< Lost - Genius and Thing (2) >

Episode 171

It was a declaration that seemed to be a really passionate fan of Dohyun.

And along with that, it was also a word that could tell JD’s cleverness.

What kind of fan is going to lead a coalition with the goal of overthrowing his idol as a gift?

Even looking at the way he talks, it seems like it was JD’s fault that he gathered the union in the first place, so it’s even more absurd.

In addition to that, accepting shooting as a sign of liking…

‘I’m not crazy.’

Even some Do-hyeon thought so.

And it seemed that viewers felt the same way.

– It’s like a troll;

-See the gift class hahaha

– Besides, the timing has come.

– It looks like I was watching it and then dragging it

-I’m more surprised that nothing is known about the Union; How did you gather people?

Just by looking at the fact that such a large number of confederations had been gathered and led without any clue, you could see how thoroughly J-D had prepared.

If even one person had made the wrong choice, the existence of the union would have been known to Do-hyeon.

But they gathered quietly, moving to disturb him at the most perfect moment.

In other words, he selected only those who would fit into the coalition and invited them.

Perhaps while watching Dohyun, he gathered only those who were willing to fight even after being bandaged by him.

It was truly a tremendous amount of obsession and effort.

‘Although there are benefits for self-sufficiency here.’

The reason why Do-hyeon thought it was self-employed was simple.

What would have happened if Dohyun’s team, Jeon Woo-hoe, a military high school girl, had played normally without taking the final boss concept?

Obviously, J.D. would not have been able to form a coalition of that size.

Without good cause, the broadcasters would not have followed J.D. and formed a coalition to attack Dohyun and his team.

If this server was just a general public server, the story would be different, but this is a broadcaster server where only broadcasters who are broadcasting privately gather.

There is no way that broadcasters can form a coalition without any justification and attack and interfere with other teams at random.

If you do something like that, you won’t be able to get any entertainment from the broadcast, and it’s an obvious disrespectful act that’s different from bandit, which is recognized as a kind of play.

Of course, if you plan to do a personal broadcast in the future, there is no way you would have been labeled as unmanageable in a very large-scale joint broadcast.

In other words, it could be said that J-D used the karma that Dohyun and his team had accumulated.

“I wish we could talk face to face if possible, but I don’t think that’s possible. It’s a pity.”

At JD’s smirk, Dohyun raised the gun again.

To completely cut off the breath.

But did you notice his appearance?

“Oh my gosh. It’s because the two feet I just hit are barely bleeding. It’s unreasonable to be more right. It’s no fun if the black screen dies too easily, right?”

Jaydy quickly stepped back.

Do-hyeon’s expression of disappointment at the act as if she had even read the insides of this side of the story.

If you go out of your way, it might be possible to kill him.

However, in that case, he will not be able to resist even 100%, and he will also die.

And he wasn’t sure if he could definitely kill J.D.

It is said that the blood is scarce in words, but it was because he had a rather relaxed attitude after going through that.

“If I like it, I can talk more all day, but this time, I’ll do it right here. There will be another chance next time.”

-Next chance??

-You’re saying you’ll come back next time, right?

-It could be a story that K will come to you.

-Actually, it’s not like I’m just going to suffer…

Instead of retreating J.D., the union members sneak around Dohyeon.

As he glanced over where they were approaching, Dohyun checked his equipment once again.

The bullets weren’t very plentiful, but there were enough left.

I shot a lot during the previous fight, but that was because of the things that were recovered from the Zeus-sama’s Lightning Shooting team.

There were also three or four attached bombs and grenades left.

Also, there was one hidden weapon.

‘The equipment is sufficient.’

It was good to see that he had enough to fight to his heart’s content.

Of course, even with these, the probability that Do-hyun would win was not high.

Probably because the difference in numbers is too big.

Now, they were close to fifty people, including the union and Zeus-sama’s Lightning Strike team.

As long as the outer wall that Do-hyeon broke through was filled, the chances of defeating them and even escaping alive were very low.

But nevertheless, he did not give up.

“It seems like he’s thinking of me like a rat in a poison.”

Dohyun laughed.

The enemies felt such confidence.

Confidence in what he could do alone.

So he decided to let me know.

Left alone, what the hell can he do?

“I have to let you know that it’s not just a mouse in the dock.”


-The demon king in the poison hahaha

-How many people can you kill?

– Mission angle? mission angle?

[Won thousand mission calls per kill?]

“It’s 1,000 won per kill. It’s not bad.”

Even the mission, as if to infuse war with it!

It was a honey-sweet mission without even a limit of 1,000 won per kill.

Of course, if a broadcaster other than Do-hyun received such a mission in a crisis like the one we are currently in, he might have thought that he was making fun of me.

But Dohyun was different.

“Come on, let’s get started.”

Dohyun pulled out two attached bombs and pressed the button.

With a click, the two bombs fired at the same time, and he hurled them into the sky.

Objects that soar into the sky in moments of tension.

Of course, the eyes of the enemy had no choice but to turn to it.

And their gaze took a moment to deviate from him, and Dohyun started running out of the hiding place.

Belatedly, the bullets fired by the enemies rain down along the trajectory of Do-hyeon’s run.

But none of them hit Dohyun.

It was because he had already hid behind the barricade he was aiming for next.

one step late.

“It’s a bomb! Be careful everyone!”

The bomb that Do-hyeon threw exploded and swept up those around him.

It is an attachment bomb with the power to destroy even the outer walls made of stone.

