The camera seems to be directly facing his face, and the recording is in a hurry. The camera shakes from time to time. On the whole screen, I could only see his white face. I just heard him say: "Every year, there are agents and spies who want to sneak in to investigate the situation. They are from any country. Which country are you? FBI? CIA? MI6? Hey, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you're dying. You must wonder how you were seen through? Do you want to know? Do you feel defeated? If it's the plot in the film , I'll find out the answer now, but I don't have that habit. You'll be a fool to death. "

As soon as we finished this paragraph, we heard the sound of crackling discharge, all the electronic circuits in the instrument panel emitted electric sparks, and all our mobile phones, satellite phones and walkie talkies smoked and burned out.

"What's the matter?" I removed the burned out video player with a military knife. In the exposed hole, I saw a group of capacitors as thick as Coke bottles and the corresponding control circuit.

"It's Marx

The generator is charged and discharged in turn at the same time, generating an electronic pulse of 10 billionths of a second. It uses powerful electromagnetic energy to short circuit electronic products. We have met experts who understand electronic bombs, "Ivan said behind me.

"Stabilize the plane first." Sanmei shouted, and then tried to operate the control lever. She found that it didn't work at all, and the tail rudder of the plane didn't work. As the air began to turbulence and shake harder and harder, we tried our best to hold on to our body. The plane was like a paper crane in the wind, and could be in close contact with the earth at any time. Of course, the price of kissing was our four lives.

"Why don't they just blow us up?" Ivan also helped find something to fix the control lever, but it was impossible.

"If we crash in the urban area, it will attract the attention of the aggressive police, and someone will investigate the matter. If we die in the wilderness, it will be different. Moreover, they must destroy our electronic products with signal transmitting function first, so that they don't have to worry about the leakage of information such as route coordinates after our bodies are destroyed." I shouted as I looked down at the window. Because it was relatively high, I could only see a vast expanse of white under the plane, but it was certain that it was already over xiboliyan wasteland. Looking for a crashed small plane here was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Jin Lihua nodded to agree with me and added, "it's not that simple. There must be a bomb on the plane. The key is where it is." then he pointed to his head and said, "killer thinking"

Ivan didn't believe in evil. He ran back to the cabin to see the parachute hanging on the wall. No accident was all fake. The whole plane was a trap, a death trip for those who wanted to get in.

I put my head on the cold glass of the cab, forced myself to calm down, and then said, "we were seen through at the airport, but they are not absolutely sure to annihilate the four of us. They just want to kill us in the air, and they can't use too much explosives, otherwise they will attract our attention."

"Fuel tank, where is the fuel tank of this aircraft?" I asked Ivan.

"It makes sense. They must use the remaining fuel to blow us up," Jin Lihua nodded, but I think she meant "she would do the same."

Ivan replied without thinking, "six fuel tanks are located on both sides of the upper wing near the fuselage."

The four of us immediately ran back to the cabin and opened the boarding gate against the strong wind that could blow people somersault, but we couldn't see anything at this distance, and there was nothing to borrow from the fuselage.

It has been about 2 minutes since we found the pilot parachuted and touched the control lever. It is estimated that the other party has considered the time factor of waiting for the plane to go deep into the wilderness no man's land, so we can still find a way now, but it is estimated that the time left for us is running out. The plane has begun to go up and down like a boat in the wind and waves Flying is like being thrown around by an invisible big hand.

However, the four of us have no wings, so there's really no way to think about it. I looked at my backpack depressed and thought that if it were an umbrella bag, at least Sanmei and Jinlihua could survive. I tried my best to turn my mind around. In this desperate and dangerous place of life, only cards that don't follow common sense can save my life.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind. I asked Ivan, "you know the structure of these planes, don't you?"

Ivan said, "yes, it's disassembled dozens of times."

"Do you know how the fuel pipeline is distributed?" I said, taking out the sniper gun and assembling it.

"What are you going to do?" Sanmei and Jinlihua were nervous. They thought I was crazy under great pressure. They all thought I might be thinking


"Of course, what are you doing?" Ivan saw me take out some steel core armor piercing bullets and press them into the magazine, stared and said, "you're really crazy."

