Gate To The Multiverse

Chapter 104 - Part 6. Possibility.

November 24th, 1959. 12:23:31.

Sitting on the bench with a snack on his hand, Ezekiel observed from afar the couple as they walked in the same place where once Janey's watch was broken. A lot of time has passed since the failure of the accident, in order to pass his time whilst he observes the life of Jon, he passed his days studying through the possibilities of Tachyons as [Blind Spot] which currently orbits around the planet sends daily information of various tests.

Due to not using his powers and his physical body returning to that of his human body, he also started aging as changes took place, though still minuscule. His psychic powers still reside within him yet the challenge of not using them became something Ezekiel is looking into as by the day he realizes the difficulty of surviving by finding himself on another planet without someone to testify for him and his existence.

The income problem too was solved, as recently deals were made with some companies of energy industries where Ezekiel sold them a cleaner way for it whilst keeping a 50% share for himself, as to constantly gain the money which he would require for future projects.

Finishing the snack held by him, Ezekiel got up and threw the rubbish on the trash as he walked away from the theme park which didn't have anything special, except for both of them as it is the place the first time they met and also the where he has proposed whilst he ate…

February 6th, 1960. 13:14:24.

Reading through the Comics he bought, Ezekiel realized how wonderful yet complex this DC Universe is. Not only there exists many heroes & villains who break physical laws but also powers which describe the very concept of the words as he had previously thought about 'Destiny' & 'Fate', which means the possibility of Jon Osterman's accident is still possible as 'Destiny' might have changed, but 'Fate' will follow its order for the accident to happen.

Apart from the thoughts around the probabilities existing of everything in the Universe, Ezekiel's focus was placed more within the Magic this world had as the possibilities far extended that of the previous world's he had visited. Although 'Harry Potter' had its own set of rules for the existence of the possibilities which they could experiment it around with, the DC's extended far from those.

Finally, after Magic what brings him more interest in this Universe is the Soul, something he still knows little to nothing as each Cosmos he has visited where its uses are known has its own definition. But, in this world there exists an entity who goes by as God's vengeance, also known as Spectre. The Judgment of the creator of the Multiverse who is known as God revealed to be an old man with the name of 'Presence', in the faith of humanity and his role is judging the people by their sin.

This could not only increase his understanding of everything of the workings of the Multiverse, but he could also face the danger of being expelled or eradicated due to his identity as an outsider which is something he looks forward to seeing how it ends…

May 14th, 1961. 15:10:05.

Standing behind the family members who dine on their respective tables, Ezekiel observed as Jon celebrated his wedding with Janey.

Things haven't changed much, apart from Janey & Jon getting married, which is being celebrated and congratulated by every one of his co-workers and family. There have been no accidents in the work field…though the world's economy changed quite a bit due to the new energy introduction as many things altered in many fields causing less pollution and planet damage due to natural resources need.

The Silk Spectre family also changed quite a lot, as Ezekiel's visits helped the family in opening between themselves as Laurie's objection to the training she received was convinced by him to be stopped unless the little child wishes to. Although there were objections at the beginning, Sally compromised as he introduced her to how the world would be whilst explaining the fact that the government sooner or later would take control over the people who act as heroes to become their lackeys.

Ozymandias was also met in the front line of business, where he discovered the mindset of the boy and understood why power was in the head of the boy. After all, who doesn't think one deserves something when it has something that the others don't and sees the world as nothing more than his own territory, which camouflages his every action as the greater good for humanity. And finally, The Comedian was also met, though it was nothing more than one sight of him as he had visited Sally's house to discuss some matter before he walked away from, where both didn't bother…

Inside a small lab, Ezekiel sat as he looked through the ŀȧptop he built due to the need for a portable workspace and observed as the Quantum Mechanics differentiated with those of the previous worlds. There exist many energies which previously had never been recorded by him, and states of matter which exist and don't at the same time similar to previous theories, hypothesis.

The Tachyons, which have been in constant experimentation over the years, compiled a lot of data around the Universe as Ezekiel understood the many powers which Dr. Manhattan possesses. These discoveries led him to finally utilize his powers, as his psychic powers experimented with the Quantum Mechanics of this world and were played with, but to no avail yet. Even ideas & concepts consisting of previous views such as that of 'Arrival' were too utilized, but still showed no effect on the matter.

This point proved Ezekiel, that either Jon ended on an energy state unique to DC, or some sort of higher power was involved in the matter as everything is part of something designed in this Universe. Though there also exists the possibility of not having done enough investigation, after all, the possibilities of this smallest scale of existence are extremely vast and beyond what his mind could currently comprehend, due to not only because of the conditions of the Universe itself but also the different Laws of its nature.

Jon & Janey married and spend their married days happily, whilst the impossibility of Jon becoming Dr. Manhattan also reached a 100% due to their workplace changing, for fear of an accident happening. Disputes and wars began between countries, as the possibility of another World War reached a high point, creating chaos in many people's hearts. And finally, his journey came to an end, as an extremely vast and different understanding of Dr. Manhattan opened with the time obtained for him to analyze this Universe…

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