But it's not easy to find a convenient place to start near Beijing railway station. I found a public side post around seven turns.

"Boss, you wait for me at the door," said the drunkard. He went in and left me staring behind.

"No, why do you want to go to the side now?" I muttered, lit a cigarette, smoked two mouthfuls and waited in place.

Who knows, as soon as this guy went in, he didn't come out for a long time. When I was trying to call him, my mobile phone suddenly received a message. Open it and see that it was sent by the drunkard's mobile phone. It said: "boss, I've been at the alley behind him and drive him over."

"Ah?" I was very surprised, and then reacted. The drunkard must have drilled out of the air window on the public side and made another circle to break the guy's back road. He moves a little faster, and the small air window can get out. If I think it will take some effort.

I didn't have to pretend any more. I turned and looked straight at the man who followed us. He had stopped in front of a newspaper stand and pretended to buy magazines. He looked at me and ran away.

"I've been with him for so long in hot weather. Don't you talk?" I shouted at his background and ran after him.

The man running in front bent his head and ran wildly. When he rushed across the intersection, he saw the thin figure of the drunkard flash. He used the scabbard army spike as a short stick and hit the tibia.

In fighting techniques such as Muay Thai and Sanda, the tibia will be very hard after exercise, and the front tibia sweeping kick in Muay Thai is even more powerful. However, for ordinary people, the tibia is very fragile, especially the front face without thick muscle tissue protection. It will be painful when hit or kicked. In addition, the tibia is very long, and it is easy to cause fracture when hit.

It may be that the drunkard didn't know where the other party came from. When he started, he left his strength, but this guy still rolled on the ground with his legs in pain. Passers-by looked here. Someone touched the phone and looked ready to call the police.

"Speed solution" I thought. I gave this guy a kick and asked, "who TMD sent you to follow me?"

"Who are you? I'll go my own way. Who's TMD following you?" he lay on the ground and his mouth was still hard.

I bent over and took out my cell phone from his pocket and wrote down the last dialed number in the call record. When I robbed the cell phone, I saw a photo from his pocket, revealing a corner. When I pinched it, it turned out to be mine. What's more, I took a very ugly picture of me, which should be secretly photographed somewhere.

"Fuck, pretend" I shook the picture. The drunkard blocked it with his clothes, drew out his saber, poked it twice on this guy, and he screamed like killing a pig.

"I said, someone found me and gave me a photo and number. He said that he would notify me when he saw it near the railway station and airport. I just want to make some money. No malice. Let me go," he said with a cry.

Hearing what he said, I rolled up his sleeve and saw that it was full of pinholes. I thought that thanks to the drunkard's lack of ruthlessness just now, otherwise I would be depressed if I was killed.

"What are the characteristics of that man?" I asked, wondering if he might be an accomplice of the man in gray.

"Man, local accent, nothing else"

"Think about it carefully. What color are his eyes? Is there anything unusual?" I asked. Thinking that the effect of light coercion was not in place, I took more than a dozen pieces of money and shook it in my hand, indicating that as long as he answered well, all the money would be given to him.

When coaxing, money is often more effective than a knife. After all, in broad daylight, my father is not Li Gang and Li Shuangjiang. Of course, he dare not do anything to him. The man was really greedy for money. Seeing the red RMB, he immediately came to his senses and replied, "wearing sunglasses, I didn't see it clearly, oh, but his index finger was missing."

"Fuck" I scolded. I already knew it must be kunba. This guy was a big drug lord before he died. He knew the most about these drug traffickers and addicts. It was reasonable to mobilize these people to find us, but in this way, it means that we are much more dangerous. You know, drug addicts can kill their wives and sell their daughters for drug money. Drug traffickers are a group of ruthless masters, and they often have weapons. It's true that TMD refuses tigers at the front door and wolves at the back door.

With this information in my mind, I threw the money to this guy and quickly left the scene with the drunkard.

"What kind of kunba man came to the door?" the drunkard looked down and quickly followed me.

"80% yes, at least they are their accomplices or offline. Cutting off their fingers is to sell their souls to evil spirits. If you encounter them, you must be careful," I asked. I changed several taxis with the drunkard, and finally joined Taotao and her family.

They all live in a three bedroom apartment. The house is the property of a little sister of Taotao. This little sister met Taotao when she was sitting in a high-end club here in Beijing. Now she has gone ashore and married. Taotao has a good relationship with her. They are very close. After I went back with the drunkard, the little sister saw that we were going to talk about things and found an excuse to leave.

When she left, the woman left a small bag for Taotao and said, "I don't know what trouble you're in this time, but it's estimated that the whole family is hiding in Beijing. It's not a problem that ordinary money can solve. I had a good friend who is generation X of the military region. I asked him to get something for you. Look at the aura. These people should be able to use it." when the little sister said the last sentence, she said to me Ivan and the drunkard pointed out, put a canvas satchel on the shoe rack at the door, turned around, closed the door and left.

