How the situation suddenly turned 000, he became a pawn in someone else's hands. Zhang Xi in the middle of the hall saw something bad and was busy talking.

"Fang Xuefang, Yu Wang just suppressed the enemy's rebellion and turned it into a danger.

You can't make: birthday tonight feel safe"

His eyes are rolling desperately, as long as it is safe tonight to pass the passive and grim situation of the Yin King to Jiang Tai in the west, he will intervene, and everything will be no problem.

Emperor Shaoren closed his tired eyes and felt the limbs and bones loose and sore.

"I'm still tired, you can discuss the affairs of the pavilion in Chongde Hall."

The grin that didn't stop the lips from spreading between the seats.

He turned and raised his hand to the singing girls standing in the temple, signaling their birthday party to continue.

Sacred music played again, but when it hit everyone's ears, it was just sarcasm.

Fang Shaoyou patted his sleeve coldly.

The music of the courtyard is easy to hear, and the stability of the cabinet is hard to find!"

Emperor Shao Ren suddenly opened his eyes, his face a little ugly.

Of course, he had heard the Taifu say that he was about to.

He swore in Huaihuai before, but he didn't take it for granted, but was thinking about celebrating this pavilion.

"Your Mightiness"


Fang Mingyuan said bluntly: "If the real murderer that led to the rebels disappears within a day, the incident will be reborn, and I am afraid the dynasty will be peaceful forever!"

Emperor Shao Ren tightened his eyebrows, raised his fragile body, and gave Guan Guan a warm voice: "Old Qi, you think that these people who call themselves Mogu emperors are trying to marry your dead, who is guiding this?" the leader of the rebellion, the father emperor will personally interrogate him."

Lin Xuan calmly raised his eyes slightly.

Emperor Shao Ren waved to the butler behind him and motioned him to raise his body.


He raised his voice, shaking off exhaustion.

The renegade leader in red robes was jeered after being led into the hall, looking proudly at the crowd.

With the help of his servant, Shao Rendi approached him slowly, looked at the blood flowing from his lips and teeth, and snorted: "Who are you to guide you and what do you want?"

The leader of the renegade eagle still showed a bright smile, raised his eyes and looked around, away from the crowd, standing in the distance, Yin Wang Guanyuan.

Lin Xuan noticed his protruding sharp eyes, full of excitement, he turned and left.

Guan Wei was the first to notice the strange face of the rebel leader, and when he saw the situation, he saw the expression of the shocked bow and arrow bird Lin Xuan.

He opened his eyes, opened his eyes, and his mind was firm.

Looking into Lin Xuan's eyes, the leader of the betrayal immediately.

Turning his eyes away, he suddenly turned his head to the right with a strange expression.

"Hold him."

Guan Yan frowned and instructed the forbidden snake behind him.

Chapter 746 ━ Staring

To outsiders, we are still a mother and a companion sister.

She is the eldest sister Lin Muwan.


Lin Xuan nodded strongly, sister had a good idea.

"Brother, what do you say"

She turned around and asked softly.

Lin Qingying's mouth was gloomy.

He was glad to agree just now, and now he remembers to ask me.

However, since things were going the way he wanted, he wouldn't care about the little girl.

He nodded and said, "In the turn of life and death, there is trouble.

We are all unrelated strangers to the three of us turned into a loving family.

It's not fate, it's a deep night, except for the occasional tweets by Qiu Zhe, the surrounding environment is still very quiet.

Lin Xuan turned around, found a comfortable position, and slept soundly.

You can clearly see the moonlight through the window, the little girl's lips are slightly raised, she is smiling in her sleep.

Mu Wan raised her hand, smoothed her messy hair, and smiled silently.

I really envy her, she is carefree all day.

Turning around, staring into the beam, frowning.

Although there was only a moment to speak tonight, her decision to stay was thoughtful.

Not only because she needs a place to live, but also because their siblings don't know the original owner's past.

Therefore, they would not be surprised no matter what she proposes to learn in the future.

For a hedonist like her, make yourself comfortable wherever she lives.

If you want comfort, silver paving is a must.

Moreover, she always thought she had food in her hands and would not panic.

In the future, no matter where you are, you need to put silver next to yourself, don't you? Also, leave enough money for your siblings to make their lives worry-free.

Think of it as the fate of acquaintance.

It's not her indifference, it's just that when she stands firm, she kicks them away.

But she is judging from the flash in Lin Qingying's eyes today.

He hides and uses himself.

For example, the death of their parents sounds reasonable, but not wrong.

But she heard from those words, and something else hidden.

From this, we can be sure that when they first contacted the original owner in the destroyed temple, they did so on purpose.

I don't want to live on the mountain like a barbarian, and I don't want to be stared at by the enemy as soon as I step out of the mountain.

Found a person from Pingxian and fled to the wasteland, they came together like a person.

Not only do they have new identities, but they can also cover siblings.

0 At least their enemies would not deliberately suspect the fleeing Three Sisters.

Not to mention that more refugees have followed suit.

But why did the mountain bandits target these fugitives? The bright moonlight shone into the room through the lattice of the window, as if covered with a veil.

Mu Wan frowned and kept replaying what Lin Qingying said tonight.

She was acutely aware that in this ruined temple, the original owner's words were also outrageous.

Although her tone and expression were impeccable.

But she didn't say anything because she was a victim of Ping County and lost her parents.

In addition, according to Lin Xuan's description, there are other victims.

The original owners took special care of their older siblings.

Chapter 747 ━ Worry

Coincidentally, at this moment, Yang Linxuan shouted and rushed the water obediently.

Lin Qinglian stretched her hand into the basin and felt the temperature of the warm water.

Feeling better for no reason.

It seems this man is worthless.

At least he will take care of his and Lin Xuan's life.

"Brother, isn't the water temperature right?"

Lin Xuan whispered, watching Lin Qingying put her hand into the water, then frowned.

When whispering, please "zero zero zero"

Just be careful, just right.

"Seeing Lin Xuan blinking and staring at him, he smiled and said, "I just thought of something, and then I got distracted.

Said, as if to prove something, please wash your hands quickly.

After wiping it off, Lin Xuan and I went into the room for dinner.

Although the bowl is still full of batter, it tastes sweet and delicious.

Lin Qingquan drank four bowls of 44 in a row, and he didn't put down his chopsticks until he found that there was a stale smell in the bowl.

As you can imagine, he nearly freaked out about his food.

Omg how can I eat so much when my stomach is full and your mind becomes: flexible.

He considered many reasons for himself.

Maybe it's because of the losses these days, maybe it's because the workers are expending too much energy during this time.

It just doesn't admit that Wood Bay's food is better than his.

Lin Xuan was also very satisfied.

The little girl smiled and said, "Sister did a great job."

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