With the charming roar of Sanmei, we just escaped from death. The frightened guys immediately stood still like stone carvings like Medusa. With the stop of our actions, I also knew why Sanmei told us not to move, because I also heard the frightening creak when the ice was about to break under my feet.

After looking around at the large area of snow around, I knew why it was flat like it had been cleaned up with a bulldozer. It turned out that the plane was forced to land on a lake.

"You two can really find a place," I thought. I just picked my life and it won't belong to me again.

"It's good to stop. Be picky. Don't talk nonsense. Get down and climb quickly," said Sanmei.

The four of us immediately fell on our knees, landed on all fours and climbed slowly to the shore. In this way, if there were no other factors, although it is only early winter, the ice should be able to bear the weight of several of us. But behind us, the ice could not bear the weight of the aircraft. In addition, the engine with high temperature was blown out and close to the ice. It just melted the ice. In addition, the pressure of the aircraft triggered a chain reaction.

The ice immediately cracked a large number of broken lines like spider webs, and the plane on the ice was the big spider in the center of the web, with it as the center of the circle, and the large pieces of ice were radioactive broken. The four of us didn't even have time to shout, so we fell into the cold lake together.

Although it is only the first ice, the weather in Siberia is no joke. Immediately, I was immersed in ice water like a lemon slice in a cocktail. When excited by ice water, my whole body was like being pierced by thousands of steel needles. The backpack and gun also pulled me down. When I thought that all the electronic equipment in the backpack had been destroyed by electromagnetic pulse, I directly pinched the plastic buckle on my shoulders, unloaded the backpack and let it fall to the lake. I ruthlessly threw away more than ten kilograms of sniper rifles. Only then did I struggle to swim out of the water.

When I came out of the water, I gasped desperately. Like an asthma attack, my heart beat soared to about 200 beats per second. My hands and feet immediately became numb. My scalp was stimulated by ice water. It was like a knife cutting back and forth in my brain. It hurt so much that I wanted to kill myself. The water on my eyelashes immediately formed thin ice. My eyelids seemed to be stuck together and tried to open my eyes. I saw several companions throw their backpacks and long guns out of the water. Ivan wanted to climb onto the ice, but his weight was too big, but he crushed the edge of the ice and fell down again.

"Stop... Let... Flowers... Go up first," I said vaguely as my teeth collided with each other.

The three of us pushed the golden pear flower up first, and she helped the three of us climb up the ice. We immediately stayed away from the place where the ice was broken. It's muddy and wet, crawling on the ice. When it's blown by the cold wind, it's in danger of freezing to death. Ivan didn't have much combat experience. He was like an ordinary hand getting cold. He was ready to move his fingers, but I stopped him.

"Don't do that. If the activity is too fast and the cold blood flows to the heart, it will cause cardiac arrest." as I said, I took off my clothes, sat on the ground and quickly took off my shoes and pants, but I didn't dare to take off my socks, otherwise my feet would be stuck to the ice, and the skin on my feet would be torn off as soon as I raised my feet.

"What are you doing?" Ivan asked, looking at me.

"Do it if you want to live." I have no strength to speak, because my muscles are about to twitch. Now I can decide whether to live or die every second.

Sanmei and Jinlihua also began to take off their clothes behind us. After I took off, I immediately grabbed a handful of snow on the ice, sucked up the water on it, and rolled up the sabre and pistol with my clothes. Then, with his clothes in one hand and his clothes in the other, he pointed to the pine forest by the lake in the distance and said, "run if you want to live." then he ran wildly. Jinlihua and Sanmei also held their clothes in their hands and ran desperately behind, trying their best to stimulate the potential of the body to resist low temperature.

"Shouldn't it be ladies first? Why are you so anxious to run for your life?" Ivan asked me with chivalry.

I was so angry that I had to answer: "First, these two women don't want to run in front of you naked, but we are men. It's no big deal to be looked at by others. Second, I'm here to protect you. Otherwise, watching the two hot beauties running naked in the ice and snow in front of you can easily lead a man with normal function to concentrate his blood in one point, which will cause your body temperature to drop Then I couldn't help but have a little desire to peep. I was ready to glance at it with my remaining light. Unexpectedly, as soon as my neck moved, I heard Jinlihua scream, "who turns back will die." I was so scared that I immediately turned my head back and concentrated on running towards the woods.

