Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2867: Means to make a life and death!

The demon emperor fell!

In addition to the previous three demon kings of the Sun, Moon and Stars, the four demon kings dispatched by the Mozu this time can be said to have been annihilated by the whole army, and all died in the hands of Ling Xiao!

Even the remaining three demon kings were shaking in their hearts and their faces were extremely ugly.

The four emperors and monarchs besieged Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao was even killed by Ling Xiao. Even they had no chance of rescue. It seemed that Ling Xiao slapped **** their faces.

The two great emperors who besieged the scruffy emperor were also shocked at the moment, especially when they saw that Ling Xiao had rushed out of the encirclement and killed them, making them both surprised and angry.

"Ling Xiao, you **** it!"

The two great emperors roared with a loud voice, but their hearts were filled with extremely fearful emotions. They dared not have any contempt. They even gave up the sloppy emperor directly and greeted them towards Lingxiao.


The Void Earthquake, Ling Xiao's Fist of Famine and Fist of the Epoch alternated out, and the chaotic light soared around him in an instant, like a mysterious scene that opened the earth to the extreme.

Ling Xiao and the two great emperors were shocked, and the unparalleled divine power exploded, flying the two great emperors out!

At this moment, the sloppy emperor was finally relieved.

He held the Wan Yao streamer, and instantly retreated into the big formation around Jiang Yuyang.

"It's really awesome for later generations! After today, the name of Ling Xiao not only shook the God Realm, but also shook the heavens and the world!"

The sloppy emperor sighed softly, his eyes full of incredible looks.

He is already at the end of a strong crossbow, almost reaching its limit. If it wasn't for Ling Xiao's shot, I'm afraid he would really be buried in the hands of those two great emperors!

Ling Xiao, under the siege of the four emperors, even killed the demon emperor. Such a peerless combat power made him amazed.

"Ling Xiao can't die! Jiang Yuyang, please go through the Heart Demon Tribulation. If Ling Xiao died here, you and I are sinners of the human race!"

The sloppy emperor looked at Jiang Yuyang shrouded in black mist and said slowly.

Jiang Yuyang didn't know how long it would be before he could survive the Heart Demon Tribulation, and all of this was the time Ling Xiao and Sloppy Emperor won for him.

There was a hint of decisiveness in the eyes of the sloppy emperor, and he took out a fiery red elixir, with a mysterious light flowing, containing the vast and majestic power of the source, which was swallowed by him!


The breath around him began to rise, the injuries in the body began to heal at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and the whole person's vitality became stronger and stronger.

He began to heal at full speed, wanting to share some pressure for Ling Xiao, in any case will not let Ling Xiao die here.

At this moment, the other three emperors have also been killed, and the five emperors have joined together, and at the same time, Ling Xiao has been besieged.

"Don't worry about Jiang Yuyang's turtle shell! Ling Xiao is more important than Jiang Yuyang, kill Ling Xiao first!"

The emperor of the fairy clan said indifferently, the killing intention in the eyes was like substance!

They all felt the evil spirit and horror of Ling Xiao, so the power against the sky made them vaguely see that there was another peerless arrogance in the human race, just like the emperor before an era!

The human race can never give up another emperor.

At this moment, the five emperors decided that they would kill Ling Xiao anyway!


The emperor of the Nether tribe and the emperor of the zombie tribe screamed at the same time. Their killing intentions all over the body, and they exhibited powerful emperor techniques, killing Lingxiao in the sky!


The five emperors shot at the same time, and there was a mighty explosion of five **** rainbows in the void, and the vast emperors were intertwined with each other, as if the sea were surging.

The five great emperors and strong men did not have the slightest reservation, and they all used lore-killing methods. The stars shook in the blink of an eye, the sun and moon were dark, and the stars seemed to be broken directly, and the terror was extremely extreme.

"Hahaha...what about you guys together? Why am I afraid of Ling Xiao?"

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, his eyes bright and bright, fearless, and there was a powerful fighting spirit all over his body.

Even if the five emperors caused great pressure to Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao still did not retreat in the slightest. At this moment, the crisis of the sloppy emperor is lifted, and Ling Xiao has no worries at all, so he can let go!


Ling Xiao radiated a dazzling purple glow around him, his body was steaming, and his thunder flashed. He rose like a purple sun in a mighty rise. With unstoppable power, he immediately fought against the five emperors and powerful men.

The original dark and lonely extraterrestrial sky seemed to have six dazzling suns at this moment. The battle between Ling Xiao and the five emperors was like a constant collision of the six suns in the void, and a terrifying divine power broke out.

The battle of Ling Xiao is madness, all kinds of means are coming out, the fist of the era and the fist of the wild, contain his own way, cultivate a hundred classics, and integrate the ten thousand methods, that is an immortal Although it is only a prototype, the power of terror erupted still shocked the five emperors.

The Heavenly Prison Scripture, Years of Menstruation, Lei Dijing, and Twelve Days of Mystery Techniques were all operated by Ling Xiao, and various supreme occult techniques broke out, as if Ling Xiao showed the true meaning of the emperor, and a Tao emerged. The mysterious figure is like the recovery of the emperor, providing Ling Xiao with endless power.

The demon emperor's flesh was directly carried out by Ling Xiao to swallow the secret of the sky, swallowed its flesh and blood origin, strengthened itself, complemented consumption, and provided Ling Xiao with endless power!

But even so, Ling Xiao was injured.

The five great emperors and kings made all their efforts. They were all the powerful people who understood the origin of Dadao, condensed the indestructible Yuanshen, and could urge atheism with the origin of Dadao, erupting the supernatural power, or hurt Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao struggled with blood, his whole body was stained with blood, and his face became pale, but his eyes were brighter than ever.

The World War I slammed into the heavens, Tianzun alone fought against the five emperors, and the name of Ling Xiao will shine through the heavens!


At the same time, a vast expanse burst into the air, suddenly covering all the emptiness of the Quartet.

The sloppy emperor came across the sky holding the Wanqi stream, and laid out the Zhoutian stars at a very fast speed!

This extraterrestrial sky is the best place to arrange Zhou Tianxing's large array, which can quickly draw the power of Zhou Tianxing and explode into the supreme power.

"you wanna die!"

The five emperors and emperors all roared with a scream, their cold killing intentions revealed in their eyes.

If the sloppy emperor is allowed to put up a large array of stars and stars next week, then if they once again reveal the true body of 360 beasts, then they may be in danger!


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