A month has passed since I started teaching about magic.

Magic teacher… Armando has even taught me how to control magic for the past month.

Thanks to this, I was able to remember well about the control of magic.

"Full magic is taught after enrollment, so what I teach is a preliminary in the beginning. Do you know what magic is in the first place?

Magic…… a game or something is a move that consumes MP and releases it.

Spell and activate. There are various settings for letting go of comics under contract with the Spirit of Nature.

I put this knowledge together and think about it before I say my own answer.

"The art of releasing with the help of nature......?

"Simply put, yes. But its natural power is also the power of the four gods and the Lord God. We have help from God. A spell, so to speak, is like a covenant with God. If you want to unleash the magic of fire, release it with the help of Agni, the goddess of fire. Simply put, the spell is like giving God permission to" use your power now. "

Armando explains the appearance as plainly as possible to me as a five-year-old.

"Some of them have the technique of unleashing magic without casting a spell called unchanging, but that is only a congenital attribute...... which means that only those who do not get to meet the acquired attribute and are liked by each goddess are supposedly able to handle it. Few of us know no chants, but it's hard to use them because they need more advanced technology."

Well, the point is, if you don't cheat and contribute to the goddess all the way, you won't have to ask permission to use magic all the time.

Unchanted…… what a word that tickles the middle two hearts.

I'm also concerned about other attributes, but I originally decided to be made up of dirt attributes, and it might be a good idea to compete with dirt only without getting my hands on the acquired attributes anyway.

"Imagination is key when using that and magic. If you want to unleash the magic of the flame, make the image of the flame clear. If you want the magic of the ice, make the image of the ice clear... I can't give you any definite advice because all this depends on my personal imagination. It will be completely in person qualities. To give you an extreme example, if you imagine ice to unleash the magic of the flames, the magic doesn't work."

Uh, is that the point?

If it's the magic of fire, which is often a novel or something, do you think of the phenomenon of lighter fire?

I know if it's fire or water... I wonder what the image of soil is...

Hard or something?

Later......... sand or something.

Well, come on, let's think about it.

"Incidentally, spells are required when advanced attack magic or healing magic creates a yes from nothing. It comes from the beginning… I mean, manipulating a burning fire uses more concentration and magic, but if you get used to it, you can also exercise your technique without chanting. However, it is still significantly less effective than the magic of chanting, so it is not used outside of everyday life."

I see... does that mean that if you get used to something classified as soil, you can manipulate it to a certain extent?

It could be a big advantage to use this one.

Broadly speaking, the soil… or the earth is in many places.

Rock, sand, earth, stone. Possibly more liberal than other attributes in nature.

Still unpopular, I guess it still doesn't get researched because it looks so plain.

"Master Aruba is an earthly attribute, so I can't teach him details. I know you'll be at Wangdu's school of magic, but there's less to learn about earthly attributes in the first place."

Well, he didn't bother trying to extremes unpopular attributes.

If that were the case, it would put on the desired acquired attribute.

The lesson ended that day with a lesson in light magic.

Every day since I learned the magic control, the main thing is to train the control, which also ends in about two or three hours a day.

The reason is to say I'm only 5 years old and to say not to get weird habits before I go into school.

It's only a study to prevent magic from erupting before you learn it in earnest.

Yeah, well, I forgot to mention that in this world, instead of science, magic is developed, and there are a number of demonization products that are not magical appliances that use magic rather than electricity.

Using a demonic stone that is magical in nature, for example, if you add cold air, the refrigerator can be used, and it can be used continuously by using magic on a regular basis.

With its application, there is also a clock, which is calculated in 24 hours a day, so I can check the time from time to time.

Magic and science are often said to be the same where they end up, but I thought that's exactly what happened.

After class, I was wondering if I could use some simple magic in the mansion yard.

The magic that requires chanting is that Mr. Armando told me it was forbidden until I entered the school, so I'm going to practice it with magic that I don't need.

Because we are trying to extremes an unusual earthly attribute, such a dream would not come true if it were proceeding in the same curriculum as other attributes.

First, you have to understand the earth attributes.

When I grab a handful of dirt, I sit on the bench and look at the dirt.

Armando said that if he did get used to it without chanting, he would be inferior to chanting but able to manipulate it.

It's only my prediction, but if I train, I might be able to defend myself with sand or something like that, like some ninja comic strip.

I'll start by thinking about moving the dirt to the dirt I was looking at.

However, the soil shows no signs of movement at all.

It still doesn't seem to work with vague orders just to say imagination matters.

Next, I concentrate my spirit and clearly picture the movement of the earth.

Imagine the soil moving into a raised mountain-like shape and pouring magic into the soil on your hands with the application of the control of magic.

It didn't respond at all at first, and when I tried several times and it was time to start losing focus, it happened.

Because my eyes were closed, I didn't know it was clear, but I felt the earth move slightly.

For a moment, I thought it was the wind, but it was currently windless, so it was not.

I suppress feelings of deviation, take a deep breath and refocus once again, and now repeat the same process as I did earlier, looking firmly at the soil.

Then, the soil did move.

Without it, the soil gathers in the middle of the hand and becomes like a subtle but mountainous...

I can't say much about it as a result, but the fact that I manipulated the soil is still huge.

"Whoa... do it..."

I wanted to say something touching, but my emotions preceded me and I couldn't speak well.

Actually, it's my first magic, so it's natural.

I'm happy and then I try again and again.

As many times as I did it, it became active, in such a way that I could see it properly as a mountain, and after that, the dirt on my hands would still be able to do some of the shape I wanted.

I was completely obsessed and lost track of time playing in the dirt, and suddenly my consciousness was cut off there.

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