< Dragon Hunter - Once Again (2) >

Episode 184


‘Falled Scales’

Naturally, the first thing Do-hyeon did, after talking to Artasha and coming over to the sea, was to search for traces.

Because, all dragon hunting starts with finding traces.

First, find the trace, read the dragon’s energy contained in it with the dragon’s eye, and move in the direction it points.

That’s Dragon Hunter: Regalia’s unique tracking method.

“I found it easier than I thought.”

-There are many traces of Totonian walking around

-I’m not called a geek dog for nothing hahahaha

-The problem is that you can run away easily.

-After 10 minutes, Big: That bastard is flying again!

As Dohyeon said, it was possible to find the traces of Totonian without much difficulty.

There was no feeling that there were more of them at any point, and just looking around, they were scattered all over the place, so it was rather difficult to find them.

That meant Totonian was wandering here and there, as the viewers said.

‘Well, as long as it’s caught in the dragon, it’s over.’

As long as the dragon does not die, the dragon’s energy captured by the dragon’s eye does not disappear.

Do-hyeon walked slowly across the sea, following the thin blue line he could see.

‘claw marks’

‘Clear teeth marks’

“There are so many traces.”

It was a completely different abundance from the previous dragons, which were difficult to find even a few.

The blue line, which was thin at first as if it would break at any moment, became very strong as Dohyun collected a few more traces.

After collecting the traces and moving through the heavily wooded waters, Totonian finally came into his eyes.

“That’s a Totonian….”

– You’re finally here, you bastard.

-It gets really difficult from here.

– Do you not know how to believe and see?

-I was beaten by this guy who is a shitty guy ㅜㅜ

The White Dragon Totonian was a dragon thought to resemble a dog at first glance.

Of course, don’t think of a dog as a cute kind of puppy like a beagle or a pomeranian.

Totonian is also a ferocious dragon.

If we had to ask, we could say that the Doberman, or the Greyhound, is at least similar.

In fact, if you saw a Totonian with its white fangs in front of you, you would only see it as a beagle, a doberman, or anything but a wild beast.


The Totonian found by Dohyun was moving around with his head spinning.

Dohyun hid behind a tree so as not to be noticed by the gnome, and looked at the white fangs protruding from Totonian’s snout.

That’s probably the reason Totonian got the nickname Baek Ah-ryong.

It was clear that any person would die immediately if bitten by those white, sharp fangs.

“When he comes this way, it starts with a surprise attack.”

-Sun. Bread. Feel. Seung.

– You’ve got a good seat.

-I’m looking forward to it

At that moment, Totonian’s direction of movement was where Dohyun was hiding, so he decided to wait quietly and hold his breath.

Totonian, unaware of the presence of the reaper who was ambush on his way, continued to walk with a relaxed attitude.

He was a Totonian with a dog-like appearance, but his sense of smell did not seem to resemble that of a dog, and he did not realize the Do-hyeon who was waiting in front of him until the end.

And that meant giving Do-hyeon a perfect surprise chance.

With a silent cheer, Dohyun rushed towards Totonian.

This was to avoid giving Totonian a chance to react, even if it was belatedly, by roaring stupidly.

He swung the dragon’s flag – the sword, the ‘Iron Sword’.

The goal is the nape of Totonian’s defenselessly exposed neck!

Do-hyeon’s sword scans Totonian’s neck deeply.

Blood spattered with the ghastly slicing of meat.

It was an attack that inflicted so much damage that the sword gauge filled more than half.

“Heh heh heh!”

Totonian, who finally noticed the presence of the enemy due to the pain, roared.

However, Totonian had to step away from Do-hyeon, who was clinging to his side, rather than roaring.

This is because, despite the deafening roar, Dohyun did not stop moving.

Second slash in a row!

Totonian hurriedly retreated in the slash that mercilessly slashed the place where he had been cut.

Dohyun did not forcefully pursue Totonian.

Because I’ve already gained a lot of benefits from the surprise attack.

He took a breath in his seat and pushed his posture.

– Is it a good start??

– I cut it twice and the sword gauge is full hehehehe

– Jiral dog’s jil is from now on!!

“Heh heh heh heh!”

Totonian roared once more and jumped.

It was a high and long leap that eliminated it at once even though the distance had widened considerably.

Swipe your front paws at the same time!

Feet with sharp claws pressed Do-hyeon and tried to tear it apart.

But he’s not the one to stand still.

Dohyun narrowed her eyes and raised her sword.

Totonian’s leap attack is strong and agile.

only one

Attacks wielded only by instinct, although violent, were not refined.

What does that mean, if

Good, slurp-

“Kuh hun?!”

It is said that such a straight-forward attack is the prey of Do-hyeon’s swordsmanship.

Dohyun twisted his body as he brought his sword to Totonian’s front paw.

The silently clinging sword skillfully shook Totonian’s attack, shifting the direction he was originally aiming for for a long time.

And as a result.

“Kuh hun!”

Totonian, who has lost his body’s balance, is thrown to the ground from the head to the ground.

There was absolutely no reason for Dohyun to miss the huge gap that was revealed.

Dohyeon’s eyes shone sharply as she took the pose.

The sword gauge is already fully charged.

Destroying Dragon – The sword is ready to unleash a powerful slash.

This time, without hesitation, Do-hyeon swung the sword with both hands.

