Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 471: Lonely Orbiter

Didi didi didi didi.

The NB19920414 Superbody, who is responsible for maintaining the operation of the No. 19 Lonesome Death Orbital Gun, looked at the energy consumption prompt on the central control screen, and the light belt tentacles floated by the spiritual light floated.

He froze for a while.

"There is no basic report with target information attached?"

No wonder he is so.

Since the ancient war, the maintenance of the Lonesome Death Orbital Gun has become a idler, and it did not play a role again until the super-submarine soldiers were sent to establish a catastrophic civilization in modern times. The material is the same.

Therefore, during the long time that NB19920414 was on duty, he only started a limited number of times.

And once the cold silence orbital gun is called to start, along with the guidance signal, there must be the target basic information record data, which is the same for the previous few times, what is going on this time?

Click, click, click.

Somewhere on the surface of the dead body enveloped by Alpha's violent energy, the superbody star followed a heavy metal gear friction sound, revealing a huge black hole, from which a giant device similar to a syringe slowly extended.

The material of the device is not metal, it seems to be some kind of high-quality carbon fiber, which is full of light and strong texture, and the needle emits a light blue magical light.



After a short period of energy storage, the Lonesome Death Orbital Gun launched, intoxicating but full of light traces of the death trap, rushed into the dark universe, and rushed toward the guidance signal somewhere in the vast yellow star.

All this is done automatically.

During this period, Superman NB19920414 could have a short time for manual intervention, but in the end, he did not stop the shooting.

"Beep beep, reminder: the energy reserve is exhausted."

Superman NB19920414 recovered, and quickly jotted down the coordinates of the cold orbit gun launch, and sent it to the military committee.

The Lonely Death Orbital Gun was once a turning point in the history of Superman.


The history of A2!

In that distant era of ancient civilization, Superman finally stood at the pinnacle of Superstar's food chain. Superman once believed that Superstar was the entire universe, and had experienced the originality of the law through faith in ignorance. Cognition, and then the internal struggle between reason and faith.

But all this has become the bumpy evolutionary history of the evolution of Superhuman civilization.

The existence of super-body stars is an accident.

This is an asteroid on the edge of the solar galaxy, which has been shrouded in the icy space of the dark universe all the year round, until one day, with an unknown cosmic celestial body, it bombarded into its core without any errors, so that something happened inside its asteroid. These changes in nature have allowed this asteroid to have natural laws and life.

But its history is also quite short.

As the nature of the inner core of the superstar gradually stabilizes, the laws of nature gradually fade, and the little bay of life gradually dries up, and everything will return to its original appearance.

In the face of the end of the world, after passing through the tragedy of the bottom creatures of the food chain, the superbody, who is the pinnacle of the superstar food chain, has to face the last desperate death.

As long as the world cannot be broken through, all struggles will be in vain.

The end-of-the-world crisis finally allowed this end-of-the-world civilization to explode with unparalleled potential, and the most outstanding superbody is A2!

First of all.

After breaking through the superstar centralism, superhumans obtained a rational understanding that the superstar is not the entire universe, nor the center of the entire universe.

The disappearance of the supernatural star's natural laws, on the one hand, makes superhumans face a doomsday crisis, on the other hand, it also allows superhumans to avoid the interference of supernatural stars' unique natural laws. Anything that can be achieved on superbody stars The laws must be universal laws of cosmic physics, and superhumans naturally started the study of laws of physics.

This is also the key from the lighthouse civilization to the star civilization.

Based on this, Superman created a series of law weapons and technologies such as so-called star siphon, star blockade, space-time channel crack, energy highway, etc., to ensure that even after reaching the target world, the law of the unknown world Under the influence, its own power will not fail.


Superstar found a star screen world almost close by.

It is a giant star closer to the sun than a superbody star, a perfect stable star in the warm zone of the star, with a volume diameter that is much larger than that of a superbody star, and the history of its birth is far beyond that of a superbody star. Imagined heaven, cradle of life!

