Brother donkey suggested that these people obviously want to enter the mountain. Anyway, we didn't bring weapons, so we tried to bring more mountaineering equipment. Originally, we brought a lot of them, including tents and ice picks

, crampon, mountaineering backpack, medicine, walkie talkie, three-layer sleeping bag, snowstick, main rope, ice boots, lighting equipment, battery, helmet, mountain boots, safety belt, riser, descent device

, main rope, auxiliary rope and safety belt are all professional products bought in Beijing.

In addition, there are some multifunctional climbing claws that ordinary people can't buy, paper batteries that can be used to heat sleeping bags, high-precision GPS, portable artificial gills and so on.

Originally, these things were enough, but at the suggestion of brother donkey, we went out to buy additional materials, mainly ropes, fuel and food. Everyone is a big and small mountaineering bag, together with a stuffed tactical vest, waist bag and leg bag, which makes it feel like having enough dry food to hide from the devil in the mountain.

In the past two days, the shovel also purchased a lot of things. This town usually comes to the mountaineering team, but now is not a good season, so their business is not booming. When selling things, the merchants told us to be careful when entering the mountain. Climate change is very frequent, and it's best to go to the Mountaineering Association to prepare cases and keep in touch regularly, After all, Gongga Mountain is known as the king of mountains and the first mountain in Sichuan. There are countless strange peaks and mountains, hundreds of glaciers and countless valleys, with a total area of more than 300 square kilometers. There are almost no people. Once there is any accident, it is difficult to get out by your own ability.

I promised and thought, "I'm afraid the accidents we can encounter can't be solved by ordinary rescue teams. We have to rely on ourselves."

After a short pause, the group immediately began to move towards the mountains, and we naturally followed suit. None of the gang had seen us except the shovel, but for safety's sake, we wore hats and sunglasses in case we were recognized.

From their direction, this group of people rushed to the direction of the inverted load Chong camp, which is the first stop for many mountaineering teams. They will stop there whether they are looking for low-altitude mountains to practice, or directly challenging the middle peak, Edgar peak, hot sale peak, Bijia mountain and more than 20 high peaks with an altitude of more than 5000 meters.

There were many mountaineering teams all the way. At the service station, someone asked us whether we should hire a guide. Brother donkey lit up his guide certificate and the qualification certificate of a mountaineering association. Those people chatted with brother donkey and broke up.

However, it was a little difficult for us to continue to follow from the back loading camp to Gongga Mountain, because the number of vehicles began to decrease rapidly, and our two off-road vehicles followed behind, which was easy to attract each other's attention.

Donkey asked me to drive. He spread out the map and asked me to speed up and overtake the team.

"Ah? Won't you lose it?" I asked in wonder.

"No, they must go to Hailuogou. Let's go first. The terrain there is more complex and the vehicles can't drive in. They must abandon the car and walk. We can catch up when we find a chance."

I nodded and agreed. I said hello to the rear car on the walkie talkie. As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, I began to accelerate. This section of the road was quite wide. I rushed over with my horn. The SUVs were opaque glass. After crossing, I waited for the rear car a little, and then the four people entered Hailuogou together.

As a national 4A scenic spot, the scenery here is charming. The mountains with an altitude of six kilometers, the endless glaciers and the roaring Dadu River pass through the canyon. The moment I got off the car, I was deeply shocked by the scenery in front of me. The primitive terrain and landform seemed to arouse the primitive wildness in my blood vessels. I pulled my neck and roared.

"What's the matter with him? Who stimulated him?" Ivan asked brother donkey.

Brother donkey shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's a little like mild hysteria caused by long-term depression. It may be that the brain can't secrete enough dopamine."

The drunkard also jumped out of the car, moved his hands and feet and said, "what, it's anaan. If I say it's lack of women, I'll take you to the shampoo room to find one. What's more than ba'an and more than Jiu'An can be solved."

Ivan and brother donkey shook their heads together. Brother donkey said, "I advise you to give up this idea. I'm not exaggerating to tell you that the landlady is not easy to mess with. If you know you said this, I'm afraid you'll be in big trouble."

The drunkard looked unconvinced: "is it true or false? It's so powerful"

Ivan nodded, patted the drunkard's thin shoulder and said, "just your skill, second kill."

The drunkard looked at me sympathetically: "no wonder last time in Macao, you asked me to go to the bath center with this big fool. At that time, I thought you didn't like women. It turned out that you were afraid of wives."

I said with a smile, "that's not fear, that's respect. Unmarried people like you won't understand. Ivan is fine. You two don't even have a girlfriend. What's the coax?"

Joking, we unloaded our backpacks from the car and contacted the car rental company. They would come to pick up the car. Then the four people carried a large mountaineering bag half a person high and walked to the depths of Hailuogou.

