Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3135: Raise the invincible trend!

  In the fierce battle between Ba Dao and Fengfan, Ling Xiao also fought with the Eight Dragons.

  The unmatched fist prints are in the vertical and horizontal voids, and the yellow sand around dances like a storm, exuding an extremely tyrannical atmosphere.

  The fist prints of the sky are like huge ancient gods, magnificent, strong and unmatched, exuding an unstoppable momentum.


  Ying Yilong was blown out by Ling Xiao with a punch, hitting the ground far away, and smashing the burial desert into a huge pit.

   The earth roared, and a dragon came up into the sky, his eyes full of shocked expression.

  Although he had seen the battle between Ling Xiao and Ba Dao before, but after all, he was separated by the ring of life and death. Although he knew that Ling Xiao was powerful, he did not fight Ling Xiao, and he had no impression.

   And now, he finally realized the power of Ling Xiao!

   The chaotic fist print seems to be able to crush everything, shatter everything, magnificent, immense!

  Fisting, the boxing intention has already taken away the soul of others. It makes people feel as if they are facing an invincible emperor, and the natural heart is afraid.

  Lingxiao gave Ying Yilong the feeling.

   Today's Ling Xiao only has the emperor realm's cultivation practice, but it makes Ying Yilong unconsciously ignore Ling Xiao's cultivation practice, and his heart develops a sense of overwhelming.

   "How could he be so strong?"

   Ying Yilong was shocked in his heart, and he also gave birth to extremely strong unwillingness.

   He prides himself on being the arrogant of heaven, and is the head of the nine dragon kings. He is reputed as the most shocking and beautiful demon of the Yinglong family, but the hope of the Yinglong family.

   He overwhelmed the endless genius, occupied the top position, and cultivated the invincible trend, so he would embark on the road of the Eternal Emperor, thinking that he could compete with the heavens and the world, the endless days of the ancient world.

   But I didn't expect that I came to the first imperial city, and I met Ling Xiao in the candle dragon emperor city!

   This human race, with only four emperors in the emperor's realm, has even just broken through, and has caused him such strong pressure.

   "Ying Yilong, don't you want to avenge your brother? Even if I can't take a punch, how can you avenge?"

   Ling Xiao smiled faintly, as if there were hundreds of millions of sharp shots bursting out of his eyes.

  He stepped forward, the whole body of chaotic light rose, as if he was pushing the sun, moon and stars, and his breath was terrifying.

   Behind him, there seemed to be three thousand worlds appearing in the mist of chaos, and at the same time there was a mysterious scene of hundreds of millions of chaos gods roaring.

  Every step of Ling Xiao seems to be stepping on the heavenly path, and there is a magnificent momentum from it, which is breathtaking.

  He is raising his strength!

  Foster the invincible trend!

   Therefore, in the face of the Eight Great Dragon Kings, he only used a pair of meat fists to fight the enemy. Even if the black war spear in Ying Long's hand was a powerful pole soldier, he was still not afraid.

   Extreme Dao soldiers may be considered invincible soldiers for the strong men below the emperor, but for the emperor, it is nothing but the outside body, and it is not so important.

  During the imperial war, there were not few damaged imperial imperial soldiers.

   The great emperor is strong in himself and strong in an invincible heart, so he can cultivate an invincible momentum and then can push the heavens and the world and cross the heavens and the earth!

   Lingxiao is now nourishing, but it is just a prototype, but it still makes the eight dragons feel cold.

   He fought back Ying Yilong with one punch, and had captured the minds of the eight dragon kings, planting an invincible seed in the depths of their hearts.

   "Ling Xiao, you are dead!"

  Ying Yilong was frightened and angry, his murderous intention boiled in his eyes.


   His arrogance rose up. As a high-ranking emperor, if he couldn't even take Ling Xiao's punch, he could not even report his brother's hatred.


   He snorted, and the black war spear in his hand exuded a black flame, extremely cold, exuding the fluctuation of the atmosphere of destruction, volleying toward Lingxiao.


   "He is not that strong, don't be fooled by him!"

   "Today either he died or we died!"

   "Fight with him!"


   All the arrogance of the Yinglong clan, the killing intention boiling in the eyes, inspired the powerful and unmatched fighting intention in the heart, and slain towards the sky.

   Surrounding the empty space, their destructive power intertwined, so that all of them exude a very tyrannical atmosphere.


   The sound of Longyin sounded, shaking the world and making the emptiness of the Quartet tremble violently.

   Yinglong is a branch of the dragon. Like the candle dragon, it has been separated from the dragon for countless years.

  Ying dragons are good at destruction, extreme darkness, extreme destruction, extreme killing, and extreme brutality.

   All of this is because they have the blood of the world-extinguishing black dragon in their bodies!

The three ancestors of the dragon family, the ancient ancestor dragon, the creation dragon, and the extinct black dragon, also formed three branches of the demon dragon family, the candle dragon family, and the Yinglong family.

   Their nine dragon kings are called the hope of the Yinglong tribe, because they have awakened the bloodline of some extinct black dragons.

  Among them, Ying Yilong's bloodline is the most powerful, almost reaching the level of returning ancestors!


  The attack of the eight dragons is like a storm, so that the emptiness of the four sides is trembling violently, completely covering Ling Xiao.

   Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce and dazzling, facing the attack of the Eight Dragon Kings, he was not afraid, and his unmatched fist marks burst out.

   Behind him, there is a mysterious scene of the birth and death of the era, the reincarnation of all souls, and the unmatched fist prints seem to run through the long river of time, breaking the barriers of chaos, exuding eternal and immortal power.

Fist of the Era!

   is also the ultimate killing and ultimate destructive fist of the era of fist is unmatched, blooming from the attack center of the eight dragons.


   is like a chaotic lotus flower blooming, dazzling, sweeping the four sides, breaking the attack of the eight dragons, and then swept away instantly.

   The eight dragon kings were all struck by lightning, like a small boat in an endless storm. All the attacks shattered and flew out at the same time.


Ling Xiao's unmatched fist seal, and Yi Yilong's black war spear hard hit, a gold and iron clash broke out, the blazing light bloomed, Ying Yilong was shocked all over, his arm numb, His eyes were full of horror.

   Ling Xiao's power is still beyond his imagination.

   Especially Ling Xiao's physical strength was able to resist the imperial imperial soldiers in his hands. Although he fought hard, he could not cause any damage to Ling Xiao!

   "If it was before me and Ba Da Dao, maybe eight of you still have the power to fight me, but now, you are too weak!"

   Ling Xiao said lightly, Ling Kong punched out.

  The war spear in Yilong's hand was sharply bent, and the fiery light burst out, and then an unparalleled divine power burst out, and he flew out directly!



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