Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3136: I have 1 punch, who can be the enemy? (2 in 1 big

   Ling Xiao stepped from the chaos, his eyes were indifferent, but there was also a mysterious light, as if it could reflect the heavens, the whole person was unstoppable, exuding an invincible charm.

   Before his battle with Ba Dao, he was nothing but Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven. If the Eight Dragon Kings fought together and Ling Xiao wanted to win, it would not be so easy.

   But after that war, Ling Xiao broke through to the four heavens of Emperor's Realm. Although it was only a small realm, for Ling Xiao, who accumulated so much, it can be said that it was a world difference, which made Ling Xiao's strength soar.

  Middle-ranking emperor, turn your hands to destroy!

  High-level emperor, but can only support a few more punches!

Among the eight dragon kings, only Ying Yilong is a high-ranking emperor, and the others are middle-ranking emperors. In Ling Xiao's eyes, they are simply vulnerable.

   "Dear brothers, Ling Xiao's strength is too horrible! If you want to kill him and avenge Nine Brothers, now there is only the real Black Dragon, do you believe me?"

  Ying Yilong looked at the remaining big dragons and said solemnly.

   "Brother, we naturally believe you!"

   "Then summon the World of Black Dragon, as long as you can kill him, even if you pay the price of fighting again, it is worth it!"

   "Yes, elder brother, I can't kill him today, we are afraid to die in his hands too! Don't hesitate!"

  Several dragon kings said in a decisive manner, the murderous intention boiled among the eyes.

   "Okay! Calling the real body of the Black Dragon, if he could kill him today and swallow his heavenly luck, it would be our brother's character!"

   Ying Yilong snarled, the murderous intention in his eyes was fiercely dazzling, and even had a hint of madness.

  Ang! expensive! expensive! expensive……

   The sound of a dragon chant instantly exploded in the void.


   With Ying Yilong as the head, the Eight Great Dragon Kings instantly revealed their true bodies, and directly turned into eight gigantic black dragons, exuding monstrous dragon powers one after another.

   They opened their mouths one after another, each with a black dragon ball flying out, eight dragon **** condensed in one in the void, instantly making the sky dome oscillate, the void is twisted, the light of endless destruction rises.

   They all have a blood rushing into the sky, condensing into a mysterious black dragon phantom directly in the void.

  The black dragon phantom, although it doesn't look big and is not very solid, but it has emerged from a fierce atmosphere.

   "Destroy the Black Dragon, kill!"

   Ying Yilong shouted loudly in his mouth.

   The black dragon phantom instantly merged with him, and his breath began to skyrocket wildly.

   The tyrannical and terrifying power wave spreads, and his pair of blood-like eyes stared at Ling Xiao, which contained a bitter hatred.

   "Is the real body of the extinct black dragon? It still looks like, but unfortunately, the bloodline of the extinct black dragon in your body is still too thin!"

   Ling Xiao said with interest, that he did not interrupt the spellcasting of the eight dragons.

   He naturally also knew the origin of the Yinglong clan, and he also felt the blood of the extinct black dragon in the body of the eight dragons before.

  Now it seems that these eight dragon kings were also forced to the extreme by him, even calling out the real body of the extinct black dragon.

   "Big words are not ashamed! Ling Xiao, you deserve to die!"

   Ying Yilong's mouth burst into a monstrous roar, which also contained monstrous hatred.


  The endless black light sprayed out thinly, very sticky, and instantly seemed like a black sky curtain, which enveloped Ling Xiao.

   The black power contains the tyrannical force of destruction. At the same time, it seems to be able to solidify the void, so that Ling Xiao feels as if he has fallen into a swamp, and the speed has become extremely slow.

   In the mouth of Ying Yilong, a black flame erupted in an instant, with a breath of destruction, and he shot toward Lingxiao from the sky.

   "What a powerful source of destruction!"

   Ling Xiao's heart was amazed that the black flame made him feel no small threat. If he was touched by the black flame, his bones might be strong and immortal, but his flesh might be burned instantly.


   In the palm of Ling Xiao, a nine-color flame also emerged, containing the origin of swallowing the sky, but the fire of swallowing the sky, which turned into a nine-color lotus, and greeted it towards the black flame.

   At the same time, Ling Xiao took a step forward, spanning the vast void in an instant, unmatched boxing intention swept all directions, Ling Kong punched down to Ying Yilong.

