Gate To The Multiverse

Chapter 103 - Part 5. Tachyons.

August 12th, 1959. 21:40:36.

Inside an apartment's kitchen, sitting on the chair, Ezekiel occupied the table with various pieces of equipment and dangerous tools near them whilst he examined each one carefully. Organizing them, he picked one as he slowly proceeded to ȧssemble them as the light from above in the ceiling shone everything, clearing his vision.

Opposite from where he sat, the window which usually projected the moonlight was completely dark, as an enormous blueprint hung, occupying half the wall with it. Drawn within the paper were tens of original designs with extreme detail, which contained technology far ahead of the current era of humanity's Technology Tree showing how advanced it is.

Invested in the process of constructing the device, his time slowly passed. Although since his arrival everything within his plans has gone well, on many occasions Ezekiel had to alter various minuscule details as went on due to the differences in the technology which caused many problems in his traveling, money, identity…though the most noticeable would be the machinery for metal foundry and processing, as the time it took to gather all the equipment in hand to move forward and further on his plan wasn't as anticipated. But, thanks to the money he previously borrowed, it still took less than it would have otherwise.

When described by a human's perspective, the Universe is formed of countless wonders hidden from the nȧkėd eyes, yet exposed to many others. Each of its aspects forms what the eyes perceive through the reflection of the light on the object it clashes to, forming the Cosmos as we know it, whether in the smaller or bigger scale of it.

One of these wonders, a particular particle is known as Tachyons is one of many and only natural ways Ezekiel found to deal with the perspective of Time for Dr. Manhattan. Due to not having a deep understanding of these subatomic particles, as they were only encountered in accidental occasions when he was in 'Edge of Tomorrow' and 'Looper', there is no data around its limit, purpose, or abilities.

Though if studied correctly, many things could be solved as its speeds exceed that of light, causing it travels backward, which by knowing such would also imply they would be able to answer mysteries around the existence of Paradox, Time Travel, Dimensions…within one's Universe, or even how the 'End of the Universe' will be or how the 'Beginning of the Universe' was.

Granted the information Ezekiel has about any or everything around these particles, and foreknowledge from the comics proves to be right, then the current project he is working on might come in handy. A device that is not only sophisticated as it involves knowledge which can be said something above technology, and complex as it involves plenty of ideas applied which he uses in [Shadow], the name he has granted is [Blind Spot].

The blueprint hung on the wall, most of it records around this device as due to having needing testing with prototypes before the product was made the time it took was greater. The primary purpose of this device is to connect with each other as they orbit around the planet's gravitational pull, which continues by manipulating the surrounding of the Earth's SpaceTime and causes the running Tachyons of the Universe's playground to stir which in turn blurs, or completely renders Dr. Manhattan's perspective useless unless Jon's view of the Universe is so different that even Tachyons aren't something which he requires to visual the Universe the way he does.

In order to realize such, [Blind Spot] first would need to be on the planet's orbit which will be done by the spacecraft which currently lies on his bed. The size of the artificial satellite is around half a meter, whilst its objective is to orbit the Earth and dispatch the Tachyons devices all around, even in the satellites made by mankind as they do not influence them in any form.

And, if by any means this plan does not function as formulated, the self-destruction plan comes in work. Programmed within the spacecraft, the Tachyon devices which will dispatch [Blind Spot] on space will also send these devices on the surface, which will also stir the Tachyons around the world's surface. Although there exists an infinitesimal chance of Dr. Manhattan destroying all these devices, the chances of him completely doing so are small, after all, the mental stability shown by him is nowhere near as one would predict he would have…

This entire plan is designed within mind if…everything goes by his knowledge or foreknowledge of the events that will take place. Unless reality is much more different, as not only his challenge would increase but also show him more around the views of the Universe he has yet to know about due to limited by his own limits of thoughts.

Apart from everything done till now, whether the advanced technology, the perspective of 'Time', or the hypothetical Tachyon particles, Ezekiel also needs to understand and analyze the mental state of Dr. Manhattan and Jon Osterman as the future differences could prove him how much changes one after a sudden change of nature of oneself…

August 14th, 1959. 08:12:24.


An extremely enormous amount of gas was released from the bottom, as the small rocket jumped up from the ground at a height of 70 meters and continued traveling upwards as it broke through the barrier of sound, increasing its speed by the second. Placing the remote within his coat, Ezekiel walked back as he went and decided to build the other device too, though he is in no hurry for such yet.

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