Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2863: Fist of the Wild!


The violent tremors of Zhou Tianxing's large array struck both inside and outside, under the bombardment of the three great pole emperors, plus the sloppy emperor has now reached the end of the strong crossbow, and it has broken apart.

The sloppy emperor was holding a ten thousand demon streamers, but his face was extremely pale, his hair was covered with blood, and his eyes were extremely bright!

"Hahaha...happy! The three demon kings of the Sun, Moon and Stars are dead! Who dares to be presumptuous?"

The sloppy emperor stood beside Ling Xiao with the Wanqi streamer, looking directly at the six emperors and powerful men in front of him, his eyes full of indifference.

Behind them, is Jiang Yuyang, who is crossing the heart demon robbery!

Above the void, there are three powerful and unparalleled imperial imperial soldiers, the Promise Breaking Shuttle, Zhuxian Sword and Burning Silent Skeleton!

In front of them, there are the six great emperors and powerful men, each with a breath of horror and unparalleled strength!

Ling Xiao's Tianwei is like a prison monument, a compass of the years, and a punishment knife of the sky. At the moment, he is also floating in the void, confronting the three extreme soldiers!

Devoured the three demon kings of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, giving Ling Xiao the endless power of the original source, and also temporarily had the strength to urge all the three pole soldiers!

Although it seems that Ling Xiao and Sloppy Emperor are at a disadvantage, but both of them are like a rainbow, and their bodies are full of anger, even if they are facing the six emperors, they still do not fall!

"Senior Sloppy, you protect Senior Jiang Yuyang! You mustn't let him be disturbed while crossing the heart, the six emperors, leave it to me!"

Ling Xiao sent a message to the sloppy emperor.

"I am holding a demon streamer, although I can't arrange a large array of stars next week, but protecting Jiang Yuyang should not be a problem! It's just that there are six great emperors and three soldiers, and three great emperors. The master of the soldiers is afraid that they will be hidden in the dark, and it is possible to shoot at any time! Can you really handle it?"

Sloppy Emperor asked with some concern.

This situation, not to mention Ling Xiao, even in the heyday of the sloppy emperor, in the face of the strong enemy in front of him, I am afraid it will certainly die.

And Ling Xiao, only the cultivation of Tian Zunjing!

"The masters of the three great emperor soldiers should have been dragged down by Senior Kunwu, and can only be attacked by remote control! These six emperors and emperors are just the same as the three demon emperors Well, I really want to see how strong the emperor outside the domain is! Give it to me, rest assured!"

Ling Xiao said slowly, the eyes were full of sharp colors.

"Then be careful!"

The sloppy emperor nodded his head, and immediately retreated to Jiang Yuyang with the Wan Yao streamer. The Wan Yao stream burst into a bright light, covering him and Jiang Yuyang.

"Ling Xiao, the Son of Heaven's Choice? Only killed the three devil kings of the Sun, Moon and Stars with the power of the formation. Do you really think you can defeat the emperor? Here today is the burial place of the three of you!"

A demon emperor dressed in black armor shrouded under the magic light, said indifferently, his eyes full of angry killing intentions.

The three demon kings of Sun Moon Star were beheaded, giving him a sense of sorrow for rabbits and foxes. He even gritted his teeth and hated Ling Xiao to the extreme.

"You guys can try it!"

Ling Xiao sneered.

His eyes, like blades, swept through the six emperors in front of him. The four emperors of the demons, immortals, scorpions, and zombies, and two Lingxiao could not tell which kind of emperor and strong.

However, these four tribes Ling Xiao have written down, and one day, they will be repaid 100 times!

This time, Jiang Yuyang was clearly led by the Mozu. The Mozu fully dispatched the four emperors, but the three demon kings of the Sun, Moon and Stars were the pioneers. They were almost out of luck and fell into the Zhoutian Star Formation. In the end, Ling Xiao was all beheaded.

However, the death of the three demon kings of the Sun, Moon, and Stars also exchanged for the collapse of the large array of Zhou Tianxing stars, so that the six emperors no longer have any worries.

"Three Dao brothers followed me to kill Ling Xiao, and the other two Dao brothers also beheaded Sloppy and Jiang Yuyang!"

The Emperor of the Demon Clan said coldly, without any hesitation, immediately rushed towards Ling Xiao!

The three emperors of Xian, Xing, and zombie races were also killed towards Ling Xiao at the same time, and the other two emperors were killed towards the scruffy emperor and Jiang Yuyang.

This time, they had originally come to kill Jiang Yuyang. It was an unexpected joy to meet Ling Xiao.

Especially the demon warfare power displayed by Ling Xiao, let them have the intention to kill, the human race can never give up another Emperor!

Therefore, Ling Xiao even outweighed Jiang Yuyang in their hearts. Today, even if he does not kill Jiang Yuyang, he will kill Ling Xiao!


In the void, the three extreme imperial soldiers were also eager to move, but were blocked by Ling Xiao's Heavenly Penalty Knife, Years Compass, and Tianwei Ruyu Monument.

Six pieces of Ji Dao imperial soldiers compete in the void, the vast Ji Dao Emperor Wei interweaves, the light is vast and shining, intertwined into a terrifying lore, as if it can destroy everything.

The four emperors and kings were killed towards Ling Xiao, and their eyes were cold and cold, and there was no mercy in their shots. The unmatched Diwei shrouded them, and Ling Xiao felt great pressure.

But Ling Xiao's eyes did not have the slightest fear, the powerful and unmatched fighting intentions appeared in his eyes, the whole body of blood seemed to boil, every pore was opened, and the powerful fighting instinct It spewed out like a volcano.


In the pores around Ling Xiao's body, there was a fiery purple glow coming out of him, and his whole body seemed to become the color of glazed glass, full of purple qi, full of radiance, and filled with an immortal wave.

The purple light spread, and even dyed the eyes and hair of Ling Xiao to purple, and his whole breath began to rise.


A roaring sound like thunder broke out in Ling Xiao's mouth. His eyes were fierce and unmatched. He faced the four emperors and kings who had been killed in front of him, and he punched straight.

This punch flies out, as if an ancient world of wilderness has evolved, giving birth to the most original power of the wilderness, and the power is terrifying to the extreme!

This turned out to be a supreme fist that is different from the fist of the era. At this moment, Ling Xiao seemed to be transformed into an emperor of the ancient times. One punch penetrated the future of ancient and modern times, and contained a powerful peerless divine power.

This is a fist that proves the way!

This is famine!

Ling Xiao refined the heart of the wasteland in the mysterious realm of the A hundred years of time let him realize a one-handed fist that is different from the fist of the era, which he called the fist of the wilderness!

If it is said that the fist of the era is the root way of cultivating hundreds of classics and converging the ten thousand methods, then the fist of the wildness is the way of proving the way with strength, which is extremely pure flesh!

The fist of the wilderness is even more capable of erupting the invincible supernatural power of Hongmeng!

This is also the first time Ling Xiao has performed the fist of Honghuang. Facing the four emperors and emperors, Hongmeng is indestructible, and has radiated the most dazzling glory!

Click! !

The void is broken, the vast ancient world covered the four emperors, and the unmatched fist marks burst out!

PS: Yesterday I had a lot of social entertainment, no updates, sorry. This is three chapters to make up yesterday, and there are three chapters at night.

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