   The fire of swallowing the sky and the fire of destruction collide, and the flame twists in an instant, causing the surrounding voids to start to twist violently, intertwining and destroying each other.

   and the unmatched fist print fell, but it collided with Ying Yilong's huge dragon claws.


   seemed to be a punch on the mountain, Ying Yilong's huge dragon claws were strong and unmatched, and extraordinary, blocking Ling Xiao's punch, and then grabbed his head.


  Ying Yilong seems to have truly become a world-extinguishing black dragon, and the whole body is a tyrannical source of destruction. The power is so strong that he can contend with Ling Xiao, and even the wind has not fallen.

   Ling Xiao burst into hundreds of fists in an instant, all blocked by Ying Yilong.

   Ling Xiao's unmatched chaotic fist prints seemed to be unable to deal with any damage caused by a dragon. Instead, it was the black dragon scales surrounding a dragon's body. It was solid and immortal. Even if it was a fist print of Ling Xiao, it was still bright.

   Moreover, the force of destruction continued to spread towards Ling Xiao's body, trying to destroy the vitality in Ling Xiao's body.

   "It seems that in addition to your Yinglong Daoguo, your bloodline of the extinct Black Dragon is also good!"

   Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

   "Your luck is good!"

   Ying Yilong said with a cold voice, the killing in the eyes was filled, the sound was like thunder, so that the Quartet Void was trembling violently.

   The two of them are diametrically opposed to each other.

   He merged the blood power of the eight dragon kings, and condensed the real body of the extinct black dragon, finally able to contend with Ling Xiao, and also occupy the upper hand, each blow seems to be able to cause considerable damage to Ling Xiao.


   Chaos light swept the Quartet, the power of destruction was intertwined, the dragon chant was vast, and the direct battle between Ling Xiao and Ying Yilong was extremely fierce, as if to break everything.

   The oasis where the fruit was originally buried was already destroyed.

   Surrounded by yellow sand, dancing wildly, the eternal theme is the desert.

   If it wasn’t for the strange land of the Burial Heaven Desert, with the protection of the heavenly power, I am afraid that this battle would be able to break the Burial Desert directly.

  During the fierce battle between Ling Xiao and Ba Dao, against a strong enemy, they did not know that a conspiracy against them had already begun in the desert of the sky!

   "Ling Xiao turned out to be a robber?!"

   In the desert of heaven, a message was detonated.

   Many testers Tianjiao were extremely shocked. At the beginning, they were also suspicious of the letter, but as the orders of the guards and masters came and a reward was issued, they began to believe.

  According to the orders and rewards of the guardian lord, Ling Xiao turned out to be a robber. He wanted to hunt the trial arrogant Tianjiao and steal the original Taoist fruit from them.

  The guardian ordered the lord to bury all the testers in the desert, Tianjiao, and kill Lingxiao together.

   This news made everyone boiling!

   "That Ling Xiao is really a robber? It's incredible, isn't he a son of heaven?"

"Who said that the Son of Heaven cannot be a robber? The Son of Heaven, with his luck in heaven, is more likely to be selected as a robber. The robber, as the name implies, is to steal our Dao fruit, but Heavenly Dao. Is the natural enemy of many testers!"

   "It's a pity, I heard that Ling Xiao is a human race. In the last era, the human emperor swept invincible and dominated the eternal emperor road. In the end, he proved to be an emperor and even pushed the heavens invincible and even cut the great emperor!"

   "Ling Xiao became a robber, I'm afraid there is no hope for the human race this time!"

   "Master Zhuchen Chen has said that those who can kill Ling Xiao will be able to inherit the heavenly luck of Ling Xiao and become the son of Heavenly Choice!"

   "More than that, all the people who killed Ling Xiao can also get a lot of rewards from the original guardian and all kinds of chances from the guard to make adults!"

   "Someone found the whereabouts of Ling Xiao, he has been dragged down by Master Fengfan and Master Ying Yilong at this moment, please go and support!"

   "Go with the same!"


In the celestial desert, those powerful testers, Tianjiao, some were fighting with the wild beasts, and some were looking for the burial fruit, but after hearing this news, they were all tempted, from all directions, toward Ling Xiao's position.

   The guardian of the lord and the son of Zhuchen Chen had already told everyone where Ling Xiao was.

   Today's Ling Xiao, in the eyes of all people, is definitely mortal. It depends on who kills Ling Xiao first and wins the greatest fortune.


   Burial sky desert, in a source lake.

   The mist is translucent and the light is diffused. This lake is transformed by the pure power of the original source, which contains the majestic power fluctuations.

