"Well, look who died first today." I smiled and wound the knife between my fingers, ready to give him some psychological pressure first.

But the guy didn't have the slightest fear. He said expressionless, "it's no use killing me. There are thousands of people like me, and you can't kill them all your life."

When I heard it, I got angry and scolded, "kill one less." I stepped forward and stabbed when I was distracted.

After the last fight, I already know this guy's weight. This time, I'm ruthless. I'm going to take him and use him again to see if I can give a confession.

Naturally, the man in gray clothes was not a good person. He flashed a strange smile sideways, and quickly attacked my chest with his backhand. The nails of his five fingers flashed cold light, which meant to tear off a piece of my meat at once.

But if I dare to come up, I am naturally prepared. Since last time, I have observed that the attack action of the grey man is very strange. It is not like any fighting school, but relying on his excellent tearing and grasping power, and he is not very defensive. He often likes to attack instead of defend.

Sure enough, as I expected, this guy went straight to my heart. When I crossed my heart, I made a dangerous move, and my body fell to the right. I hooked the antenna on the roof with my left foot, and the saber of my right hand became straight to the bottom, which added a hole to this guy's leg.

This guy made a strange cry when he felt pain, and I rolled to the hood of the car and stood up. You know, the position where I just fell was in front of his feet. It seems that this guy doesn't like playing with his legs very much. This is also a way to dry him.

I stepped back to the hood, Ivan and the drunkard moved at the same time, one left and one right, trying to nip the man in gray.

But the man in grey was really powerful. He was very agile when he was stabbed twice. He had suffered from the loss of drunkards, so he chose to break through from Ivan, and the speed was Ivan's weakness. He stepped on Ivan's head and the whole person jumped over.

"Bad" I shouted in my heart. I threw my saber out, but in the dark at night, the guy was fast, and the knife flew half a foot behind him.

After breaking through Ivan and avoiding the Throwing Knife, the man in gray didn't hurry to escape, but rushed to brother donkey and peach. The two men immediately panicked. Brother donkey rushed forward and blocked the peach behind him, trying to drag the man in gray.

Under the encirclement of the grey man, his hand was a killing move. His five fingers were like a hook lock to brother donkey's throat. Brother donkey blocked with his hand and was thrown aside by the other party with his arm. Then he grabbed the peach and blocked it in front of him.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her," said the gray man in a hoarse voice. His five fingers are locked in the throat of the peach. A hard grasp will make the pink neck spit blood and die on the spot.

"Let her go, or I'll kill you." the four of us stood in a row, glared at the gray man and said some cruel words, but these didn't help. After all, we had hostages in his hands.

But just then, the peach held by the grey man made a little movement. She quietly touched something from the women's shoulder bag she carried and held it in her hand. When the grey man stared at our movement, she closed her eyes and raised her hand fiercely to press her head.

"Ah -" a long scream, followed by Taotao coughing violently.

We all realized what had happened. Peach peach carried a wolf spray. It was made from natural strong stimulants such as capsicum extract, mustard extract and so on, and then shed tears. Peach is also very kind, so close to the grey coat people used the spray, she fully understood that she wanted to recruit, but still hesitate to use this thing, this woman's character is tough, really admirable.

The opportunity created by Taotao can't be wasted. The four people rushed up together. The difference is that I, the drunkard and Ivan rushed to the gray man who covered his eyes. Brother donkey rushed up to help Taotao to one side, washed his eyes and gargle with water.

At the moment, the combat effectiveness of the man in gray is less than 10%. When he lost his sight, he rubbed out his eyes with one hand, and the other hand kept dancing in front of him, trying to buy himself some time.

Ivan was very angry when the grey man broke through from him just now. The Chechen's bloodthirsty spirit came out again. He moved a watermelon stone by the side of the road and threw his hands over his head. At the moment, the grey man's eyes lost their function and could not see the origin of the stone. Where could he hide? He was knocked to the ground, The crisp sound of fracture made me frown.

It's not fun to smash it. Ivan moved a bigger one, which scared me to stop: "don't smash it with TMD."

The man in grey heard my voice and rushed over at once, but the drunkard was ready and had taken a step ahead. The drunkard was also very cunning. He stepped aside and waited for the man in gray to rush past him. He stabbed his ankle twice in the back. The "squeak" broke this guy's hamstring. There was no need to worry that he could run away from us.

