Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2845: Zhou Tianxing formation!

The breath from the real body of the Tiandu Emperor made them all tremble, and there was no idea of ​​resistance at all.

Not to mention Ling Xiao, who is currently in the midst of the twelve capitals, even if Ling Xiao is stronger, how can he withstand the real body of the Tiandu Emperor?

"Is the real body of Tiandu Emperor?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and his expression instantly became very dignified.

This is the most terrifying power of the twelve capitals of the gods, and gathers all the forces of the great array. Taking the flag of the gods of the heavens as a guide, it condenses the true body of the emperor of the capital and destroys everything.

Ling Xiao could feel that the real body of the Tiandu Emperor, his eyes fell on him, with a horrifying murderous intention, locked him all.

"What about the real body of the Emperor Tiandu? I want to see if you can kill me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes also showed a mad look, and his whole body was fighting with the intention!

boom! boom! boom!

The violent purple energy of his whole body was rising, and he was in full swing for 30,000 miles, and the power of the immortal Honghong was completely recovered.

And under the control of Ling Xiao, Tianwei was like a prison monument, a compass of years and a demon streamer, which burst out into the air and burst into the mighty divinity!

Simultaneously urging these three extreme Dao soldiers is already the limit of Ling Xiao.

But he knew that he had to come next.


The real body of Tiandu Emperor faced Ling Xiao, and his palm fell down.

The black palm print looks convoluted and mysterious, but it is like a waterfall cascading straight down, containing surging power, which is directly photographed on the Tianwei Ruyu monument.


A muffled noise sounded in the void, and Tianwei was like a jail monument. A million lights were radiated in an instant, and Ji Dao Di Wei spewed out, trembling violently in the void, but in the end was still shot by the Tiandu Emperor. Go out!

The compass of the years is the power of the endless years. A vast river of years runs through the ancient and modern future, forming a very mysterious enchantment of the years.

But the Great Emperor of the Heavens really fell down with a palm, and the tremor of the enchantment of the years was suddenly blasted into a bright light rain.

Finally, the Ling Xiao holding the Wan Yao stream was completely exposed in front of the real body of the Emperor Tiandu.


The tens of thousands of demon streamers shook violently, and a chain of gods of order emerged. The runes were dazzling and intertwined, and the chaotic light spewed out.

Above the Wan Yao stream, the phantom of hundreds of millions of ancient **** beasts emerged, roaring the sky between each other, the endless expedition, vast and ancient.

But in the center of the billion beasts, there was an invincible figure that swallowed the world and swept the heavens.

That figure exudes domineering, mysterious, majestic and glorious world momentum, just like the demon emperor, receiving the worship of hundreds of millions of beasts.

At this moment, it seemed to be inspired by the breath of the real body of the Great Emperor of Heaven. The figure suddenly raised his head, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless time and space, containing the power of life and death, and suddenly collided with the real body of the Great Emperor of Heaven. Together.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

In an instant, it seemed that hundreds of millions of mythical beasts roared at the same time, and that horrible figure made everyone tremble and deafening.

The myriad demon streamers burst into infinite quantity of light, and 360 bright stars emerged from it, forming a great array of horror in an instant!

The three hundred and sixty supreme stars exude a breath of immortality, and above each supreme star, there is a peerless mythical creature sitting in terror, with a terrifying breath.

A beam of light burst out, intertwined with the waves of destruction, and instantly penetrated the real body of the emperor of the capital!


Amidst the twelve capitals of the gods, hundreds of millions of gods are surging, and the bright galaxy is blooming, making the world of heaven and earth trembling violently.

With Lingxiao as the center, Wan Yao Stream radiates a mysterious brilliance, 360 supreme stars become a Zhoutian trend, forming a vast array of unparalleled!

Zhou Tianxing formation!

Ling Xiao's breath was horrible and unmatched, as if integrated with the figure of the Wanxian Emperor, and he was in full charge of Zhou Tianxing!

"Is Divine Realm First Emperor's Array? See if I can stop my Zhou Tianxing array!"

Ling Xiao sneered, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

"What?! Zhou Tianxing formation?"

Hua Tianchong was shocked, and his eyes were unbelievable.

Zhou Tianxing Dazheng, known as the first emperor formation in the demon world!

The Zhoutian Star Formation is extremely old. The legend is created by the demon emperor in the demon world. It contains the supreme power, horror, and it can destroy everything.

The emperor of Tiandu in those days, it was the feeling that he participated in Zhou Tianxing's Great Formation, and finally created the Twelve Capitals.

These two peerless emperor formations, like a fatal duel, now appear at the same time!


Above the nine days, it seemed that there were 360 ​​bright stars lit up, and a bright beam of light was scattered, which penetrated the world and formed a strange resonance with the Wan Yao Stream.

Rao is unparalleled in the power of the twelve celestial gods, but the supreme power erupted by the Zhoutian and Xingchen constellations firmly suppressed the twelve celestial gods.

The confrontation between the two great godless arrays is like two great emperors fighting against each other, setting off a monstrous atmosphere.

The void around is annihilated, the haze of chaos is filled, and the ground water and fire are intertwined, as if to destroy this side of the world, let everything belong to chaos.

Ling Xiao is in charge of the Wan Yao stream, which inspires the power of 360 supreme stars in Zhou Tian, ​​summons the spirits of 360 ancient peculiar beasts in the ancient world, and lays out a large array of Zhou Tian stars!

The Twelve Capitals are in great formation, and they can't help it anymore!

However, Ling Xiao was also amazed in his heart. The twelve capital gods were really terrified. If he was not in charge of the ten thousand demon streamers, the Zhoutian stars were laid down. I am afraid that even if he had three polar emperors, he would die in heaven. Under the real body of the emperor.

And now, the power of the two Great Godless Arrays, the power of the Twelve Gods and the Great Array, are completely pinned by the Zhoutian Stars.

The Chinese ancestral land was also exposed to Ling Xiao in an instant!

"Damn it! How could you set up the Zhou Tianxing Dajin? The complete Zhou Tianxing Dajin has long been How could you..."

Hua Tianchong shuddered, his eyes filled with anger and anger, pointing at Ling Xiao and roaring.

The people of Wuxing Tianzong, Time and Space Tianmen, and Tianmanzong Sect became pale in an instant.

In any case, they did not expect that Ling Xiao broke through the twelve capitals in such a way!

It can't be said that it was a broken array, but Ling Xiao placed Zhou Tianxing's large array inside the twelve capitals of Gods. The collision of the two emperor arrays and the interweaving of the divine emperor's divine power temporarily sealed the twelve capitals. Great strength.

The Chinese and the three immortal holy places lost the barriers of the Twelve Capitals and they were completely exposed to Ling Xiao!

(End of this chapter)

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