While running, I dare to move my fingers slowly, because now my body is in vigorous exercise, and the heat generated can protect me from sudden death due to hypothermia. None of the four people spoke, snoring and panting in the snow. Each step of running requires great physical strength and perseverance, which supports our poor desire for survival.

It's so easy to run to the pine forest. The wind is much less here. We try to wring the water from our underwear and clench our teeth before we wear it. Then we sweep away the snow on the ground and expose the pine needles below. These pine needles have fallen down for a long time and have been withered and yellow, which is very suitable for ignition.

We pushed the pine needles into a small pile. We withdrew several pistol bullets, cut off the warheads, poured gunpowder on the pine needles, lit it with a lighter, and the flames ran up immediately.

Several piles of burning pine needles were separated to expand the fire, and the swept snow was piled into a snow wall in the direction of the wind. The four of us were like babies jumping into our mother's arms and warming ourselves with open arms. Move your hands and feet while baking, so as to avoid frostbite at the ends of the body and damage to muscle tissue.

After baking for a while, we took turns to cut a large number of forest branches with military knives and burn the fire more vigorously until we dried all our clothes.

After putting on her clothes, Jin Lihua combed a bit of hair scorched by the fire and said murderously, "what's the name of that guy who made us like this? Yakov, right? I remember him." but the expression and look clearly told me that it's not a good thing to be remembered by a professional female killer.

Although I also want to catch Yakov immediately, peel the cramp, grease it and bake it on the fire in front of me, I know very well that the premise is that we get out of this wasteland no man's land of more than 1000 square kilometers alive. Due to the high altitude, the temperature here in winter is very low. The lowest temperature recorded is minus 68 degrees, but this extreme temperature rarely occurs. But more than 30 degrees below zero is like playing. When I was a child, I often heard the cold current of Siberia invading Northeast China or Inner Mongolia. Sometimes the cold current can freeze cattle and sheep, let alone people. Fortunately, it's early winter and the temperature is not so abnormal. I can only pray that God won't blow a cold breath here these days.

Tidy up everyone's equipment. Now we only have five sabres, four pistols, four magazines, two lighters and a Zhutian Kunlun crossbow. This crossbow is too important. Sanmei took it out of her backpack before loosening her backpack.

Everyone didn't bring anything to eat, so food became the first problem in front of us. People will starve to death if they don't eat at normal temperature, let alone we need twice the calories of food to maintain our core temperature at low temperature.

After I moved my hands and feet, I found a tall pine tree and climbed it. I simply judged the direction on it. Pointing to a continuous mountain not far away, I said to my companion, "where do we have to find a cave? The terrain here is too flat. The temperature will drop quickly when the wind blows at night."

Ivan shouted to me below, "but there will be wolves and bears over there, which is also very dangerous." when he spoke, I had slid down the tree. After landing, I said to him, "we can fight with wolves and bears. Maybe we can have more meat for dinner, but we can't fight nature."

After our companions had no objection, we put out the fire with snow. The four people wrapped their clothes tightly, put up their coats and hats around their heads, and began to march towards the mountains. Four people lined up in a line, leaving a long trail on the snow, and finally rushed to the woods at the foot of the mountain before the sun set.

"Hurry up, find a shelter before dark, or iron will be frozen into ice sculpture." I said as I climbed up the tree and cut down some thick branches to make torches.

As I grew up in the Northeast when I was a child, I was no stranger to such cold zone trees. The bark of white birch and the wood soaked in pine oil were very flammable. When I was a child, they were used to light a fire for the stove, and the combustion time was relatively long. Using a military knife as a chisel and a thick wooden stick, we planed a lot of things called "Mingzi" in the northeast on a pine tree. After we cut some cracks in the front of the stick with a knife and plug them in, we can use it as a torch to illuminate or defend against wild animals.

