Global Sky Online

Chapter 615: Scone

"This scone tastes pretty good. I thought it was all made for me. There is one more left, so you can eat it!" Rick laughed dryly and put the scone in his hand back into the baking pan.

"I can't see through your future!" Said Aunt Fat, looking at Rick.

"Help me contact the humans in the upper world, and let them come to me half a month later. I want to go and see in the upper world. Anyway, the resistance humans in the upper world don't always come to you to see their future, just right Tell me about it and tell them. "Rake said to Aunt Fat.

"How do you want me to tell them?" Aunt Fat picked up the last piece of scone on the baking sheet and put it in her mouth to eat.

It seemed like I was worried that if I did n’t eat it, it would be eaten by the No. 2 lord in front of me.

"My name is His Holiness No. 2 and my companion is the Little Queen. You tell them that this time there have been multiple Redeemers, and it is easier for humans to fight against the robotic mother than before, and human hope is coming. No. 2 His Holiness and the Little Queen are both saviors. Go and find them! "Lak said with a smile to the prophet eating scones.

When the prophet heard it, they all caught it.

Rick hurriedly passed the glass of water next to it to the fat aunt, so as not to **** her.

"There was only one savior before. Before you came, there have been five saviors, all of them appearing alone, and one will appear after death. In these hundreds of years, two have not appeared at all at the same time. A savior. "The fat aunt took a long sip of water before she came over.

"Many more saviors, can humans have hope, don't they. These resistances, they don't want the real, the real world is already cruel to them, so don't scare them again. Let them be happy once in a while, knowing that humans know to defeat robots The mother ’s chances have doubled again, so much better. By the way, let me see how I can be stronger in this world, how can I be as strong as the real savior. ”Rake said.

The fat aunt prophet came over, looked at Rick's head, and looked at Rick's eyes.

"Your eyes are blinded. When you really open your eyes, you will become strong." The Fat Aunt Prophet said to Lake.

After hearing this, Rick thought, really opened his eyes?

Fire Eye Golden Eyes' ability to break the illusion and identification ability was sealed when this copy of the world just came in. Is there a way in this copy of the world to break the seal of the heavens online.

"How do you really open your eyes?" Lake asked Aunt Fat.

"You already have the answer in your heart!" Said the Fat Aunt Prophet.

"I have you, and I have the answer to ask what you do! Hurry up and tell me, it's not easy for me to come to you this time. This happened to happen this time, and I may not be able to come next time." Rake said.

"I order some more scones, and one is not full." The aunt Fatty said, turning to take a metal basin, poured flour into it, and slowly started making scones.

After listening, Rick watched the fat prophet choose not to answer his own questions directly and delay himself.

Rick took out the cursed jump knife directly.

"What do you want to do!" Aunt Fat looked up sharply at Rick with the weapon in his hand.

"Let you have a good dream, maybe you can wake up and say it!" Rake laughed and approached the fat aunt with a cursed jumping knife.

"Angel on earth!" Shouted Aunt Fat.

After the Prophet Fat shouted, the door was suddenly opened, and a person with small black eyes hanging on the bridge of his nose and wearing a white long-sleeved shirt rushed over.

He slammed into Rick, and two white sleeves were waving.

Rake dodged, but the hands that stretched out of the white sleeves were a little more powerful.

And Rick felt that the man in the white coat seemed to have launched a barbarian-like skill against him.

Rick and the white man, called the angel on earth, fell through the window together.

Rick's body began to fall.

The next second, Rake opened his eyes and found that his ears were slightly warm. The special sleeping pill injected into his ear seemed to have failed.

Rick looked at himself lying on a single bed, and had returned to the underground secret room where the pharmacist had been.

"Well, after this deep sleep, the effect of dreaming is very good!" Said Fat Pharmacist to Lake.

Rake took out his little water spray gun and sprayed "Kaka Kaka" around the fat pharmacist's fat face.

The water in the small spray gun is empty and cannot be sprayed out.

The fat pharmacist wiped his sleeves quickly.

"You're not awake, what are you spraying me for?" The fat hypnotist complained.

"Wake up, verify the authenticity of this world, but unfortunately I didn't really wake up, but your special sleeping potion is quite good. It is the best I use. Join our team." The pharmacist formally issued an invitation.

The grandfather of the fat pharmacist sitting behind, this time he heard Rick's words, took a stun, then walked quickly.

"Okay, for the sake of money, I will join!" Said Fat Pharmacist ~ ~ Honor No.2, you are very talented in dreamland, do you want to try to dream again. If you dream in me, you won't be disturbed by the outside world. You will have a chance to see the person you want to see. The old man asked Rick.

"I have accepted Mr. Saito's dream planting task. Wait for me to complete his task. If there is a chance, I will come back." Rake said to the old man.

Rick didn't know in his heart now, the fat prophet he had just met in his dream was really fake.

Even if it is true, will the fat prophet old lady avenge herself and not help herself to tell the resistance forces of the upper world to find him and the little queen.

"Okay, you are always welcome here," the old man said.

"It's free this time, but it will be charged later!" The pharmacist Yusuf added.

Rick smiled.

After finding the pharmacist, the pharmacist Yusuf started to pack, took many bottles of his small potion, followed Rick and others, left the ground, and appeared above the slum.

Several people walked outside the slum, where Saito's car was waiting.

"Sovereign No. 2, just now you went deep into your dreams, what dreams did you have? Is there a way to connect with humans in the upper world?" The little queen asked Rick through the ability of Dragon Knight to communicate.

"I didn't meet the resistance army human in the upper world, but it seemed to have encountered the fat old lady prophet. This prophet was very stingy, so he gave me five scones to eat. I asked her to help us to contact the upper world resistance army men. . But the prophet didn't know if she didn't help. She seemed to complain that I ate her five scones, and then I woke up. "After thinking about it, Lake sent a message to the little queen.

"You can see the Prophet! What did you eat when she baked cookies, and you ate five of them at a time? I don't know if you can't grab the fat people's food!" The little queen glanced at Rick.

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