In the close combat at night, brother donkey and peach lost their equipment. We used several cans of kerosene as incendiary bombs. Ivan's backpack was torn and many things fell out. We didn't dare to delay too much. We just found a few bags of beef and left in a hurry. God knows if those monsters will kill back.

Fortunately, they didn't appear again until we left the valley where the cabin was located. According to brother donkey's analysis, these rat people still retained the habit of going out at night and lying in the day, so we were relatively safe during the day.

But my analysis is that these mice are not real mouse spirits. It is not easy for animals to become masters. Otherwise, the number of all kinds of birds and animals in the world may be hundreds of times that of humans. All of them practice human form. Where else can we stand on the earth?

Therefore, I analyze my companions. I'm afraid that the number of really refined ones is very small, or even one. This Kunlun Mountains has always been a good place to practice. Since ancient times, there have been many fairy tales. The source of the dragon vein, the essence of heaven and earth, is not a joke. It may be that a rat has been trained to a certain extent and used its own strength to help these mice become human beings. The best proof is that those rat people show their original shape after death, with a white hair in their mouth.

But where is the rat spirit of the culprit? And why the series of attacks, or the grievances between the ancestors of the Taotao family and the rat spirit, need us to find out step by step in order to gradually uncover it.

We adjusted the following route accordingly. The soft land at the foot of the mountain can't go. We don't want to fall into the pits arranged by these rat people. We go up the mountain and walk along the dry and denuded bedrock mountain. In this way, we don't have to worry about being attacked by those monsters under our feet. Even if they want to attack, they must be exposed to our sight and fire, Will not approach us easily.

Bedrock mountain is a special terrain in the alpine plateau, that is, the completely exposed rock zone. There is a headache here, that is, it is very difficult to walk, rugged, steep and slippery. Moreover, there is a large temperature difference between day and night, and the rocks are severely weathered under thermal expansion and cold contraction. A large number of stones often roll down with one foot, and the small waves composed of a clatter of gravel are straight down. The scene is quite spectacular.

In this way, we marched along the rock. At noon, we built a stone stove on the hillside to make a fire and ate the rest of the food. In addition to fuel, we don't have much food. We must find a way to solve it. After all, we can use branches to burn when there is no oil. If we don't eat, we are in danger of starvation.

Fortunately, in the field, brother donkey is a good theorist. He told us that this kind of tree leaves can be eaten and that kind of moss can be eaten. Occasionally, he found a fallen tree and dug out a few insects. Just when I thought he wanted to eat it in front of us, he put the insects up and said that where there was water, they could be used for fishing.

Different from brother donkey's theory, I am a thorough pragmatist. I consume a lot of physical strength every day in the mountains. What's the best way to eat those leaves, moss and mushrooms? I should give priority to finding food with high calories and protein.

Based on this, I watched carefully during the March. When I passed a ridge, there was a coniferous forest in the depression below the ridge. When we stood on the hillside, we could see that some trees were shaking constantly. It should be that some animals were moving below. From the shaking degree of the pine tree, the animal was not small.

"Brother donkey, drunkard, peach, you have a rest here. Ivan, you come with me." I said and gave my backpack to brother donkey.

"Be careful, some animals in the mountains are still very fierce," brother donkey asked.

"Are you kidding me? You've been cruel to me?" at the same time, I pulled the Bayi bolt, loaded the bullet, and took Ivan to the coniferous forest.

Wild animals are usually very cautious, but we stare at this as if we were careless. It didn't find it until we got close.

Holding a rifle, I pressed down a branch with the barrel and looked under the pine tree. I suddenly understood that this thing was careless. It turned out to be a guy without natural enemies - a wild boar.

In our northeast, there is a saying called a pig, two bears and three tigers, which means that the first is a wild boar, the second is a black bear and the third is a tiger. Wild boars are powerful, grumpy, and have hard tusks as weapons. In addition, they often scratch on pine trees and roll in the mud. They are covered with layers of pine resin and sand. Over time, they are as hard as armor, and ordinary shotguns can't penetrate.

Therefore, when hunting wild boars in Northeast China, they use things such as traps, rather than guns directly. When I was a child, there was a big hunting dog that was very close to me in the forest farm. It was attacked by a wild boar in estrus, opened its stomach by its fangs and died in the snow. At that time, I cried with the dog body for a long time.

In front of him was an adult boar. He was very big and had two tusks protruding from his lips. He weighed almost more than 90 kilograms and was dark and shiny. I should be full now. I'm rubbing on the pine tree to relieve my itch,

If I'm empty handed and have enough food, I probably won't provoke it, but now I don't eat much. Secondly, I have a gun in my hand. Of course, I don't have to be afraid of it. I only hate one too few. It's better to have more.

I gestured to Ivan to get him up the tree. Then I climbed up another tree, sat on the fork of a tree, and was ready to shoot with an assault rifle.

Normally, the target didn't move much at this distance. My shooting skills should be sure, but the moment I breathed steadily and pulled the trigger, the branch I sat on made a slight "click".

