From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 629: Coal mine turns into diamond, incredible!

Material testing center.

Zhou Qing gave a report on ‘Carbon-Silicon Crystal’.

Everyone looked at the 'carbon silicon crystal' on the screen and was fascinated by it.

‘Carbon-silicon crystal’ is a kind of light-transmitting crystal particle, naturally showing a regular polygonal structure, and it also has colorful light when illuminated by light.

As researchers in materials science, they naturally know that the colored light appears because it contains other impurity elements.

Even so, it is very remarkable to be able to form such a structure and emit colored light, and it can be described as beautiful.

Wang Hui and Zhou Qing discussed it and thought they had found the 'target'.

They don't know where the materials come from or what kind of research they are doing. They are just testing and analyzing the materials, and the other parts are just burnt pieces, and there is nothing that needs attention at all.

After the goals are determined, the laboratory assigns work.

In one day, the laboratory completed the basic testing of carbon-silicon crystals, and Wang Hui immediately submitted the report and sent it to Wang Hao.

At the same time, he also filed an application to obtain more materials for subsequent more complex testing.

Strong S-wave research base.

At the bottom of the hill is a row of temporarily built houses. Wang Hao is sitting in one of the small houses. The small house is only a dozen square meters and is also his temporary office.

Although the environment is very simple, all the necessary equipment is available, and it does not affect the work.

Wang Hao stared at the computer screen, checking the latest report. He frowned slightly, with confusion on his face, recalling what Wang Hui said just now.

"Wang Hui said... found what I was looking for? What was I looking for?"

"I do not know how?"

After conducting the experiment, the experimental team dug out the black powder that participated in the reaction underground.

Those are the residues after the soil comes into contact with the ultrasonic S-wave area. I sent the residues to the material testing center just to let them do basic testing, hoping to know what specific reaction occurred.

In fact, Wang Hao did not expect to detect anything.

The soil itself is very complex, with various elements and chemical components. Complex thermal reactions will also cover up a large number of traces, making it difficult to obtain anything by detecting residues.

Wang Hao opened the report with doubts and knew what Wang Hui was talking about.

"Carbonite crystal? Moissanite?"

"Similar to diamonds and diamonds..."

This is a wonderful discovery.

Moissanite is also called moissanite, which is natural silicon carbide. Natural moissanite is a mineral discovered in meteorites by Henri-Moissan in 1893 and named after him.

Since Henri Moissan proved that he had never used artificial SiC to prepare samples, the doubt that artificial SiC was involved was eliminated.

Since then, the scientific community has successively discovered natural SiC in meteorites, kimberlites and other different types of rocks. However, as native natural SiC, it is only found in meteorites and kimberlites.

In the industry, there is a kind of artificial silicon carbide, called emery, which is a hexahedral granular material that has been widely used in the construction industry.

Whether it is naturally occurring silicon carbide or artificially produced silicon carbide, it generally appears as black particles or powder. Natural silicon carbide is very similar to coal and is certainly far from 'beautiful'.

The silicon carbide in the report is a transparent crystal with a regular polyhedral structure. After magnification, it looks like a polished diamond. When illuminated by light, it looks like it exudes colorful light.

"It does look unusual."

"This should be the discovery of a new substance, caused by the strong S-wave region reaction?"

"Carbon-silicon crystals...perhaps just like elemental carbon, which takes on different forms in nature, such as graphite, charcoal, and diamond..."

"Silicon carbide can also be used?"

Wang Hao frowned and thought, shook his head, and continued to read the report.

The report contains basic data on moissanite. There are two very outstanding characteristics. One is that the chemical properties are stable and conventional chemical reactions will only occur at high temperatures.

The above shows a combustion temperature data - more than 3200 degrees Celsius.

This is very amazing.

Burning is not melting. The melting points of carbon and silicon are very high, but the melting points are detected under vacuum. Under normal circumstances, as long as a certain temperature is reached, carbon and silicon will react chemically with the air.

Carbon naturally burns.

