From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 544 Another explosion! Heroes and sinners! Press conference: Congratulations to them!

In the current Groom Lake Project Experimental Base, Empoli-Cubo has completely become a decoration. He is the nominal leader of the project team, but not many people pay attention to him at all.

To put it bluntly, he was left out.

There are several experimental groups under Cooper, and they are on the verge of disbanding because they have nothing to do. Many people have participated in Corana's experiments.

Korana showed his "big belly" side. He would not refuse anyone who wanted to participate in the experiment. As long as someone from the project team submitted an application, they could come.

When more people participate, more people expect the experiment to be successful.

In addition to the project team, the research is also supported by decision-makers and the Department of Energy. Everyone agrees that the experiment has a high probability of success.

The preparation for the experiment went naturally very smoothly.

After a series of preparatory work, relevant agencies also dispatched nuclear research teams, and the newly manufactured equipment had a built-in nuclear reactor.

Their nuclear reactor technology is very mature. It only took three days to install the equipment and then directly ignite the nuclear reactor.

The next step is to add safety devices.

The research team still encountered difficulties when it came to installing safety devices, because the equipment is composed of four anti-gravity generating devices, and the field force is at the center of the four devices. The safety device must be placed between the anti-gravity device and the anti-gravity device. Only between the central field forces can the smooth operation of the equipment be ensured.

The problem is that the gap between the two is very small, and various detection equipment must be installed.

The research team continued to conduct demonstrations and filled all the gaps with explosion-proof panels, but the safety assessment was still somewhat inadequate.

Some researchers suggested, "Mr. Korana, I think we should apply for higher safety materials, otherwise if there is an explosion inside, it may affect the anti-gravity device."

Korana thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "That's it. The first experiment is very important, and we must conduct it as soon as possible."

"The internal explosion affects the anti-gravity device and only affects the operation of the equipment. Even if the equipment is damaged, it doesn't matter. There are still several spare units in the base."

"We need to complete the experiment as soon as possible."

"With the data, experimental results, and the discovery of antimatter, maybe we can get a steady stream of funding. A few devices are nothing..."

Of course he would only say this to his own people.

For others, he said, "There are precedents for explosions and explosion experiments. Even if there is an explosion, it will be controlled within safety devices."

"Don't worry."

"Everything is safe."

Soon it was the scheduled experiment time.

Several officials from the Department of Energy arrived that day, as well as several influential politicians and famous scholars, all of whom came to witness the experimental findings.

Korana shook hands with everyone warmly and showed his firmness in science and confidence in experiments, making everyone who came very confident.

In the building where the project is based, the feeling in Empoli-Cubo is not good.

The officials and scholars who came here only shook hands with him as a symbol, and some even had a cold face, which could be said to be a complete lack of face.

He just felt depressed. When the experiment was about to begin, he still asked James, "Would you like to go over and take a look?"

"Not interested in."

James was reading the magazine with gusto and refused without even raising his head.

"Why? This is an experiment to discover antimatter?"

James raised his head and said in a logical manner, "First, I believe in the annihilation particle theory. Even if it is discovered in experiments, it will not be antimatter."

"Second, it's not our experiment, and any findings have nothing to do with us."

Cooper pursed his lips hard.

Of course he knew that the experiment had nothing to do with him, but there were many officials and scholars coming, and he still hoped to get acquainted with them.

He is different from James.

James is a pure experimental physicist who relies on his academic ability to stay in the research group. However, he is not a pure scholar and must obtain support if he wants to lead experiments.

When Cooper hesitated, James reminded him, "I won't suggest you go. If the experiment succeeds, you will be fired regardless of whether you are here or not."

"Of course, they won't fire you directly, but put you in a marginal position without even being qualified to participate in experiments."

"Then you're marginalized."

"When everyone is about to forget, it's time for you to pack up and leave. Maybe it will only take a few months..."

James shook his head indifferently.

Kubo almost vomited blood after hearing this. He simply slapped the table and said, "I'm not going either." Then he sat down and muttered in a low voice, "It must fail! It must fail! It must fail!"