"Do you have a better way?" I asked, putting the magazine on the gun, pulling the bolt with a crash and loading the bullet.

Ivan shook his head and said, "no"

That's enough. If you want to hold your Corinna's soft hand, quickly point out the positions of several oil pipelines to me. My idea is actually very simple. Generally speaking, if the initial velocity of the bullet is sufficient, it will only penetrate the fuel tank and will not ignite. The premise is not to use armor piercing tracer bullets. Usually when our snipers want to destroy vehicles or aircraft on the apron, they will consider using large caliber sniper rifles and armor piercing tracer bombs to detonate the fuel tank. The ordinary steel core armor piercing bullet will not have this effect unless it continuously shoots the Mars produced by friction. Of course, the owner in the film can use a pistol to explode the enemy's helicopter is another matter. Those are gimmicks or designed for visual effects.

Sanmei and Jinlihua seemed to have more courage. When they understood what I meant, they immediately said, "hurry up, the explosives may explode at any time."

Ivan gritted his teeth, drew several points on the front of the cabin with a military knife and said, "probably here."

"Well, maybe it's a good word. I like probably. If something happens like this, you're not sure. It's not my shooting method." I gritted my teeth and picked up the gun.

"Bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang, We can see a lot of aviation kerosene spilled into the air as the plane overturned. Ivan ripped the sponges on several chairs and closed the holes in the cabin. Then we tried to hide away from the fuel tank together.

The four men held the handles welded to the wall to fix their bodies, and encouraged each other with their eyes. It doesn't matter if Jinlihua still has a face. It seems that life is not his own.

About a few minutes later, there was an explosion in the direction of the nose. Immediately, the remaining oil in the fuel tank was ignited. Fortunately, most of the fuel had leaked into the air along the broken oil pipe, but even so, the remaining fuel still caused a fire, and the smoke immediately surrounded the cabin.

"Shit, it's more choking than Cuban cigars." I scolded, pulling up my collar to block my mouth and nose. But with such a loose hand, he fell to the side of the cabin. A closer look, the fuselage has stood up and is falling rapidly.

Several of us closed our eyes and fumbled. We each found several fire extinguishers. Fortunately, this thing is not as fake as a parachute. It can still work. Only after a wild spray can we put out the fire in the cabin.

"It's over. It's a waste of effort. The difference is whether to blow up, burn or fall," Ivan said, throwing the fire extinguisher with his eyes closed and a little desperate.

Sanmei and Jinlihua were also thrown in the direction of the nose. Although their faces were calm, they were almost waiting for death. I coughed a few times and shed tears, but I still shouted, "rats in the flood know how to struggle twice. Don't lose heart." but it's no use shouting slogans again. The plane has completely entered the spiral state. I was thrown again and grabbed my hands. I don't know what happened, Just catch a thick steel wire rope exposed at the connection between the nose and the wing.

As I pulled hard, the spiral descent of the plane seemed to slow down a little. Ivan opened his eyes, took a hard look at the gang silk that cut my hands bleeding in the smoke, immediately roared with bright eyes, "don't let go" and then the whole man rushed at me.

Sanmei, who was also familiar with the plane, immediately reacted. She and Ivan rushed towards the bombed nose. I saw what they meant. Just now the plane was out of control because the pilot cut off the manually controlled transmission device when parachuting. Now the nose was blown up and the stay wire controlling the wing was exposed. This old aircraft uses this to control the angle of the wing, so as to rise and fall.

Two people rushed over at once, one on the left and one on the right. The three of us tried our best to pull up the control line. The plane, which had been going down vertically, immediately pulled up like a wounded bird trying to survive before it was about to crash.

But this is only temporary. First, we have no fuel. Second, we can't fly smoothly in this way. Sanmei and Ivan slowly relaxed the steel wire in their hands, and the smoking plane slid to the ground bit by bit. Finally, they stumbled and stopped on a large flat snow.

Several people were stunned and looked at the ground outside like a fool. Finally, Jinlihua responded, took the lead to jump off the plane and turned around and said, "I found it safe to be a killer in those years..."

The three of us also jumped down. Who knows, as soon as Sanmei jumped off the plane, she shouted: "don't move everyone..."

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