< Lost - Genius and Thing (3) >

Episode 172

“You got it right, this one.”

Inside the raid tower.

Looking at the far-off Zeus-sama’s lightning bolt side, Kang Kang-woo savored his taste buds.

The stronghold, which until recently had been swaying as if it was about to be occupied as the outer wall was pierced, was in a state of good health as if it were the case.

Do-hyeon’s self-destruction and the collapsed outer walls are being quickly restored, so it will be possible to restore the original appearance soon.

Moreover, since the day is bright, the approach of the entry group will be more difficult than at night, and even if it is night again, the other side will not be vigilant like before.

It was such a pity.

“It was an opportunity to see a profit, but it’s a pity.”

-I could finish the raid in one day ㄲw;

– What’s better if you take it quickly?

– Our resource consumption is low. There is also a lot of hair over there because it consumes little resources.

-In the first place, Lost is a resource game.

“By the way, it’s a union. I thought it would only come out around the last day, so I put it aside.”

It was vague to call it careless…

Who could have predicted that working together as a team in the first place would be a matter of breaking into a raid and interfering with an attack once?

It would pay almost nothing in comparison to the effort put into forming the coalition.

Of course, because of that, it is true that the military service high school student Jang Jeon-hoi missed a golden opportunity, but that was only a ‘sorry’ because the lightly attempted stabbing turned into an opportunity.

“Is the union possible in the first place?”

“Yeah, well. For now, it’s possible.”

Kang Kang-woo calmly explained to Han-young, who did not know about the union rules.

Regarding the fact that only temporary unions are allowed to the end.

Hearing his explanation, Han-young blinked, then immediately asked him a question again.

“But if only a temporary union is allowed, wouldn’t it be a bit of a chore? One day it was united, one day it was disarmed, and so on.”

“There’s no way it’s possible to do it blindfolded like that. There’s a server management team, and above all, viewers can’t stand still. Isn’t it, everyone?”

-The moment you catch it, it’s stuffed right away ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Ant wiki/controversy added

-But among the broadcasters, do you have such eyes?

“It actually happened when it wasn’t the rule right now. The person who was stuffed while playing poker while doing the rule chicken. Was it the last time you joined the group? You ate a lot of swear words and probably stopped broadcasting now.”

Broadcasters can’t help but care about the opinions of viewers.

Second, that it is possible as a rule of thumb, if you do that, it is like an act of turning the viewers who are watching the joint broadcast as an enemy.

It’s not like the atmosphere suddenly goes down, and there’s nothing that people who choose to do as broadcasters can do something that reduces the enjoyment of joint broadcasting itself.

“So, the alliance is leaving now. Tado came crying out to Kratos, and since I actually killed him once, I’m leaving now. I didn’t come here to participate in the raid.”

“Oh, that’s true. Everyone’s leaving.”

Plaid said looking out.

At the same time, the coalition personnel came out from the base on the side of Zeus-sama’s lightning bolt and were scattered in all directions.

They were walking away, wah-was glad they had won.

Among them was J.D., who got into the helicopter and flew into the air and disappeared somewhere.

Kang Kang-woo, who watched the alliance disappear, shrugged.

“I said karma and took revenge once, so I have to step down. To completely interrupt the raid here is to play a game. There is no one among them who hates us that much right now.”

“No, so it’s just like that?”

“Uh. That’s why it’s even more ridiculous. To bring so many people together to do something like this. I don’t understand what the hell he’s thinking, JD.”

-Originally, you shouldn’t try to understand

– Who the hell is JD?

– He is famous abroad. Dam if you know that

-But it’s really meaningless hahaha I don’t know why I did it hahaha

Of course, it is true that the overthrow Kratos Alliance has inflicted a fairly plausible blow to the Military High School Girls’ Comrades Association.

Because everyone in the entry group lost their lives once, and missed the chance to finish the raid in one day.

That is, those who joined the union leave rejoicing in victory.

But what about J.D., who led the coalition?

Compared to the effort he put in, what he has now achieved was a result that the words ‘only’ or ‘only’ fit.

It is said that it was an absurd loss compared to the time and effort it took to gather allied members, keep secrets, and get the current timing.

The answer to that came from behind Kang Kang-woo.

“It’ll be just like you said.”

It was Dohyun who said that.

He died in the final battle and was resurrected in the raid tower.

Seungyeon, who saw him walking away from his hair, asked with a smirk in his eyes.

“If you died earlier, why are you resurrected now?”

“I was just thinking about it for a second.”

“Welcome. Is this your first time dying? How does it feel to die for the first time in a Lost?”

When Kang Kang-woo, who had his head twisted, asked a question with a strange expression, Do-hyeon responded calmly.

“Anyway? I know what it feels like to self-destruct.”

– I saw the will not to die at the hands of enemies

– I thought you were going to fight with a sword in the end hahahaha

-I can’t because I don’t have a knife.

-ah? No knife?? ㄲㄲ;

“Well, then I’m glad. But what does it mean to do what you said?”

“Ah, I didn’t hear you. A person named J.D told me that. He’s my fan, but he came to meet me bare-handed, so I prepared a light gift for him.”

“······· Lightly present? That one?”

Kang Kang-woo asked with an absurd expression.

It was a ‘light gift’ to have led a coalition of more than 30 people and disrupted it.

However, he soon focused on one of the things that Do-hyun spilled.

“Wait, I’m your fan? JD?”

“Yeah. I said it with my own mouth. I’m a big fan. You said you’ve been looking forward to meeting and talking to me?”


It was Kim Puru who gave a strange exclamation after hearing Do-hyeon’s answer.

