Global Sky Online

Chapter 616: plan

"It was the fat aunt prophet who brought me a plate of freshly baked cookies for me to eat. Who knows she just wanted to give me one. When we finish the dream planting task, if the resistance humans in the upper world have not yet appeared, we will come again. Try to dream here. "Lake replied to the little queen.

Rick didn't tell the little queen that he took the curse and jumped the sword, and wanted to propagate the fat aunt, who was immediately called a thug by the fat aunt and hit him downstairs.

"Okay, you can finish this dream planting task first. I hope what you see in your dream is a true prophet, so we will have a chance to leave this matrix world." The little queen replied.

Several people walked out of the slum, and all sat on Saito's extended car.

There was still cold drink in the car. It was too hot this day, and the fat man was hot and thirsty after walking for a while.

"Let's go to dinner first. I'll let people book a flight ticket. After we have eaten, we will go to the city where my business rival is located to prepare. His Holiness, do you need any more manpower or items?" Saito looked Rick.

"It's enough people, and the rest of the time, just wait for your competitor to die." Rake said.

Twenty minutes later, Saito hosted a banquet in a large private room of a high-end hotel.

The members of the Pirates of the Dream team are also not polite to the big boss Saito, who specializes in picking expensive and uneaten items, and the best drinks.

More than two hours later, when leaving, Saito had to ask his bodyguard to come up and carry the drunk pharmacist together.

Rick also drank some wine, but was not drunk. He went to the airport in Saito's car, boarded the plane, and then slept in his seat.

After waking up, Lake followed the plane and was picked up by Saito's car in a large villa.

Saito announced that the villa had become a temporary home for the Pirates of Dream Pirates.

Saito then took a notebook with a document in it, recording the information about the handsome guy, Bert Fitch, from childhood to age, the photos and the situation of those close to him.

This document is not bad. It looks like a special private detective brought it to Saito.

The Pirates of the Dream Team began to gather in the large living room of the villa to make plans.

With the plan in the original book as a reference, Lake and the little queen directly came up with the three-layer dream plan.

In the third dream, Bert Fitch finally thought that his father was disappointed with him because he didn't want him to go his own way again, and wanted the handsome guy Bert Fitch to start a business.

The pretender and the pharmacist who just woke up agree that this is almost the perfect triple dream solution.

"The pharmacist stayed in the double dream and was responsible for driving. The little queen stayed in the hotel in the double dream and finally was responsible for detonating the elevator to create the conditions for our body to fall. The rest of the people will enter the triple dream with me." Rick assigned the task.

"I also want to go into Bert Fitch's dream with you, and I must rest assured that he was implanted with this idea. After all, this has nothing to do with the future development of my company." Saito Kim The Lord proclaimed.

"This kind of work is not good for tourists." The disguise sitting beside him complained.

"I'll go in person. After you succeed, the pay doubles!" Saito casually said.

After hearing this, members of the dream-piracy team in the living room looked at each other. "Actually, it's okay to take the employer to visit, after all, we are all professional!" Said the fat pharmacist.

The pretender no longer objected, after all, he also couldn't live with money.

"The target character Robert Fitch, in his capacity, is very likely to be trained to prevent dream theft. When we enter his dream world, his subconscious mind should create some bodyguards or mercenaries and so on, and he should take There are firearms. The triple dream we designed this time requires heavy weapons and a bulletproof car. "Rake reminded everyone loudly.

"It turns out that the dream triple world of dreams is about to go to war, but that's quite dangerous. My high concentration sleeping pills will make you die in the dream world, and you can't come out!" Said the pharmacist fat.

"Where would you go if you didn't come out? Did you die directly?" Saito asked.

"Once you die in the triple dream, your consciousness will fall into the lost world. The lost world is the lowest level of mixed dream world in the dream. When the dead enter it, your original memory will have a great chance of being forgotten, You do n’t know if you are in the dream world or in reality. The way to leave is to stay awake in a lost state, to assume that your environment is a dream, and then die. ”Rake explained.

"Can we bring some mercenaries in, or make some hires in the dream to help us fight," Saito asked.

Both the pretender and the pharmacist shook their heads.

"The first dream is based on the brain of the target Robert Fitch. The number of people entering at one time is limited, and the six of us are already a large number. The number is increased and discovered by the target Robert Fitch himself. Will increase the probability, it will be more dangerous at that time. And if the number of people increases, the difficulty of constructing the dream space will increase by a factor of multiples ~ ~ I feel that I can set up a triple dream world. In a stable situation, the most suitable number of people to enter is six. "Adrian, the dream builder girl.

"My car skills are pretty good. If you give me a modified bulletproof car to drive, I will be in the first dream. As long as there are no accidents, even if there is a bodyguard driving a car with me, there is no problem." Fat Pharmacist said With.

"The second dream is in the hotel. I can take good care of your bodies and transport all of your bodies to the elevator. When the time comes to use music as a signal, the music will sound, and I will find a high place to fall. Before the music ends, Be sure to let your body fall. "The little queen said confidently.

Target mission Robert Fitch's mind, his subconsciously created mercenaries and bodyguards, and so on, are not much for a strong man like the little queen.

Now it is not the battle for Rick and the little queen that is difficult, but the successful construction of these triple dreams, and the target character Robert Fitch being successfully planted as in the original.

"I've been a mercenary, and I'm pretty good at fighting. I don't have a problem when fighting," said the pretender.

"Then I started to design and build these triple dream spaces. The first dream is in the city, the second dream is in the hotel, and the third dream is in the snow base. I now have the first two dreams. The environment is quite understandable, but I don't know much about the structure of the snow base! "Adrian said.

"There are shooting battle games on the Internet, there are many maps in it, you can choose a few to play a few times, and then turn those maps into a snow base like a labyrinth as much as possible." Rick thought after thinking about it.

"You should design boldly according to your own ideas. After you have designed it for me, I will give you some suggestions for modification." Said the little queen.

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