"Fuck, it's a narrow escape. Is there anyone injured?" I said after climbing to the peak platform.

"Not yet, I don't know next," said brother donkey, looking at the rat people climbing up the stone wall below.

"Shit, kunba bastard" I scolded with hatred. Originally, with our reconnaissance and concealment ability, we could avoid these rats and people and withdraw without conflict. Who knows that we were disturbed by the evil spirit kunba. It's really TMD irritating.

But it's not the time to be angry. We don't have many bullets. All the Buddha light bullets are used up. The rifle bullets add up to less than one magazine. The hunting bullets still look like 20 rounds.

The small peak is a protrusion of the ridge, and all sides are bare, which is very beneficial to us. The peak is a platform half the size of a badminton court, and all of them are barren rocks. It seems that we have to rely on our own strength.

"Stay here for another hour, and they will retreat as soon as the sun comes out." I looked up at the black sky and thought it was the last darkness before dawn. Whether I can see the sun depends on the next hour.

In terms of climbing ability, these rat people are even better than brother donkey, drunkard and me. They don't even use climbing tools. They climb up the wall with their hands on the stone cracks, and soon get close to us at the top of the peak.

But when they reached the peak, they slowed down, because this section of stone wall is made of large rocks in both directions. It is very flat. It is also smooth as a mirror carved by the wind. There are only two directions left for them to approach us.

One side is the side we climbed up, which is connected with the ridge. This side is wide and can climb up two or three side by side. So I let the drunkard and Ivan stay here. I concentrated all my rifle bullets on Ivan, plus the drunkard's shotgun and army stab to deal with the rat man climbing up here.

The other side is connected with the ridge line at right angles, that is, in the three o'clock direction of the small platform on the top of the mountain. This side is narrow and is guarded by brother donkey and me. I take brother donkey's bullet, hang it obliquely on my chest, squat half on the edge of the platform and stretch my head downward to observe.

The first mouse and man used both hands and feet, climbed to a place about ten meters below us, raised his head, bared his teeth and shouted at us. He continued to go up along the wall. The flashlight shone on it. Its sharp teeth were pale and frightening, which made people involuntarily associate with the scene when the teeth tore themselves.

I held the wooden handle of the gun. When the guy climbed to about five meters, I raised the gun at his head, shot it down, and blasted his whole face. His body hung on the stone wall and shook twice before falling down.

The drunkard also heard gunshots. Listening to the rhythm, they were much more intense. Fortunately, there were two guns against them, otherwise they might be attacked.

But even if there was a gun, there were not many bullets. I shot and counted. When I counted to a place, I said to brother donkey, "take out all the kerosene and light a few torches."

These torches are made by wrapping strips soaked in lard around coarse pine sticks. The strips are rolled with small pine strips full of pine resin. It is called Mingzi in the northeast. Therefore, these torches can burn for a long time. They were intended to be used for lighting. Unexpectedly, they were used as weapons at this emergency.

Brother donkey nodded at once and soon lit the first torch and handed it to me. He lit two more and sent them to the drunkard and Ivan. When he ran back to me with one, I had only the last two bullets left.

I pulled the trigger with one hand and fired the last two shots. I pulled the extraction handle with my left hand and pumped a lot of gas into the coal tank. In this way, the pressure in the tank increased and the kerosene would be sprayed out as soon as I pressed the nozzle.

When I was full of gas, I pointed the nozzle at the torch, then pointed at the head of half of the rat man, pressed it hard, and the kerosene sprayed immediately turned into a long tongue of fire, which burned the rat man's head with fire. I screamed and covered my face with both hands. I seized the opportunity and kicked it down.

With a coal tank and a torch, I temporarily made a set of cottage Mini flamethrowers. Although it can only spray more than half a meter and the flame tongue is a little small, it is enough for me. It's just right to guard on it and burn these rats. I was wrapped in my head and face with a flame. Brother donkey tried hard to solve one with a shovel. I even felt better than a gun. The drunkard and Ivan also follow this method, but they are more cruel. They use fire to interfere with the sight of rats and people, and then the drunkard directly stabs his heart with the army. They often die when they fall.

In this way, with two small cans of mountain camping kerosene, we held on for more than 20 minutes. When the kerosene was almost exhausted, the sky began to slowly release its belly. There was a white fish belly in the East, and the remaining rats and people didn't give up. When we only had torches and cold weapons, we grabbed the way and finally rushed to the top platform, A dozen rats and men formed a circle and surrounded us in the middle.