In the next three days, we walked and stopped completely according to each other's route. Fortunately, these people didn't seem to know the route very well. It was a bit of a circle. They didn't start climbing one of the peaks, so we barely kept up. Moreover, as we go deeper and deeper into the mountains, ordinary mountaineering teams rarely come here, so we just need to follow the traces left by the other party's March, and we don't need to keep eye contact.

But after a few days, I always felt that someone was following behind us, but several times I paid attention to observation and found nothing. Ivan, they all said I had altitude sickness, but I always had this feeling in my heart.

After circling for a few days, the shovel seemed to find the direction with the group, began to level up, climbed over several low cliffs, and moved all the way to the main peak.

We hid from a distance and saw with binoculars that they sent two groups of people first. After light loading, we used ice picks to go up along the ice wall. The rest waited below. After these two groups of people had fixed bolts and climbing ropes, they followed. Brother donkey whispered beside me, "where are they going?"

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

Brother donkey put down his telescope, drew a sketch on the ground with the end of the crane mouth of the ice pick, and said: "The whole Gongga Mountain is composed of a group of continuous and super huge granite feldspar intrusions. Under the action of long-term cold, freezing and weathering all year round, the peaks here have common conical characteristics, that is, the mountains are surrounded by large angle cliffs, which is very difficult to climb. Therefore, theoretically, Gongga Mountain is more difficult to climb than Everest, let alone this season Due to the interaction of monsoon and air flow, thick fog, heavy snow, hail and rain on the top of the mountain are most prone to avalanches. It's too dangerous for them to do so. "

He explained while drawing pictures. What he said was very detailed, but others were a little dizzy. However, we were used to his character of not dizzy, and nodded.

Ivan asked me, "shall we follow?"

Instead of making up my mind immediately, I asked brother donkey, "what do you suggest?"

Brother donkey hesitated for a few seconds, and then said, "if they go further, they will enter Yanzigou, and then the south slope of Gongga. After going up from there, they will reach the depths of the real snow mountain, which is the core area of Gongga snow mountain area of more than 10000 square kilometers."

"What?" the drunkard immediately exclaimed, "what do you say, big brother? I've been climbing up and down these days. I haven't reached the core area for a long time?"

Brother donkey shook his head and said, "it's far away. After the south slope of Gongga goes up, it's the dividing point of the major peaks. Around the main peak, there are 145 ice peaks with an altitude of 56 kilometers. Compared with there, we're just visiting the park."

I thought for a moment and replied, "if you want to climb those snow peaks, are you sure?"

Brother donkey shook his head, but nodded stubbornly on his face. He pointed to the mercenaries who had crossed the small cliff and said, "I'm not sure to climb the main peak, but they're not a professional mountaineering team. I'm sure I can take everyone wherever they can go."

"Well, I love your character, it's awesome enough." I patted him on the shoulder and praised him.

During the time we talked, the group had tied the rope, pulled the backpack up, and began to climb up again. It can be seen that these human bodies are good. Moreover, as brother donkey said, this section is not the most difficult terrain. These people climbed the rope, nailed the tip of their soles on the ice wall, and began to climb over the cliff one by one.

Due to the large number of people, it is estimated that it will take some time. We simply ordered an oil and gas stove, heated it around and filled it with snow in a lunch box. The air quality here is very good and there is almost no pollution, so we can drink it directly when the snow is boiled.

When the water boiled, the four poured some. Brother donkey and I added some chocolate powder and cream, which was better to drink and could supplement our physical strength. We started eating with this. Ivan was similar, but he changed chocolate into coffee.

The most characteristic is the drunkard. He cuts the bread we brought into strips with a knife, adds some salt, canned beef, Douchi and his fried pepper, and makes it look like something like paomo. A lunch box is full of hot food there, which makes the three of us swallow saliva. This is what I admire him most. Even the most common materials can make it look like Greedy.

We had enough to eat and drink, and all the people on the shovel went up. After the last person disappeared in the sight of our telescope, we immediately packed up the steam stove. The four came to the bottom of the cliff. Brother donkey and I were in front, and Ivan and the drunkard were behind. They climbed over the cliff in the shortest time.

When we came up, the shovel group had disappeared, but several rows of messy footprints on the Snow told us that these people directly entered the swallow ditch.

In this area with very complex terrain, the two places with similar names are often very different, just like the Hailuo ditch we pass by. The wide bottom can be used as a football field, while the swallow ditch looks much narrower at first glance. There are high cliffs on both sides. It seems that it should close at any time, and then squeeze the people who enter the ditch to death.

"Be careful, everyone. After you go in, you must move gently and don't talk loudly, otherwise it will be easy to avalanche. There are mountaineering teams in the United States and Switzerland, and the whole army will be destroyed." brother donkey warned with a serious face, which scared Ivan and the drunkard to nod again and again.

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