Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 678: : Frey's decision

How many people pick up swords and guns under the drive of guarding their hearts.

Just to defend relatives, motherland, faith, freedom, to defend everything that was taken away by the enemy.

The irony is that they all have the same feeling, obviously to defend the justice in their hearts.

On the contrary, it deepened the hatred of each other and ignited more wars.

Kira felt this way at this time.

The increasingly spreading war made him gradually lose sight of the direction.

Between the lakes, I always felt that there was a black shadow blocking the front.

"Can everything I do really be called correct—"

With a sigh, Kira looked up at the dark starry sky, her eyes erratic and confused.

In the corner behind her, Frey's eyes flickered while listening to Kira's sigh.


Under the large dome in the center of Bonaparte's hull, three huge armored weapons are parked.

Its armor shone with an ominous black light, and its shape was so eerie that it was difficult to see in its entirety.

gas - x1 Destruction Gundam - also known as the strategic armored fortress.

There are two bent brackets under the disc-shaped body like a crab.

Yes, it's a ma, and there's terrifying firepower in it.

"This is your new weapon."

Preia stood aside and said to the four Swines.

Swan looked at the huge machine in front of him with a subtle look. This devastating weapon made him unconsciously think of the scene of the first war.

"Trial Fate, Noel Cassia—"

Not for Swain, Maudie looked extra excited, and she would never forget the humiliation of trying out Destiny Gundam.

Canard curled his lips in disdain. This kind of thing just looks big, and its huge body will inevitably bring a burden when fighting.

However, in terms of the size of this kind of body, it is indeed much easier to use than ordinary MS in tough battles.

In addition to the three of them, there is also a driver.

Canard Pars has not become the driver of the Destruction Gundam. As the driver of the Warrior Gundam, he has proved his strength and does not need to drive the Destruction Gundam to prove himself.

At the same time, Kanad Pars is not a member of the Phantom Pain unit, and is not superior in adaptability to Doom Gundam.

Soon, the three of them walked towards their own bodies.

The huge monster woke up.

The dome is filled with the low roar of the engine, and the cables for maintenance are removed one by one, like a giant breaking free from its shackles.

"Biological CPU, the connection is normal."

Listening to the voice broadcast, Preia and Kanade Pars also sat in their respective bodies.

Workers evacuate immediately! 】

The Destruction Gundam system is activated! 】

The work platform and the gate are opened. 】


Destruction Gundam took the first step heavily, and the movements were much smoother than the impression of the gigantic body.

In the cold wind of the heavy snow, countless propulsive gases were ejected from the bottom of the disc of Ruin Gundam and lifted into the air, flying away from the ship as if sliding on the ground.

Seeing that it took off smoothly, Preia ordered his troops: "The whole army is dispatched!"

One by one, the bodies on target were transported to the lock gate.

Prea and Canard climbed high into the air with their respective aircraft.

Soon, he saw an approaching snow dust in front of him, and the two flew to both sides of Destruction Gundam together.

Knowing that there was an attack, Zavot's Lesseps-class land battleships and MS fleet came to meet them.

The beast-shaped MS Baku galloped on the snow and spread out in front of the enemy line together with the heavy-fire Garzwood, and the sky was also covered with the air combat Barbie riding the guru.

Zavot attacked first.

The muzzle of the ship Lesebus spewed fire, followed by Baku and Gazwood releasing beams, and their lines of fire shot in unison toward the super-large ma that was gliding in the low air.

When the giant Destruction Gundam seemed to be captured by countless artillery fire, the mask in front of the disc lit up.

In an instant, all beams directed at it were bounced off.

Then, Maudie took the lead in driving the body to fight back.

Two pairs of gun barrels protrude from the upper edge of the disc, and at the same time turn towards the MS group on the ground.

The barrel itself was nearly thirty meters long, and its intense beam caused an earth-shattering explosion on the ground, sweeping away not only the MS in the frontline area, but also the battleship behind it turned into a fireball in an instant.

This is HEB Shock 13.

Even Preya, who had been prepared, couldn't help being horrified by its power.

The attenuation theory of light beams in air and snowflakes does not seem to hold at all on this fort.

When it was launched for the second time, it was a scene of carnage.

The fleeing MS was swept by the torrent of the beam, and the entire body that was directly hit evaporated, not even the original shape.

Barbie, who was flying around, wanted to find a dead end to attack, but was shot down by Preya and Canard one by one.

After a while, the battle was over.

Under the attack of the Three Destruction Gundams, Zaft's troops were torn apart like those of a paper lake.

The snow field was covered with long and deep ditches by beams of light, and the shattered wreckage of the body completely covered up the snow white.

Across this corpse, the city that Preya and the others are about to attack is in front.

At this moment, thousands of innocent people in the city are still living their lives as usual——


"Captain Bucky Lulu! There is an alert from the Eurasian direction!"

Bucky Lulu, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up by the bridge communication.

Frey and Kira also arrived at the bridge one after another.

"In central Eurasia, the city that announced its separation from the alliance was attacked by the Earth Army... Three cities have been completely destroyed!"



Bucky Lulu was stunned.

Frey and Kira were also puzzled.

Aren't Eurasian and Atlantic Federations allies?

"Wait a minute...the video is here!"

The communication soldier operates the communicator while speaking, and transfers the transmitted image to the big screen on the wall.

Suddenly, the bridge room was filled with red light.

Bucky Lulu was speechless for a moment.

Frey froze in place, raised her head and didn't move, her hands clenched tightly, and the pain from inserting her fingernails into her palms became so insignificant at this moment.

Hell, that's probably what it looks like.

I have never seen such a raging fire that can cover the entire city.

Originally beautiful buildings collapsed or turned into pillars of fire in the thick smoke.

Above the throbbing flames was black smoke that covered the sky, and below the cloud of smoke was the firelight reflected from the ground.

The city has turned into a black blood corpse, and two huge shadows are stepping through the sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, this relatively familiar city to them has become so Kira has never trembled so much.


Total destruction that just feels pointless.

The scene on the screen already overlapped with the purgatory during the previous war.

It is hopeless cruelty to kill fellow citizens.

This is the Earth Alliance Army that he has been fighting for?

Kira felt like she had been hit on the forehead, and couldn't wake up for a long time.

"lets go!"

However, at this moment, Frey, who had been staring at the screen, suddenly spoke up, breaking the dead silence in the bridge.


Bucky Lulu turned her head to look at Frey.

"This senseless slaughter cannot be justified. Human beings cannot commit such atrocities even if there are thousands of reasons. We must stop this!"

Frey looked at the burning city and the people swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, and everything became clear in her mind.

Puppet - it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if the fake gorgeous coat is torn apart.

At this moment, nothing matters.

If the price of putting on a gorgeous coat is to let the world fall into a sea of ​​fire and human beings into despair, then this gorgeous and hypocritical coat is not worth it.


Kira murmured and looked at Frey.

"I am the representative of peace on Earth, am I not?"

Facing Kira's gaze, Frey suddenly laughed, and the smile was so sincere and relieved.

Frey, who is swaying in her heart, has made a decision that truly belongs to her, and she has also made the first decision in the true sense, taking the first step in the true sense of her own.

Maybe the road ahead is lost, maybe the road ahead is difficult, maybe he will lose everything because of this, but for some reason, Frey no longer has the slightest hesitation and anxiety in his heart at this moment.

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