Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2846: Genocide battle!

"The twelve capitals of the gods have been broken?"

Everyone stared blankly at the scene before them, completely stunned.

After all, the Twelve Capital Tianshen Sha array is known as the first emperor array of God Realm, but it was created by the Emperor Tiandu. It can condense the real body of the Emperor Tiandu, slaughter the emperor, cut the emperor, and stay in the God Realm. Too many legendary colors.

Although Ling Xiao used to be unobstructed in the Nine-Heavy Penalty Formation, and eventually even wiped out the Nine-Emperor Que, but everyone did not think that Ling Xiao could break through the Twelve Capitals!

Even everyone thinks that if Ling Xiao really led the powerful under his command into the twelve capitals of the gods, perhaps the whole army might be wiped out.

But they didn't expect that Ling Xiao would resolve the Twelve Capitals in such a way!

"Zhou Tianxing Dazhen, known as the first emperor array in the demon world, is legendaryly created by the demon emperor in the demon world. Before Ling Xiao was known as the master of the demon world, could it have been inherited by the demon emperor?"

"It's very possible! I remember the Demon Emperor's Ji Dao Emperor's Soldier, it seems to be a Wan Yao streamer? That is the treasure to suppress the luck of the demon world, is it that Ling Xiao is Wan Wan streamer in his hand?

"Wanyin stream? Hey! No wonder he can lay out the Zhoutian Xingchen formation. Wanxianwa was originally the core of the Zhoutian Xingchen formation!"

"The Chinese are now in danger! The power of the twelve capitals of the gods has been resolved, and there is no longer any obstacle to stand in front of Ling Xiao!"

"Could it be that the blood of Emperor Tiandu is really going to be extinct today?"


Everyone was trembling, and their hearts were all raised, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

The people of Hua Tianchong and the three immortal holy places are all extremely pale, their eyes involuntarily show a panicked look.

"Give me!"

Hua Tian Chong roared madly, the blazing light around him rose, wanted to sacrifice the Heavenly God God Sha flag, urge the twelve capital God God Sha formation, break the Zhou Tian stars formation.

However, with the suppression of the Wan Yao stream, Zhou Tianxing's large array can continuously attract the power of Zhou Tianxing, with the imprint of 360 peerless beasts, a terrifying force erupted, bringing the twelve gods Sha Dazhen completely contained.

"The Chinese, Wuxing Tianzong, Tianmanzong, and Tiankong Tianmen. After today, you will be erased from God Realm!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently, a monstrous anger appeared in his eyes.

"Everyone obeyed the orders, slain the Chinese ancestral land, and annihilated the Chinese and the many powerful men of the three immortal holy places!"

Ling Xiao's indifferent voice was like thunder, rumbling and shaking in the void.

"Respect the Lord's Command!"

Many powerful men under Ling Xiao responded at the same time, their voices were uniform and the explosion exploded, so that everyone could not help changing their faces.

Thirty Heavenly Venerable Powerful and One Hundred Thousand Saints Legion, all at the same time, a tremendous fighting intention erupted at the same time, and the eyes fell on the Chinese and other people, unmatched.

"Ling Xiao, do you really think you can kill us without the twelve gods? You cannot kill us! My Chinese heritage is not what you can imagine! Today, I want to kill you all!"

Hua Tianchong's eyes showed a hint of madness, staring at Ling Xiao and roaring.

"Ling Xiao, you destroyed the Nineth Emperor Que and killed so many strong human races. You are the sinner of the human race! Today I will wait for the way of heaven!"

The ancestral ancestor of the Five Elements Tianzong shouted.

"Ling Xiao colluded with the demon clan and murdered the innocent. They have completely betrayed the clan, and everyone is blamed!"

"Ling Xiao, today is your death time!"

Tianzong Zong and Tianzun ancestors from the time and space gate also shouted.

The fierceness in their hearts was also inspired, and the twelve capitals of the gods were blocked, leaving them without a retreat, and all of them began to go crazy.


Headed by Huatian Chong, the Chinese, the Five Elements Saint Sect, the Heaven Mantra Sect, and the Space-Time Heavenly Gate, there are twenty-five Celestial Sovereigns rising from the sky, radiating a dazzling glory!

This is already the most powerful background and strength of the four super powers. Twenty-five Tianzun ancestors joined forces to attack, and all of them showed incomparable killing intent.

"Tiandujun, attack!"

"Five marches, attack!"

"Sky Curse Guard, attack!"

"Time and Space Guard, attack!"

With the sound of four roars, the bright light bloomed in the void, the four vast doors of the void emerged, and a breath of terror and unmatched figures rushed out of it.

Like the Heavenly Penalty Army of the Nineth Emperor Que, the Chinese and the three immortal holy sites also have their own legions. These are the loyalties they cultivated, their heritage, and the most suppressing family and sect luck. strong power!

Now facing Ling Xiao, they are all without concealment, and they are all summoned.

There are five thousand holy kings, five thousand holy saints, and ten thousand saints, a total of 20,000 in the heavenly army of the Chinese people!

There are three thousand saints, five thousand saints, and five thousand saints in the five marches of the five elements of Tianzong, a total of 13,000!

The days curse guards of the day curse sect are all strong kings, and there are four thousand kings!

The time and space guards of the time and space gates are all holy kings and four thousand holy kings!

The strongest of these four legions, one by one, is the most loyal person in the world, and has been battle-hardened, and it is refined by the secret method, and it is fearless to die. Each one has an undead body, and its strength is horrible. match.

These are the contents accumulated by the four super powers that have been accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. It is absolutely impossible to bring out a powerful force until the last moment.

But now, in the face of the powerful threat of Ling Xiao, they chose to let go and fight back!

Speaking of the powerful in the Holy King Realm, the four super powers add up to more than the Sage Legion under Ling Xiao!

The strength comparison between the two sides seems to be quite equal!

It is foreseeable that if a terrifying battle is really launched, whether it is the four super powers, or the many powerful people under Ling Xiao, it will definitely be fatal!

"Ling Xiao, today our four forces, even if they are genocide, will take you to be buried with everyone under your command!"

Hua Tianchong was completely stared at Ling Xiao and growled.

"Funeral? It's you alone?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his smile looked extremely cold, his eyes deep and profound, and it contained a fierce killing intention.

The background of these four super powers is really amazing, and Ling Xiao can also feel that there is a kind of power that makes him extremely palpitated in the depths of the Chinese people, which may be the ultimate power of the Chinese people.

Is it related to the Emperor Tiandu?

Ling Xiao guessed in his heart, but he did not hesitate and retreat in the slightest, even if the Chinese still have a hole card?

In this battle, the Tuzu annihilation, whether it is the Chinese or the three immortal holy places, must be completely eliminated!

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