"Oh, God!"

"Bless their experiment fails, it would be better if there is an explosion, kill that damn Corana, and let him reunite with Prior..."

The experiment officially began.

Because an explosion will occur internally during the experiment and there may be safety risks, the experiment location was set five kilometers away from the base.

Scholars, officials and other personnel not involved in the experiment stayed at the base.

Langa Gobin Korana will not go directly to the experimental site. He will use communication equipment to remotely control the experiment from a distance of one kilometer.

This is mainly due to radioactivity issues.

If you wear heavy radiation-proof clothing, it will be very troublesome to conduct the experiment on site. The staff at the experimental site also hide in the radiation-proof room and conduct experiments through electronic equipment operation.


Preparations for the experiment are over.

After all departments reported their work, Korana directed the experiment to officially begin. The nuclear reactor was already operating stably. The experiment was to turn on the anti-gravity device and create a strong annihilation force field.

"Device 1 is stable."

"Stable No. 2."

"No. 3 is no problem either..."

"No. 4 is normal."

All four anti-gravity devices were turned on normally, and a thin layer of strong annihilation force field was quickly formed in the center. The core of their technology came from the Anti-gravity Behavior Research Center, and they have been adjusted and improved to a certain extent without being squeezed by external magnetic fields. In the case of , the intensity of the annihilation force field created is 5.7 times.

Inside the field is a nuclear reactor, and the high heat it continues to emit quickly allows energy to penetrate the outer force field.

A staff member immediately reported, "It was detected that the surface temperature of the peripheral safety panel increased, and the energy intensity of the force field reached the limit..."

Everyone in the data room of the experimental base is looking forward to it.

What happens next?

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Four seconds...

Many people didn't even say anything before they saw the surveillance screen turn gray. Soon after, they felt vibrations under their feet, and then there was an explosion in the distance.


Everyone was stunned.

What followed was a panic. Some people were so scared that they hid under the table, some rushed to the corner to hide, and some ran out quickly.

"what happens?"


"Another explosion? God!"

"Look over there-"

Cooper and James are both in the office.

The first one of them was very calm, but then he felt the vibration under his feet, "There was an earthquake? How could there be a sudden earthquake?"

Then a loud noise was heard in the distance.

"Oh, God!"

Cooper shouted in surprise. He walked to the window and saw the fire in the distance, accompanied by a lot of smoke and dust, "God, God, God, God..."

His expression was very exaggerated, his eyes widened, "God..."


James fell to the ground immediately, and then he came over when he felt safe. He also saw the situation in the distance. He murmured in surprise, "You should thank me, I saved you!"

Cooper said, "Even if I were there, I would just stay in the data room and not go to the experiment...but thank you anyway."

"You're welcome."

The two spoke in a calm tone, but their facial expressions were full of surprise.

There were shouts from the corridor, "Empoli, Empoli, there was an explosion, a big explosion, their experiment exploded!"

Here comes Bel Gasroan, the head of the electronics team.

Cooper turned his head and said calmly, "Depending on the situation, it shouldn't affect us. Is Professor Korana at the scene?"

When he talked about Korana, he rarely used the honorific title of 'Professor'.

"I don't know. It's all chaos downstairs, so you guys are still here..." Gasroan said nervously, "Let's go down and have a look."

"All right!"

Cooper and James couldn't stay any longer.

They walked downstairs together, and when they reached the first floor, James stopped and said, "Go to the warehouse and put on radiation protection suits. There is a nuclear reactor there."


"you are right!"

"go together……"

James was the first to realize that he should wear radiation-proof clothing. After the three of them went to look for radiation-proof clothing, a lot of people came to look for clothes.

There were only a few dozen sets of radiation protection suits in the base. As a result, some people couldn't 'snatch' the suits and simply drove away quickly.

They don't want to risk 'exposure'.

The base was in chaos.

An hour later, the fire department, police and related personnel arrived, and the situation became slightly better. Only then did we know that there was nothing wrong with Korana.

The experimental explosion did not directly affect one kilometer away, but because it was a small nuclear explosion, there was definitely a risk of radiation exposure.

