From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 536 Application? Not important at all! Technology is developing rapidly, generating electric

Ranga Gobind Korana is a famous theoretical physicist of Indian descent.

He has an extremely rich personal resume. He graduated with a PhD from the Department of Physics of the California Institute of Technology and served as an assistant professor at Harvard University, where he was engaged in research related to quantum entanglement.

Corana later joined Fermilab and worked there for nine years, during which time he joined the antimatter research project.

After that, he went to work at the European Organization for Nuclear Organization, hoping to find evidence of the existence of antimatter in large particle collision experiments. During this period, he published many papers in related fields and was considered one of the top physicists in antimatter research.

Last year, Korana returned to Fermilab to form a team to lead the study of antimatter’s ‘signal generation’, during which a series of achievements were made.

He has a passion for antimatter research.

The explosion incident and the explosion-reproduction experiment made Langa-Gerbin-Korana think that he had found the right research direction. After meeting the person in charge of the Department of Energy, he used his expertise and clear experimental direction to convince him. The other party agreed that he should set up a team to study antimatter technology.

He also expressed his thoughts to Korot James.

Now he is convincing the core researchers of the Groom Lake Project, as well as the scientists who have come to the Groom Lake Project team with him to prepare for antimatter research.

"The replica explosion experiment conducted by the flower growers has given the clearest direction to the research."

"Strong annihilation force field, energy limit, active neutrons, the three superimposed together are the conditions for creating antimatter."

"As long as we do research in this direction, we will definitely make new discoveries."

"I already have an idea."

"We need to use a particle accelerator to accelerate neutrons to an extremely active state, and at the same time, create a strong annihilation force field that reaches the upper limit of energy endurance."

"Control the extremely active neutron collision strong annihilation force field..."

Korana said, opening his arms, "Bang——"

"Yes, there will definitely be an explosion. But because the neutrons are controlled, we can control the intensity of the explosion, so that, for example, only one neutron is lost."

"At the same time, we must take necessary safety measures to control the impact of the explosion within a safe range."

"At this time, we can continue our research, and all we need for experiments is a strong annihilation force field device without a magnetic field shell——"

Korana said and saw Kubo.

Cooper pursed his lips hard and showed a forced smile.

He doesn't think Korana's needs are small. The experiment does only require 'strong annihilation field equipment without a magnetic field shell', but there are particle accelerators, neutron control systems, and 'necessary safety measures' used to protect the equipment. etc.

Taken together, tens of billions of dollars may not be enough.

Cooper was a little overwhelmed thinking about it, and he curled his lips at James, "Does the Department of Energy mean that we should pay for everything?"

"Together all this means we have no funds left."

"When will they provide follow-up support? Even just supporting Korana will reduce the pressure on us."

James said, "Maybe you should ask the Department of Energy? Ask the new decision-makers?"

"That's not going anywhere."

What Kubo means is that even if the Energy Department or new policymakers have a support plan, it is impossible to tell them the news in advance.

Langa Gobin Korana is indeed of a certain level. After he revealed his experimental plan, it triggered a discussion at the meeting and won the support of many people.

They all felt that Korana's plan was likely to succeed.

Cooper also had to admit that he was convinced by Corana's plan. Of course, he would definitely not support it, because the plan had nothing to do with him, and even if they were the party who funded it, it would not be recorded at all.

In short, they belong to a group that contributes silently and is not taken seriously.

After the meeting ended, Cooper asked James, "What do you think of his idea? Is it possible to realize it?"

James said, "I told you, he had already convinced me when we were in the hotel, because I couldn't find the problem with this experimental plan."

"But I don't support it."


Kubo asked in confusion, "Since you can't find the problem, doesn't it mean it's possible to succeed?"

James pursed his lips hard and said, "First, the plan has nothing to do with us. If Corana succeeds, will it be of any benefit to us?"


"Second, his research is feasible from an experimental perspective, but there is no possibility of application. This is not important to physicists, but it is important to the current country."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, his research consumes a lot of money. It may be similar to particle collision. It just makes some discoveries and cannot be transformed into technology."

