The diary came to an abrupt end here, but the fear it brought to me was far more than that. If we hadn't come prepared, I'm afraid we would have to follow the footsteps of the diary owner and his companions.

I picked up the map made of human life again, and I began to study the symbols on it carefully, but the map was too old, and it fell straight down. I quickly called brother donkey. His SLR and flat phone were also lost in the scuffle with rat man the night before yesterday. I had to take a picture of the map with my mobile phone and prepare to study it slowly in combination with the electronic map.

Ivan went outside and dug a pit with an engineer's shovel, buried the bones, cut many pine branches and came back to make a fire to roast wild boars. We found a place in the depth of the mine. Jade may have been found here. A large dome cavity was dug out. A faint light can be seen from a high place. It should be a crack on the cliff leading to the outside.

With this, we were not afraid of being smothered by smoke or lack of oxygen, so we sealed the entrance again, built a fire in the most spacious place under the dome, ripped and peeled the wild boar, and divided the meat into pieces. There were several bathtub sized ponding pits dripping from the rock seepage in the hole, washed the meat with the water inside, strung it on the branches and roasted on the fire.

Naturally, the drunkard is the best at making food. He also took the initiative to become a temporary kebab chef. This guy is really good at eating. He roasted the wild boar meat with some salt and pepper, which is tender and fragrant. Thanks to the sealing of the hole in the mine, if only this smell can attract those rats on the flat ground.

"Eat, you're welcome. The first string is free, and the second string starts at $10 each." the drunkard said with a smile when he handed us the roasted meat string.

"You should give us money when we fight wild boars," Ivan said after robbing the meat kebab. Taotao thinks the wild boar meat tastes too strong. She still eats beef jerky, so we can rob it safely without worrying about demeanor.

"Don't pull it, I killed it, okay," I corrected Ivan.

"So I said 'we'"

"Well, don't talk nonsense. Grab the barbecue and you'll be eaten up by brother donkey."

"Fuck, don't pull, I eat the least..."

The steaming food brings people physical and mental recovery, which is far unmatched by refrigerated food. That's why countries are making great efforts to study field rations. We ate about one fifth of the food we ate, but we took the rest away. We won't worry about rations in the next few days.

Lean meat can't even be eaten and taken, and fat can't be wasted. I put an aluminum pot on the fire and boil wild boar skin and fat in it. When the fat is heated, it turns into oil, and most of the hot oil bubbles there.

Then find a few pine branches with thick arms and more than half a meter long and cut them into wooden sticks. Cut a sleeping bag into strips and wrap it around the thicker end of the stick. Soak it in lard. After cooling, it will be made into several torches, which can be lit quickly and burned for a long time, which can make up for the lack of lighting equipment.

When I was tired, I was full again, and the feeling of fatigue rushed up like the tide. I fixed several infrared alarms in the mine tunnels on both sides. If something passed by, it would trigger the alarm. Then I set up an array to prevent the approaching of spirit bodies with Rune paper and ghost fixing needle, that is to say, no matter which approach of human, rat, human, ghost and evil spirit, it would trigger the alarm.

After doing this, coupled with the terrain in the mine, I told everyone to rest assured and sleep boldly. If I could be attacked, I wouldn't have to live and wash my face.

Everyone was also tired. Now everyone found Fang and lay down. Before long, Ivan and the drunkard snored everywhere, and I soon fell asleep.

I slept soundly all night. I didn't even dream. It was almost like sleeping for nine days. When I opened my eyes in the morning, I found that brother donkey was awake and was lying there with a flashlight to study the map found on the dead man.

When he saw me awake, his first sentence was: "monkey, I think we have to withdraw first."

I didn't think he was joking, and brother donkey seldom joked about business. He immediately got out of his sleeping bag and asked him what was going on.

"Look," brother donkey also sat up straight. The rotten map was spread between us. He put his mobile phone aside and pointed to the symbols on the map to explain.

"This symbol may be that the saplings were found there, but here and here are painted with forks and dangerous symbols, indicating that the prospecting team was attacked by rats and men in these places. Take a closer look at the location and compare the map on the mobile phone."

Brother donkey said, as soon as I had a corresponding position on the enlarged electronic map, my heart immediately brightened. If we continue to advance towards the reservation target, we can't go around these points indicating the discovery of rat man anyway, because they are all on the only way through the mountain.

Next, I understand without brother donkey. Our current equipment is not enough to have another frontal encounter with groups of rat people. First, the number of Buddha light bullets is not enough. If we only use cold weapons, these rat people have good skills, fast speed and great strength. In addition, we have quantitative advantages, so we have a small chance of winning.