The current carbon-silicon crystal can only react with air to cause combustion when it reaches 3200 degrees Celsius, which can be described as incredible.

The report also pointed out that "during the combustion process, a very high amount of heat is released, which is more than twenty times higher than the heat released conventionally."

This is just an estimate.

Because there is not enough material for research, experimental testing cannot produce accurate results.

Wang Hao looked at the data and knew that it must contain some unknown reaction, and it might be a very surprising discovery.

If it is a conventional chemical reaction, the heat released when a carbon atom and two oxygen atoms are combined and burned can be calculated.

Now the heat has directly increased by more than 20 times, which is obviously not a normal situation.

The second thing worth noting is the hardness. "The Vickers hardness of moissanite exceeds 140GPa."

This is also an amazing statistic.

The Vickers hardness of silicon carbide ranges from 28 to 34 GPa, and the Mohs hardness ranges from 9 to 9.5.

In the definition of Mohs hardness, the hardest material is diamond, with a hardness index of 10.

Compared with diamond, there is still a certain gap in hardness between silicon carbide and silicon carbide. However, the hardness of the newly discovered carbon-silicon crystal has exceeded that of diamond, and it can no longer be measured by Mohs hardness.

Vickers hardness is a direct measurement. The Vickers hardness of diamond exceeds 98GPa, making it the hardest natural substance on earth.

The Vickers hardness of carbon silicon crystal exceeds 140GPa, which can also be described as incredible.

"This discovery is really amazing. No wonder Hui said he found what I was looking for..."

"The target I'm looking for?"

Wang Hao smiled and shook his head. He did not expect such a major discovery at all.

After reading the report, he asked more black powder to be sent to the material testing center and continued to have Wang Hui's laboratory conduct testing.

Moissanite must continue to be studied in depth, its composition structure, and its special chemical properties.

There must be some unknown things in it, and it is probably related to the special characteristics of strong S waves.

After adjusting the equipment, the super S-wave research team conducted a second experiment.

The adjustment of the device is mainly for the release direction.

Although it is just an adjustment of the direction, it is actually very complicated and involves a lot of calculation problems. It is not just about tilting the device at an angle, but also making certain internal corrections.

Of course, the process is not that complicated.

So the second experiment started soon. With the data from the previous experiment, the research team was very confident in releasing the super-S wave zone above the earth's surface.

After turning on the equipment, they waited for information from the team looking for the hyperwave area.

This experiment was very similar to the last one, and more than a dozen helicopters were still launched into the air to search. However, because there were not many internal changes, the release distance would not be much different, so the search was relatively simple.

The team only waited about five minutes before learning that the area of ​​strong S waves had been found.

The strong S-wave area was found in a flat area, about three meters above the ground, and part of it below the ground.

This also caused the surroundings to still be filled with smoke.

After the helicopter approached the super S-wave area, it landed in the distance. The personnel on top also slowly approached. They took close-up photos near Shili, and the thin black layer in the middle could already be seen.

"It's a thin, flat layer."

"There was a violent reaction below the ground and a lot of smoke came out."

"The surrounding temperature is very high and we can't get any closer..."

The on-site personnel made a report.

Although no close-range detection has been possible, strong S-wave areas have been discovered above the ground, and the experiment has made great progress.

The research team immediately knew what to do next.

They first shut down the device and then determined that no further adjustments would be made to the device.

Afterwards, the military team responsible for searching for strong S waves started digging at the original location. They dug a 10-meter-deep pit and built protective walls around it.

Two days later, the device was turned on again.

The strong S-wave area appears in the center of the crater. Because there is no contact with the ground, it can be seen very clearly from the upper perspective.

"Although there is no contact with the ground, heat is still generated."

"Regions of strong S waves heat the air."

"However, the heat is much less than before, and the internal edge temperature is about 60 degrees."

After having clear data, the next step is to continue to expand the area and transport several cooling machines to try to reduce the temperature inside the pit.

Next, you can start the formal experiment.