"And he may make discoveries, but he is unlikely to make any major progress. To put it simply, he cannot calculate accurate data."

"Why?" Cooper asked.

"Because of the explosion. The experiment he did was to convert neutrons into energy and matter into energy. You must know how high the intensity is. The thin layer of strong annihilation force field is not easy to control. Our equipment is very complex and the middle is very narrow. , there are very few security measures that can be taken, so are you sure you can protect the safety of the equipment?"

"With just a little bit more intensity, there's no doubt the equipment would be damaged."

"How can we continue research in this case?"

James continued, "Korana is very talented. He can definitely think of this, but he still continues to do it, maybe because... he doesn't care at all?"

Kubo turned to look at Korana.

Corana also happened to look over, looked at him and smiled.

Korana could indeed think of the follow-up questions, but he just ignored them and didn't think about them. Just like James guessed, he didn't care at all.

As a physicist, new research discoveries are the most important. For example, how can those scientists who study particle collision experiments care about whether the experiments can be transformed into technical applications?

If antimatter can be confirmed to appear in the experiment, or what Wang Hao calls 'neutron annihilation', it will be a world-class achievement, and there will definitely be no problem in winning a Nobel Prize in Physics.

When the time comes, he will become an internationally recognized top physicist, will be respected by everyone in the world, and will become a guest of top international figures.

As for whether the technology can be put into application, it is related to American's technological issues.

What does Amerikan's technology have to do with a Brahmin noble? If the Ministry of Energy and policy makers are not satisfied with this, he can return to India and continue to live the life of a Brahmin noble.

By then, he will not only be a nobleman, but also the most famous physicist in the world, and will be promoted as the pride of Indians.

That is the ideal life.

As for persuading the Department of Energy to study antimatter technology, he thinks there is nothing wrong with what he said, because the experiment is indeed likely to lead to new discoveries.

Whether this new discovery can lead to technological applications...

He can't think about everything, right? So what else do other scientists need to do? All in all, there was nothing wrong with him.

the other side.

The annihilation particle experimental equipment has officially entered the manufacturing stage.

Members of the design team went to the cooperative factories one after another to see each part being manufactured, encountered some manufacturing problems, and participated in thinking about solutions.

Wang Hao is a leisurely person. He did not participate in the manufacturing process. Instead, he returned to Xihai University and gave several open classes.

Wang Hao's influence now radiates all over the world. His open classes have attracted widespread attention from the student community. Every open class is overcrowded. Even the corridors are occupied. Many people gather all the way to the door of the building. .

Not only that, there are also media reporters coming to broadcast live.

Wang Hao can't even understand the complicated mathematics and theoretical physics courses, so what is there to live broadcast? Who would be bored enough to listen to something like this?

During this period, he also went to the capital to attend a science and technology conference and learned about the internal changes in the Groom Lake project. It was said that there was a project called Korana, and he joined the Groom Lake project team and formed an 'antimatter research team' , and also clarified the experimental direction.

There is no other more specific news.

Wang Hao was confused, "So, their DC research may have been suspended?"

"It's possible." Teacher Xu nodded to confirm.

"The purpose is for antimatter experiments? It must be a funding issue, right? Their superposition force field equipment is indeed very expensive."

Wang Hao thought about it and said, "They have clarified their research and must have found a direction. I guess the most likely thing is related to the replica explosion experiment."

"The annihilation field with the upper limit of energy intensity, active neutrons, etc. are not secrets. As long as you understand them carefully, you will definitely be able to think of them."

"But the problem is, they don't have DC technology, how can they control the experiment?"

Wang Hao couldn't figure it out.

It is very complicated to create a strong annihilation force field by superimposing force fields. Four pieces of anti-gravity field equipment are required. Not only are they surrounded by equipment, but the bottom layer is also a 'high-pressure pipeline', leaving little space for the field force in the middle. If it is too large, the explosion cannot be controlled.

In addition, the thin layer of strong annihilation force field itself is unstable.

This instability will bring about the uncertainty of ‘neutron annihilation’, which means that sometimes neutrons will annihilate, and sometimes they will not.

