Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2868: 1 step 1 heavy sky!


At this moment, the void shattered and the Promise Breaking Shuttle, Zhuxian Sword and Burning Silence Skeleton, which were confronting Ling Xiao's three extreme Taoist soldiers, suddenly burst into light.

A powerful force awakened from the three pole emperor soldiers, allowing them to instantly explode the Tianwei Ruyu monument, the years compass and the day penalty knife.


The Promise Breaking Array Shuttle came across the sky, toward the sloppy Emperor and the Zhou Tianxing Star Formation he laid, and the power of terror broke out, just like the resurrection of an emperor, the breath of terror was extremely extreme!

The Zhuxian sword is full of radiance, and the sword spirit is rising, gathering together, and falling down towards Lingxiao.

The last skull of burning silence is the yinfeng rage, exuding monstrous grief and magic light, just like the ancient **** and demon descended, rushed towards Jiang Yuyang.

"not good!"

The faces of Sloppy Emperor and Ling Xiao could not help changing.

These three pole emperor soldiers suddenly burst out with such terrifying power. Perhaps the masters of these three pole emperor soldiers shot, secretly blessing their power, making them extremely terrifying, and directly breaking through the three poles of Ling Xiao The emperor's blockade.

Sloppy Emperor and Ling Xiao are extremely vigilant, secretly guarding against someone's sudden shot!


The five emperors and emperors were overjoyed, and their killing intentions rose among the eyes, and they cooperated with the three great emperor soldiers, and they came to Lingxiao at the same time.


Wuji broke the shuttle very strangely, and the timing of the shot was also just right. It was just about the time when the Zhou Tianxing formation was about to be completed. It fell suddenly, penetrated the void of the heavy formation method, and collided with the Wanbo stream.

The sloppy emperor shuddered, and the whole person flew out directly, with a spit of blood in his mouth!

And Zhou Tianxing's large array also crashed open.

And the sky's sword energy fell towards Ling Xiao, leaving Ling Xiao even too late to recall Tianwei as a prison monument, years compass, and sky penalty knife, and the whole person was shrouded in fiery fairy sword energy.

puff! puff! puff!

Although Ling Xiao's flesh is sturdy and immortal, those fairy swords are extremely strange and unpredictable. Although most of them are destroyed by Ling Xiao, there are still dozens of swords slashed on Ling Xiao's body , Leaving a deep blood stain.

Ling Xiao coughed up blood in the mouth and was shot into the air by the five emperors, and even flew out!

"not good!"

The face of the sloppy emperor changed greatly, and his eyes were full of anger.

Because, the skull of burning silence has been suppressed in the air, and it has directly hit Jiang Yuyang!


The sound of ghost crying wolf howling broke out, a terrifying magic light rose, and a black flame emerged from the burning skeleton, directly covering Jiang Yuyang and burning Jiang Yuyang to ashes.

That is the fire of the innocence of the Ming tribe, which comes from the Nine Nine Jedi and contains the origin of the Nether.

Could it be that Jiang Yuyang is really going to fall here?

Both the sloppy emperor and Ling Xiao's eyes showed a deep worry!


Promise Breaking Array Shuttle, Zhuxian Sword and Burning Silence Skeleton, after the outbreak of this mighty blow, was quickly stopped by Ling Xiao’s Tianwei as a prison monument, years compass and heaven penalty knife, six poles The imperial soldiers resumed their confrontation.

"The masters of these three great imperial soldiers should have been dragged down by Senior Kunwu, but they suddenly recovered and killed an unexpected. Could it be that there was something wrong with Senior Kunwu?"

A trace of worry appeared in Ling Xiao's eyes.

But he didn't have much time to think about it. The five emperors were killed again, one after another, like a rainbow, and they performed the technique of lore on Ling Xiao one after another.

"Hahaha... Ling Xiao, Jiang Yuyang is dead, I will send you to accompany him!"

The fairy emperor laughed loudly, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

Jiang Yuyang, who was being burned by the fire of innocence at the moment, is at the heart of the devil's robbery. There is no reason to be spared. In the eyes of the fairy emperor, he is already a dead person.

"is it?"

At this moment, a bland voice sounded in the void!

The five emperors were all trembling, as if thinking of something, they suddenly looked towards Jiang Yuyang, his eyes showing a ghostly look.


The place where Jiang Yuyang was in the distance was originally enveloped by the fire of silence, and the surrounding black mist filled it. It seemed that Jiang Yuyang had already died under the attack of the skeleton of the silence.

But at this moment, there was a fierce glorious light rising from the sky, the aura of transfiguration, the radiance of light, and vaguely as if an ancient and vast world emerged.

Jiang Yuyang's white clothing is peerless, his coat flutters slowly, and his eyes are bright and radiant, all around him exudes a breath of dust, like Emperor Linchen!

The vast and powerful Diwei spread out, indicating that Jiang Yuyang was already an emperor!

"Jiang Yuyang, you old man has finally broken through! I thought you were burned to death by the fire of silence, if you are really burned to death, then you are really suffocating as a world emperor!"

The sloppy emperor said excitedly, his eyes full of smiles.

Although he was hit hard, but at the moment a heart was put down, Jiang Yuyang was not dead, and he broke through smoothly!

The faces of the five emperors are extremely ugly, and their eyes are full of incredible looks.

With the full blow of the burning skull, and the fire of burning silence erupted, how could Jiang Yuyang be alive?

"Humph! Jiang Even if you didn't die, how about breaking through to the emperor? But just stepped into the emperor's heaven, since you are not dead, then kill you again!"

The emperor of the Ming tribe stared at Jiang Yuyang coldly.

The five emperors all sneered. Although Jiang Yuyang made a breakthrough, they did not have any fear in their hearts.

Jiang Yuyang, the so-called cultivator of the human emperor's avenue, is now only the emperor of the emperor's realm!

However, when they saw Jiang Yuyang's calm yet calm look, they suddenly felt a bad feeling in their hearts.

"I'm so ignorant! Fearless! You came to stop me from crossing the emperor's emperor, but you don't know why you had to kill me when I embarrassed the emperor?"

Jiang Yuyang smiled lightly, and then took a step towards the five emperors!


He took a step, as if stepping on the center of the heaven and earth, as if the drums were throbbing, making the Sifang Void tremble violently!

The breath of Jiang Yuyang's whole body began to soar in an instant, even from the emperor's first heaven, to the emperor's second heaven!


The five emperors were trembling all over, their eyes all showing a horrified look.

"That's because, when I testify to the emperor, you don't have any chance!"

Jiang Yuyang sighed softly, and the sound passed into everyone's ears with a clear voice.

boom! boom! boom!

Jiang Yuyang came step by step, his whole body resembled a mountain and a tsunami, and began to skyrocket wildly.

One step at a time, it was like some kind of sealed power was unraveled, making his whole person as majestic as a mountain.

Nine steps are taken.

Emperor Jiuzhongtian!


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