Looking at the battle system design in front of them, everyone in the conference room was a little confused.

Qin Yi, Meng Zuo, Yang Xin, Ruan Ningxue and other old people looked at each other.

I see it, I see it!

What kind of ninja and samurai background, what kind of sword and halberd movie style, what kind of Sakura dragon and immortal power, it doesn't matter at all!

The really important key element is that this is a pure soul game!

Thinking again about what Chen Xu said at the beginning of the previous meeting, everyone was speechless.

"Mr. Chen, this brings a Sekiro after the "BioShock" series. We feel that players may be a little bit unbearable!" Meng Zuo couldn't help but said.

Chen Xu smiled: "How could it be? Didn't you notice that this game is very different from previous Souls games? Players in previous Souls games only had one life, but in Sekiro there are two lives After death, you can still be resurrected with half blood."

Listen to your nonsense!

Yang Xin, Ruan Ningxue and others were speechless for a while.

"Don't look at me like this. Don't worry about the difficulty. I will adjust it later as appropriate." Chen Xu said while looking at everyone.

If the difficulty is too high, it will be lowered. Of course, if the difficulty does not meet Chen Xu's expectations, it must be raised.

After all, after all these years, we cannot let players down by bringing them a Souls game again.

"And next I will tell you about the map. This time the map of "Sekiro" will be a little different from before. After I finish talking, you will know why I said that the difficulty will actually look relatively low. Yes." Chen Xu smiled, looked at everyone and continued to speak.

Dark Souls and Bloodborne are also known for level design that goes beyond just the malevolence of the enemies in the levels.

It’s more about controlling the player’s action planning and rhythm.

Such as mechanisms, monsters and shortcuts.

It can be said that soul games are more focused on exploration, which also benefits from good level design.

The map design in "Sekiro" is a little different.

Because the biggest feature is that the wolf in the game can jump and double jump, plus the hook lock setting.

After making the map of "Sekiro" three-dimensional and giving players higher mobility, it is replaced by a higher degree of freedom.

Just like in the Dark Souls prequel, players are located at the Fire Transfer Sacrifice, which is the central point, and can go to the Little Lund ruins, underground cemetery, and the Street of the Undead.

In "Sekiro", it goes a step further. After players come to Ashina Castle according to the plot, they will go to three different places: Source Palace, Senboji Temple, and Aquatic Village.

But choosing where to go, players can make choices here.

At the same time, "Sekiro" has another tricky aspect, which is the use of resources.

Take Ashina Castle as an example. In the dark night, a wolf crawled out of the valley and escaped with Kuro. Then Genichiro cut off his left hand and went to Ashina Castle to find Kuro. The inner government invaded Ashina Castle and fell into the flames of war. Isshin died with Ashina. Houwei Mingcheng fell.

At different time periods, although the same distribution of enemy monsters and routes that can be encountered in Ashina Castle will undergo some subtle changes.

Although it is the same map scene, the environment has changed differently, and the new monsters will not bring much sense of repetition to the players. Instead, they will have a deeper understanding of the map.

In addition, the addition of double jumps in the game also gives players a higher degree of freedom. As long as they are proficient in the map, they can go to places that are usually inaccessible, or better perform parkour.

Of course, in addition to these, the design of the monsters in the game is also very good.

Compared to Dark Souls and Bloodborne, they are basically irrational monsters.

Most of the monsters in "Sekiro" are humanoid, which also means that they can make friends.

At this time, it is quite difficult to fight head-on. Players need to use their brains to investigate the surrounding terrain, use forbearance killing and execution skills such as puppetry, blood smoke, or use auxiliary props such as Moon Hidden Sugar to kill the mobs one by one. Assassination, and finally deal with the BOSS.

One of the most classic places is the big fat bandit Anaconda Juzo who was encountered by players in front of Hirata Mansion three years ago.

If you just rush over regardless, then two shield soldiers combined with archers and fire handles will definitely teach you how to behave.

And if you assassinate slowly, you can even secretly assassinate elite monsters, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the battle.


Listening to Chen Xu's words, everyone showed surprised expressions.

Because judging from the introduction, it seems that this time the Souls game "Sekiro" is really friendly to players.

There are two lives, most monsters can skip classes, and they also have the function of assassination.

Could it be that Mr. Chen really compromised on the difficulty?

Chen Xu, who was sitting in his seat, couldn't help but smile slightly when he looked at the expressions of everyone present.


This is impossible!

It is full of ways to skip classes and has extremely user-friendly map design.

But don’t overlook one point.

That is, the combat system of "Sekiro" is completely different from Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

After adding the concept of parry bar, the combat system has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It can be said that in the battle of "Sekiro", fighting the BOSS is no longer about emptying the enemy's health bar with one blow, but about finding ways to fill up the enemy's parry bar.

Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't grind blood, but grinding blood in "Sekiro" means it's more difficult, which is equivalent to fighting the BOSS with a broken wooden shield in "Bloodborne".

Therefore, in "Sekiro", the easiest way for players to defeat the BOSS is to learn how to use step steps and block and fight with swords.

At the same time, it is different from Dark Souls and Bloodborne, which cannot be defeated by a good brother, and it is really not possible to increase the value through soul grinding to create a bucket-waisted account.

There is no online function for players in "Sekiro", so the good brother Sun Knight naturally does not exist.

At the same time, although you can also learn skills in the game, they are not critical.

As for the blood volume, the gourd that increases blood, and the battle memory that increases attack.

Except for a small amount that can be collected from all corners of the map, most of them need to be obtained by defeating BOSS and elite monsters.

Therefore, if players blindly skip classes and do not fight some elite monsters when they encounter them, they will fall into an endless loop.

There is no gourd and no health.

At the same time, in the main plot of the game, players will also encounter two teachers.

Madam Butterfly, a teacher who was quite indulgent towards her students, turned a blind eye after mastering the step-step.

The other one is the more strict teacher Genichiro, who takes steps, sees through, reads moves, and blocks. If you fail in any class, don't even think about passing it. You will be properly punished by repeating the grade.

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