Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2864: It's crazy!

Ling Xiao did not choose to evade, but broke out a fist of famine, and shook the four emperors and kings!


The violent shock of the void suddenly became distorted, the blazing divine light sprayed away, Ling Xiao and the four emperors were shocked, and then flew back at the same time!


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold and cold, his body was full of blood, and he suddenly screamed. He still broke out with an unmatched punch and took the initiative to kill him.

The purple light around him was thin, the body was flawless, and the immortal luster was flowing, mysterious.

Hongmeng's immortal body was urged to the extreme by Ling Xiao's fist of famine, so that Ling Xiao exuded a vast amount of heavenly prestige around him, and he was invincible.

Behind Ling Xiao, it seems that there are three thousand worlds emerging, containing the laws of the Three Thousand Avenues, vast and unmatched, covering everything.

The Law of Three Thousand Avenues is the foundation of Ling Xiao's enlightenment and the source of the power of the immortal body!

"This child's body is so powerful?"

The faces of the four emperors were incredibly shocked.

Ling Xiao's cultivation practice is nothing but a realm of heaven, but Ling Xiao's flesh is so powerful that he is no weaker than their original body, and even better.

Ling Xiao's fist of Honghuang was used to urge Hongmeng's immortal power, so that the four emperors felt no small pressure.

"On the flesh, who can compare to my zombie family? Don't control yourself, die!"

The fierce light flickered among the eyes of the emperor of the zombie family, and the terrible death of the whole body was filled, and the whole body radiated a black light, bursting out of unparalleled divine power, and a punch was ushered towards Ling Xiao!

The zombie family is a group formed by the spirits of the corpses of the ancient strongmen after death. This family is not invisible, jumping out of the world, immortal, and the body is strong and unmatched.

Even the demon and demon clan, who are known to be powerful, are slightly inferior to the zombie clan.


The emperor of the zombie clan is powerful and unmatched, and contains the fierce power of the peerless. It instantly collided with Ling Xiao, causing the four sides of the void to vibrate violently.

There was a muffled noise in the void, and Ling Xiao felt like a punch on Taikoo Mountain, his arm slightly numb.

But his fist is all-inclusive, vast and immense, and contains the immense artistic conception of the ancient times. With a punch, the power of the flesh has multiplied several times. Even the emperor of the zombie family can't resist the power of this fist. , Was blown out by Ling Xiao with a punch!

"Damn you!"

The eyes of the emperor of the zombie family were cold, full of monstrous killing intentions, and even a hint of greed.

When he and Ling Xiao played together, they immediately felt Ling Xiao's extraordinary, Ling Xiao Tian Zunjing's cultivation behavior, the physical body was even stronger than him.

If you can get Ling Xiao's flesh, you will be able to refine an extremely powerful zombie guard, so that the emperors of the zombie family can't help but feel a little moved.


He was full of fighting spirit, and once again came to Ling Xiao in the sky.

The emperor of the zombie family looks like blue-faced fangs and black nails like blades. At the moment, the arm is turned into a fiery black blade, and it falls towards Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao greeted him with his fists, collided with his arm, and broke out the sound of gold and iron clashes, and Mars was everywhere!

"This son has cut off the three demon kings of the Sun, Moon, and Stars of my demon clan. If he breaks into the realm of the emperor, it will definitely be greater than Jiang Yuyang's threat! He must die!"

There was also a cold killing intention in the eyes of the demon emperor. The black magic light around the body rose, and in a flash of black beams, intertwined with all the power of the hole, shot towards Lingxiao.


And the emperor of the fairy clan has white hair, looks like the bones of the fairy wind, and points like a sword. The powerful sword meaning is blooming around the body. With a finger on the sky, there is a fairy sword, which traverses hundreds of millions of voids. Straight towards Ling Xiao's eyebrows.


The Emperor of the Nether Tribe set off a terrible storm all over his body, his eyebrows burst into a fiery light, and the power of the unparalleled Yuanshen surged like a vast vortex, sweeping towards Lingxiao .

In that vortex, there is a power to devour the Yuanshen, as if you want to pull Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen out of the body and then devour it completely!

The Nether tribe is already good at Yuanshen cultivation, so the Nether tribe strongman of the same realm, the Yuanshen is powerful and unmatched, and the means are strange and unpredictable, making people unpredictable!

The four emperors and emperors have their own thoughts, but after seeing the powerful potential of Ling Xiao, they all made the same shot and wanted to kill Ling Xiao completely!


The fighting intentions of Ling Xiao's pupils were rising, without the slightest fear. Although the four emperors shot at the same time, which caused great pressure to him, it even inspired his unmatched fighting intentions. ,

Ling Xiao is like a purple lightning, the figure is almost to the extreme, leaving a trace in the void.

He escaped the zombies of the zombie clan emperor, which seemed to want to pull out Ling Xiao's Click!

Ling Xiao buckled the zombie clan emperor's wrist, kicked Ling Kang out, kicked the zombie clan emperor directly out!

The sky-filled black beams fell and intertwined into a sky net, as if they could penetrate everything.

The emperor of the demon clan came to Lingxiao!

Ling Xiao felt vaguely that the demon emperor seemed to be a strong player of the Dark Demon Sect, and cultivated to the pure source of darkness. The dark beam could obliterate all flesh and blood, and he was domineering and fierce.


Ling Xiao runs both light and dark mysteries and devouring mysteries at the same time. His body is intertwined with light and darkness as if it were a Taiji figure, and a vast swallowing force erupts.

The black beams of light, when they hit Ling Xiao, were converted into the power of light by the mystery of light and darkness, and then swallowed directly into the body by Ling Xiao.

He avoided the attack of the demon emperor, and the whole person was exposed in front of the emperor of the nether tribe.

The vast and turbulent power of the Yuanshen came over, and the horrible vortex seemed to pull Ling Xiao's Yuanshen out.

The strange and unpredictable attack of the Ming clan emperor is directed at Yuanshen. If you change a person, I am afraid that the threat from the Ming clan emperor is definitely the greatest.

However, Ling Xiao's head merged with the wordless book, the Yuanshen in the sea, sitting in the sky, reflecting the heavens, sturdy and unmatched, the Mings' emperor's Yuanshen attacked, there was no way to harm Lingxiao's Yuanshen .


On the contrary, Ling Xiao bullied himself, taking advantage of the intention of the Ming clan emperor, Ling Kong punched out, and the vast flood of ancient world broke out, directly hit the body of the Ming clan emperor, and knocked the Ming clan emperor away. Go out!

The real threat to Ling Xiao is the fairy emperor!


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