Much better than her brother.

Muwan is also very happy, "you can eat more delicious"

The happiest thing about being a chef is that all your meals are eaten.

Lin Xuan felt his stomach and said regretfully, "It's a pity that I can't eat any more.

"It's ok."

Mu Wan smiled and comforted: "I will eat it every day no matter what."


Lin Xuan nodded vigorously."

Lin Qingxi couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous, this girl really didn't forget him! However, he had to admit that his meal was not as delicious as rice.

Nodding casually, "You are right! Lin Xuan couldn't hear Lin Qingyun's careful eyes, and the smile on his face became more prosperous.

Regrettably, Mu Wan smiled, pursed her lips, and looked at her siblings who were smiling and eating.

I couldn't help but say something from the past: "If you want to grab his heart, grab his stomach first.."

It seems that this sentence is very useful wherever you go! The plan for the day is in the morning.

Everyone is satisfied in the morning.

Everyone is in a good mood today.

Before I knew it, a few days passed.

Lin Qingye's work on the wheat field is coming to an end.

Mu Wan worried that the pine nuts on the mountain would be divided after everyone let go.

Therefore, these days, he brings the pine tower home with Lin Xuan.

Looking at the mountainous pine tower in the yard, she felt that she was about to become a little squirrel.

Lin Xuan has a strong sense of direction.

in spite of....

Wherever she goes, no matter how many turns she takes, she always finds her way home.

In Mu 3.

While 3 Wan admired her, she was also surprised.

A few days after picking up the pine cone outside the pine forest, he ventured into the depths of the pine forest.

Wow, this forest is really big enough! Wooden Bay looks at an ancient tree that is tall and into the clouds, and its canopy covers the sky.

The excitement I had when I first came in was gone.

Especially as we went deeper into the woods, the weeds thickened and some even tucked deep into the waist.

Chapter 748 ━ Panic

Mu Wan stared for a while, then asked softly, "Can you find a way back?"

Lin Xuan seemed to be stunned by the surrounding scenery and stood there awkwardly.

She suddenly yelled, "Oh, that's too bad!"

No school to go home? Mu Wan's heart "sucks"

After a while, she regretted it.

I do live and go back, how could I lose myself because of being bitten? Lin Xuan is just a child, but she pinned all her hopes on her.

Really for a while, she couldn't find the right words to describe herself.

The mouth should be opened violently.

It's just that she didn't even notice it herself 11. Before she knew it, she had already regarded those... shabby huts as home.

Take Lin Xuan and Lin Qingyi as relatives.

Seeing Lin Xuan's panic, Mu Wan suppressed her responsibility.

Search your gut for some words to comfort a little girl.

Who knew that before she could speak, she cried and asked, "sister, have we encountered monsters?"

Where is this and where Mu Wan suddenly laughed, "What do you say?"

At the same time, I felt relieved, not that she was lost.

It's not that she has full confidence in Lin Xuan, but her own sense of direction is too poor.

Just pin all your hopes on the little girl.

When Lin Xuan was about to speak, tears stopped.

Mu Wan comforted softly: "Don't cry, you say it"

Lin Xuan was worried that his tears would make Mu.

Before Mu Wan spoke, she said, "This is what my brother told me before."

Onsen "Am I so good"

Mu Wan touched her nose and thought in surprise.

If she is as cautious as she is, it doesn't matter if she sees Lin Xuan's fear and flattery to her, as long as the little girl doesn't cry, everything will be fine.

Lin Xuan tilted his head and told Mu Wan the story of Lin Qingying.

"My brother said the monsters on the mountain are cunning"

The general idea of ​​the story is similar to the previous life, telling children not to believe what others say.

Nothing but an ogre, he didn't show people his real face.

Or turn into an old charity, come up with delicious treats, and lure those kids to eat.

After the child has eaten, he will forget his parents, forget his home, listen to the monster's voice, and follow him.

Eventually, the child becomes the slave of the monster, or is eaten by the monster.

Either monsters like this will turn into a beautiful garden, or people will enter without realizing it.

"Then we will"

Lin Xuan lowered his voice and glanced timidly.

Like worrying about being overheard by monsters here.

Worried that Mu Wan didn't understand, she tensed her hand and pressed it.

Why is this little girl so cute? Mu Wan raised her hand and pinched her swollen 000 face.

In Lin Xuan's terrified eyes, he asked a very shocking phrase: "If you let me go, will I find the way? Lin Xuan's heart is relieved.

Not because of Mu Wan's words, but because Mu Wan's voice was too loud.

In case it's amazing, this will shock the sleeping monster! "Okay!"

Mu Wan was completely ridiculed by her and lost her temper.

"There are no monsters here, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stand still for a long time."

Lin Xuan asked in a low voice, "What if you fell asleep?"

Why did you wake him up so loudly that Mu Wan learned about her appearance and said in a low voice.

Chapter 749 ━ Despair

Lin Xuan looked at the heat in the mountains, opened his eyes wide, and asked worriedly, "Sister, is there a monster under the swimming pool? Mu Wan is really speechless.

Why this little girl doesn't stay away from monsters is really brainwashed by Lin Qingyu.

She explained patiently: "It's just a pool of water, it's a monster."

"But why is the water still hot and rumbling?"

Mu naturally wouldn't explain a lot to her about hot springs, especially volcanic hot springs.

Reply softly, "Isn't the water right?"

We don't need boiling water when taking a bath.

Think "bath"

This word, Mu Wan suddenly itchy everywhere.

When I went back that day, I just scrubbed with hot water.

"Go, let's see the bottom of the valley."

Mu Wan didn't wait for Lin Xuan to speak correctly, so she left first.

In the setting sun, the afterglow shrouded the earth, as if the sky and the earth were dyed orange.

Lin Qingye stood on the fork of the mountain pass, looking hesitant.

The youth has distinct facial features and a straight posture.

Blend in with the magnificent scenery to form a beautiful picture.

He sighed silently, and finally raised his foot and went to one of the forks.

Errors are errors.

Better to miss it than to do nothing at all to leave a little early today.

After returning, it was found that Mu Wan and Lin Xuan had not returned.

I didn't think much of it at the time.

Clean up those... straws neatly.

When you watch the sun go down, you can't help but feel anxious.

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