This sound may be the sound of wood fiber cracking in the branch. The branch will be fine again after shaking, but it also affects my shooting accuracy. I suddenly missed the heart I aimed at. Although it also hit the wild boar, it looked a few centimeters off.

The wild boar jumped up at once and ran to the depths of the forest. While running, blood flowed down his body. It seems that although my shot didn't directly hit the heart, it also hit the main blood vessel. It is estimated that it will lose too much blood and die before it can run far.

"Chasing" I immediately threw my assault rifle on my back, slipped down the tree trunk and chased along the blood.

The boar was seriously injured and was eager to run for his life. He howled and ran fast. If there were no obvious blood on the ground, we couldn't keep up with him, but we chased to the edge of the pine forest. Across a grassland was a steep hillside. Suddenly, we found that the boar was missing.

"My Cao? Shit, where's the pig?" Ivan asked me with a gun, as if I had hidden such a big wild boar.

I was annoyed by his question and answered, "I hit a tree."

"Hit the tree? Which one?" Ivan believed it and began to look at it one by one.

I held back my smile and said, "look slowly." I bowed my head, pulled out the dense grass and began to look for the footprints and blood of wild boars on the ground.

After finding this trace, I found that I went straight to the steep slope, followed all the way, and found a cave blocked by grass on the side of the hillside.

On another observation, I was surprised to find that it was artificially excavated, but for some reason, the hole was sealed with logs and soil. It seems that animals such as wolves, bears and wild boars found it and opened the shelter to make a nest.

What is this hole for? I stood at the mouth of the cave and looked around. I found that this large grassland was not natural. Someone cut down the trees and leveled out this large open space. After abandonment, it was covered with weeds more than half a person high.

I called the donkey brothers down by radio. Several people dug the hole with an engineer shovel, and then I drilled in with a flashlight.

After bending down for less than ten meters, I found that the space had opened up. I could feel the wind blowing on my face in the cave, indicating that the air was circulating here. The cave was very quiet, and only the ticking sound of rock seepage echoed. I walked forward for dozens of meters and found that it was like a mine tunnel. Both sides were reinforced with a whole log and illuminated inside with a tactical flashlight, The head can't be seen at a gloomy glance. There are still some fresh blood stains and hoof prints on the ground. However, from the blood volume, the hit wild boar can't go far. It is estimated that there will be wild boar meat in a few more turns.

I sent a signal to the outside with a flashlight. Several companions also drilled into the hole and looked around one after another.

"What is this place?"

"It should be a waste mine"

"It makes sense. You see, the traces on the walls on both sides of the cave were not drilled out with modern tools. It should be the old method. The mine cave was manually dug out with spades, pickaxes, drills and chisels. I guess it was in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the mining right was controlled by the state and it was necessary to kill the head for private mining, but driven by interests, someone always took the risk and secretly excavated after discovering the jade vein."

"Never mind so much. Those who want to eat wild boar meat come with me." I saw that they talked endlessly behind, so I waved to them to keep up.

I ran a hundred meters down the tunnel of the waste mine. Sure enough, I saw the wild boar lying there at a corner. It was motionless and had lost its breath. I went up and grabbed my two hind legs. I was about to drag them to the hole to open and peel off my internal organs. Suddenly, the flashlight flashed and found that there seemed to be a figure sitting on the ground of the mine tunnel, leaning against the wall without making a sound, No response to light.

"Fuck, someone" I immediately let go, put down the wild boar and picked up the gun.

My first reaction should be those rat people, but it's not. Rat people move very fast and have good hearing response. It's impossible to sit there for a long time.

Ivan and the drunkard also saw this situation. The three of us lit it with a flashlight and walked carefully closer. Only then did we find that it was a dead man. I don't know how long he died, and only bones were left.

"Fuck, I'm scared to death. It's a dead man," the drunkard said with a long breath. This ordinary man sounds very contradictory, but there's nothing strange to us.

"Dig a hole and bury him," I suggested.

"The cave is full of stone ground. There's no place to bury it," Ivan said, stamping his feet twice. The hard voice told me that it was really thick rocks.

"Bury it outside the cave and get some branches by the way." I thought everyone was tired. This is also a very hidden place. It's better to rest here and directly drop the wild boar, eat what you can eat and take away what you can bring.

Ivan lowered his head and picked up the dried bones, muttering in Russian, probably meaning "I wish you rest in peace".

But when the bones were picked up, an old canvas satchel fell down.

I curiously picked it up and poured out the contents. There was a map and a book full of data, knives, old-fashioned flashlight and matches.

Some symbols were drawn on the map. I didn't understand them in a short time. I picked up the book and began to read the contents. There were exploration diaries in front of me. There was nothing I was too interested in. But in the next few pages, things began to change. It was recorded that they were attacked by some monsters. Several people who came out to look for jade died and were eaten alive. Only one of them was seriously injured. The last page said: "They are still chasing me. I can't run away. There are not only jade mines in the mountains, but also terrible things in the mountains. Stay away from here..."

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