Attempt to resurrect the superstar with the help of the star screen world. After the superhumans started the interstellar wandering self-rescue plan, on the way, due to the supernatural star's natural law completely disappeared, the world's atmosphere collapsed, and the superbody star gradually merged with the infinitely dead and icy universe One.

The icy cosmic space engulfs all living things on this small celestial body.

The extremely lack of energy made Superman have to develop a citizen number system to eliminate those who are useless and even recycle them.

And in this icy, dead, and desperate end world, A2 was born.

He discovered the physical laws of coldness!

The so-called law of cold physics is a desperate physical law.

Due to the loss of the laws of nature, the superstars of the atmosphere gradually began to merge into the cold and quiet of the universe. Countless superhumans were eliminated by the civil system. All the energy was prepared for interstellar voyages spanning hundreds of years. In the age when energy was used to the limit, A2 finally found this physical law that made him and all superhumans feel endless despair.

Any kinetic energy, no matter how it is implemented, must run at the expense of the thermal energy of the machine itself.

In other words, in addition to the heat required by the kinetic energy device itself, its temperature must also be higher than that of the surrounding environment, so that the thermal power can be diffused and the device can be operated.

Based on this, further research.

If the definition of the unit of energy in the basic particle nucleus is broken, the form of energy is no longer determined by the particle nucleus, then from the macroscopic perspective of the broader universe, the so-called energy is nothing but 'disordered units' in the universe. Density.

On the icy superbody star, the dead superbody star is all at rest and at rest. This is because the energy here is changing from a local densely concentrated state to an evenly distributed state, due to the cold silence where everything stops.

And the end point of the universe is likely to be from a local dense disorder, an excessively evenly distributed order, and eventually reduced to an absolute cold, silent, and static form.

Superbody infers that this is an irreversible process!

The operation of the universe, all the energy operation, is to realize this final silence, the energy flow unfolded.

It is inferred from this that all conventional energy utilization methods in the universe are nothing more than using the "potential energy" of the universe to death, turning high-density disordered units into ordered units, which is also the precious point of high-density energy crystals. .

It can also be said!

Every time the biological use of energy is insignificant to the universe as a whole, but in fact it is accelerating the process of local cosmic death, because it is accelerating the flow process of the universe's "potential energy", and the basic unit of the universe is classified as absolute Average, absolute stillness.

This kind of silence, even the centrifugal core of the basic particles, will lose potential energy and no longer revolve around the core particles.

Superbody A2, called the law of indifference!

Superman A2 prophecy.

The whole universe will one day enter a state of absolute stillness and absolute silence, and all the most basic units that make up the universe will be absolutely evenly distributed in each space in the most static state.

A2, who discovered this desperate law of physics, also created the law of indifference ~ ~ and became the supreme chief of the Superstar Star Wars Committee.

The so-called Lonely Death Orbital Gun is one of the weapons of war left by A2.

This is also the most conventional strategic means used by superstars to attack the star screen world in ancient times.

Its ability, in the eyes of the creatures in the star screen world, is to deprive the physical properties of all matter and energy in the trajectory of the projectile and truly "annihilate" it.

of course.

Although this is a physical law full of despair observed and studied by Superman, it still has to follow the law of conservation. In this young universe, or this young astral world full of natural energy, Superman launches every time The devastating results it causes must be paid at a corresponding price.

And this cost, that is, the raw material for launching the Cold Death Orbital Gun Attack, is a non-renewable scarce resource for Superman, and the amount of control is extremely limited.

Superbody NB19920414 hurriedly reported the situation to the War Commission.

"Got it."

The committee gave a short answer, and did not make any inquiry, which caused the Superman No. NB19920414 to regain his mind and return to calm.

Want to come too.

No matter who caused the cold orbit gun to start, whether it was an accident, but only need to know that the rail gun is locked in the energy prison.

Because the guidance material will never lock the Superbody itself.

"It's a pest anyway."

With a murmur, Superman NB19920414 started the busy energy filling mission of the Death Orbiter.

What this humble superhuman does not know is.

It is the cold death rail gun under his charge, the touch screen light curtain control device that has not been pressed, which has completely changed an era of humanity in the star screen world.

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