God's Dynasty

Chapter 18 - Accepting the Escort Mission!

After training and resting at the Inn, Ryan headed towards the temples.

All of the temples that follow the seven gods usually are located in places that are in between both the slums of Beret and the High end roads, so that they could attract both nobles and commoners alike to pray.

The specific temple Ryan now seeks is the god of knowledge, which resides on the busiest street within the city.

"Don't push me!"

"Keep your hands off me!"

The temple was quite crowded, this is because among the temples, the temple of knowledge is the most popular one.

That is because the protectors who serve the god of knowledge could perform miracles and give out dėsɨrėd information to those in need.

Of course, the price to hire such a service was extremely expensive. So it was likely to only be used by the wealthy within Beret.

"Brother, come in!"

After waiting in line for a long time, Ryan entered a dark private room and sat face to face with a protector.

Armed guards stood left and right of the protector, both glaring at Ryan. Weapons are usually taken away at the entrance, however that isn't to say that someone wouldn't just kill the protector with their own bȧrė hands.

"I wish to know the location of a specific place."

"Tell me."

"Count Kissen's barony and also Baron Darth's barony in the empire."

"Geographical information… If that's all you must donate 6 silver coins."

As instructed, Ryan took out 6 silver coins and threw them inside a box next to the protector. The security guard who was guarding the door then checked the box before nodding his head towards the protector.

"Oh, God of Knowledge, please provide me power to perform a miracle in your name!"

Watching the protector do his incantation, Ryan looked on with a cynical look on his face.

To him, this temple was nothing more than a information guild, and that all he was doing was buying information for a price.

"It's done."

After awhile, he held out the piece of paper and handed it to Ryan.

"Here is the directions, hope you fi-"

"I can't read."


The protector rubbed his head, usually people who come to the temple were well educated and could read and write the Eastern language fluently.

He then read the paper and explained where each of the locations were.

"Alright, if you head southwest to the Imperial Border then you'll arrive at Baron Darth's fiefdom, then if you head south from there then you'll arrive at Count Aiden's fiefdom which was previously held by the Kissen Family."

Ryan then nodded his head, and stood up. The protector also stood up before offering Ryan a firm handshake.

"By the way, do not mention Kissen when you arrive there. Kissen had fallen three hundreds ago, and many members of the Aiden family who are currently ruling there are very sėnsɨtɨvė on that history."

Ryan knew Ethan had a troubled past, perhaps this was related to it?

Shaking his head, Ryan bowed his head before walking out.

"Please come again next time brother!"


Next to the temple, there was a mansion that was protected by a massive wall.

Baron Darth before he had left the Flaming Horse Inn had given Ryan an address of the mansion, telling him to come if he wanted to accept the escort quest.

As he walked into the entrance, the guard who was protecting it walked up to him.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to see Sir Darth, tell him Ryan is here."

A few minutes later, the guard then spoke again.

"You may come in."

Inside the mansion, it was splendid. Beautiful art, tapestries and expensive furniture covered the first floor.

After walking for a few minutes, Darth who saw Ryan from a distance rushed towards him with quick pace before tapping Ryan's shoulder.

"Ryan! You are here! Is it what I think it is?"

"Yes, I will take the order."

"Great! You won't regret it. It really is hard to find talented Aurora users!"

Darth smiled, he looked extremely pleased that Ryan had finally accepted. Ryan then shook his head before asking a question of his own.

"Last time you said you would leave in a week, so you leaving in two days?"

Ryan nodded, now that he knew how long he had left before leaving the city, he needed to make a trip to the blacksmith.

He did not reach the point where he could freely wield the sword with Aurora, but he could at least now fire the Aurora if needed.

"Alright, while you are here why not stay here instead of the Inn? After dinner you may talk to the other people who will be escorting us, some are even mages."

"… mages?"

Ryan clicked his tongue, but Darth waved his hands.

"No, you do not need to be suspicious of them. The mage has been approved by the temple!"

"Okay, I'll stay over. I only need to prepare a few things before we set off."

Ryan nodded, and Darth gestured to a servant who was walking passed them.

"Yes, Lord?"

"Give my friend here a room of his own. Even though he may look young, he is an Aurora user so please treat him special."

The servant nodded before taking Ryan towards a room.



The room was more than what Ryan had expected.

The lodgings in the Fairy Inn were very luxurious, but compared to this room it wasn't even in the same level. Perhaps this room was supposed to be for rich nobles that could afford to rent a house instead of the Fairy Inn.

'Tsk, Darth seems very wealthy to rent such a place.'

Ryan knew that being highly valued by Darth might be burdensome, after all he did not wish to be working for any man anymore, but for his self.

'Well, I could now start training here rather than outside which is a plus.'

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