For a moment!


A holy light that was brighter than the sun suddenly burst from the man!

The holy light is as solid as the essence, with the high temperature of incineration!

next moment!


Including the black driver, all the robbers who appeared here were completely wiped out in an instant!

"...Those who want to get rich are trapped in confusion, trapped, and many ignorant and harmful selfish desires, sinking people into corruption and destruction..."

The man recites the holy scripture in a low voice!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

After a recitation, the man's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Francis! Come back! That person has returned to China!"

Green's voice came from the phone!

"Don't chase him?"

Francis frowned slightly!

"No! Don't go! Huaxia is the habitat of evil dragons, a forbidden place where our Lord's light cannot shine!"

"Forbidden area... One day, the Lord's light will completely purify it!"

In Francis' eyes, there was gradually a trace of enthusiasm!

"You are right, but now, the Lord needs warriors like you! The Dark Council is starting to move around again, to purify them!"

"...As you wish!"



Looking at the sun outside the window, Zhou Ning's heart seemed to fall into the ice cave a little bit!

"You mean, all the people sent to Los Angeles are dead?"


"Zhou Ying, they are also missing?"


"As for Jiang Fan, did he even disappear?"

"this is!"

Cheng Yu was sweating profusely, except for the answer, completely lost!

This series of changes is really amazing!

Not to mention Zhou Ning, even if he got the information in advance, he still feels dreaming now!

"Haha, hahaha!"

Zhou Ning suddenly couldn't help but laughed!

"Ning, Ning Shao?"

Cheng Yu looked at Zhou Ning blankly!

for a long time!

"Good! Very good! Great!"

The corners of Zhou Ning's eyes twitched, and the expression in his eyes seemed to ignite two blazes!

"Jiang Fan! You little sinner!"

"Do you want to play with me? Okay! Then I will accompany you for fun!"

"Cheng Yu! Get a car! I'm going to see Grandpa!"

"Young Master Ning! No way! The old man knows this, he will definitely not spare you!"

Cheng Yu hurriedly spoke!

"Forget it! If you don't get rid of Jiang Fan quickly, I'm afraid it will be even worse in the future!"

"Shao Ning! Three days! Wait another three days! I have sent a second wave of manpower from the European side. Within three days, I will definitely be able to find Jiang Fan's trace!"

"As long as you find Jiang Fan, it's easy to kill him! Once Jiang Fan dies, Los Angeles is nothing but fat on the chopping board!"

"Three days! Ning Shao, only three days!"

"...Okay! Just wait three more days!"

Zhou Ning clenched his teeth!

Finally spit out a foul breath!

"By the way, Shao Ning, one more thing!"


"Yes! Just now when my subordinates dealt with Zhou Ming's relics, they found a diary. Although there was no important information in it, one of them was about the first time he went to Los Angeles to inquire about news!"

"The above said that a fat fat man from Blue Eagle lied to him! Zhou Ming went this time, originally intending to kill the fat man, but..."

Cheng Yu clicked it all!

"Fine! Zhou Ming has been with me for more than ten years, just find someone to help him with this wish!"




With a roar, the plane finally landed slowly at the Beijing Airport!

Jiang Fan just walked out of the cabin and took a deep breath!

"Well! That's the smell! It's still the smog of the hometown!"

"What the master said is, but the smog smell in the past few years is too weak, I am afraid that it will not be smelled in a few years!"

Wang Yi looked sorry!

"The young people in the future will lose a taste of memory again, alas! Cherish it!"

A group of people got off the plane with a smile!

At this moment, Zhang Wentao, Li Tianlin and others with excited faces are already waiting here!

"Mr. Water, all the things that have been promoted by the world this time have been passed back! You are really amazing!"

"All kinds of media are going crazy now!"

"Music emperor! Master of magic! Gift of life! Obese nemesis! Master of martial arts!"

"Mr. Water, you are now a national star!"

"In the history of China, even in the history of the world, there is no second star that is more popular than you!"

Zhang Wentao was trembling with excitement!


This is a miracle!

And it was a miracle discovered by him alone!

This kind of pride is totally beyond the comprehension of others!

The other people who came to pick up the airport were even flushed!

The eyes that looked at Jiang Fan were full of worship!

"Where and where, to win glory for the country, everyone is responsible!"

Jiang Fan said politely. Soon, a group of people left the airport secretly and went straight to the hotel!

The hotel arranged by Zhang Wentao is located in Yong'an District of Beijing, named Beihai Hotel, which is one of the best hotels in Beijing!

It was nine o'clock in the evening, everyone made some repairs and went directly to the hotel arranged by Zhang Wentao!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly grabbed Zhang Wentao!

"I still have something to do, you go first!"

Zhang Wentao was startled!

But he nodded immediately!

"Mr. Water, rest assured, I booked a private room. If you are not with the staff, no one will find you missing!"

After getting along for so long, he knows Jiang Fan's details. As for what Jiang Fan is going to do, it is not what he can think of!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Seeing everyone leaving, Jiang Fan immediately took out his mobile phone and looked at a number!

After a long time, he finally dialed!

The phone rang for half a minute before it was picked up!

Immediately afterwards, a two-point trembling voice suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan?"

That voice is indeed Chen Ling's!

"Ms. Chen, are you okay?"

"Um! You, why would you call me?"

"Don't ask so much, can you come out?"

"No, since I came back, I have been under house arrest. I can't go anywhere except the Chen family! Huh? You, did you come to the capital?"

"Well! Where is your room, I'll find you!"

"What?! Jiang Fan, don't be impulsive! The Chen family uses martial arts to build a family, and the master is like a cloud, you must not come!"

"Don't worry, even if there is a great master, it can't stop me!"

"You... well, then you must be careful!"

Chen Ling quickly recounted the arrangement of the Chen family!

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and immediately took out a set of hoodies from his backpack!

Then went straight to Chen's house silently!

The Chen family is located in the eastern part of the capital, covering a very wide area, with high walls and antique buildings!

At this moment, in the north of the house, in a separate room!

Chen Ling, who looked haggard, was looking at her phone blankly!

Jiang Fan!

She didn't expect Jiang Fan to actually come!

This fool!

Doesn't he know where the Chen family is? How dangerous will he be?

Grandpa now knows that he has given Jiang Fan the "punishment order" in the family!

If you weren't obedient and willing to marry Lin An, I'm afraid Grandpa would have taken action long ago and killed Jiang Fan!

This fool is actually going to come to the door now!

"Idiot! Fool! Big idiot!"

Chen Ling cursed and cursed, two lines of tears were already flowing out of her eyes, but the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously!

At this moment, she just felt that the previous effort was so worthwhile!

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