Because he was well aware of foreign broadcasters, he knew how much ripple effect the existence of J-D had.

If listed in the famous rankings, it was J.D. who could confidently be in the top 10.

It was unreasonable not to admire the fact that such a person appeared as a passionate fan of Dohyun.

“Is this Kratos…?”

-Is that great?

-If you’re a fan enough to come, you’re bored.

-Swordsman class hahaha

-Are you ready to advance overseas?

-Agan’s Demon King is already quite famous abroad hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Puru Kim looked at Dohyun with a new look.

It is true that Dohyun is a top-ranking broadcaster in Korea, but it felt even better when a famous broadcaster from abroad appeared as a fan.

Either way, it’s about how you feel.

“Well, that’s it.”

Of course, Dohyun didn’t care at all about that.

In fact, he didn’t even know who J.D. was.

I just thought it was because he was a famous foreign broadcaster.

“It seemed like he had a plan, so he’ll come back later. Let’s focus on the raid in front of us for now.”

Kang Kang-woo and the team members nodded at Do-hyun’s words.

Obviously, the thing to be concerned about now is not the alliance that has left, but the raid with Zeus-sama’s Lightning Strikes team, which we haven’t captured yet.

They took out the appropriate armament from the box they had brought in advance and had a brief operational meeting.

“There’s still one bomb we planted.”

During the night operation, there were two bombs buried to detonate the next day.

One installed by Dohyeon and one installed by the Four Heavenly Kings.

The former was used by Do-hyeon by self-destructing during the coalition invasion, but the latter was still quietly buried under the outer wall of the enemy’s stronghold.

Of course, if caught, they would have been removed, but I didn’t think that Zeus-sama’s Lightning Strike Team, who had been rescued by the Union after being driven to the brink of the fall, would find the bomb so quickly.

“I’ll pop it in and take the time off. In the meantime, let’s get another entry team piercing through the opposite outer wall and coming in from both sides.”

“Seongdonggyeokseo (聲東擊西). It’s obvious, but it’s a good strategy.”

“If it’s okay, I can apply my strength to Kratos and pierce through it.”

-Is the entry group the main tribute and the big tribute?

-Maybe it’s the other way around hahaha

-entry group < I don't know the Kratos formula.

-It seems more terrifying to have one demon king enter than to attack the rest of the team;

Do-hyeon and other entry groups with double-sided pincers!

That was the strategy that the military high school girl Jean Jeon-Wuhoe team finally chose.

It was after Dohyeon had already shown that it was possible to enter alone as much as possible by holding on until the group of entering alone arrived.

Therefore, they wanted to use it in a direction that could maximize his destructive power.

As soon as the plan was established, Do-hyeon left and got up.

“Come on, let’s go back then. The goal is…. Yes. Let’s take it to myself today.”

“With today? Is that possible?”

“You have to make it possible.”

Dohyun smiled and said.

And he kept his word…

It really means that in just one day, the raid was successful and Zeus-sama’s lightning bolt team’s base was captured.

The battle was really one-sided, as the military high school girl Jean Jeonwoohoe’s team had planned.

Do-hyeon, who entered by detonating a bomb that had been planted in advance, endured against the crowd of enemies and attracted their aggro.

And taking advantage of that gap, other entry groups from the opposite direction enter through the outer wall!

Zeus-sama’s Lightning Strikes side, who tried to deal with the other side, even if it was late, was stopped by the rampaging Do-hyeon and allowed a double-sided attack.

It was exactly the same situation they were in before the Union came.

Dohyeon on one side and the rest of the entry groups on the other side.

In the meantime, Zeus-sama’s Lightning Strikes team members tried to resist somehow, but the more they did, the more despair they got.

Now there was no union to help them.

In the end, they were defeated and annihilated in the battle held within the base.

“It’s still okay. We can win!”

“Once you hold on to the base…!”

– I don’t know

– I think I know??

-If you hold on to the base, will you somehow…?

– One vote for the loss

Zeus, who was annihilated once, the Lightning Strikes team tried to survive using the stronghold as a shield.

Of course, it’s not the military college high school student jang comrade team who will be watching it quietly.

They used it almost as if they were pouring out bombs, blowing away the walls of the stronghold.

He used bombs so haphazardly that, when the raid was over, Zeus-sama’s lightning bolt team’s base was almost left with only a skeleton.

He drove the enemies who had lost even the base to be used as a shield, and blew up the room where he kept his sleeping bags at the end, and even looted the building blocks.

“I lost….”

“GG. I can’t win.”

-I’ll capture this;

– If you do, do it! Coke Cola!

-If that’s the case, there’s no point in interfering with the union hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

-The power of the final boss that’s hard on this one

– I’m just going to throw it away hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Even Jesky, who had endured to the end, eventually admitted defeat and shook his head.

On the side of the defeated Zeus-sama, lightning strikes team, the team of high school girls in the military exercised their rights as winners.

They plundered most of the resources they had.

If the raid had been prolonged, they would have suffered only a loss because they had few resources, but since it was over in one day, there was much to be gained.

It is enough to restore all the resources that the military college high school girl Jang Jeon-wu team has invested in raids.

As a result, everything went well, but Do-hyeon’s eyes were deeply sunken.

‘I said there would be another chance.’

Dohyun, remembering the last words JD had left, quietly fiddled with his gun.

Not the semi-automatic rifle I used before, but a new model assault rifle.

And then he thought.

It was J-D who came leading a coalition of more than 30 people, saying it was a light gift.

Such a person would not have teased him about the next opportunity for no reason.

Surely he will show up again.

in any way.

-Dear Mr. Kratos

And his thoughts were right.

Not long after, an invitation flew to him.

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