Maybe I don't think it's scary enough. Brother donkey added: "If you encounter an avalanche, give priority to finding large rocks and trees to escape. If you are buried by snow, don't panic, but move quickly. The falling snow will solidify and harden a few minutes after the avalanche. Before that, try to make yourself a breathing space, throw away everything, and move at the bottom of the avalanche with a crawling posture. If you are washed by snow and roll continuously, Unable to determine the direction of your head, use the saliva in your mouth to judge whether you are upside down, and then dig up as much as possible. "

After explaining these precautions, we began to walk towards the trumpet shaped entrance of Yanzigou. After walking for about 10 minutes, we met a very narrow pass. Brother donkey walked in the front. His feet crossed the pass and stepped on the snow. At the moment, a thin line in his feet was pressed and changed its shape, and a small "gully" was drawn on the white snow I came out, and my eyes followed one end of the line and saw something that almost stopped my heart.

The pull ring of a military grenade had been pulled to my head. I immediately shouted, "stop, don't move."

Brother donkey is an ordinary man without military training. When I said this, he thought I saw something. He turned and asked me softly, "what's the situation?"

It didn't matter that he turned around. My heart also turned fiercely. The pull ring loosened back, and the shrapnel was released with a crisp sound of "Ding". Then I saw a stream of green smoke "hissing".

"Run" I even pulled brother donkey and pushed Ivan behind me. The four turned around and began to run.

From seeing the stumbling wire of the deceitful thunder to the trigger of the fuse, the whole process only takes 4 or 5 seconds. Ivan and the drunkard behind haven't figured out what's going on, but I know very well whether the thunder explodes people or snow. The other party has found someone tracking us and wants to bury us with an avalanche.

Sure enough, we just ran more than ten meters away, the grenades exploded, and the snow on both sides was loosened. Then large groups began to fall, and finally hit down like a whole stone. The whole world turned white. The snow foam danced wantonly with the color of death. We ran slower and slower, and we were hit by the snow.

"Hide in the stone wall on the right," cried brother donkey behind. We immediately tried to stick to the right until we were swallowed by the snow.

Burying alive is called one of the worst ways to die, which is indeed reasonable. The feeling that the last glimmer of light disappears from your world will trigger people's deep despair. Even the strongest and most optimistic people will subconsciously think of two words: "over"

The cliff where we stayed was an inverted angle, and there was a little space for us to shelter, but it was not enough to solve the problem, because the weight of the snow would be continuously compacted, and it was difficult for us to dig to the outlet of the ditch at this time. Finally, the whole avalanche site would be a huge white grave, suffocating us alive.

But when death approached, people always had to work hard driven by instinct. It was good to live one more second. Ivan and the drunkard had climbed on the ground and dug snow desperately with an engineer shovel. I also pressed the buckle on the lower abdomen of my chest, unloaded my backpack and squeezed it up. The three began to dig like old rats.

The reason why we dig horizontally rather than vertically is that there are cliffs on both sides of Yanzigou. The snow will pile up very high and we can't dig our head upward.

However, even the horizontal excavation requires a long distance. There is a reason why the other party arranges the grenade there, that is, we have accurately calculated the distance that we can't return in a short time.

With the passage of time in seconds, our movements became slower and slower. In the end, Ivan stopped moving first. He was big and consumed a lot of oxygen. The first one couldn't hold up.

Then there was the drunkard. His last move after he stopped digging snow was to touch the wine pot, and then the whole man lay on the ground. I don't know if his last thought before he fainted was to have a drink.

I know they lack oxygen, but I don't have time to wake them up, because the most important thing now is to make a channel to let the air in. As long as the time is short, it's still time to save them.

Brother donkey and I still insisted, but only the last bit of will to survive in the bones dominated the body to do mechanical actions, and finally stopped respectively.

In the last few seconds when I went to consciousness, some pictures flashed in front of me, including my parents, Sanmei's smile, my son's fat little face and a few baby teeth that just popped out of my head. Then my breathing became heavier and heavier, and my eyelids began to become extremely heavy. I opened them with force until they closed next time.

In the dark, I heard someone shouting outside. It sounded like a woman. She said something I didn't understand. There was a woman crying out brother donkey's name. Who could it be?

Suddenly, there was a little light in the darkness, which was the kind of light that the sun shone through the snow. At the moment, I couldn't think, but my instinct told me that where there was light, there was air and hope to live.

