Using the reaction force of this kick, I did a back somersault and pressed the weight of my body on the two rat people holding my arms. Their hands couldn't eat and relaxed. At this time, I had thrown my waist to the ground and kicked one of the mandarin ducks in a series without stopping. I kicked one of the knees from the front and then pulled out my right hand, Two elbows followed by one back turn and fist swing knocked over the third, so I took the time to check the situation of my companions.

In the hope of survival, not only myself but also my companions played well. When the other party has no line of sight, the drunkard is the most efficient, because the other party can't see the route of his knife like a blind man, let alone defend this water like attack. The rats and people around him were stabbed to the ground one after another, and died in the sound of random bites.

Compared with the drunkard's ease, Ivan seemed to work harder. He cut one of the two he held, but the machete was embedded in the skull and couldn't be pulled out. Ivanso didn't want the machete. He rolled back two circles holding the last one. Finally, he put great efforts on the rat man. He didn't know where to touch a stone and smashed it one after another in his hand, Smashed the brain flying and didn't stop. At the same time, he scolded the dirty words in his mouth.

There were still a few left over from brother donkey, surrounded by him and Taotao, but after the drunkard and I got out, we all ran to help. Finally, these mouse people squeaked and jumped off the platform. Otherwise, these mouse people's bodies were really different from human beings. I'm afraid they had fallen to death, but they seemed to be all right. At most, their legs and feet were affected, The last limp disappeared.


Dead monster, dare to bite me, Cao your sister. "We heard Ivan's persistent voice behind us, as well as the dull popping movement of the stone hitting the mouse man's body. It seems that this man has become addicted to it. It doesn't mean that he doesn't stop.

"Come on, don't screw it up. It's already dead."

"Leave him alone and let him smash it. I'll see when he stops. I bet I can smash it for another two minutes at most."

"Really? Well, I'll bet you that I'm hurt all over now. Who loses will carry the other side down..."

"OK, deal"

After fighting back the siege of rats and people, we all took a lot of injuries, although not fatal, but very painful. People are always like this. We don't feel it when we fight fiercely, but once we enter the rest state, we all rush up with fatigue and pain. We sat on the ground and nobody spoke for a long time. We were all recovering our strength or treating our wounds.

After a few minutes of silence, someone said, "look, the sunrise is so beautiful."

"Yes, we would be finished without her," I replied. I had an impulse to kowtow to the sun and thank her. She was so selfless that she not only allowed everything to grow and let us have food, but also helped us overcome evil spirits. I thought that the sun had a beautiful warmth on me.

"Well, I'm finished without you. Thank you for saving me just now, monkey." brother donkey patted me on the shoulder in the back.

"You have to thank Taotao. If she hadn't desperately called for help, the situation would be so chaotic that I wouldn't care about you."

"He was in danger when he saved me. And you guys are all helping my family. I thank you."

"Sister, do you promise to repay us? The monkey is married. The boss's wife is super beautiful. The silly one has a dancing girlfriend. The donkey brother has a white rich and beautiful friend in the capital. No one wants me. Would you consider it?"

"Brother drunkard is joking. I'm a dusty woman. I'm not worthy of you."

"Yes, stop drinking your wine. You look wrinkled. You're old enough to be a father and think about eating tender grass all day."

"Brother donkey, that's too blunt. I can't. I'll go back to be a pimp and remove the wrinkles. I look much younger."

"Said lapi, I'm a little hungry. Do any of you have anything to eat?"

"You eater, the body you smashed is still there. Bake it."

"Forget it, I'm still hungry."

After resting on the top of the mountain for a while and recovering almost 50% of our strength, we lowered to the bottom of the platform on the top of the mountain with a rope and returned to the ridge full of weathered gravel. The difference is that there are many more traces of our fighting this time. There are bullet casings and rat human bodies that have changed back to the prototype not far from the long ridge.

Walking on a road full of rat corpses is already scary enough. What's more frightening is that each of these dead mice is one foot long. Fortunately, there are few ones that are two feet long and have stronger combat effectiveness. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been injured last night. Moreover, according to my observation, rats more than two feet can't see their tails when they become mouse people, and their heads, faces and hands will become more like humans. A mouse less than two feet can only become a nondescript monster with a mouse head, a mouse claw, a human body and a tail, as if it had not changed completely.

When brother donkey passed a dead mouse, he looked curiously at the white animal hair in his mouth. This hair should be the source of strength needed for the change of mouse and man. Brother donkey tried to chop it with a knife and burn it with fire, but the thin white hair was almost made of steel wire. The knife kept cutting and the fire didn't hurt. Finally, brother donkey packed the three inch long white hair with a small glass bottle and said he would take it back for research.

I reminded him that this kind of thing is not as simple as you do biological experiments and collect specimens. It is very evil. Otherwise, how could those mice that should run away when they see people turn into human shapes to attack us. But he insisted on taking it, so I had to stick a symbol on the bottle and wrap it with a red rope soaked in dog blood. This is a series of follow-up work to be done after collecting ghosts in a jar according to the ghost Sutra. I think this thin white hair will not be too strong even in some ways. These means should be enough.

