From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 543 Creating tachyons! The annihilation particle theory was confirmed!

Teacher Zhu was severely hit.

As the decision-maker of the space agency, Mr. Zhu never thought that one day, an organization would appear to compete with the space agency for funding. It sounded like a fantasy.

Their annual funding can reach hundreds or hundreds of billions of flower coins.

Such high expenditures supported the development of the aerospace industry and sent astronauts to the moon, completing the decades-long lunar landing plan.

However, the funds are not as good as the people.

The Annihilation Force Field Experimental Team is really too rich. Their funding does not rely on grants, but on their own research and development technology. They support the establishment of Annihilation Technology Company, which not only brings large profits to the country, but also receives a certain amount of money. Proportional research funding.

in other words……

The Annihilation Field Experimental Group earned their own money.

Others have nothing to say about it at all.

Teacher Zhu left the experimental base depressed and went directly to the headquarters of the space agency. After arriving, he learned that many people were on vacation.

He became even more angry.

In the end, Teacher Zhu found Chen Jiahe and wanted to hear his thoughts on the space agency’s technology research and development.

Chen Jiahe felt a little confused. He was suddenly pulled into the office by his immediate boss, and then asked about the direction of technology research and development.

"I think..."

"If we do our own technology research and development, we still need to combine cutting-edge technology, such as the most important anti-gravity technology. We can use this to develop large-scale anti-gravity rocket propulsion technology and design large-scale spacecraft."

“At the same time, I have to take care of other jobs.”

"For example, we have been considering deploying space, building an all-weather space monitoring system, and launching more satellites..."

"I think these are going to be the main jobs of the future."

Teacher Zhu listened patiently.

Looking at Chen Jiahe, who looked serious, he suddenly had confidence in the space agency. Even if they were inferior to others in terms of technology and funds, there were still many outstanding young people among them who could concentrate on studying many technologies that only belonged to the space agency.

It doesn’t have to be a large spacecraft type of research, it can also be a large rocket, satellite, or other type of aircraft.


No matter how well-funded other institutions are, they cannot focus on researching aerospace technology.

In this regard, the space agency is professional.

After Teacher Zhu felt relaxed, he felt that he was asking for trouble. Why did he have to compare with Wang Hao's research group?

In research in the field of cutting-edge science and technology, no institution in the world can catch up with Wang Hao's research group. The new technologies and new physics they develop continue to subvert previous theories and technologies, and are also recognized as the leaders in human science and technology research. wind direction.

The space agency completed the moon landing on his watch.

This has been very successful.

Even if there were any subsequent research plans, all he could do was make plans, and it would be impossible for him to participate in them anymore.

By then, he had retired.

Teacher Zhu sighed and shook his head, with a smile on his face again.

At this time, the assistant answered the phone.

Teacher Zhao knew that he had gone to the particle acceleration experiment base in advance, so he asked him if he would go to watch the tachyon experiment again.

Teacher Zhu affirmed, "Of course."

"Such an important experiment, since you have time, you can't miss it!"

Wang Hao didn't feel that his words had dealt a blow to Teacher Zhu.

He didn't care at all.

The experimental base was preparing for the tachyon experiment, and he reinvested in the experimental preparations. Later, he personally led the team to inspect the particle acceleration channel, and even walked back and forth twice.

That's a long way to go.

This is a very important day, and the experiment is planned to be carried out at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Experimentation doesn’t happen overnight.

Preparations have already begun in the morning, and each device is turned on. The device that is turned on first must run stably throughout the day.

When the scheduled time for the experiment arrived, Wang Hao, Paul Phil-Jones and others were sitting in the control room. Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhu also came, and they all sat with Wang Hao's people.

The direct person in charge of the experiment is Tian Guilin.

Tian Guilin was already old, but he refused to accept his old age at all. He did a lot of work for the experiment and decided to direct the experiment himself.

The first command he issued was to turn on the annihilation field equipment.

After the annihilation field equipment is turned on, each team reports the operation of the equipment, and then creates a special proton beam.

The proton beam is focused into a beam using a quadrupole magnet.

With this technology, protons will not scatter due to the repulsion between each other. Protons are positively charged. The proton beam will be forced in the electric field of the vacuum accelerator and accelerate rapidly along the ring.

After the proton beam is created and accelerated along the ring, the next step is to wait.

In conventional experiments, the proton beam will eventually be accelerated to close to 99% of the speed of light, but now there is a section of the ring with a strong annihilation field, which can theoretically exceed the speed of light.

