You're cool, it's my turn next!"

The covenant, which was originally moving to the side, suddenly turned its direction and rushed towards Heine's body, and at the same time his arm touched the physical shield hanging on the back.

"court death!"

Heine was still immersed in the crushing of the eternal covenant at this time.

Turning around, the light wings unfolded again, and the beam saber was held high and charged towards Noel.



The two roared loudly, and the two bodies slammed into each other.


When the two machines collided, the Eternal Covenant raised a shield in his left hand, blocking the slash of Arundette's beam saber.

stab -

The two machines staggered up and down.

The Arrondite beam saber slid across the The sparks of particle diffusion scattered in the interlacing of the two bodies.

"Lie down for me!"

At the moment when the two of them stumbled, the Eternal Covenant turned to look down at fate, and a light lit up on his chest.

Standing in the air, the reset beam cannon mounted on the chest of the Eternal Covenant fired a beam.

Heine discovered the strangeness of the eternal covenant, and after turning around, the backlight wing was driven hard, carrying the Destiny Gundam into the sky under the pursuit of the beam cannon.

But Heine didn't catch her breath.

Two beam boomerangs spun left and right at him.

What's more deadly is that in front of him, the Eternal Covenant is also dragging Guangyi with a knife in both hands at this moment.

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