Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 679: : Doom Gundam

"What's going on? Launching such an attack without any advice..."

The news of the Earth Army attack also reached the colony, and the Supreme Council convened an emergency meeting.

"Burning down the whole city indiscriminately, or the city that belongs to the earth, are they crazy!?"

The MPs roared in anger.

The Earth Army's offensive has destroyed three cities and is still advancing westward.

The cities that announced their separation from the Eurasian Union and indicated that they had assisted the colonies were attacked without warning, and the Zavot garrison there was not spared either.

However, the shock of the parliamentarians did not only include regret for the casualties of the self-army, but also outrage at the brutality of the Earth Army and the heavy sacrifices it caused.

The Earth Army did not accept surrender at all, and it also started killing ordinary citizens. Whether it was Zavot officers and soldiers or non-combatants - including the elderly and weak, women and children, they couldn't even escape. Hundreds of thousands of people were burned to death by such a fire. It's millions of people.

Defense Commissioner Licardo Orff was also puzzled and angry with the Earth Army's approach.

If it is to kill chickens and warn monkeys, it is enough to find a city to open the operation, and then let the fire of the massacre appear in the global media. He believes that there will be many cities willing to show respect and return to the united camp.

They have always been rational, and it is really difficult to understand why the Earth Army has gone too far.

Not persuaded to surrender, three cities were destroyed like lightning, and the fourth one suffered the same fate.

Those who live in those cities are all natural people—

"Earth's garrison is almost wiped out,"

Feeling the panic of the congressmen, Alan Klasek, a member of the National Defense Committee, stood up and said, "Speaker, we should withdraw our troops temporarily!"

When the members heard the word withdraw, they were also shaken on the spot and looked at Durandal, who was constrained and thoughtful.

At this time, Durandal looked gloomy. After hearing the proposal, he answered after a while, but gave an opinion that no one expected: "What about withdrawing the army? Will withdrawing solve the problem?"

Allen and the others looked at Durandal in amazement.

The Speaker has always resisted participating in the war, and he always avoided when he encountered war resolutions, but now he vaguely shows the momentum of the main battle.

The Speaker looked at Alan Klasek and said sharply, "Where's the Minerva? Where are they now?"

"On the order of the Fleet Command, heading for Berlin..."

Everyone can understand the Speaker's trust in the Minerva, but this time alone, it may be difficult to rely on the ship.

"But the ship has not been completely renovated at present. At present, there are only five MSs available. Even if there is Captain Noel in it, it can be gone—"

After the battle between Orb and the Earth United Common Fleet, the Minerva has been severely damaged, and the repair of the hull has not been completely completed.

I am afraid there are not many aircraft that can be used.

Durandal directly interrupted Allen and others, interrupting him in a tough tone: "Maybe so, but we can't help but take action!"

The speaker stood up, leaned forward, and made a statement to the councilors.

"If there is no one to stop it, it will only weigh the hearts of those people. I am afraid that they will continue to burn the city. We must not allow this kind of behavior to occur!"

Yes, such behavior is unacceptable.

A member of the House of Representatives knows this too.

It's just that after all, it's a matter of the earth, and the fire can't burn here. The city where natural people slaughter natural people, why should the children of the adjusters be buried with them?

But the atmosphere at the scene made them unable to speak.

The actions of the Earth Army are really outrageous, and every member of the Congress probably finds it unacceptable.

No matter how much change a Minerva can make, it can only pin its hopes on this battleship that bears the fate of a hero.

Earth, Eurasia.

Light beams from all directions hit the reflective mask, flashing colorful rays of light.

"Kill! Hahaha - kill them all!"

Maudie was surrounded by flames and rubble, but it didn't make her uneasy, instead she was more and more excited to attack.

The almost morbid shouting made Swen frown slightly.

But he didn't say anything to stop it.

Along the way, except for the first city, which was completed by three people, almost all of the others behind it were fired by Maudie alone.

Looking down from a height, people running for their lives on the road look like swarms of squirming bugs.

Zavot's armored vehicles and MS fleet surrounded the Doom Gundam and were attacking with full firepower.

Maudie excitedly launched twenty thermal plasma high-energy races around the disk, and twenty beams spread out in a radial pattern, penetrating the ms arranged on all sides.

In the blink of an eye, the fire blazed into the sky, and the heat wave of the explosion swept all over the place.

Maudie swept away the threats around him.

The beam not only blasts the ms, but also burns the buildings and the people fleeing in the blink of an eye.

The twin beam cannons on the upper edge of the fuselage shot at a land ship approaching from the front, and penetrated directly from the bow to the stern. The fierce explosion immediately shattered the warship.

Drop drop-

"Maudie watch out!"

Suddenly, just as Maudie was about to continue firing, a piercing siren followed Swain's reminder to storm the cockpit.

I saw a dazzling white light coming straight from the distant bow.


The dazzling beam accurately hits the Destruction Gundam.

The striking white light illuminates the night city as if it were day.

The resulting shock wave spreads and hits all around, and the dilapidated high-rise buildings in the city were lifted off like a paper lake.

"Did you finish it?"


Bucky Lulu and the others looked happy.

But as the light disappeared, the bridge siren suddenly sounded.


Accompanied by Bucky Lulu's loud shout.

The bow of the battleship Lord Angel shifted, and three high-energy beams flew straight through the sea of ​​fire.

It was also at this moment that the thick smoke dissipated, and the Gundam was unscathed. Standing in the ruins that had turned into a sea of ​​fire like a demon in the Damn, they actually put that thing on it. ! "

Bucky Lulu scolded angrily.

Because the other party has three aircraft, and this time it has been destroyed in a bad way, I thought that if the radar friendly force identification system has not been changed, I can use the Yang electronic city-breaking cannon to try to destroy one first.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually installed the Defender Pioneer sx1021 positron reflector on it.


Maudie was just about to continue the attack when the front reflector lit up again.

When looking up, a ray of light seemed to shoot down from the dark sky, and a white MS with blue wings stretched out with a gun.

In the blink of an eye, the Freedom Gundam has been bullied by the Destruction Gundam, and the successive beams hit the Destruction Gundam like a dense rain.

But they were blocked by the positron reflector.

"court death!"

Maudie cursed, the water lily muzzle on the edge of the disc activated, and the beam chased and locked the Freedom Gundam.

However, in the face of the attack of Destruction Gundam, Freedom Gundam avoided the multiple staggered lines of fire with amazing instant force, and at the same time used the shield to block back.

However, the Freedom Gundam's retreat was not really out of danger.

Seeing that Maudie was attacked, the other two Destruction Gundams also joined the attack on Freedom Gundam.

The light beams excited and lit up instantly lit up the entire city.

In the face of the firepower coverage of the three destroying Gundams, even the Freedom Gundam driven by Kira has no power to fight back.

Can only flee in embarrassment.

What's more deadly is that the beam of destruction Gundam not only includes the Freedom Gundam, but also takes care of the main angel behind it.

But for a moment, the main angel was penetrated by the beam of the splint.

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