The convoy was driving fast on the way to the airport!

Originally, the celebration party arranged by Colin would continue for a while, but the people on the crew felt like an arrow. Colin also noticed that everyone was absent-minded, and immediately declared it over!

Soon, the convoy drove directly to a private tarmac on the airport!

Here, a private jet belonging to Golden Globe Pictures is ready!

Jiang Fan and the others were about to board the plane, but they found a great chaos near a waiting plane not far away!

"what happened?"

"Someone seems to be blocking boarding!"

"The opposing party's power is not small, and it can even stop the plane!"

"All parties in Evernight City are mixed, and there are all kinds of big chaebols everywhere, not to mention blocking the plane, it is normal to smash the plane!"

The crowd talked!

But Jiang Fan and others just glanced at it and stopped paying more attention!

"It's a pity, I didn't expect Mr. Jiang Fan to have taken a step first, please tell him, if he comes to Evernight, he must contact me!"

Colin looked disappointed!

"Okay, I will convey it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Mr. Water, I wish you all the best!"


As everyone boarded the plane, the plane immediately slid into the sky!

And where the plane was, the middle-aged man under Brandon had walked out of the cabin with a gloomy expression!

"Damn it! The crew didn't come!"

"Sir, what's next?"

One of the subordinates asked!

"Wait! The ticket is not refunded, they must have not arrived yet! Stop me all around the airport!"


On the plane of Jiang Fan and his party!

At this moment, the singing and dancing are rising!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with a look of excitement and admiration!

In this global promotion, not only did the task successfully completed, everyone also got countless benefits!

Just received a bunch of jewelry and gifts!

All from Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


Wang Yi's face suddenly hurts!

"what happened?"

"Master! I forgot to refund the previous ticket!"

"Damn! If you don't retreat, you don't retreat!"

"No! A lot of money!"

"Look at your good points!"

Jiang Fan looked disgusted!

At this time Su Lingyu came over!

"Jiang Fan, let's talk!"

"Talk about it?"


Su Lingyu looked serious!

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment and nodded!

The two came to the sofa in front!

"Jiang Fan, these days, we seem to have never really talked about it seriously!"

"When we return to China, we can spend time together like this, I'm afraid it will be even less..."

In Su Lingyu's eyes, there was a hint of perseverance!

Jiang Fan panicked. He has not been idle these days. On the one hand, it is for causality, but in fact, it is also hiding Su Lingyu!

Since that night in Vienna, Su Lingyu and him almost had a story. In addition to propaganda work, Jiang Fan has avoided Su Lingyu as much as possible for fear that something will really happen to the two!

Su Lingyu is very attractive, no normal man can refuse, including Jiang Fan too!

However, Jiang Fan has no interest in children at all now!

If something happened to him with a woman around him, there would be no benefit at all except to create a weakness for himself!

"Jiang Fan, I know you are hiding from me these days!"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan's dodging eyes and suddenly smiled!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly and was about to speak, but Su Lingyu shook his head!

"I know, it's because of the Zhou family? You don't want to hurt me!"

Jiang Fan sighed, Su Lingyu is really ice and snow smart, so she knew it a long time ago, no wonder she had never looked for herself alone during this period of time!

"Jiang Fan, I just want to tell you, I...I will wait for you!"

Su Lingyu looked directly at Jiang Fan, her eyes were pure, without any trace of impurities!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled, and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch Su Lingyu's cheek!

However, when his hand reached mid-air, Jiang Fan resisted the impulse, instead, picked up a bottle of water and handed it to Su Lingyu!

"Lingyu, the Zhou family is too powerful. I want to defeat them with my current strength. I don't know how long it will take. You..."

"Stop talking! I don't want to hear the rest!"

Su Lingyu interrupted Jiang Fan directly!

"Jiang Fan, I just want to ask you, do you have me in your heart?"


Jiang Fan did not hesitate!

"That's enough!"

Su Lingyu smiles like a flower!

Seeing Su Lingyu's appearance, Jiang Fan couldn't help but smile!

for a long time!

"Jiang Fan, the capital belongs to the Zhou family. Promise me that after I go back, I won't be impulsive in everything!"

"I promise you! But, what if you don't open your eyes?"

"I just told you not to be impulsive, but I didn't want you to be wronged!"

"As expected to be my Queen Su Ying, she is clearly organized!"

"Hee hee! Thank you!"

The two were silent for a short while, Su Lingyu suddenly spoke!

"Seven giants, four great families, they are very famous in China, but few people know that there are four hidden families, not rich, better than rich!"

"Jiang Fan, when I heard your name before, I never thought that you would be a hidden family, the young master of the Jiang family!"

When Su Lingyu uttered these words, he still had a hint of incredibleness!

"Hidden Family?"

"Yes, Jiang, Feng, Yu, Huo, the Jiang family ranked first! Why, don't you know?"

Su Lingyu looked surprised!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly. In fact, when he was in Shencheng, he heard these four words from an outsider of the Lu family, but he only thought it was the Jiang family at the time. He didn't expect these four words to refer to There are actually four families!

"The hidden family, ranked first?"

Jiang Fan looked blank!

"Of course! Jiang family's money! Feng family's knife! Yu family's boat! Huo family's punch! Really big people, there is no one who doesn't know!"

Su Lingyu looked serious!

Is the Jiang family so hungry?

A strange feeling suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's heart, always feeling that he didn't know what went wrong!

He tried to no avail, and suddenly looked at Su Lingyu!

"Wait! How did you know?"

"I... hee hee, I won't tell you!"

"Then what if I force a confession?"

"You, dare you! Yu Rui, save me!"

"Asshole! You beast! Let go, Miss!"


There was a commotion on the plane!

At this moment, another plane has slowly landed in the city that never sleeps!

Before long, a stubble-faced man walked out of the airport slowly!

This man looks in his thirties and looks handsome, but his whole body is full of decadence!

When a black taxi driver with a cigarette in his mouth saw him, his eyes lit up!

"Hey! Sir, take a taxi?"

The man glanced at him quietly and nodded!

The driver immediately smiled and helped him open the door!

"Where are you going, sir?"

"Grammei Hotel!"

The man's voice is low and hoarse!

The eyes of the black driver suddenly became brighter!

Soon, the car started, twisting and turning all the way, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated small building!

"Sir, we are at the place, please get off the bus!"

The black man gave a weird laugh. At the same time, seven or eight brawny men surrounded the car!

The man stepped out of the car expressionlessly and silently glanced at everyone!

"You guys, are you going to rob?"


The black driver smiled triumphantly!

"Fat sheep! Those who are acquainted should hand over all the money, otherwise, no one will know that there is an extra corpse!"

The man was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled!

"The city that never sleeps is really a city full of filth!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up—"

Before the black man had finished speaking, the man suddenly sighed!

"Holy Light!"

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