< Dragon Hunter - Once Again (1) >

Episode 183

“Tha. Nice to meet you. This is Kratos.”

– Goodbye

– Hey!

Dohyun’s broadcast started with greetings as usual.

Viewers who had been waiting for him to start streaming came in almost immediately after the show started, and the number of viewers soared sharply.

Now that I’ve seen it too many times, it’s a familiar sight.

He watched the number of viewers while chatting trivial chatter, but as the rise gradually slowed, he began broadcasting in earnest.

“A game to be played in the next episode of ‘Keep Hunsu’? Well, if I say this, it’s a spoiler. If you want to see it, please come to the broadcast. Everyone already knows about the broadcast schedule, right?”

– I’m not telling you this.

-What about the next game Samurai Hearts??

– That’s it!

-I think the swordsman’s hunsu is a bitch hahahaha

“Samurai Hearts? That sounds like it would be fine. I’d like to make a suggestion to the PD-nim…. Oh, if I say more, it’s definitely a spoiler. I’ll just say this.”

Dohyun talked to viewers about various things.

Originally, when he started broadcasting, he greeted him with minimal greetings and started the game right away.

However, after the last family camp, Seungyeon’s special education changed her pattern.

Before starting the game, I started to spend at least 10 minutes talking with the viewers about the things I plan to do in the future or have done in the past.

Seungyeon said, connecting with viewers is the secret to longevity of broadcasting.

It was the advice of Seungyeon, who had been on the air for much longer than he did, so Dohyun humbly accepted the advice and prepared a conversation time before the game started as it is now.

It means that he is also steadily growing as a broadcaster.

“Ah, then I saw that I had something to tell you.”

Do-hyeon, who was unraveling the information to an appropriate level about the upcoming schedule and the sword god raid, clapped his hands together.

The story we were just sharing must have been an All-Star Game event match that could be said to be related to Psychic Wars.

First of all, it’s a one-time thing, but it’s about the ‘fight of the gods’, the content that may go beyond that.

‘Because my dad said it was okay.’

After Seung-yeon came up with the idea for the content of ‘Fight of the Gods’, Do-hyeon immediately asked her father, Je-hyeon.

I’m thinking of doing something like this, could you please appear on the show?

He thought that he might be rejected because he was a father who treated the whole body as a difficult black history, but surprisingly, Lee Je-hyeon readily accepted Do-hyeon’s offer.

Do-hyeon did not know that it was a father’s desire to have fun with his son, even if it was a game, because black history is probably good.

Because he hasn’t become a father yet.

Anyway, the important thing is that Lee Je-hyun’s consent has already been obtained, and it is okay to announce it on the air.

So, Dohyun spoke lightly.

“After the All-Star Game event match is over, I’d like to start a new content. It’s called ‘Fight of the Gods’…”

– The battle of the gods?

– It must be fun from the name of the content;

-Are there any broadcasters called gods instead of big?

– Could there be such a person hahaha

-The ‘god’ of annexation Dum Dum!!

“Unfortunately, it’s not Dum-Dum-nim. As some of you may know, my father was a pro gamer who used to be called ‘war god’.

It goes without saying that viewers reacted violently to this.

– Wow hahaha what else is this hahaha

-Past legend vs current legend composition hahahaha

– Even rich people.

-You are succeeding to the throne vs son, there is no eternal king

-Kratos Nick is worth it!!

The fact that Do-hyeon’s father, Je-hyeon Lee, who was called the predecessor of the past, dominated the professional world was already famous.

In fact, as 20 years passed and there was no particular reason to become famous, the reason why he became famous was because Lee Je-hyeon was none other than Lee Do-hyun’s father.

Because there was no one who couldn’t help but shudder at the fact that both rich and poor are geniuses.

He wasn’t just a general genius, he was undefeated in both official and unofficial matches, and even retired because it was a legend that he made because his opponent was too weak.

In addition to that, Dohyun is famous for being the world’s best physicist.

There is no reason why the viewers who are fans of Do-hyeon will not be cheering for the two people who are father and son, who can only be seen in such a novel, will face off.

“Probably the time will be after the All-Star event match. Until then, we have to play other games for a while and shoot the next episode of ‘Keep Hunsu.'”

-ah! It’s time to match the event!

– How are you waiting?

– I wish the time would go faster hahaha

– Hold your breath until then. Suck!

The content period for ‘Fight of the Gods’ determined by Dohyun was after the All-Star Game event match.

Until then, there were many things to do.

In my mind, I wanted to do it right away, but once I started, I had to fix everything I started.

‘Victoria Implant’ sponsors ‘10,000 won’!

[But my father was very ordinary when he appeared on a big show before. Isn’t it physically down now?]

“Thank you so much for the 10,000 won support from Victoria Implant. Oh, I asked my father about it before and he said it. My sister was too bad at it, so I was just looking around…”

-Khhh BIG

-So, why are you taking all your game talents from your sister! ㅜㅜ Our Big Cry!

-Spicy taste that even my father is surprised;

– I was just looking around hahahahahahahaha

“You know that saying. Forms are temporary, but classes are permanent. Maybe you’ll all be surprised by the ‘Fight of the Gods’ content.”

After that, Dohyun brought up several more stories.

After spending another twenty minutes or so, he had talked enough and decided to start playing the game in earnest.