The four of us held the peaches behind us back-to-back and drew the rats back with torches. On the one hand, they were afraid of fire, on the other hand, they wanted to kill us. They were anxious to squeak and scream outside. Finally, one of them couldn't help but stretch out his hand and grabbed brother donkey's torch and tried to snatch it out.

I hurriedly went up to help. I held a torch in my left hand and sent it forward to burn its eyes. Taking advantage of the interference of fire, I held a military knife in my right hand and cut it under my wrist. With a "Cha" sound, under the military knife that can almost cut off steel bars, its wrist is naturally fragile like a small tree branch. I cut it off with my wrist, And along the neat incision, there are bursts of white smoke, which is the exorcism effect of the Buddha light weapon.

But when I moved here, a flaw appeared on my right side. A rat man wanted to take advantage of it. He rolled his hands and ran to my knees to catch it. It seemed that he was trying to pull my two patella down.

On my right is Ivan. He holds a torch in his left hand and a machete in his right hand. This knife was originally used to cut branches behind the mountain to make a fire or open a path through the dense forest, so it was not processed with relic. However, Ivan's powerful players like this kind of weapon most.

Then he took a step, swung his arm round and grabbed me before the rat man caught me. He cut the other party's head and opened it for me. Otherwise, I can't retreat. It's really a little troublesome.

The third rat man wanted to attack Ivan, but the drunkard was ready to go. He shook his hand and stabbed it back. In this way, we disintegrated the group's first close attack.

Although these rat people are not really refined, they also have a little IQ. After a while, they changed their attack mode. After running up, several mouse people outside the encirclement jumped up and hit us straight from the air.

This was very effective. We had to dodge each other. The horns of the four people leaning against each other were also destroyed and fell into a situation of hard struggle.

While I flashed sideways, I swung more than half a circle with the torch in my hand, forced the rat man back to gain some space for myself, and stabbed the one that fell behind me with a knife back. However, it fell to the ground before it died and bit hard on my calf muscles. Although I didn't bite through the nano suit, the strength could not be offset. My leg was so soft that I almost sat on the ground.

Trying to resist the pain, I lifted my right leg and kicked it back, kicking the dead rat man's mouth off my leg. Before I could take back my right leg and stand firm, the other one jumped up from the side and grabbed my face door straight in front of one hand.

I just bent over and swung the torch from bottom to top. It suddenly splashed sparks. I almost flew in my own eyes, not to mention it. I was going to stab it, but then I saw another one coming up on the left, so I had to kick it away, At the same time, a knife rowed towards the hand on the left grasping my neck. There was a slight touch on the blade. The one on the left also screamed and retreated, and there were three more fingers cut off by me.

At this time, peach's cry for help came from behind me. Looking back, I saw that brother donkey had been surrounded by rats and people. One of them had hugged him from behind, opened his big mouth, exposed sharp teeth, and was about to bite at brother donkey's neck artery. Ivan is rolling around on the ground with two rat people in his arms. For a moment, he can't see who has the upper hand. The drunkard is fighting with four rat people and can't spare his hand at all.

I have no time to think. If I bite this part, I will die. At almost the same speed as the conditioned reflex, I throw the sabre out. After the sabre hits the hand, the sabre head flies forward, sticks to brother donkey's face and stabs it in the rat man's face. The rat man immediately falls back to the ground and dies.

But I was in trouble. As soon as the saber was fired, I had no last recourse. The two rat people saw that it was cheap. After the torch was knocked off, they hugged me left and right. The third five fingers became claws and ran to my throat with a strong wind. Looking at the strength, I knew that it would seal my throat and tear my throat on the spot, Then I will see my blood spray semi cavitation into a blood mist.

But what surprised me was that this attack, which was originally secure, missed, and suddenly caught the air above my shoulder. You know, although I was trying my best to earn money, I wouldn't deviate so much.

When I looked carefully, I immediately understood the reason and saw the hope of victory. It turned out that unknowingly, the sun had shone on the top of the mountain. These mouse people's eyes could see things in the dark, but their eyesight would drop sharply in the sun. It was estimated that they could not see my position clearly in front of them, so this error occurred.

"Hold on, brothers, they are half blind." I roared to inform my companions. I don't know where the strength came from. I took off in situ, and a phoenix in the North leg nodded. The left and right legs made concerted efforts to kick the front one out for a long time, rolling down the mountain platform.

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