  Zhen Chenpan sat in the source lake and was vomiting the power of the source. He was like a huge wild beast. Every time he spit out, the Quartet void roared, and the vast source of power poured into his body.

   His breath is powerful and terrifying, making the Quartet voids resonate at the same time.

   "Master, the bureau has been laid down! Many testers Tianjiao have been attracted by the orders of you and the guardian master, and have rushed towards the place where Ling Xiao is!"

   A beautiful maid wearing a long skirt, cultivated as extraordinary, transcendent temperament, said respectfully to Zhu Chenchen.

   "Very good! It seems that it is time to close the net, we should also harvest the fruits of victory! I hope Ling Xiao can support it longer, otherwise it will be boring!"

  Zhu Chen opened his eyes slowly, a ray of fine awns shot out, bright and bright.


   Suddenly he took a big mouth, as if a vast and unparalleled world emerged from behind him, containing the terror and unparalleled power fluctuations, and swallowed all the power of this source lake.

   The light was shining and the mist was translucent, and he stepped out of the lake.

   Guarding the beautiful maids around, immediately stepped up to change his clothes, combed his hair carefully, wiped the drops of water, and the movement was extremely gentle.

   Zhuchen Chen's eyes are bright and bright. In front of his eyes, there is a very mysterious light curtain with a red dot on it. The position shown is where Ling Xiao is.

"let's go!"

  Zhu Chen said faintly, along with many maids, they turned into a long rainbow, and they suddenly rose up in the sky and swept towards Ling Xiao's position.


   "Ling Xiao is a robber? How could the guardian spread such news?"

   In the desert of burial days, in a vibrant oasis, Jinghong Fairy frowned slightly, his eyes full of puzzled expression.

   Around her, there are six young girls of the same appearance and beauty, as well as a hot woman in a black dress.

  The master of the chemical building, the master of the blue sky!

   "I heard that Ling Xiao seemed to offend Zhu Chen, and snatched a strong man that Zhu Chen fancy, I am afraid that because of this matter, Zhu Chen will only resent him?"

  The landlord Biluo said slowly, the same inscrutable look in his eyes.

   Ling Xiao and Ba Dao had a battle, they were in closed state before, so they hadn't heard of it.

   But even if Ling Xiao offended Zhu Chen, in their view, Zhu Chen did not need to be so aggressive?

  After all, Ling Xiao's cultivation behavior is not strong, but it is only the cultivation of Emperor's Realm Triple Heaven. If Zhu Chen wants to deal with Ling Xiao, this is a very simple thing.

"There must be something weird inside! Sister Biluo, you are right, Ling Xiao cannot be a robber, that is the conspiracy of Zhu Chen and the guardian! They set up such a big conspiracy for Ling Xiao. It's too high to look at Ling Xiao, right?"

   Jinghong fairy frowned and said.

   "Perhaps Ling Xiao is so powerful that Zhu Chen does not dare to deal with it, and can only rely on the arrogance of many testers?"

   Biluo landlord's eyes flowed, suddenly smiled slightly.

   "How is it possible?! Even if he is more powerful, his cultivation base is only the triple heaven of the emperor's realm. The guardian and Zhu Chenchen want to kill him, but it is a breeze!"

   Jinghong fairy shook her head and said.

"The reason is not what we can guess! Sister Jinghong, wouldn't you want to save him? I advise you not to be overheated, Ling Xiao can now be said to be the enemy of the world, you I can't save him!"

   Bi Luo said slowly.

   "Stupid guy like I naturally do not want to save him! But look at the face of Her Majesty the Empress, let's go and see, maybe we can help one or two!"

   Jinghong fairy said coldly.

   But she stood up, her eyes were so clear, she looked into the distance.

   There is the direction of Ling Xiao.

   "Sister Jinghong, I advise you to do what you can. Although the Yu clan is powerful, in the Eternal Emperor's Road, those who are arrogant of the trial will not be afraid of the Yu clan!"

   Biluo landlord shook his head and said.

   "Relax, I have my own measure! I hope that the idiot is smarter and knows how to hide. Don't be silly and go up and wait for others to kill it!"

   Jinghong fairy shook her head and said.

   "Yeah, you're so cold!"

   Biluo landlord shook his head and said.

   Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   Several of them rose in the sky at the same time, left the oasis and flew towards Ling Xiao's location.

   Burial Heaven Desert, because Ling Xiao alone, became more and more confused!

  PS: Four thousand words chapter, two chapters are in one, there is something in the evening, update in advance today, everyone take a break after reading.


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