"Now be honest." I stepped forward and broke his wrist. I was finally relieved. Grandma caught a live one and was afraid I couldn't ask.

We hid the car and dragged the man in gray to the woods by the side of the road. Now we don't have to worry about being found in the early morning. Ivan and the drunkard beat him in turn, but the man in gray didn't open his mouth. He screamed all kinds of nonsense in his mouth, sometimes with a few hoarse scolds, which made me angry. I thought he wouldn't open his mouth if he didn't be cruel.

When I got back to the bus, I took off my backpack. I squatted in front of him and said, "I know you're not human. You know what you are. You should feel the power of this thing." I pinched some relic powder in my hand to let him see it.

This relic powder is not the powder ground by the real Buddha bone relic, but like the Buddha light bullet, it is the cinnabar powder radiated by the relic. On top of the function of the cinnabar itself, it adds some power. No matter what changes the man in gray, the relic powder is the bane of this evil thing.

Sure enough, the man in grey immediately felt the power of the relic powder, twisted his body and yelled, "you won't come to a good end. Your family will be like her family. Men are slaves and women are prostitutes. Generations are poor and have no good end..."

"Emma, I'm so afraid of what I said. You see, my hands tremble uncontrollably when I'm afraid," I said, spilling some relic powder on him, and some even touched his wound.

"Ah --" he immediately issued a cry of ten times more than just a spray, and the wound that had been stained with the powder was also beginning to produce choking white smoke.

"Fuck, what's the situation?" I was afraid that the white smoke was poisonous, so I quickly pulled my companion back.

The man in grey was like a roast chicken swallowing white phosphorus. He kept emitting a lot of white smoke in his scream, and rolled back and forth on the ground. Finally, the scream decreased and lay motionless on the ground.

"Fuck, look at you, let me be light and do it myself," Ivan complained to me.

"Go and have a look. Maybe he passed out," I said hard, but I also knew that he was so miserable. Nine times out of ten he was dead. I didn't expect him to be so bad. He hung up with some relic powder. I couldn't help feeling very upset.

When we were talking, the white smoke was blown away by the night wind. We all screamed. At the place where the body of the man in gray should have been lying, there was a big mouse, gray and black, two feet long and dead.

"What's the matter? It's a rat spirit?" the drunkard pulled out the army spike again, as if he was afraid that the guy's soul was still nearby.

"No, if it's really a human shaped mouse spirit, it's not so easy to deal with," I said and looked up and found something in the rat's mouth.

Prying open its clenched teeth with a military knife, I found that what it bit in its mouth was a gray white, steel wire thick animal hair. As soon as the hair left its mouth, the mouse body quickly withered.

Just when I picked it with a military knife and wanted to carefully observe the white hair, it moved itself, pulled straight as if it were alive, "whoosh" flew to the northwest, and there was no trace in the twinkling of an eye.

"Shit, I'm afraid Daniel is right this time. We may have provoked the ancestors of rat spirit." I said to my companions

According to my understanding, the man in gray can become a human shape through the white mouse hair. No wonder it says, "there are thousands of people like me."

Now that the clues are clear, several key points are exposed, and connecting these points into a line to restore the original truth of the matter is our business.

But first of all, we have to hide Taotao's family, because it seems that the other party has been annoyed by us. It is estimated that more people in grey will be sent to chase us everywhere.

After thinking about it, we decided to go back to Beijing first. The so-called hiding in the city, the crowded capital of tens of millions of people, and some of our means, I believe they can hide for a period of time.

We immediately left Hunan and returned to Beijing, but just out of the Beijing railway station and waiting for a taxi, the drunkard whispered next to me, "boss, we're being watched."

"Where is it?" I was nervous immediately, but I didn't look back immediately. That would make the other party alert.

"There's a guy with brown glasses behind the group of students," replied the drunkard.

"Thief?" I asked.

"No, thieves usually stare at the owner who looks rich. This guy has been staring at you." the drunkard replied positively, but his words are very irritating. Don't I look like a rich man? My identity is also tens of millions of beautiful knives.

"I don't know which people this time, just stare at me." I thought, and then asked brother donkey and Ivan to take Taotao and her family to the place we arranged. I took the drunkard away from the crowd. The man behind immediately followed closely and looked around as if he was waiting for someone.

"Shit, you have an accomplice." the drunkard handed me a cigarette. They pretended to chat and began to look for a quiet place to walk around.

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