From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 630 The shock brought by the super large diamond and moissanite! Testing is such a luxury!

"The strong S-wave area is a flat, oval-shaped thin layer that looks dark, which is different from the strong annihilation force field."

"The light around the strong annihilation force field is very dim, and the strong S-wave area only annihilates light itself and will not affect nearby areas..."

"This may be caused by the field force being squeezed by the regular environment."

"The material is sent from one side to the other, and the entire body passes through the strong S-wave area, producing a high-heat reaction and surrounding the center with smoke."

"But it is still obvious that what is sent in is pitch black silicon carbide and what comes out is transparent crystal."

"Look again..."

In the temporary data room of the experimental base, a group of people stared at the live video. The shooting angle was facing the center of the strong S-wave field force.

A large amount of smoke blocked the view, but the situation could still be seen from both ends.

A large amount of silicon carbide, like a coal mine, was transported by a machine from far away into the dark thin layer of field force from one side, and after coming out from the other end, it turned into a large piece of transparent crystal.

This process is a bit like dyeing, but it is much more shocking than dyeing, because what goes in is all soot-like, and what comes out is crystals that are large, like a whole piece of stone.

The stone is colorless and transparent, and emits a silvery sparkle when exposed to light.

"It looks like magic. I never expected such a reaction."

"When will this large piece of transparent crystal be shipped?"

"It should be soon. Academician Wang has already given the explanation."

Many people who have watched the video are very excited. They have heard reports from people at the scene that when they look at the transparent crystal up close, it looks like there are many large diamonds inside.

I look forward to that scene so much.

The staff at the experimental base waited for about three hours, and he finally waited for a helicopter to transport a large piece of transparent crystal.

This speed is already very fast.

The release point of the strong S-wave field force area is more than 530 kilometers away from the experimental base. It takes more than two hours for the helicopter to move at full speed. In addition to cutting the crystals and transporting them to the helicopter for takeoff, it takes three hours to reach the base without wasting anything on the way. time.

Many people went to see the spar, and they all went there wearing lead clothes.

Although radiation testing has been conducted on the carbon silicon crystal and it has been determined that there is no high radiation that directly harms the human body, everyone still wears radiation-proof lead clothing. After all, safety is the most important thing. They are only watching at close range. No one When I touched it, I was worried that there would be some problem.

That large piece of transparent crystal is almost one cubic meter in size. If you look at it up close, you can't twist it away. If you look inside, you can see that there are many small pieces of crystal in the shape of regular polygons.

Under the sunlight, the small pieces of crystal sparkle and look like beautiful diamonds.

The largest piece is even half the size of an adult man's hand.

A group of people started discussing, "It really looks like a diamond, even though I know it's not."

"This is so beautiful. It can be used as jewelry, right?"

"It should be better than diamond, with higher hardness, more stable physical and chemical properties, and more beautiful."

"Can this be considered natural? It's just like this after it's made. It doesn't need to be processed or polished."

"It must be valuable!"

"If you take just one out, it might become the most expensive gem in the world..."

"If it is sold in large quantities, the price cannot be determined, but I am sure that the international diamond market will be severely affected."

Things are rare and valuable.

If you just take out a few carbon-silicon crystals, they will definitely be hyped up to be extremely valuable, even if you know they are carbon-silicon crystals.

Until now, this form of silicon carbide has not been found on Earth.

This kind of carbon silicon crystal is harder than diamond and has more stable chemical and physical properties. The most important thing is that after it is manufactured, it looks like a polished diamond and is even brighter when exposed to light.

In addition, the moissanite crystal formed inside is larger than ordinary diamonds.

Ordinary diamonds are calculated in terms of 'carats', and one carat is only a small piece, while the moissanite formed inside is several carats or more in smaller sizes, and even several centimeters in larger ones.

Wang Hao also came closer. He also got the carbon silicon crystal sample extracted from the black ash last time, but the sample was too small. The beautiful crystal in the computer picture was magnified many times to form.

Now seeing a crystal similar to a large diamond directly, it feels very shocking. Wang Hao's mood is the same as everyone else. He smiled and said, "It looks like I am really rich. Such a large diamond... "

"There's no problem using it as jewelry!"

