Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 724: : Assault on Freedom, Infinite Justice



Freedom Gundam and Savior Gundam came to the Archangel Hangar.

After stepping off the MS, I saw Lux who was wearing a pink driving suit and always had a warm smile on her face.

And Frey Arsta, who was standing beside Lux, wearing a co-command uniform.

"Aslan, Kira."

With her long pink hair swaying, Lux smiled and turned her head.

Frey also stood side by side with Lux at this time.

"Let's not talk about the old things for a while, let's solve the problems in front of us first."

Luxe smiled gracefully and pointed to the two mobile suits that were prepared in the distance with the help of the logistics staff.


Kira looked at the familiar appearance of the body, and couldn't help but look at Lux with a hesitant expression, with deep doubts in her eyes.

"Well, ZGMF-X20A strikes freedom."

Lux nodded with a smile, then pointed to another machine and said, "ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice, this is a machine that belongs to you and Aslan."


Kira murmured and couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Kira's heart was full of doubts when he first heard the message from the main angel to let him return to collect the body.

Assault on freedom? infinite justice.

From the name you can guess a little clue, these two MSs are obviously enhanced versions of Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam.

But why?

Why did Lux ​​give them these organisms?

More importantly, when did Lux ​​prepare these bodies?

What did she start preparing for?

Amidst the doubts, Kira looked at Lux full of doubts and incomprehension.

"Useless use of power will only create more tragedies, but the power of empty ideas without implementing them is also a tragedy. Both theory and power are indispensable."

Lux explained her position in short words and answered Kira's doubts.

'Terminal' isn't a giggling clown.

He never advertises himself as a virtuous one.

Whether it is stealing or strong intervention, intelligence spies, even if they are wanted, are defined as KB elements, outliers, not understood and accepted by others.

Lux's Klein faction can also do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and go their own way.

"And they will also bring you the power to run through the idea."

A rare serious look appeared on Lux's face.

When you want to do something but can't do anything, that powerless pain and despair is enough to make most people fall into the abyss.


Kira suddenly felt relieved when she heard the words.

Didn't I already know it, so what's so surprising.

Lux's path is correct, and it is also a fact that she needs strength in order to realize her ideals.

The right path, the right use of power—so, what's there to wonder about.

With this thought in mind, Kira smiled at Frey, then turned around and walked towards the assault freedom.


Going to the MS, Kira found that Aslan was still standing there.

Aslan didn't answer Kira, but stood there and turned to look at Lux.

Facing Lux's line of sight, Aslan asked his doubts that had been hidden in his heart for a long time: "Lux, can I really only be a warrior?"

Use sweet words as bait to give powerful power.

It's all so familiar.

So, all you can do is fight.

Although he knew it in his heart, Aslan was unwilling to live only as a sword and a weapon.

"It's always you who makes the decision, isn't it?"

Facing Aslan's doubts, Lux replied calmly: "You may be a warrior, but you are also Aslan Sara, you can be who you want to be."

"You are a person with self-awareness, and you have never been someone's tool. You should have understood it since you escaped from the Gibraltar base and came here."

Aslan suddenly laughed after hearing this.


Being a warrior and maintaining one's self are two different things. Although they can't be confused, they don't have to be in opposition.

Even if they don't become warriors, Kagali and Kira's views or attitudes towards themselves should not change.

To Durandal, Aslan who is not a warrior is worthless.

Regardless of Aslando's unwillingness to use the power of killing, it has no meaning in Durandal's mind.

However, Kagali, Kira, and Lux ​​understood, they all knew how much Aslan hated that kind of power at the moment.

What if he refused this power at this moment--at a time when Orb was in the flames of war, at a moment when Dylandale was trying to get his hands on the world--?

Justice is in front of you. If you insist on not holding on to this sword, you would rather watch everything be closed and let others decide.

Such Aslan Sara, even if others can forgive him, he himself cannot.

Should people really fight?

How can we stop this war and stop the Speaker's intentions?

After all, is this right? Aslan still has no answer.

But some things still have to be done.

No, it should be said, it was what he wanted to do anyway.

Aslan stared forward with determination as the aircraft advanced on the ejection track.


I have things that I want to protect.

There are also truths that must be revealed.

Especially to that young man - he still doesn't know anything, blindly obeys the people he believes in, and blindly seeks out the enemies revealed to him.

It's still too late - it's definitely too late.

Seeing his friend board the Justice Gundam, Kira couldn't help laughing.

After turning around and nodding to Frey and Lux, Kira also sat in the cockpit of Assault Freedom.

[Aslan Sara, Infinite Justice - Dispatch! 】

[Kira Yamato, strike freedom - dispatch! 】

After briefly familiarizing themselves with the operating system of the airframe, with the help of the catapult device, the two drove the new airframe out of the Archangel and flew towards the distant battlefield.

"Discover MS-Heat Pattern Comparison... This, Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam!?"

Inside the Minerva, the radar monitor habitually reported the battlefield situation.

However, a sudden appearance made the radar monitor go crazy.


"You yelled—"

Arthur was just about to criticize his subordinates.

As a result, a picture was cut.


The next moment, Arthur spoke beautiful words.


Thalia, who had been waiting for her, was stimulated by Arthur's foul No, Captain, look at this. "

Arthur directly switched the MS image to the screen of the command chair without any nonsense.


Thalia was also slightly taken aback when she saw the two machines that suddenly appeared.

The appearance is very familiar, Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam, even though their appearance is slightly different from the original, she still recognizes each other's identity at a glance.

Reminiscent of the Covenant Gundam driven by Noel Cassia.

So, are these two new machines with performance comparable to Eternal Covenant, or equivalent to Destiny Gundam?

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