As a professional soldier, I naturally understand that when the enemy is strong and I am weak, I can't force the enemy. I compared the map with brother donkey and found that the activities of those rats and people are regular. The dangerous places marked on the map are connected to a semicircle. It is estimated that they are preventing us from approaching. In other words, the scope we are looking for has been further narrowed, and the purpose of this trip can be said to have been achieved. Now we should consider withdrawing temporarily, preparing arms, food and powerful weapons, and then returning to take away these rat people's nests in one fell swoop.

Brother donkey and I had almost the same total. The other three companions woke up one after another, took water from the cave, washed their faces, gathered the remaining firewood, made a small fire, used to boil water and heat food, and had a good breakfast.

At dinner, I told Ivan, the drunkard and Taotao that we should leave the mountain first. There are too many rats and people in front of us, and we are seriously short of manpower and weapons. The three companions also agreed. After all, the premise of killing the enemy is to protect our lives. If we kill them, there will be nothing left.

Now we dig the hole, bid farewell to the waste mine that let us live for a night, continue to walk the rock belt halfway up the mountain, and prepare to leave the area of shasong Wula mountain in the shortest time and return to the place where we hide our cars.

Knowing that the opponent is a rat man, we should naturally be careful that they use their smell to find us, so along the way, we used the method of special forces to get rid of the enemy's military dogs. We deliberately passed through two small rivers and flowed downstream for a long time. After ensuring that the water cut off our smell, we went ashore and continued to walk.

Although we did this, we still didn't dare to be careless. We didn't even dare to light a fire at night. We found a leeward platform on a hillside, where several people crowded together to sleep.

But this time comes trouble. Taotao is a woman. Let her sleep by herself. It must be very cold. Although this weather is not winter, it is several degrees below zero at night. Many of our sleeping bags have been lost, which is not enough to resist such a low temperature. It is necessary for two people to sleep together and use each other's body temperature to keep warm.

"Peach girl, I don't mind helping. Besides, I'm thin. It's just right for us to squeeze a sleeping bag," said the drunkard with a smile.

"Don't" peach immediately shook his head. The drunkard came back with a nose ash. We couldn't help laughing.

Finally, peach and donkey slept together, and the three of us crowded next to each other.

The sleep quality of this night was extremely poor. Either Ivan's arm or the drunkard's thigh pressed on me. I couldn't help admiring the donkey brother with warm jade and fragrance in his arms. But then I realized that we were also a man with a family. Our wife was so excellent and beautiful that we couldn't fool around outside behind her.

In this way, between sleeping and waking up, I was suddenly awakened by a burst of gunfire and sat up.

We all lay down in our clothes, put our guns where we could reach, immediately picked up our weapons and looked around vigilantly.

"It's not for us. Don't panic," I said to everyone after judging the distance of the gunshot. I took an assault rifle and ran gently in the direction of the sound.

The gunshot came from the other side of the ridge, and there was still some distance from us. Although the moonlight was good, it was dark after all, so I couldn't see it clearly after climbing up. But it is certain that only one side is shooting, because all the firepower is shooting outward in a ring, and it is obvious that the side with the gun is in a defensive state.

With the help of the telescope, I better observed the scene of the exchange of fire. This time, I can see the terrible and agile figure of many mouse people. They are attacking around a group of people. From time to time, they drag one out and several jump on it and tear it to pieces.

There are only two or three people left to defend the circular defense line, and they are completely in a state of panic. From the tent behind them, there is their camp. It is estimated that these people will fall into this desperate situation only if they want to defend with firepower and give up sports war to break through.

"Do you want to go and save people?" Ivan and the drunkard asked, lying right and left next to me.

"It should be too late, you see" I stretched out my hand. At this time, the last two people were bitten off their throats by rat people.

"Come on, whoever they are, they're dead," I said, ready to slip back.

But just as I retreated, I had to climb a hillside. When I looked up, I saw a thick black smoke like ink in the sky. The Long Dragon flew from the southwest, circled in the firefight area below the hillside, and plunged into the mouth of a body that had just been bitten to death.

"Fuck, it's an evil spirit. Get down quickly." I immediately jumped on the spot, nervously continued to observe the situation, and my heart beat faster. We should know that these rat people are enough for our headache. If we have another evil spirit, we must suffer a loss.

The corpse drilled by the evil spirit sat up and looked at a person who sprayed blood from the throat as if it was all right. I have to say that the scene was a little bloody and strange.

After the evil spirit entered the body, those rat people also felt something wrong and jumped away one after another. Some stood, and some bowed to the ground like mice, surrounded the evil spirit.

The evil spirit is not afraid of these rats and people. Anyway, its body is also used by others. It doesn't matter if it is bitten. It stands up with leisure, makes a "wait a minute" gesture with grace, walks to another corpse, lowers its head and takes a deep breath from mouth to mouth.

Seeing this, I immediately understood that this evil spirit came to collect the soul

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