After walking around the foot of the mountain, Sanmei found a low cave, which is not too deep, but this low cave can better reflect the heat generated by the fire, which is more conducive to us to survive the cruel weather in Siberia.

After choosing the place, we were busy separately. Ivan swung a large army knife and cut a large number of branches. He even carried it to the hole with his braces to get warm at night. I found a large area of moss under the snow. The moss that has grown for many years is very soft. It feels a little spongy lying on it. I cut several pieces with a knife and spread them in the hole, so as to ensure that the body temperature will not be taken away by the stones on the ground. Sanmei and Jinlihua climbed up a tall pine tree like a civet cat, knocked down many pine towers as high as mineral water bottles, wrapped a large bag with a coat and returned to the temporary residence.

After all this, it was completely dark and the temperature began to drop rapidly. After the fire was lit, we threw the pine tower into it and burned it. When some pine seeds were cooked, we smashed them with the handle of a military knife and threw them into our mouth. Pine seeds contain Dading oil, which can make up for some of the energy we lose today. After hollowing out the wood, you can melt the snow as water to drink. Four people sat around the fire without talking and ate slowly.

Because the future is uncertain, it is not clear whether anyone can go out alive in the end, so the atmosphere is a little depressed, especially in this cave with a stone wall two feet above his head, which is really depressing and makes people feel stuffy. What's more, the wolves in the mountains still sing for a long time from time to time in the minor of the n-ensemble of vicissitudes, which makes us feel uncomfortable. We have to add more firewood to prevent wolves from rushing in. You know, Russia has the largest number of wolves in the world. Moreover, Siberian wolves are among the best. It's not that the wolves here are big. In fact, Mongolian wolves are the largest.

However, the Siberian wolf pack team has the strongest combat ability. Generally, they have a large number. If they encounter large beasts, they will use a torpedo tactic, that is, they will bump their bodies into prey like torpedoes, one by one, with tearing, grasping and biting in the impact. Even strong Yaks can't withstand this attack.

In the howling of wolves, everyone's face became more ugly. Fortunately, it has always been my strength to quarrel and be funny, so I peeled more than a dozen pine seeds and handed them to San Mei and said, "come, honey..." Ivan and Jin Lihua both showed a little disgusting expression, which meant that they were numbed by my flesh, and San Mei pushed my hand back with a smile.

I picked up a pine seed and threw it into my mouth. I said, "cheer up, everyone, especially you Ivan. You are tall and how depressed you are. You have to cheer up. You know, everyone is tossing around for your business. You have to thank us back."

Ivan scratched his hair. The originally dyed color was a bubble and fell off a little today. It looked strange in yellow and brown. He was a little embarrassed and said, "this must be no problem. I'll take you to the best bar in Russia to have a drink. Corinna used to lead the dance there. As he said, the silly man seemed to think of something and remembered it with a smile. His expression was sweet. It made me goose bumps more than when I fell into the ice lake.

"Come on, don't miss spring. It's terrible. If you have this face all night, I'd rather sleep outside the cave." I bared my teeth and made three flirtatious smiles tremble, and the golden pear also chuckled.

Ivan put away his smile and said to us sincerely, "this time it's bothering everyone. I owe you one."

If a man is emotional, sometimes he is more feminine than a woman. It's also a scary thing. I quickly said something small. Now that we're on the same boat, we have to work together. After that, we talked nonsense about something else, and then took turns to look after the fire. The rest of us slept in their clothes.

The sleep quality after huge physical overdraft is very good. Those mental workers who often complain about insomnia might as well try this method. The next morning we woke up hungry. After wiping our faces with snow, Ivan and I began to look for food.

More than 1000 square kilometers of wasteland is not only a difficult place for people to survive, but also wild animals have to struggle hard to survive. Because the conditions here are too bad, we were busy all morning. We only shot a few squirrels with pistols, went back to the camp, roasted and ate them, and then began to move in the direction determined in advance.

According to Ivan's analysis, we should go deep into the hinterland of Siberia and go southeast. Only by finding the big railway across Siberia can we get out of this cold barren land alive.

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