Ding Zhiqiang also came back with the helicopter. He quickly came to Wang Hao's side and said as if he was taking credit, "Teacher Wang, this is my credit."

"They were just experimenting with simple metals, alloys and other materials. I was the one who said to try moissanite because moissanite was detected last time, so I thought of it."

Shao Kun, who returned together, also said, "It is indeed Professor Ding's credit. He said he wanted to try it with moissanite. This was the last experiment we did. We didn't expect this to happen."

"It's incredible to directly turn coal into diamonds!"

Wang Hao also nodded appreciatively, "Xiao Ding, you really have a lot of ideas. We didn't think of it either."

"Your contribution is great. Let's do this. After the test is completed and it is confirmed that there is no harm to the human body, you can find a few pieces you like and take them back..."

"However, be careful not to take out the base before releasing the relevant results!"

When Wang Hao said releasing the results, he meant letting the world know about this kind of thing, which would eliminate the issue of confidentiality, and naturally the crystals could be taken away.

Others were immediately envious.

This is something very similar to diamonds. It is even more valuable than diamonds. It is also very large. If you just find a piece and take it out, it will be worth a fortune.

Wang Hao actually promised to take away a few pieces, which meant that he could choose at will.

Those envious eyes almost overflowed, and Wang Hao simply said, "Let's do this. When the confidentiality is lifted, everyone can get a piece of it and treat it as a bonus."


"Great, I love this bonus!"

"Give this to my wife. She will definitely like it very much. I gave her the largest diamond in the world."

"If you give this to a girl, can you marry the goddess home?"

"Are you talking about Deng Jing? We all know you like her..."

"screw you."

Everyone is very excited.

Although the manufacturing process of moissanite is very simple and it is not a diamond at all, its manufacturing involves high-end technology. Strong S-wave technology is only available in experimental bases and is not something that can be obtained casually.

Moissanite definitely has higher 'jewelry' potential than diamonds, and its value will never be lower.

Some of the female researchers, such as Helen and Chen Mengmeng, felt very excited. No woman could refuse such a big 'diamond'.

The way they looked at Ding Zhiqiang was different.

Chen Mengmeng walked over quickly and said gently to Ding Zhiqiang, "Zhiqiang, can you give me one? Just take care of my senior sister."

"And me, I want one too."


Ding Zhiqiang curled his lips disdainfully, "No way, this is all mine, and you also said you would introduce me to a girlfriend. When the time comes, I will give you one..."

"Hey hey hey~~"

Chen Mengmeng said coquettishly, "How about we go on a blind date? When the time comes, just give me one."

Ding Zhiqiang looked Chen Mengmeng up and down and immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know you yet? You want to trick me into getting the big diamond...don't even think about it!"


Chen Mengmeng immediately gritted her teeth. She and Helen looked at each other and felt that it was more reliable to place their hopes on Teacher Wang.

As long as Teacher Wang opens his mouth, what kind of big diamond can he get?

Wang Hao doesn't care about this at all, because the manufacturing process is indeed very simple. Just put a lot of cheap silicon carbide (emery) and get a large amount of silicon carbide crystals. The manufacturing cost can be said to be very low. The research process You can make a lot of them.

Of course, it's completely different if it's placed outside.

This will definitely be a very popular artificial jewelry. It has a very beautiful appearance and is harder than diamond. It is an enhanced version of diamond.

Diamonds are not all natural.

Flower growers are manufacturers of 'artificial diamonds', but most of the artificial diamonds they produce are used in industry, and some are polished into diamonds. Most of them are small diamonds. If you want to make large carat diamonds, It's not easy, and the cost is very high.

Nowadays, smaller moissanite crystals are several carats in size and will definitely become very popular jewelry.

If put on the market in large quantities, it would be enough to crowd out the entire diamond market.

These are things for the future.

Now, Wang Hao is more concerned about research. He hopes to know the structure of moissanite and how it is formed.

The underlying principles are the most important.

If you want to understand the underlying principle, you must conduct further testing on the carbon silicon crystal.

He immediately asked someone to send part of the carbon silicon crystal to the material testing center so that Wang Hui's laboratory could conduct more in-depth testing experiments.