Considering various factors, we decided to give up rest and eat while walking. We marched to a river in one breath. Now it is snowmelt season. The snow on many snow mountains has been basked and gathered into a river. From here, it flows out of Kunlun Mountain, forming the upstream of many big rivers.

When we entered the mountain, it was in the opposite direction of the river, so we couldn't use anything except taking water, but when we went out, it was different. We cut some trees and tied them into rafts, floated down the river to the intersection of the river and the swamp area, stopped, abandoned the raft, walked to the place where we hid the car, checked the car status, refuelled, and drove all the way out of the Kunlun mountain pass, Back on national highway 109.

Looking back at the narrow mountain pass, it looks like a huge animal mouth, and we are just a little frog jumping out of the animal mouth. We are tired and wounded running on the way to escape.

"Next time, I will never go back to this ghost place without explosives, grenades and more than 500 bullets," Ivan said in a tearful gesture.

"I think so too. I'll contact Lao hei and get some weapons and ammunition. If we enter Kunlun twice, we won't believe we can't kill these monsters." I also rubbed the blue and purple place on my leg and scolded with hatred.

While venting our hatred for those rat people, we drove along the national highway to Golmud. On the right is the vast Hoh Xil, and on the left is the continuous Kunlun Mountains. The scenery is so beautiful that people sigh, but how many people know how many dangerous things are hidden in this beauty?

We drove in turn and talked nothing all the way. After we entered the urban area with a car full of mud spots and five dirty people, we didn't attract much attention. There are many self driving and cycling tourists here, so the residents have long been surprised.

Find a hotel that can wash the car and do maintenance. We opened three standard rooms connected together. When we went in, we took a bath and changed the wound dressing. When I took a bath, I looked in the mirror and found that I was caught blue and purple, like a surrealistic tattoo.

After taking a hot bath, I asked the waiter to send some safflower oil to wipe it. Finally, the injury on my body didn't hurt so much, and I felt comfortable as if I was going to faint at any time.

Plug in all my cell phones and batteries, and then I fell asleep. I didn't get up from bed until I woke up hungry.

Injured sleep will be particularly fragrant, because the body will enter a state of self-healing, but it is inevitable to wake up with pain and dizziness.

I picked up a bottle of free water from the hotel, unscrewed the lid and drank most of it in one breath. When I took it in my hand, I saw that the trademark was Kunlun mountain spring water. What was written on it was original unprocessed. I couldn't help laughing bitterly. I felt a little unspeakable black humor.

Ivan slept very dead next to me. It seems that it will take some time to wake up. There is no movement next door. I think we can go down to dinner after waking up. After all, we have been tossing for days.

While it was all right now, I went to the corridor to call sodachi and Tashi respectively to ask if they were threatened by kunba's men. They both said it was OK. Sodachi made contributions, was promoted and rewarded.

Tashi and his three brothers were all right. They were happy to hear that I was in Golmud and told me that they were also here. This time, they cracked a large armed poaching group, which gave bonuses and holidays to the people at the post. They took advantage of this time to return to Golmud to visit some relatives and friends, some of whom provided us with clues on the route some time ago.

Tashi gave me an address and told me to go anyway. He wanted to buy us a drink. His attitude was very friendly. He simply didn't give face if he didn't go. I had to promise temporarily. Anyway, I was going to rest here for two days. The off-road vehicle also needed some time to maintain. Swamps and mountains had a great impact on the performance and service life of the vehicle, Without maintenance, it is easy to break down and break down on the road.

When I arrived, I found that the three brothers of Tashi were there, and we also knew Tashi's friend. We communicated with him when we asked for the route before, and gave him hundreds of dollars for consulting fees.

These people are very simple. They have already set up a table for roast mutton and roast beef. The wine is actually served in a thick porcelain bowl. I'm afraid there must be about three or four Liang in a bowl. The three brothers of Zaxi came up and dried a bowl. The drink is called a speed.

Fortunately, we also have good drinkers here. Once the drunkard arrived at this occasion, he was very happy. He clinked his glasses without evidence. I also drank two bowls of wine. The wine was brewed by local people with grain. It was very refreshing, but it seemed very strong at the top. I felt dizzy in a short time. Unconsciously, I fell on the table.

I don't know how long I slept. When I woke up, I found that it was dark outside and no one turned on the lights in the room. The rest of the people were lying on the table, but no one snored. It was quiet and scary.

"It's not easy. The three brothers are really powerful and have drunk too much," I muttered, holding the table in my hand and ready to stand up and turn on the light.

"Young man, wake up?" suddenly a slightly old voice came out from behind me without warning. I was so frightened that I almost knocked over the seasonings dipped in mutton in front of me. I quickly turned back and looked in the direction of the sound.

The man sat in the corner of the living room. He could only see an outline without enough light. He should be an old man. He could see that he was wearing white clothes and even his hair was white. He reflected the stars outside in the dark. He looked strange but elegant.

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