I stretched out my hand in that direction. With a light touch of my finger tip, a sudden cold wind poured in. I didn't know who caught my hand. At the same time, several stiff Chinese said, "catch it, drag it hard", and then I lost consciousness

I don't know how long I was in a coma. When I woke up, I found myself lying in the tent, surrounded by drunkards and Ivan on the left and right sides. I stretched out my sleeping bag and tried them. I found that they were both breathing. Then I put down my heart, but I immediately mentioned "brother donkey?"

I sat up and shouted hoarsely twice. The zipper of the tent opened from the outside and came in a man I had never seen in my life, but I'm sure he was a minority, because in such a cold place, he didn't wear a cold hat, but a headband of a minority.

When he saw me awake, he pulled his head out of the tent and shouted. I didn't understand what was shouting, like someone's name.

With a sound of footsteps, another head poked into the tent and asked me with ordinary: "are you awake?"

Take a closer look at the second person. My head was buzzing. I almost fainted again. It wasn't someone else. It was ah Qiao.

"Why are you? Why are you here?" I asked two similar questions.

"Revenge is always easier to do in person." her face sank again, showing a cruel expression incompatible with her age.

"So you've been following us. How did you find us?" I asked.

Aqiao touched out a bamboo tube. I took a closer look. It was the one she gave me some time ago. In villa 7 in Macao, it was found by the larvae of the Gu mother that almost killed me and the drunkard.

"It's not a wish bug. It's called a thousand miles looking for incense bug. I can find you in the sky."

Ivan woke up when we talked. Aqiao asked someone to bring some hot water to Ivan to drink and feed some to the drunkard, but the drunkard was still dizzy. After thinking about it, I felt the wine pot out of the drunkard's arms and went down. The man woke up and opened his eyes. The first sentence was: "thank God, I haven't had enough wine, but I can't die."

"Where's brother donkey?" I asked Aqiao.

"He," ah Qiao said with a smile, "he's in another tent. He's happy now."

"Oh?" I immediately became interested and asked Aqiao to take me to have a look.

When I got out of the tent, I found that it had been built into a small camp. There were six or seven large and small tents. There was a fire in the middle of the camp. Someone was boiling water and cooking. I asked her where they found these people. Aqiao said that some of them were her cousins and some were the enemies of the Gu mother. They were mobilized by them. Aqiao said that the local black witches, white witches, Miao witches and Yi witches often fought, The Gu mother is powerful and has many enemies.

"Since you know she's powerful, do you still want revenge? Besides, where did you get these tents and equipment?" I asked curiously.

"We're not as tolerant as you Han people. We must revenge if we have a grudge. She killed my sister. Even if I don't want to die, I'll let her pay with blood. As for these things, if someone supports us, you'll know right away." ah Qiao sold it and pointed to a red tent and said to me.

I opened the composite zipper and went in to have a look. I immediately felt that Aqiao was right. In the eyes of any man, brother donkey would be really happy.

There was a smokeless stove in the tent, and the air window on the top was open. It was very warm in the tent. A woman held brother donkey in her arms and was feeding him water with a small spoon. Brother donkey's head rested on the softest pillow in the world. He should still be in a coma and didn't wake up.

Hearing the voice, the woman looked up and I was surprised that it was almond dew.

"Why are you?" I almost cried out.

"These things were originally caused by us. I left my address to Aqiao in Liangshan. She came to Beijing to find me, and we came together," almond Lu said briefly.

"You are so brave," I said admiringly. You know, almond dew is different from Aqiao. Aqiao grew up in the mountains. Although he will not adapt to places like snow mountains, at least he has no physical problem crossing mountains. Almond dew is different. She often takes a taxi half an hour from the subway home. She's very charming. She's willing to suffer so much. It seems that she has really made a great determination.

Originally, almond dew wanted to continue to feed water to brother donkey. She was a little embarrassed to see me coming, so she stopped. After a while, Ivan and the drunkard also got into the tent. The two people became lively when they came. One said that it was useless to feed water alone and slapped his face. Holding out a big hand like a bear's paw, she slapped brother donkey a few times. The other said that it was really useless to feed water alone, but it was not enough to slap his face and feed wine, So he poured some wine into brother donkey. They tossed and tossed, and brother donkey woke up.

As soon as brother donkey opened his eyes, he was as surprised as me. Ah Qiao explained the matter and said that the situation was unknown. He just followed us for the time being. He had planned to contact us these days, but he didn't expect to see us encounter an avalanche.

I calculated that we were in a coma for several hours. In addition, the swallow ditch has been sealed by an avalanche. It will take about a day to clean it up. Anyway, the shovel can't keep up with the ticket. We have to think of other ways.

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