So use thunder means, to force them back is the best policy. Obviously, Huo Tianci succeeded, because some small alliances, even some medium alliances, have completely given up chasing Huo Tianci. The idea of ​​five people, because this is just like what I said before, these two hundred and fifty cold wind fruits are really not that easy to get.

But at this moment.


A string of rapid footsteps suddenly appeared nearby.

Clair eyes and ears-open!

In an instant, Huo Tianci saw three masked killers, and they were advancing rapidly. It is estimated that the sound of footsteps appeared because of the extremely fast speed.

“It’s dangerous! Come here!” The next second, Huo Tianci hurriedly shouted, because each of the killers held some hidden weapon darts in their hands.


The hidden weapon dart is in the shape of a small sword, and a little green light is faintly revealed on it. From this look, it must be poisoned.

The most terrible thing is that the hidden weapon flies very fast, so it must be too late to hide.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci let Ren Hui and the others move towards him, and finally Huo Tianci said anxiously: “All stand behind me!”


Although I don’t know what it means, Ren Hui and the others immediately followed suit, because they all believed in Huo Tianci.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique entangled in the body, profound energy gushing out, and the Blade Technique was displayed, creating a new world!

At the same time, the huge beheading sword, the formidable power is fully displayed, it is cut out with a single knife, the air is raging, and the power of the blade technique is complemented by the power of the blade technique. I saw the few shots flying towards him The hidden weapons were all scattered by a blast and fell to the ground.

After this scene appeared, the headed masked killer, his eyebrows were slightly condensed, because he boasted, Huo Tianci five people, must have to hit the dart, because they were a sneak attack, and Huo Tianci How could it be possible to react.

Because the shot was unsuccessful, the leading killer immediately gave the other two people a wink, and immediately, the three of them moved and dived above the big tree, and finally formed a triangular formation, bringing the five Huo Tianci together. , Tuantuan surrounded it.

“What a great skill! Especially the tacit understanding.” Huo Tianci thought, this must be that, a professional killer.

“No accident, you should be the Song Family, or someone sent by the Gu family.” Huo Tianci said, but the killer is quite content, because Huo Tianci and the others, About to fall, when the time comes dead, but he won’t speak.

“Brother Tian, ​​what should we do?” Seeing being besieged, Dong Pengfei immediately panicked, because they are now the live target, the live target surrounded by people 360 ​​degrees.

“Don’t panic, you can just stand still.” Huo Tianci corner of the mouth raise, also contented.

In this way, the three assassins felt that Huo Tianci was preparing to break the jar, waiting to be killed. In this case, of course they had to send him on the road.

Finally, the hidden weapon is now that the three killers are in a triangular siege and moved towards Huo Tianci and the others together, hurriedly shooting out the hidden weapon in their hands.

This hidden weapon has been quenched with Wudu Powder. As long as a little bit of skin is scratched, it is enough for enemies below the profound practitioner realm to die more than ten times, so these three killers Very confident, Huo Tianci, surely cannot escape this disaster.

Finally, accompanied by the sound of 咻~咻~咻, dozens of hidden weapons attacked the five Huo Tianci.

“It’s over, it’s definitely over.” Dong Pengfei panicked to death, Ren Hui and Ren Bin’s brother took a deep swallow, while Heizi hid timidly in Huo Tianci Behind him, his mouth was pouted.

However, there was only Huo Tianci, with a calm expression on his face. In the end, he saw his arms stretched to the sky, slowly falling together, and he almost said, Amitabha is here.

When Dong Pengfei saw this, he was impatient: “Brother Tian, ​​at this time, it is useless to ask God to worship Buddha!”

“Of course I know this.” Huo Tianci gave him a blank look. Finally, when his palm was closed, a golden light appeared on the top of Huo Tianci’s head, and finally appeared as a giant bell. It was trapped around Huo Tianci’s body, and the four people including the black man Dong Pengfei were all wrapped in Inside.

Golden Bell Cover!

Golden rays of light came out, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and in the end, I saw dozens of hidden weapons flying in, all of which were resisted by Huo Tianci’s Golden Bell Cover.

After this scene appeared, the eyes of the three assassins were incredible, because Huo Tianci unexpectedly had such a trick. The thing that left them most speechless was that Huo Tianci turned the powerful gold attribute. Mysterious skills are used for resistance. Isn’t this a reckless waste of natural resources?

However, this is not something that Huo Tianci can control, because Golden Bell Cover originates from Shaolin, and Shaolin martial arts advocates cultivating oneself with martial arts. To put it bluntly, it means passive defense. Others fight each other, so this Golden Bell Cover is just for defense, otherwise, it must be extremely powerful.

“Hey~hey, there is no way.” Golden Bell Cover, but there is no dead angle defense in 360 degrees, so Huo Tianci is not worried at all. These three killers will come with hidden weapon.

The killer also discovered this. What’s more, they want to grab the time and kill the Huo Tianci as soon as possible, otherwise it will take a long time and be discovered by the tutors of Fuzhou Academy. Then they can I can’t run anymore.

The last three of them looked at each other and pulled out their back long sword and jumped off the tree, ready to fight Huo Tianci and the others close to each other, using the most direct way to kill Huo Tianci and the others , After all, they all have the strength above the 5th layer of the Profound Apprentice. Among them, the leading killer, his strength can reach the Peak of the 9th layer of Profound Apprentice. He thought to himself to kill Huo Tianci. Definitely as easy as blowing off dust.

It’s a pity that he thinks too much.

“You all know the place, then let’s disperse first.” Huo Tianci is going to disperse these three people first, and then annihilate them individually, otherwise, the three people who have a good understanding of understanding will advance and retreat together. The battle strength will definitely increase exponentially.

After that, the five Huo Tianci members, according to the pre-divided group, dispersed in one hug, moved towards three directions, and fled.

Huo Tianci is a single player, Heizi and Dong Pengfei are a team, and Ren Hui and Ren Bin are brothers, but the same.

“Don’t just think about arresting me, because if they escape and report the matter to the Academy instructor, then you, too, have to finish it. Maybe, your background , And you will suffer because of this, to bring disaster to innocent people, you can weigh it yourself.” Seeing that all three of them were going to catch Huo Tianci, Huo Tianci immediately told them a lot of great principles.

Sure enough, in the next second, two killers turned their heads and went after Dong Pengfei and Heizi, as well as the brothers Ren Hui and Ren Bin.

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