As the influence of "World of Warcraft" continues to spread.

More and more new players are joining.

Nearly two months have passed since the launch.

The first batch of Gandi players have basically experienced the joy of conquering the Molten Core raid.

At the same time, the team is also making arrangements for some subsequent versions of "World of Warcraft".

Of course, for most ordinary players, these dungeons in the upper levels of Blackstone Tower are basically not a problem.

But the group book is still relatively difficult for many ordinary guilds to achieve, especially the wind sword, which is coveted by countless warriors.

Currently, only the top dungeon conquering teams have access to it.

Inside the Molten Core, Song Renzheng, Zhang Yi and other team members conquered it.

"NICE! It's finally over!"

"The leader is awesome!"

"It's over! It's finally over!"

As the two behemoths collapsed, a group of people in the team shouted excitedly.

As the leader of the trade union team, Song Ren looked at the people who were happily celebrating the New Year, with black lines all over his head.

"Why are you happy here? We just passed two door gods!"

Song Ren looked at the excited people in the team and was speechless.

What a bunch of salted fish!

It’s been so long since the game was launched, and he didn’t even talk about things like Wind Sword. He didn’t even know how long it would take to get this T1 set together!

After getting rid of the two gate gods, Song Ren sighed as he looked at his red-out equipment after a series of group annihilations, and then disbanded the strategy team for this week.

"Old Song, please be patient. This is a small step for the dungeon guide, but it is a big step for our guild." Zhang Yi next to him comforted him.

"Oh, let's not talk anymore. I'll go back to Crystal Lake to vent my anger on a few murlocs." Song Ren sighed.

This is something he often does when he is bored.

To this day, he has not been able to forget the first monster that took away his blood when he first entered the world of Azeroth.

The fishman must die!

"Stop playing fishmen, Old Song! Check the official blog! Mr. Chen seems to have a new game!"

Just when Song Ren was about to rub the hearth stone and return to the place where his dream began, bullying and bullying the fish people.

Suddenly Wang Han's voice came from the voice channel.

Song Ren, who was about to return to Novice Village to bully the fishmen, was stunned, but he opened the official blog immediately.

Also performing similar operations are many ordinary players who have been following Chen Xu.

‘Are there new games? ’

‘Damn it, is it so fast? ’

‘It’s not very fast, is it? Calculating the time seems to be almost the same, but during this period of time, I have been playing "World of Warcraft" every day, and I haven't noticed the time. ’

‘But this new game seems to be a little different, cartoon art style? Is it like "Two People Go Together"? ’

While the popularity of "World of Warcraft" continues to grow steadily, the promotional CG for Chen Xu's new game has also arrived.

But after clicking on it, many players were stunned.

Because at first glance, this new game art style turns out to be cartoon style.

It’s not that there are no game manufacturers making cartoon-style games, it’s just that most game manufacturers will default to a more realistic art style for VR devices.

Including Nebula Games, although it also has cartoon-style games such as "Super Mario: Odyssey", "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and "Twins".

But they are not on the VR platform, and this time it can be said to be the first time.

So while the promotional CG was announced, players were also curious about what kind of game this would be?


At the beginning of the video, the Nebula Games logo flashed.

Just like the opening animation of "Uncharted", it is located in the rough sea.

A small boat with a lantern hung on its bow was driving slowly on the ocean toward the lighthouse in the distance.

There was heavy rain in the sky, mixed with strong wind and lightning.

'Bring the girl here and the debt between us will be cancelled. That's the deal. ’

First Person Perspective Lowering his head, a wooden box opened in front of him.

Inside were two photos with faces that could not be seen clearly, and a pistol.

He picked up the pistol in the box, while the rain blurred his vision.

The camera suddenly came to the cloud, and the game's name LOGO appeared: "BioShock".

As the screen fell into darkness, a symphonic BGM sounded in the ears, and the screen came to a place similar to a library.

Holding a book in her hand, a girl with short hair wearing a blue and white dress looked at the camera with a wary expression.

'Who are you? ’

‘I am Dewit, one of my own! ’

As the scene flashed by, a panicked expression appeared on the girl's face.

'He's here, you... you go quickly! ’

'Why? ’

‘You will regret staying! ’

Accompanied by the cry of an eagle, a huge thing appeared outside the window.

Then the ground shook and the whole building seemed to collapse.

As the camera shakes, the picture also switches.

In the darkness, a man grabbed a hand and ran forward.

'This is not a good place. ’

'It's only going to get worse from here on out. ’

In the dark scene, there is only light where the little girl is standing, and next to her is a scene similar to an operating room.

The ground was filled with bright red blood, and behind her there was an old man whose face could not be seen clearly, sitting motionless in a wheelchair.

'A girl is in a fire that can burn the whole world'

The next moment the scene came to a huge airship, an old woman whose face could not be seen clearly turned her back to the camera, and the whole city was caught in the flames of war.

‘Although I don’t know the details yet, the details will not change the damn ending! ’

When this promotional video came out, the players were not only excited but also felt a little weird.

Although the game's style is cartoonish, it is very beautiful, which is not surprising to players.

And combined with the color transition from bright to dark, it adds a feeling like a stage play to the game.

What really makes players wonder is what kind of game this is.

This short promotional video of just over a minute did not allow players to see much content.

There is a little bit of each point, but there is no depth to each point.

It can be said to be the same old Riddler style as always.

If there is one thing that can be hooked on, it is the steampunk theme.

The giant falcon robot in the game, the huge machinery, and the airship that finally destroyed the city.

These elements all have obvious steampunk characteristics.

As for other aspects, many players are just confused.

"By the way, who understands this trailer?"

"Looking confused, Mr. Chen is the old Riddler!"

"Isn't this normal? It's just a promotional trailer. How much information do you want to reveal?"

"But I felt a little scared. The cartoon pictures in the front were really beautiful, but the dark scenes in the back scared me to the point of peeing."

Facing this promotional video, which lasted less than one minute, the players discussed with each other.

And we got one point that everyone unanimously agreed on, that is, Chen Xu is simply an old Riddler!

It’s getting too much!

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