A vivid blue trajectory is drawn in the air.

Destroyer Dragon – Sword Slash!

The blow that poured all the full charging gauges precisely cut Totonian’s neck.

The very place where it had been cut twice before.

– Biggie, cut again!

-Toto: Hey, wait a minute. bone is right ah!

-But I’m really tired; How can you keep hitting the same place over and over like that??

– So, K is the sword god hahahaha


With a roar that I don’t know how many times, Totonian violently attacked Dohyun.

Scratching with claws, biting with teeth, waving tail and slamming with torso!

An attack with a very sharp movement follows.

It almost feels like I’m going crazy.

But in front of Dohyun, it was all meaningless.

It sheds its claws, bounces its teeth, evades its tail, and shakes its balance when it tries to hit it and knocks it to the ground.

Each time, it was only natural that Dohyun’s sword had left a scar somewhere on Totonian’s body.

-It’s just overwhelming;

-Where are the kids who say the difficulty increases from here?

-It’s a bit big and compared to ordinary people;

-Uh-huh, that’s so weird…

Even the viewers were bewildered at how easy it looked on the outside.

How long had it been since Dohyun unilaterally attacked Totonian?

Howling like a scream, Totonian moved.

In the opposite direction to the place where Dohyun was standing.

In other words, he ran away!

It was a completely different action from Do-hyeon’s thoughts, who expected that he would jump right back at him with a lively gaze.

Of course, in the meantime, Do-hyeon reacted nimbly and cut Totonian’s tail to inflict additional damage, but that couldn’t stop him.

The figure of Totonian, who ran quickly, disappeared over the sea.


– Jiral dog’s jil has started hahahaha

– That’s really annoying;

– Can’t you run away?

– I have to attack the legs and destroy them ㅇㅇ

“You mean you have to destroy the leg to stop him from escaping? Okay.”

Even in the unexpected situation that Totonian was escaping, Dohyun did not panic and followed Totonian in a leisurely manner.

As long as Yongan was chasing Totonian’s energy, there was no way to escape his pursuit.

Not long after, as he thought, he met Totonian again.

Totonian, who had been moaning and licking his wounds in the vacant lot, revealed his teeth as soon as he saw him, and ran towards him as if this time would be different.

It still didn’t work for Dohyun at all, though.

Taking it a step further, Dohyeon fights Totonian and intensively cuts his leg in the way the viewer told him.

No, to be more precise, only the legs were measured.

-Toto: Stop it!

-Your legs are just George lol.

– Wherever you go, you flirt in front of a big guy! Hahahaha

– Complete blockade of the damn dog hahahahahahahahahaha

Dohyun unconditionally cut off his leg and cut it again and again.

Like never to even think of escaping again.

It’s almost obsessive, and the viewers can’t help but giggle as they keep cutting their legs off.

[Totonian – Part Destruction ]

[Totonian – Part destruction ]

[Totonian – Part destruction ]

[Totonian – Part destruction ]


The consequences of such actions were clear.

All four legs had been destroyed.

Then Totonian did not even think about escaping as the viewers said.

Also, his mobility was low and he was limping to the point where he couldn’t even attack properly.

“I’m sorry, I’ll end it now.”

– Enjoy everything you enjoy hahahaha

-Even a dog is just a pitiful dog in front of a big dog…

– It’s a big curl that you can trust and see

-I’m guessing she’s a different girl from the girl I’ve been dealing with;

Dohyun finished Totonian, who is now barely breathing heavily.

Totonian’s body slowly melted from his toes.

Dragon Hunter: According to Regalia’s setting, when a dragon dies, it leaves no corpse except for a few parts that contain power.

This is called ‘naturalization’, but in fact, it’s a setting story, and it’s just a restriction to prevent you from getting too many materials.

Dohyun drooled after checking the material items Totonian left behind.

It was as if he was giving medicine to him who could not use the ingredients, because he was really rich.

He said it all because he seemed to have more than any item he had gotten while playing the game.

There were four or five scales, two claws, and even a heart with the lowest drop rate!

Usually, if you’re lucky, you’ll get a heart that you can’t eat even if you catch more than ten times on your first hunt.

It was truly an astonishing achievement.

“Why now…?”

But Dohyun couldn’t be happier.

Because, he was currently carrying out the equipment no-upgrade mission.

This means that no matter how well the material items fall, it means nothing.

– Whatmi; I got lucky all of a sudden??

-No, I can’t even eat it anyway hahaha It’s just bad luck lol

-Wow! Rice cake in the picture!

– I’m taking medicine like this, ah haha

“I’ll pick up … for now. I can’t write it right away. Well. After seeing the ending, the story is different.”

Seeing Dohyun speaking like a sigh, viewers burst into laughter as they filled the chat window with ‘blah blah’.

Because it was a pretty fun scene.

As he recovered all the material items Totonian left behind, Artasha secretly appeared in front of him as in the previous missions.

Dohyun thought she would ask if she would return to the base now, but unexpectedly, the words that came out of her mouth were different.

“The Totonian hunt is over. Congratulations. Now you are a complete dragon hunter.”

“By the way, I did a brief separate investigation during your hunt, and as Captain Kalec said, there seems to be something in the water sea.”

“I think it would be okay to investigate this once in a while. What do you think?”

│Let’s do an investigation

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