Wang Hui Laboratory.

All the researchers were shocked by the materials that had just been delivered.

The last time they analyzed and studied black and gray materials, they found a very special moissanite, which looked beautiful when magnified. They also found that moissanite has very special physical and chemical properties.

Wang Hui applied for new materials, and they all felt that more black ash would be shipped.


Big chunks of super diamonds?

Everyone gathered around and looked carefully at the transparent crystal stones placed on the ground.

The transparent crystal is a single piece, about half a cubic meter in size. There are traces of machine cutting on the edges, and several large 'diamonds' can be seen on the surface.

Many people feel heartbroken.

They looked inside the transparent crystal and found that there were many "big diamonds" inside. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

They all had the same thought in their minds, "Isn't it too wasteful to use this kind of thing for experiments?"

"Look at the big diamond inside and do some chemistry experiments? Physics experiments?"

"I can't do it."

"Experimentation is such a luxury."

"Although it's not a diamond, it's a carbon-silicon crystal, but I feel like if these things were released, the whole world would be shocked, right?"

"Carbon-silicon crystal is harder than diamond, has more stable chemical and physical properties, and is more beautiful... It is simply the most suitable jewelry!"

"Although it's not a diamond, you can't tell it apart at all."

"Look, there are several very large ones inside, with a diameter of more than 4 centimeters, right?"

Many people have the urge to take the 'big diamonds' inside as their own. Unfortunately, the military who sent the materials will supervise the use of the materials. In the process of separating the transparent crystals, they threw away a few 'big diamonds' Taken away.

Even so, there are many smaller 'diamond' crystals.

Wang Hui kept his attitude and gave others a lesson, "Don't keep looking at it. These are either diamonds or experimental materials."

"We are going to do testing."

"If you look at this large piece of material, you will know that it is easy to make. It does look like diamond, but some of the materials we used for experiments are no cheaper than diamonds."

This is true.

When it comes to first-order elements, especially first-order elements that require high annihilation field strength and are difficult to refine, their value will only be higher than diamonds.

Others also stabilized their mentality and began to get into work seriously.

The appearance of moissanite is very shocking, but for researchers, what is even more shocking is its physical and chemical properties.

In terms of physical properties, the first thing is ultra-high hardness. With so many materials, they quickly completed the hardness test and determined that the Vickers hardness reached over 147GPa.

This data is about 1.5 times that of diamond.

At the same time, moissanite also has strong toughness and is not easy to polish.

They also found that moissanite has a high melting point.

The 'melting point' refers to the melting of crystals in a vacuum environment.

If it is a normal environment, when it reaches a certain temperature, moissanite will burn.

This temperature value is '3260 degrees Celsius'. In a liquid oxygen environment, combustion will be easier, and the temperature requirement is 2730 degrees Celsius.

The laboratory also tested the chemical properties of moissanite.

The chemical properties, that is, the chemical reaction of moissanite, combustion is also a chemical reaction.

Others include ‘oxidation’.

The characteristics of moissanite and diamond are very similar, and both have very stable chemical properties.

The laboratory uses the same method as diamond oxidation, that is, when it is boiled in a melt of Na2CO3, NaNO3, KNO3, or with a mixture of K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4, an oxidation reaction will occur on the surface of the crystal.

However, the oxidation of moissanite is more difficult and requires a temperature of 1900 degrees Celsius.

The mixture of K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4 has already vaporized, and it was only in the high-density gasification environment that the carbon silicon spar was found to be slightly oxidized.

After oxidation occurs, the surface of moissanite turns gray-black.

After completing a series of physical and chemical property measurements, Wang Hui and Zhou Qing took charge of the laboratory and completed the determination of the 'melting point' together.

It is very difficult to measure the melting point of moissanite, mainly because measuring the melting point requires a vacuum environment and a very high temperature.

They had heated it to 3800 degrees Celsius before, but they could not melt the moissanite.

They redesigned the experiment and raised the temperature to 4,600 degrees Celsius, only to finally find that the moissanite crystal melted.

After melting, moissanite is very similar to diamond and turns into a pile of black lumpy mixture, losing its original transparency and beauty.

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