Of course, the premise is that the theory is correct.

Wang Hao and others waited in the command room for a long time while looking at the timely feedback data from the equipment. Most of the data was just simple digital feedback. Even the most sophisticated equipment could not detect the instantaneous speed of particles. The final The results still need to be analyzed later.

Waiting is a bit boring.

Wang Hao talked with the two teachers about annihilation field technology, new materials, and other scientific and technological research issues. Later, they both felt that they had nothing to say, and the rest was just silence.

He simply went outside for a walk and took a look at the work of the on-site staff, but he felt very bad.

Particle accelerators are too noisy.

No matter where I go, I feel my ears buzzing.

After an unknown amount of time, someone from outside shouted, "The experiment is over!"

"it's over?"

"it's over!"


Tian Guilin also announced the end of the experiment, directed some equipment to be shut down, and asked staff to collect test samples in the channel.

The 'buzzing' sound in my ears slowly disappeared.

It was the first time for many people to watch a similar experiment, and they had no idea that the process would be like this. The people in the leadership team, including Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhu, just felt lonely watching it.

From the beginning to the end of the experiment, they just stayed in the command room, and all they could see was a bunch of completely incomprehensible data on the computer.

Then, it was over.

"I don't even know why I listened to you and came to see this experiment..."

Teacher Zhu said with a corner of his mouth.

Teacher Zhao also felt very depressed. He had been to the annihilation field experimental group several times. Every time he went there, he gained a lot. It felt like technology was taking off before his eyes.

This time it was really not interesting at all.

Wang Hao doesn’t think so. “This is a very interesting experiment. Look at the data on the computer. It’s beautiful!”

"The process of analyzing data is the most enjoyable..."

Wang Hao's voice was very sincere.

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhu looked at each other and couldn't understand the "beauty" in it. When they saw the other scientific researchers, they found that everyone was staring at the data on the computer with excitement and anticipation.

"This part of the data is collected by the sample."

"Looking at this image, we need to analyze the energy intensity and calculate the accurate time through the data on the detector..."

"And these few..."

"Now it's just a beam of particles, which is relatively easy. I estimate that the results will be available in the early morning at the latest!"

A group of people spoke with red eyes, obviously impatient.

Teacher Zhu sighed with emotion, "I still can't understand these scientists. Their pursuit is really... great!"

"Yes, great!"

Teacher Zhao agreed seriously.

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhu left together.

They have no way to participate in the work. The next step is to perform data analysis. As many people understand, data analysis work is still very simple.

Simple, the comparison object is a particle collision experiment.

Every particle collision experiment can generate a large amount of data, requiring thousands or more people to participate in it to complete the data analysis.

Now there is only one beam of particles, so there is no difficulty at all.

After Wang Hao's research team obtained the data, they started the analysis work with Tian Guilin and Zhao Peng. Zhao Peng is an experienced researcher who has participated in many electron-positron collision experiments and also represented China in the European Large Particle Collision experiment.

Tian Guilin is just an extra, he doesn't even know what he should do.

In terms of work explanation, Zhao Peng has already done all the work. Paul Phil-Jones, Ding Zhiqiang and others completed the data recording analysis and mathematical work with ease.

At this time, the research team demonstrated amazing computational analysis efficiency.

When they encounter any problem, they only need a simple discussion to get the result, and it involves some complex calculations, which is not difficult enough for them.

In two and a half hours, the research team completed the analysis.

Paul Phil-Jones and Helen were doing the final calculations together. They almost raised their heads together and said excitedly in unison, "1.0095 times the speed of light!"

"We have exceeded the speed of light!"


The entire research team cheered.

Wang Hao was mentally prepared to 'achieve faster than light speed', but he still felt very excited after confirming the creation of tachyons.

This is a proof of theory!

Now they can clearly say that the annihilation particle theory is correct. In explosion accidents, replica explosion experiments, and subsequent research, annihilation particle reactions occurred instead of cancellation of matter and antimatter.

At the same time, the Theory of Relativity has limitations.

The "Theory of Relativity" states that the upper limit of the speed of light is not entirely correct. Even in a normal annihilation force field environment, only energy cannot exceed the speed of light. Matter——


Wang Hao took a deep breath, and after the cheers subsided, he said, "This data is higher than expected. I didn't expect it to be so high!"

"There are still things that haven't been calculated."

