“He left me the biggest one, but, just to my liking.” The assassin of the mysterious 9th layer realm, of course, came to chase Huo Tianci, but this did not happen to Huo Tianci, after all, he , Is the master, it is Song Tianzong and Gu Hongtao who must kill.

“Boy, my legs are so scared that I can’t run anymore!” Seeing Huo Tianci stop moving, the killer showed a slight smile.

“Ye~, you can talk, I thought you were a dumb man.” Huo Tianci also smiled, because there are traps he set up in this area.

This is why he said to Ren Hui and the others before-you all know this sentence, because they can use these traps to fight these three killers.


At this moment, the explosion sounded suddenly. Not surprisingly, it was one of the two killers who stepped on the detonation symbol buried in the ground, or touched the detonation symbol. The agency.

This explosion, of course, also aroused the curiosity of the killer, because he was attracted by the explosion, and then hit Huo Tianci, speaking of which, he still needs Thanks for the explosion.

But what he didn’t know was that these explosions were all made by Huo Tianci. Not only that, but he even said with a fluke: “Your friends, maybe they have been bombed. I’m dead, if you are now, you are the only one left. Give me pay with your life!”

The words fell, this killer holding a steel sword, used the sword to call, and moved towards Huo Tianci and waved. To go.

However, when he rushed halfway, he felt his knees and touched something similar to a rope. This rope is very thin and can’t be seen with naked eye. This is the string purchased by Huo Tianci in the Chamber of Commerce in the Black River Fort before Huo Tianci left. The purpose is to match the use of the detonator.

Of course, it can also cooperate with some other small organizations.

In the end, the mechanism was triggered, the sharp bamboo poles hidden on both sides of the trees, whiz whiz whiz’s moved towards the killer head shot, of course, this is not the point, the point is, on each bamboo pole , Huo Tianci affixed a detonating talisman, if you resist, the detonating talisman will inevitably explode, but if you do not resist, the sharpened bamboo pole will definitely attack you and shoot you.

Of course, you can hide, but the formation that this bamboo pole shoots is a character shape, and there are ambushes on the left and right sides, ordinary people, but can’t hide at all, I have to say, Huo Tianci is very insidious .

“Good boy, there is an ambush!” With a tight heart, the killer was stunned. It is precisely because of this momentary stun that he was completely lost and could escape this hidden weapon bamboo pole. Therefore, he held a steel sword and prepared to cut off the bamboo poles that had been shot quickly. It was a pity that the ideals were rich, and the reality was too skinny, because Huo Tianci had two-handed preparation.

Finally, the detonation symbol hidden on the bamboo pole exploded, and black smoke floated.

“Yo~, life is quite hard.” After the black smoke dissipated, the assassin still had a breath, which made Huo Tianci a little surprised.

“It should be used, some life-saving method.” Huo Tianci guessed, otherwise, the martial artist of the Profound Realm is basically impossible to use the body, and can resist these six or seven. Zhang, the formidable power of the detonator explosion.

Huo Tianci’s guess is true, because at the last moment, the killer spurred a Life Protecting Talisman urn, and finally the Earth Attribute in the talisman covered his whole body, which made him , Survived the disaster.

Five Elements Profound Qi, Earth Attribute, in order to defend the attribute, envelops the Earth Attribute Profound Qi all over the body, no less than putting on a thick Yellow Grade armor on the body, which is exactly Because of this, this kind of Life Protecting Talisman urn is extremely popular, because most people can’t afford Yellow Grade armor, but this Life Protecting Talisman urn can give you a chance to wear Yellow Grade armor.

However, even so, this killer could not hold his head hard, those six or seven detonating charms, and the formidable power that exploded together, because he only had a breath left now.

“Boy, I want you to die!” But one sigh of relief was enough. In the end, I saw the killer’s head, with a slight sense of rejuvenation. He suddenly jumped from the ground and rushed towards Huo Tianci. .

In the face of this, Huo Tianci turned his head calmly, and then only saw him, neither fast nor slow threw a bottle-shaped thing on the ground.

After that, only a scream came from behind.

“Ah! My eyes!”

Yes, this jar-shaped thing is the flash bomb, which was shot by the extremely strong white light, that killer , He lost his vision instantly, and the powerful dazzling rays of light also made him lose battle strength instantly.

At the same time, Huo Tianci, who had thrown flash bombs, turned around neither fast nor slow, took out and beheaded a big knife, and a single cut ended him, almost as easy as blowing off dust, I have to say that sometimes equipment is more important than strength. This is the difference between having Divine Item and not having Divine Item. In terms of online games, I am a RMB player, so I ask if you are afraid. .

“ding” system hint: Huo Tianci kills the killer and gains cultivation base value of 50,000 points, and the upper limit of profound energy value is increased by 2.

Get the kill reward: one blood cane pill and two Grade 1 True Blood pill.

The “ding” cultivation base value is full, the host needs to open up the Yang Qiao pulse before it can break through to the mysterious 2nd layer state.

Immediately afterwards, the reminder to trigger the task sounded again.

“ding” system hint: the host activates [repeated hatred task].

[Repeated Enmity Mission]: Kill all the dead men and killers who come, complete the reward, and set a body spell.

“The fixation spell? is it possible that this is the spell in Taoist Maoshan technique!” As soon as the reward name came out, Huo Tianci immediately remembered that he saw those zombie films on the earth. The protagonist, Lin Zhengying, can use this fixation curse, apart from this. Celestial Immortal in some fairy tales will also use this trick, point a finger, and say the word “fixed” in his mouth, the person being pointed out, Just like a rock at once, stiff in place, it is impossible to move even a little bit.

“This reward is good!” Huo Tianci was a little excited.

At this moment, a good news came.

“God gifted brother, how about you here?” Ren Hui and Ren Bin, also as easy as blowing off dust, killed the killer, because the strength of that killer was only Xuanju 6th- In the layer environment, with the help of hidden weapon’s power, Ren Hui directly “cut him down” with a single knife.

“Everything is going well.” Huo Tianci pointed to the head of the assassin who separated his family, and said slightly proudly, because this assassin could have the strength of the 9th layer of the profound practitioner, crossing the eighth rank. He kills, and it’s as easy as blowing off dust. Seriously, this can make the headlines of the sub-section of the Daliang Daily.

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