"……… a ceiling I don't know."

No, I know. I've been watching it for five years. It's a ceiling, though.

After I said the line I wanted to tell you once, I'll wake up and check the situation.

I thought I was practicing dirt magic, but when I found out, I slept in my room.

What if this is a staood attack from someone...?

"Oh, Aruba! You're awake!

When I was thinking about Abao, my mother came into the room screaming and rushing over to me.

"I was worried because you were down on the bench in the garden! The doctor said it was due to excessive use of magic..."

Yeah, speaking of which, Mr. Armando taught you.

The amount of magic is determined by people, and the amount of magic is increased by growth and training, but in any case when it is overused and depleted, it dies.

Hmm, they faint when they use it somewhat too much as a safety device for that.

If I recall, you were excited about the magic you did well for the first time and even drowned your magic.

I know how much magic a 5-year-old has, and I'm going to pass out.

"Sorry...... I was obsessed with practicing dirt magic"

I honestly bow my head and apologize.

"Soil magic practice? Could it be Aruba... you, practice chanting..."

When I heard it was a magical practice, my mother frowned and asked with a blaming tone.

"No, I'm not! I was practicing the magic of manipulating dirt in the garden because I said no magic would be necessary to chant. My teacher also said that if it's simple magic, I don't need chanting... and I'm obsessed with it because I did it so well."

I will rush to deny it and explain what happened earlier.

It's not worth it... Well, I look like a 5-year-old, but my mental age is almost 30 years old, including from my previous life... It's a hard story if that's what happened to a guy like that, but I'd like to think it's something I can't help but get tense about the magic I used for the first time.

"It was...... and Alba! You, are able to manipulate the soil!?

"Yeah. Even so, I can only move the dirt on my palm"

"Did Mr. Armando teach you how to do that?

"No, I'm not. The teacher said he couldn't teach because he wasn't an earthly attribute, so I thought to myself."

Well, this isn't a lie.

I used to simulate magic in my previous life, so let's just call it a result.

Magic simulation is a must for geeks. I want to think…….


Mother starts to think of something when she hears my words.

"…… Mother?

Seeing my mother thinking with a serious face makes me kind of anxious, so I talk horribly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was a little surprised. I thought you had magic talent because you're our kid, but I can't believe no one taught you how to do it."

Well, don't be surprised if an ignorant 5-year-old suddenly uses magic.

A little, I might not have thought enough.

From now on, let's try to be a little more deluded.

"And yet... Aruba is amazing. At first, I thought you had earthly attributes, but maybe you're loved by Master Wildanes."

When I say that, my mother strokes my head shabby.

"I just want you to show me your magical accomplishments, but take a rest today. Too much magic is poisonous to your body."

My mother lays me down with a gentle smile.

They say that magic recovers when you rest basically and recovers most efficiently when you go to bed.

Since the influence of the excessive use of magic or the body was weak, I decided to sleep while listening to what I had to say honestly.

The next day, fully recovered, I'm in the garden with my mother.

To show my mother the results.

"……… You can really manipulate it."

My mother stares at me like I was impressed when I put a handful of dirt on my hand like I did yesterday and start moving by the same procedure.

I feel like I can manipulate it more smoothly than I did yesterday thanks to getting the hang of it.

Well, still, I can only move a small amount and there is a brittleness that collapses as soon as force is applied from the outside.

I guess if I get used to this, I'll be able to increase hardness and manipulate more quantities...... I'll be working out a little bit because I'm doing too much again and I don't want to fall down and worry.

"I wasn't suspicious about Aruba, but it's still amazing when you look at it again. You sure nobody taught you that?

"Yeah. I thought I could manipulate magic into the soil. Yesterday, after practicing, I was able to do it."

Mother, in my words, begins to think again.

"Okay? Alba. It's good on the property, but where others are, you keep that to yourself, don't you?

"? Why is that?

"I really am. I can't teach you because I don't want you to feel bad. I'll teach you when you grow up."

Mother says so and gently strokes my head but somewhat predictable.

This is also common in cartoons and novels, because if you have a talent that deviates from the smaller part and it is a child of aristocracy, you may be able to look at it from scratch.

I don't think my talents are extraordinary, but I'm worried about my mother.

I also nodded honestly because I'm not a likable and worrying geez, and promised to keep it to myself off-site.

"That's fine. Shall we have lunch then? Wash your hands properly."

When she said that, she grinned and pulled my hand back to the mansion.

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