No matter how much it was, I couldn’t keep talking as much as it was a ‘game broadcast’.

“So, what’s the game we’re going to play today…!”

At the same time as Dohyun blurs out the end of his words, the appearance of the waiting room where he was staying changes.

into the wooded forest.

And the sound of the earth roaring.

It was the head of a huge dragon that appeared through the trees with a heavy vibration.

It was the appearance of a dragon that viewers had seen once before on Dohyun’s broadcast.

The dragon spewed fire just like it did back then, and the flames flowed as if enveloping Dohyun’s side, and soon coalesced to form letters.

‘Dragon Hunter: Regalia’

“This is a game I played before, but I stopped for a while because of the loss of the annexation. Dragon Hunter: Regalia. This time I brought it to see the end.”

– Oh, finally.

-I didn’t finish it then, so it was a bit awkward.

-Until the ending, let’s go wild

– 48 hours of continuous broadcasting of madness??

“I guess I’ll have to try it first. But how far did I go? It’s before Lost’s annexation, so my memory is a bit hazy…”

Do-hyeon, who executed Dragon Hunter: Regalia, first checked how far he had progressed.

It wasn’t particularly difficult.

I just had to check the mission I’ve been given.

“★3 ‘Totonian Hunt’ mission. I remember. I even did this.”

– Not long ago

– I think it was only in the beginning.

-If it is 3, there is still a long way to go!

-If it’s Kuk’s physical, it seems like he’ll wake up in no time.

To be precise, after receiving the 3 ‘Totonian Hunt’ mission, a video of Jesky’s sniper suddenly became a hot topic and the game ended.

Do-hyeon, who checked the progress of the game and the weapons he was handling, quickly nodded.

“Then shall we go right away?”

So, it was the moment when Dohyun was talking to Artasha to go on a new mission.

‘Mission Man’ sponsors ‘100,000 won’!

[Voila! I’m back~!]

“Oh, Mission Man, thank you for your support of 100,000 won. Isn’t this the first time since Samurai Hearts? Nice to meet you.”

– Black cow man appeared!

– It is no wonder that he appeared at this time…

-Are you trying to show off your overflowing black power once again?

The black cow man, no mission man, appeared again with the support of 100,000 won.

Mission Man was a famous viewer who walked through a series of missions of surprisingly large sums when Dohyeon played Samurai Hearts.

He disappeared after the end of Samurai Hearts, but this time he appeared again.

And the intention was clear.

In this game, Dragon Hunter: Regalia means that you will bet on a mission!

[Mission after a long time! Equipment no-up post until the end of the de-hun / 500. Call if cleared with Nodeth?]

– Big-handed distribution


-Mission Man is still a black cow only on big shows hahahaha

-Once a black cow, forever a black cow

-But if it’s a no-up post Nodes, no matter how big it is, it’s tough.

And Mission Man did not disappoint.

He set the mission while talking about a whopping 5 million won as a reward for achievement.

The mission was simple.

“Ummm…. No-no-op writing, until the ending with Nodes play.”

Dohyun muttered as if she was drooling.

As the viewers said, it could not be a very difficult mission.

Dragon Hunter: This is because Regalia does not level up or stat points, and can only increase her abilities by strengthening her equipment.

In other words, Mission Man’s mission was like a request to see the ending as it is now.

Even though it is clear that the enemies we will face in the future will continue to grow stronger.

“Can I use multiple weapons like now? Or just one? And can I use consumables at will?”

After thinking for a moment, Dohyun asked the mission man.

In Dragon Hunter, he was using a total of four weapons simultaneously: a sword, a spear, a javelin, and a bow.

It was a question to check whether there were any plans to change this and whether consumables could be used.

The mission man’s answer to him was a content that clearly showed his taste.

‘Mission Man’ sponsors ‘50,000 won’!

[One weapon! Consumables are unlimited!]

“One weapon…. Ummm-“

-The black cow man is very blatant hahaha

– You said to only use a sword hahahaha

-Somehow, he appeared in Samurai Hearts hahaha Do you like swordsmanship?

-I want to see a swordsman use a sword, this is it hahahahahahahaha

When it was said that only one weapon was allowed, in the end, the only thing Dohyun would use was a sword.

In other words, Mission Man secretly implied that Dohyun only used swords in Dragon Hunter.

The viewers noticed it and giggled.

“Okay. I will accept Mission Man’s mission.”

Dohyun nodded happily.

In fact, he thought it was better.

It was because he expected that equipment upgrade would be blocked due to lack of material supply at some point if he was lucky.

At that time, it was better to throw away equipment upgrades using the mission man’s mission as an excuse and proceed with the game rather than wasting time while farming.

“…a so-called honorable death.”

– Myungkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

– Well, if it’s Kuk’s luck, he can’t make backpack equipment hahahahaha

-K’s luck is Kingjeong~

-In exchange for gaining physical strength, he was deprived of luck.

-I want to see you go crazy after 10 hours of farming hahahahahahahahahahahaha

“Anyway, good. Now let’s really start. Let’s run hard until the end!”

At the request of the mission man, Do-hyeon, who put all weapons except the sword into the warehouse, smiled.

Now it was time to run to the ending of Dragon Hunter: Regalia in earnest.

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