At the same time, the loss of life in the accident was also determined - five people died and seven people were injured.

The news of the explosion at the experimental base could not be concealed at all.

This explosion was much more violent than the last one, and the vibrations on the ground could be felt ten kilometers away. The news soon appeared in media reports.

Because of the risk of radiation exposure at the experimental base, all personnel were moved to a small town twenty kilometers away. Korana was alone in the room, with several officials and reporters holding microphones at the door.

At this moment, Korana felt so heartbroken that he even felt that he might as well be killed by a bomb.

Prior died in the explosion and became a hero who sacrificed his life for scientific research. However, if he was not killed, he became the sinner of the explosion.

The troubles here have only just begun.

If other people die in the accident, there will definitely be a detailed investigation, and the family members of the deceased will definitely take him and the project team to court.

At the same time, the accident also caused heavy losses.

This is not just an experiment, but also an experimental base. As long as radiation exceeds the standard, the experimental base must be relocated.

That was a major project.

Now not only media reporters want to interview him, but also the Ministry of Energy and even decision-makers are looking for him to explain the cause of the accident.

Even if Korana locked himself in the room and refused to accept interviews from media reporters, he could not prevent the impact of the accident from spreading. Many people came forward to accuse him, as well as colleagues who conducted the experiment together. They said, "The experiment Before, we thought there was a security risk, but Korana insisted on going his own way."

"He is in charge, there is nothing we can do."

"Five people died and seven more are being treated. Some of them will definitely die soon. This is a very serious accident and Korana must be held responsible."


The explosion accident extended from the accident itself into an 'academic dispute'.

Some scholars stood up and pointed out, "Research on antimatter should not have been carried out in the first place. Wang Hao's research team believes that antimatter does not exist, and the current explosion is likely to be the phenomenon of annihilation particles."

"We have no relevant theory for this phenomenon and cannot support experiments at all."

"Using the theory of antimatter to study annihilation particles will definitely lead to accidents and explosions one after another!"

Physicists who support antimatter research have come out and said, "The explosion itself just proves the existence of antimatter, and it is very easy to make."

"The current accident is because Korana did not accurately judge the difficulty of producing antimatter. He underestimated the amount of antimatter produced..."

"Korana's thinking is correct, but he is too eager for success."

"We still need to continue researching."

"Must find a safer way..."

These claims have received considerable support.

For example, the new decision-makers and the team behind them expressed their support. After the accident, they held a press conference quickly.

The new decision-maker stood on the stage at the press conference and said, "We will definitely conduct a detailed investigation into the accident."

"After we have the investigation results, we will make them public as soon as possible. What we have to do now is to mourn for those who died in the research..."

"We will fly the flag at half-mast for this..."


The new decision-maker discussed with others and believed that it was necessary to stand up and educate Korana, not to support him in continuing his main research, because the impact of the accident was not limited to the accident, but also affected the dispute over the direction of scientific research.

The question is, should research on antimatter continue?

The new decision-makers support antimatter research when they come to power. It is definitely impossible to suspend research and switch to other directions because of an explosion accident.

That would send support plummeting.

Therefore, he must express his continued support for antimatter research.

A reporter at the press conference asked, "Will research on antimatter continue?"


The new decision-maker affirmed, "We cannot deny a research direction just because of an accident. The explosion itself just shows that the direction of antimatter research is correct."

Next, he answered several more questions, all of which firmly stated that he would continue to support antimatter research.

A named reporter suddenly asked, "Before the press conference, the Flower Planter High Energy Institute announced the creation of tachyons. What do you think of this?"

This question was completely unexpected.

The new decision-maker was a little confused for a moment. He looked up at the teleprompter, but it was also blank. He looked around again and simply said, "New achievements, new discoveries, congratulations to them!"

The reporter who asked the question suddenly smiled.

Many colleagues who reacted also wrote down a sentence in their hearts, "The new decision-makers affirmed the experimental results of the Institute of High Energy and affirmed the annihilation particle theory..."

"At the same time, he still insists on antimatter research!"

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