It was too strong for the personnel of the alliance to bear without any special armor.

Three people in close proximity from the explosion died on the spot, and they both collapsed in a moribund state.

It was Dohyun who made five enemies incapacitated at once, but he was not satisfied.

It was because they already knew that the dead among them would soon be resurrected through sleeping bags installed nearby.

In the first place, the fact that five of them died from the two bombs he threw was also because they approached them with a light heart without fear of dying.

So instead of feeling a little bit of satisfaction, he moved to kill more enemies.

-“I’ll fire support from this side!”

The fact that the team members who were resurrected from the Raid Tower contacted Dohyeon also gave him a lot of strength.

A sniper was made to aid him in the raid tower, as it was a significant aid in his solitary fight.

However, it was not helpful enough to change the situation because Zeus-sama’s Lightning Strikes side covered it.

Queekly enough to pee on frozen feet?

In the current unfavorable situation, I would like to do something about it, though.

“Damn it! It’s so fast!”

“One taiwan! Guess one taiwan first!”

“Ma! King! Get on! Do!”

bang! bang! Tatang! bang!

– I killed another person hahahaha

– How many kilometers have you already been with this hahaha

-Did you think I was locked up in a dock? really?

-Actually, it was the other way around hahahahahaha

A gap that was revealed in an instant.

Do-hyeon never missed the flaws created by the impatience of his enemies.

It is said that if he was careless even for a moment, he immediately stopped running and raised the gun.

When fire spewed from the tip of his straight-pointed gun, only one enemy died and fell to the ground.

‘Nine with this!’

Dohyun continued to move without resting for a moment.

He knew all too well that the moment he stopped, he would be surrounded by enemies and be hit by numerous bullets and become a beehive.

In order to survive, I had to keep moving.

All he was allowed to do was disturb his enemies and kill their numbers.

So he did.

‘Twenty, twenty one!’

Do-hyeon’s resistance was fierce.

He wiped out the bullets in his inventory and used all the attached bombs and grenades he didn’t have to get rid of his enemies.

His resistance was so intense that all the members of the Union were to the point of being killed by his hand at least once.

He was resurrected and went to battle, but anyway.

-Whhh mission basard hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

– Haven’t you already done over 40 kills?

– Almost like that.

-This is the Demon King, you guys!!

“Whoa- hoo-“

Of course, there was no cost.

No matter how weak the enemies were, they were fighting dozens of enemies with guns.

It wasn’t easy enough to overcome without any injuries.

As time passed, Dohyun grew tired.

It had no choice but to move barefoot, avoiding the enemy’s gunfire, and even stabbing if there were any gaps in the meantime.

Rather, it was tolerable to have endured so far.


‘The bullet is….’

And finally, even the bullets fell.

Do-hyeon frowned at the situation where the only sound was the empty beating of the gong even when the trigger was pulled.

The enemies unconditionally prevented him from recovering items from the enemy he had killed.

Anyway, there is a limit to what a person can carry, so he decided to kill him.

In a sense, it was no different than admitting that he could not be killed by normal combat, but the effect was excellent.

That’s how he ran out of bullets.

“I can’t use it anymore.”

Dohyun threw down the semi-automatic rifle he was holding.

In fact, it wasn’t just the bullets that were the problem, but the semi-automatic rifle he had with him as well.

First of all, guns are as durable as equipment.

The durability of the semi-automatic rifle, which was abused throughout the raid, was already at its limit.

Of course, if it is repaired, it can be used again, but there is no way he would have a tool for repair without bullets.

Unrepaired, the semi-automatic rifle was nothing more than an old scrap metal rod.

-Is it the end?

-Solkamal, if this is the case, I rubbed it a lot.

-ㅇㅇ It wasn’t strange that he died right away, but he was good.

– You showed me that the devil is a geek, so what?

-This is enough for the final boss face, so I can die lol.

Viewers had a foreboding of the end as Dohyun threw down his gun and sat leaning against the wall.

It seemed to be the same with the enemies.

You could tell just by looking at the people who were waiting for Dohyun to attack when they slowly appeared around him.

Looking at the alliance that surrounded him, Dohyun smiled faintly.

Even if I died, I had no intention of dying at their hands.

That was the reason he came all the way here.

“good bye.”

– Kick, quaang!

With a short murmur, he pressed the switch on the trigger that Dohyun had.

Then, the place where he was sitting, as well as the surrounding exterior walls and the whole area were caught up in a huge explosion.

When he and the Four Heavenly Kings were working at night, they detonated the bomb they had set up for use as they entered the next day!

The explosion was stronger than a normal attached bomb, so not only Do-hyeon, who was the closest, but also the enemies who approached it were caught up in it.

Do-hyeon, who was closest to the explosion range, was instantly killed.

[You are dead]

[Cause of death: bomb]

[You can resurrect by selecting a previously set respawn location]

1. Base sleeping bag

2. Sleeping Bag for Magical Bands

3. Raid sleeping bag

“It’s dead….”

Standing in front of a screen that can only be seen when he is dead, Dohyun scratched his cheek.

He hadn’t met a death since he started Roast, and it was also the first time seeing this screen.

It was natural to die in the Lost, but anyway, it was the first death for him, so it felt a bit strange.

Even more so because it was due to self-destruction.

But those feelings were short-lived.


Dohyun’s eyes sank deeply as he thought of J.D., the culprit who drove him to death.

With a glint that you don’t know what you’re thinking.

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