Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 682 Let players die comfortably and happily

The biggest difference from Dark Souls and Bloodborne is the combat system.

It can be said that Sekiro is actually more inclined towards ACT, which is the direction of action games.

Bloodborne and Dark Souls are still more RPG-oriented.

The main reason is that the birth of "Sekiro" in the previous life was actually planned as a spiritual sequel called "Tenchu".

But as the game progressed, Miyazaki finally decided to make Sekiro an independent game.

It’s not like Souls games, nor is it like Tenchu.

A wolf is a wolf.

Although there are also ghosts and Buddhas corresponding to bonfires and lanterns, the mobs will still be refreshed after resurrection.

But the difference in the combat system brings a directly different gaming experience.

If new players of "Bloodborne" and "Dark Souls" do not improve their skills, there are still some crooked ways to pass them.

Then this phenomenon does not exist at all in Sekiro.

Madam Butterfly, Genichiro Ashina, and then the elderly adoptive father Xiao and his adoptive father from three years ago, Nagama and Isshin Ashina.

It can be said that in any ending route, players will meet a real teacher, a teacher who can't skip classes in a crooked way.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. There's nothing you can do.

Therefore, Sekiro is also regarded as the most difficult game by many players.

In the office, Qin Yi, Meng Zuo and others looked at the detailed design concept drafts in their hands, and they all looked Spartan.

The illusion from the previous meeting disappeared completely after seeing the numerical design of this game.

Obviously, in terms of difficulty, "Sekiro" can definitely be regarded as the best in the Souls series.

Probably only the death version of Dark Soul can fight against it.

"Mr. Chen, how difficult is it!?" Qin Yi couldn't help but feel pain in his balls when he looked at Chen Xu.

I can imagine it just by thinking about it in my mind.

"This difficulty level is very reasonable. After all, it's only the first game, so don't think about making players suffer too much. The more difficult modes should be placed in the second and third games." Chen Xu said with a smile.

As for the game content, Chen Xu also uses the complete version of Sekiro from his previous life.

In addition to the two higher difficulties that are opened consecutively after clearing the level, Shura, Severing Immortality, Reclaiming the Son of God, My Heart's Foster Father, My Heart's String Ichiro, and My Heart's Isshin, as well as the seventeen consecutive battles unlocked after three consecutive battles, will be included in the first version. to players.

Of course, it's not just that. In fact, Chen Xu still has further plans for the future.

After all, the challenges for players are unlimited.

And to be honest, for players who have practiced a little bit, these difficulties are actually nothing.

After all, "Sekiro" is also a back-story game. As long as you can endure death, you can definitely survive it.

For example, Genichiro's moves are quite fixed. He drinks the gourd to increase blood while staying away from him. In the first two stages, Genichiro will draw a bow and shoot arrows. If it is Tomoeru, Genichiro will leap and stab, and drink the medicine without stopping. It can be easily solved by using your brain.

There is also Madam Butterfly, whose moves can be interrupted by rotating and stepping, and the blood will be grinded in an infinite cycle.

So it's just like the death mode designed using artificial intelligence AI in "Dark Souls".

Chen Xu also plans to launch a more challenging "Despair Mode" for "Sekiro" in the future.

Of course, that will happen after the game is launched. For now, the focus is still on the content of the game itself.

"In addition to numerical values ​​and level design, you are responsible for coordinating the art aspect, Hu Tu." Chen Xu said while looking at Hu Tu and Yang Xin and others next to him.

Although the map design of "Sekiro" in the previous life was very excellent, it also had various bugs.

For example, first go to the aquatic village to defeat the monk who broke the ordination, then learn to dive and jump twice in a row to the wall next to the bridge in front of Ashina's main city. You can turn the entire map into an ocean and swim freely to where you want to go. Commonly known as Swim empty.

This is a BUG in the map design, and Chen Xu plans to modify it in the game.

As for some methods of skipping classes, Chen Xu did not intend to modify them.

For example, Shuisheng Village used Mingzhong to assassinate the phantom monk who broke the vows. This is part of the game's skill mechanism.

Of course, the more important point is that for those who like to skip classes, there are always a few good old professors who will teach them how to behave in later levels.

"In addition, the art department has recruited a group of people. It is different from the past. This time we have to make the player's death scene more beautiful. It is tentatively decided as"

"At the same time, just like in "Detroit: Become Human", the player controls Connor to collect various death methods to receive an achievement trophy. In "Sekiro", every time the player dies, different fonts will appear randomly. Trophy.”

Chen Xu thought for a while and said towards Ruan Ningxue.

After all, it's different from Dark Souls and Bloodborne, where you just die and go back to the campfire or lantern.

In Sekiro, players may see two or even three deaths in a single battle.

In this case, it can make them die more comfortably.

At the same time, although the current Nebula game platform on the VR platform only supports the official creative workshop, some simple text creative MODs can still be opened to players.

For example, turning ‘dead’ into ‘vegetable’.

Of course, taking into account the existence of trophy collecting players, this death can also be regarded as a process cup, so that the order of death that has appeared will be lowered, and it will be truly random after one round.

Listening to Chen Xu's words, Ruan Ningxue was speechless.

Mr. Chen, you are so considerate.


In this way, the difficulty of "Sekiro" can be considered settled. Although Chen Xu said that the difficulty will be adjusted based on the feedback after development, and it will be weakened or enhanced appropriately.

However, Qin Yi and others have always believed that the word "weaken" should be deleted from this sentence.

Only enhancements, not weakening!

In this regard, Meng Zuo and the others can only pray silently for the players, hoping that they will be blessed.

At the same time, in the gaming circle, the impact of "BioShock" has not yet dissipated.

Although "BioShock" is inimitable to many game designers.

But this is a large game manufacturer. In fact, the impact on some small and medium-sized game designers is quite profound.

Especially for some game designers who pursue art, it can be said that "BioShock" is regarded as a classic by them.

There are many excellent works among them, but of course there are also some mediocre ones.

However, everyone unanimously chose the same direction, which is the direction of tragedy.

After all, tragedy is always more impressive, and most of the works throughout the ages end in tragedy.

Coupled with Chen Xu's famous nickname in the gaming industry and the style of the two-part "BioShock" he just released.

This trend came to Chen Xu unknowingly.

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