Taotao came forward to pick up the bag, whispered and screamed, turned around and lit up the things in his hand. We were all surprised. In the brown canvas bag, there were two qsz92 5.8mm pistols and two large boxes of bullets.

I thought that if this woman spoke of uprising, it would make men feel inferior. Taotao, the little sister, must have taken a considerable risk. You know, it's a crime to lose her head. Moreover, this kind of gun is only equipped with troops, and its performance is much better than ordinary black guns. It seems that the little sister is also a person with good intentions.

Taotao was also stunned. She was not an ordinary woman. She knew the weight of the two pistols. She hesitated and said, "don't let the police catch her."

I reached out and picked up one of them. I pinched the kesun and took the gun apart a few times. I wanted to include the numbers cast inside the gun body, because it was not difficult for us to throw the gun and run, but the police would trace the source according to these numbers.

Who knows, people have long thought of this. I picked up the gun barrel and saw that the number had long been lost by things, and it was polished off with a lathe. The treatment is very fine, which is a higher grade than the acid or file used by ordinary black gun workshops. Ivan opened the other one and found the same situation, which saved us trouble.

I picked up the bullets in my bag and pressed them in. I felt that the gun was very new and well maintained. Now I can greet the gray man and kunba's men with a gun. In view of the fact that those people in grey clothes are made of rats, I took out a rare holy monk's relic and radiated the guns, bullets and our sabres with the relic. I believe we can add some "exorcism" attributes to these ordinary weapons.

Brother donkey was not interested in weapons, so he went to analyze the clues Daniel showed us with the crystal ball. After several nights, things finally made progress.

I have to say that brother donkey's memory is really not covered. He drew the drawings displayed in the crystal ball with computer software. After comparative analysis, he found that it is actually the source of all dragon veins in China, known as the ancestor of mountains - Kunlun.

Like the Alps, Kunlun Mountain is the general name of a series of mountains. In some Chinese books, it is also called Kunlun Xu or Kunlun hill. It is also called Yushan because it produces jade. It is the backbone of the mountain system in Western China and the largest mountain system in Central Asia. It starts from the Pamir Plateau in the west, crosses Xinjiang and Tibet in the East, and extends to Qinghai. The average altitude is 5500-6000 meters, narrow in the West and wide in the East, with a total area of more than 500000 square meters

"Brother donkey, it's no use talking about this. Say something specific." the drunkard couldn't carry brother donkey's wordiness. Ivan was more straightforward and dozed off without hearing it.

"You, I've prepared materials for several days. Listen to a few words, you'll die." brother donkey shouted dissatisfied.

"That is, we have to respect other people's labor success. Besides, it's good to have more knowledge." Tao Tao looked at brother donkey with admiration.

"Congratulations, there's an audience at last." I arched my hand at brother donkey and pulled out a pistol to play with. To tell you the truth, men should often touch guns, which can stimulate the secretion of male hormones, so as to make men more men. There are more and more fake women in China. I guess it's related to the strict prohibition of guns.

Brother donkey ignored our teasing and introduced the general situation of Kunlun mountain like a tour guide, and then began to introduce the relationship between the pattern and Kunlun mountain.

"This picture should be the mineral distribution map of Kunlun mountain. Kunlun has been famous for producing jade since ancient times. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, it reached a heyday. I found some data. It is recorded that 800 pieces of jade books, 50 cubic meters of jade printing materials, more than 1000 pieces of jade materials, weighing more than 30000 kg, were collected in Kunlun Mountain in 28 years from the 27th to the 55th year of Emperor Qianlong.

Qianlong liked to play with elegance and like to play with a gentleman like jade, that is, he liked to make jade seals and make small pieces. He also made large pieces of jade, such as Dayu's flood control, Shoushan, Fuhai, Dayu urn, Qiushan travel, Huichang nine elders, and so on. Each piece of jade was more than 1000 kg. The emperor was good. Naturally, officials had to find a way to do what they liked and tried to increase mining. I believe this pair of drawings was at that time This is the official who was sent to find the jade vein, that is, the ancestor of Taotao family

Hearing this, we also came to some spirit and asked one after another, "uh huh, and then?"

Brother donkey was delighted when he saw someone supporting him. He narrowed his big shining eyes and said with a smile: "then, he went into the mountain. As a result, he encountered a sudden cold current. Everyone was frozen to death. Only this one survived."

We looked at each other and asked, "well, if it's what you said, what's the problem?"

Brother donkey showed that kind of coquettish expression again and said, "the problem is, why is this one person alive? The rest are frozen to death."

"He's strong and cold resistant," Ivan said. This man is a Russian and has stayed in Siberia. He knows that different people have different degrees of resistance to the cold.

"No, you recall the image in the crystal ball at that time. The ancestor of Taotao family is not the strongest. The workers in the team are much stronger than him." brother donkey denied Ivan's statement.

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