Saint grand castle.

Confused believers, spiritual beliefs collapsed.

Some people murmured deliberately, others were filled with righteous indignation, and some refused to recognize reality, but there is no doubt that they no longer pose a threat to the royal family of St. Grand Fort, no longer to those greedy nobles They pose a threat.

The light creator is not omnipotent.

What could be more frightening than killing a bishop in the light of miracles?

I am afraid that even the rhetoric of rhetoric will be difficult to decorate.

And everyone who sees the fact that the miracle is interrupted will become a potential heretic betrayer of the Holy See, a natural supporter of the Gran scholars.

high altitude.

From the top, you can see the mountains.

After trying his best to scream Rello, his voice was hoarse and he gasped slightly.

That was the excitement that he couldn't restrain.

Overlooking the believers who had fallen into chaos in all directions towards St. Glen Castle, the big sleeved robes held their fists fiercely and tried their best to suppress their excitement with sneer.

"The first step is finally taken, then the second step should be ..."

He slowly turned his head to look towards the central area of ​​St. Gran Castle.

The brightly-lit palace buildings and the imperial city hall surrounded by stars.

call out.

Corleone flew up and appeared beside Lei Luo.

"Let the following matters be handled by the City Guard. From today, we will have no turning back, nor will the Grand Duchy. Let me go to the palace to meet your majesty, and inquire about the leakage of radiation weapons. "

Contrary to the faint excitement of Raylow.

Corleone, who has already taken this step, has suffered a bit.

"Master, now that this step has been taken, why are you suffering from it?"

Rello asked in person.

A big one and a small pair of eyes squinted at the irritated Lei Luo, Corleone said with a deep voice: "That is the Holy See after all! It is the bright Holy See that has ruled the land of the star curtain for thousands of years! The power of the space-time channel, because those underground monsters have no energy to ignore us, once they are restored to God, can we really threaten them with our current radiation weapon? "

Corleone paused a little when he saw that Rael didn't speak.

He lamented: "And we also have to face the ancient creatures led by the unknown devil in Dubitt Province, and the difficulties of establishing a unified scholar alliance in the Principality. Those royals and nobles like grass Can we fully support us? We have to face the ancient creatures who are slaughtering humans in the Principality, even the horrifying demon **** who wants to come to the surface from Pangula, time ...

"But we finally took the first step successfully."

Lei Luo's excited smile, something hidden under the smile, made Corleone a little uncomfortable.

"If you do not take this step, the scholars will never really unite and become a powerful force like the dark world wizards. They will only fight each other, not only by the nobles, but also by the Holy See. There will never be a day of oppression. But ... "

Rello paused briefly.

Corleone stared at Lei Luo, and saw some cold and cruel deep in his eyes, just like when he faced the small white mouse on the test bench.

"If our scholars can establish a united front, although the area of ​​their rule is far less than the Holy See, and their strength is not as good as those of the underground creatures, the deterrent means of catastrophic weapons is not even as good as the space-time channel power of the wizards of the dark world. The unknown existence of Yan civilization, but we have our own unparalleled advantage, that is the absolute superiority that the Holy See, the dark world, the ancient underground creatures, and even the unknown forces that wipe out the blood Yan civilization cannot reach. It is that we will definitely get this war in the end. The absolute advantage of victory! "

"What is it?"

Corleone's face cleared, and he stared at Lei Luo and asked.

"Superman !!"

Lei Luo's words made Corleone's eyes suddenly shrink.

With a low sneer, Lei Luo no longer concealed Sen Han in the depth of his smile, his voice was filled with chilling temptations, and was intoxicated by what he wanted in his heart.

"Whether it is us, the Holy See, or the ancient creatures underground, and even the unknown power to destroy the blood-derived civilization is nothing more than a bug in the eyes of the superhuman! Since they are all bugs, then the force that determines our final victory, and Not **** each other, but how to live to the end under the blow of Superbody. "

"Hiss, you !!"

Corleone's pupils, big and small, shivered.

He grabbed Rello's collar angrily and said angrily: "You are betting with all mankind !!!?"

He was n’t talking about Gran, but all humans in the entire Land of Stars.

He knows what it means to humans here if he attracts superhumans in all directions.

"Without betting, we have no chance, this world is less than five thousand years old!"

Lei Luo did not fear, tried hard to lower his voice, his expression was a little crazy, and did his best to growl hysterically with a voice that only two people could hear.

He broke free of Corleone's hands and looked at Corleone with bloodshot eyes.

"From the day I know the countdown of death in this world, I will have no escape route! Scholars will have no escape route! Humans in this world will have no escape route! All we can do is to overcome all obstacles in front of us, at least Before this world perishes, raise humanity to the height of a beacon civilization of level 5, as strong as the ancient civilizations that resisted superhumans! Only in this way can we have such a negligible chance to defeat them and defeat our scholars. Inheritance continues, we have no time to waste anymore !!! "


Corleone lowered his head and gasped heavily, his eyes constantly moving.

For a long time, he finally made a decision and looked at Lei Luo, said: "You are too reckless and radical! You have never told me these plans! No, you are now hurrying to see your majesty in secret and prepare for the plans afterwards! "

Rello shook his head slowly.

In Corleone's puzzled gaze, Lei Luo said with a focus: "Master ... Grandpa!"

Because of Lola's relationship, Lei Luo called Grandpa Corleone, also reasonable.

"You and I can still live for at least hundreds of years, even thousands of years, respect the teachers, pay the fire, and the knowledge inheritance of scholars will even be 10,000 years, tens of thousands of years, and how long can those nobles live? If this time tell They, we will introduce Superman to fight indiscriminately ~ ~ And within their lifetime, can they agree? Will they agree! Moreover, you are really willing to let scholars live forever in the nobility Under the system, let all the resources needed for academic research be controlled by those mortal greed and ignorance? "

Corleone is incredible.

He looked at Rello like a stranger.

"That's His Highness, King Chen! He is also the king you personally supported and supported! I have sworn allegiance to the King in front of the King! I have sworn to build the King of this country with you! Are you now ... will you betray him?"

"I didn't betray anyone !!"

After Rello broke his heart and snarled with rage, he calmed down and said: "As long as it can light the light of reason, let the future human beings of this world live for themselves, and hold the truth in their own hands, there is no reason to bleed. The ignorance of the death of therapy, there is no longer the ignorance of buying a redemption certificate, and there is no longer the darkness that records the wisdom and wisdom books, and even the heretical trials of various imposed crimes. "

Take a deep breath.

In Corleone's staring gaze, Lei Luo finally expressed the deepest desire in his heart, and put down all the burdens, and no longer looked back.

"I'm going back to the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, so I don't go to see the Majesty King Chen with the master. The master is still waiting for me to have dinner at home, and I want to prepare for the scientific seminar exchange meeting two days later. The matter here is much more troublesome for the master I do n’t want to start the era of scholars with me, I can tell my majesty as much as possible, and if I am willing to help me, after this scientific seminar exchange meeting, I will go to Dubit with your majesty. If it goes well, you can almost let it The master has learned some of the real power I have. "

After talking, Rello flew in the direction of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences.

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