Wang Hao was very much looking forward to studying the strong S-wave area. He even wanted to check it out on site himself, but unfortunately, he was dissuaded.

He still sent other people, including Wang Qiang, Zhou Zhiwang, and Huang Xing and Ding Zhiqiang from the theory team.

This time Ding Zhiqiang didn't complain anymore.

Compared with the boring environment of the experimental base, it is obviously much more interesting to study the strong S-wave area on site.

That was a study of a brand-new physical discovery, a direct study of the special characteristics of strong S waves. Many people wanted to go there to see it, but it was a pity that they still had to stay in the experimental base.

After entering into formal research, the strong S-wave equipment was turned on once every two days on average, each time lasting about half an hour.

This is to ensure the smooth operation of the equipment.

The research team also quickly made a series of discoveries. For example, strong S-wave areas will have a direct impact on matter and air, and its manifestation is an obvious thermal reaction.

They found that the denser the substance, the more intense it becomes.

This finding is the most straightforward.

After conducting several experiments, the team found several auxiliary equipment, including two excavators, specifically responsible for transporting materials through the ultra-S-wave thin layer area, and achieved certain results.

"The material reacts with high heat but without significant loss of mass."

"This high-heat reaction may be caused by the effect of high magnetization. Theoretically, strong S waves will strip away the electron layer in the atom."

"Electron layer stripping is equivalent to causing an ionization reaction of atoms. The high heat may be caused by the mass loss of electrons or other tiny particles."

"Super S waves also affect the air. The process is the same, mainly the peeling off of atomic electron layers."

"When the elemental metal material passes through the super S-wave region, a huge magnetization reaction will occur, which is higher than the conventional strong annihilation force field. Judging from the magnetization intensity, it has exceeded the critical line of upgrading, but the metal elements have not upgraded. order phenomenon.”

These findings are somewhat disappointing.

However, after the material passed through the super S-wave region, no direct changes occurred. It only produced a high-heat reaction. The specific what happened can only be inferred.

The research team began discussing next steps.

at the same time.

Ding Zhiqiang was discussing with the on-site personnel what kind of materials should be allowed to pass through the strong S-wave area in the next experiment.

He discussed with Zhu Jian, the leader of the military team, and asked them to find some moissanite.

Zhu Jian didn't know why he was looking for moissanite, but Ding Zhiqiang was the representative of the theory group, so he told him to find a lot of moissanite.

The moissanite they found was naturally formed, and some were artificial emery, all of which were very common and cheap materials.

After the materials were prepared, it was time for the next experiment.

The experimenters around the field stood high and looked at the dark flat layer formed by the strong S wave. Some people also directed the mechanical control material to pass through the flat layer.

Soon, most of the experiments were completed.

In the end, only the moissanite and emery left by Ding Zhiqiang, a large piece of coal-like material, were transported to the front of the flat layer.

No one else paid attention, only Ding Zhiqiang, Huang Xing and others watched carefully.

When the 'coal substance' comes into contact with the flat thin layer, it is obvious that a large amount of smoke is stirred up, which makes it difficult to see clearly at all.

Others simply waited for the experiment to end and began to direct other work.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted, "Look, what is that?"

"Crystal? Transparent?"

"Seems to be……"

"The smoke is too big and I can't see clearly..."

When the shouts appeared, many people immediately looked towards the other end of the strong S-wave area and found something similar to a transparent crystal.

If someone stands in the middle, he can see clearly.

One end of the flat thin layer is a black substance similar to coal mine, and the other end turns into a pile of transparent crystals. The farther away the thin layer is, the more clearly it can be seen.

This scene is very amazing.

Even though there was a lot of smoke blocking the view, it still made people feel very surprised. Many people couldn't help shouting, "It seems that something new has been created!"

"Looks like a clear mineral!"

"Look over there, in the middle, there seems to be a shaped piece... Does it look like an oversized diamond?"

"I saw it, it looks a bit like..."

Everyone became very excited. Even if it was not confirmed yet, they knew that they had made a great discovery, turning coal mines into diamonds...


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