Paul Phil-Jones, Helen and others also responded, and they quickly jumped into the next step of calculation work.

Wang Hao is talking about the detected particle speed.

1.0095 times the speed of light.

This data seems to be only a little higher than the speed of light, but in fact it is already very high, because the ring channel covered by the strong annihilation force field is only about 40 meters. Even if the ring channel is designed with cyclic acceleration, the particle wave enters the strong annihilation force several times. field area, but the distance is too short.

The distance is limited, and the acceleration time is very limited.

In a time that is so short that it can be ignored, particle waves close to the speed of light can be accelerated to 1.0095 times the speed of light, which is already a very high data.

"This shows that the acceleration effect of the strong annihilation force field is very strong, or in other words, the field force speed in the strong annihilation force field is much faster than the conventional speed of light."

Wang Hao and Tian Guilin said.

As they were talking, Helen shouted out before Paul Phil-Jones, "I'm done!"

"I also……"

Just as Paul Phil Jones was about to speak, he saw Helen say angrily, "I finished it first, I said it first." They seemed to have entered competition mode.

Helen continued, "If the deceleration effect of the particle wave after passing through the strong annihilation force field is not considered, the upper limit of the speed of the 4.5x strong annihilation force field is around '3 times the speed of light', with a deviation of 0.4 times the speed of light."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Paul Phil-Jones proudly.

Paul Phil-Jones looked at Wang Hao again, and was about to supplement the results. Chen Mengmeng spoke first, "But when tachyons return to the normal force field, there will definitely be a deceleration effect, so the upper speed limit will only be higher. .”

"Also, we have to consider the proton beam itself."

"The protons produced in the experiment are first-order protons, which will not be affected by the strong annihilation force field and produce magnetization effects, which may also affect the experimental results."

After Chen Mengmeng finished speaking, Paul Phil-Jones wanted to speak again, but Ding Zhiqiang picked up the topic and continued, "We also need to consider the issue of internal electric fields."

"We did not create a separate electric field within the annihilation force field, and it is uncertain whether the conventional electric field effect will be interfered by the strong annihilation force field."

"So we need more experiments."

The others nodded together.

Wang Hao looked at Paul Phil Jones and asked specifically, "Paul, do you have anything else to add?"

Paul Phil-Jones opened his mouth, and sighed for a long time, "No more." He looked around at other people, wondering if he wanted to change teams?

This kind of team doesn’t even have a chance to speak!

Groom Lake Experimental Base.

The antimatter manufacturing experiment has been under preparation. The strong annihilation force field equipment has been manufactured. The detection device and safety device will be installed later, and then the built-in nuclear reactor will be ignited to officially start the experiment.

Everyone who participates in the study is looking forward to it.

The research they are doing now is to verify antimatter, which makes me feel very excited just thinking about it.

Korana has become an absolute core figure. He is personally concerned about every work, and he also entertains officials who come to the outside world. His research is valued by the Ministry of Energy and decision-makers, and many officials come to check and care about safety issues and experiments. Questions, etc.

Korana also contacted the media in advance, planning to announce the discovery of antimatter as soon as the experiment had results.

He was very confident about the experiment.

The source of this confidence is the explosion time and the explosion replica experiment. The experiments they conducted are basically the same as the first two, except that they installed more sophisticated detection equipment and safety equipment.

So the experiment will be successful.

Korana has also invited several top physicists, each of whom has great influence internationally, to serve as witnesses to the experiment.

"This experiment will definitely succeed!"

"Now we just want to verify the existence of antimatter. Antimatter will become a new technology that leads to the breakthrough development of human science and technology!"

"Our discovery will go down in history!"

Korana gave the speech with excitement, but in his heart he was looking forward to the future.

After it is confirmed that antimatter has been discovered, the media will carry out a large number of reports, and naturally it will be indispensable to praise him.

He would become one of the most famous physicists.

He will be the pride of Indians.

At the same time, he will also gain the trust of new decision-makers, and will receive a steady stream of financial support to study more in-depth physics and technology.

By the time……

"Will Cooper step down?"

"The Groom Lake Project and the strong annihilation force field will become incidental technologies for antimatter research. Even when the military conducts F-ray research, we will provide technical support."


"Langa Gebin Korana will become a leader in cutting-edge technological exploration in addition to flower growers. To a certain extent, he will also catch up with Wang Hao, right?"

Korana was trembling all over just thinking about it.

He was looking forward to it!

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