Therefore, relevant experiments must be carried out. Creating a stable strong annihilation force field area with direct current is one of the most basic technical foundations.

Teacher Xu noticed that Wang Hao was frowning and thinking, and reminded him, "It's not 100% certain information, so you don't need to think too deeply about it."

Wang Hao nodded, "I just thought about it. If this news is true, maybe their ideas are wrong. After all, we have a lot of technologies that have not been made public. It is normal for their imperfect thinking to be imperfect."

They stopped dwelling on this topic and then talked about the problem of annihilation particles.

Wang Hao is still looking forward to it, "We may be able to create infinite energy. Of course, infinite energy is just a concept. Equipment and materials have upper limits. The most important thing is that our experimental equipment does not occupy a large space as a whole."

"If the experiment is successful, it may soon be put into use."

After saying these words, Teacher Xu immediately started to look forward to it.

In fact, many people in the science and technology department are not optimistic about experiments. They directly abandon the so-called theory and experimental data basis, and just the method of "converting mass into energy" makes them feel that it is very science fiction and is not something that humans should master at all. technology.

Now that Wang Hao said that he was very much looking forward to it, it also made Teacher Xu feel a little shaken.

What if?

Even if there are 10,000 impossibilities, and they happen to encounter the only possibility among them, they will have unlimited energy technology!

Compared to nuclear fusion...

So weak!

In three months, there have been two major news in the direction of science and technology.

One is that the nuclear fusion device finally realized the external power output. Because it was only a large-scale experimental debugging, the power output lasted for three days before being shut down, but it also attracted widespread attention at home and abroad.

This is big news for nuclear fusion research.

"This experiment was a major success!"

"We will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the device in the future and determine that within half a year, the nuclear fusion device will be able to operate stably and provide stable power supply to the outside world..."

The news released by the Nuclear Fusion Engineering Corporation is very exciting.

Many media reported on this, "Humanity has mastered nuclear fusion technology and begun to apply it to create a steady stream of clean energy!"

"The success of nuclear fusion research represents a new level of human science and technology!"

"Humanity has mastered nuclear fusion 50 years ahead of schedule, thanks to the research and development of annihilation field technology. At the same time, we must be wary of the risks that new technologies may bring..."

"The power provided by the nuclear fusion device is higher than expected. A nuclear fusion power station can support the operation of a first-tier city."

Soon, there was another good news.

With the joint attention of 121 countries, the manned spacecraft launched by the space agency successfully landed on the moon. Three astronauts stepped off the landing module and held the national flag to take exciting pictures.

This is very exciting news.

The whole country is celebrating, and it doesn’t make any sense to say it.

The florist became the second country to land on the moon, and the manned spacecraft also returned safely from the moon. Every astronaut became a hero.

Lots of coverage, lots of admiration, lots of cheers.

Against the background of celebrations from the outside world, the personnel responsible for the relevant programs of the space agency breathed a sigh of relief. They sighed from the bottom of their hearts, "It's finally done!"

It was exciting and thrilling, but it couldn't hide the complicated emotions involved.

Landing on the moon is of course one of the most important scientific research projects. The space agency has been working towards this goal for decades. It is indeed worthy of celebration that it has finally been completed.

But in recent years, the relevant responsible persons have also felt a lot of pressure.

This pressure mainly stems from 'technological development is too fast'. To put it bluntly, it is annihilation field technology and superconducting technology. The continuous breakthroughs in these two major technologies have made the space agency's related research feel like it cannot keep up with the times.

For example, their rockets and spacecraft do not use anti-gravity technology.

The only application of high-end technology is to replace some superconducting materials inside the equipment. The reason why new technologies are not used is mainly because the design has been completed, and the spacecraft and rockets have also entered the manufacturing and testing stages. If new technologies are used, Redesign will continue to delay the moon landing.

Now they are finally free of the burden.

One week after the moon landing was completed, the space agency couldn't wait to announce the follow-up plan, "We will introduce anti-gravity, superconducting and other technologies, and use advanced materials to continue the aerospace industry."

"Next, we plan to build very large rockets and cargo spacecraft to transport large amounts of supplies to the moon or other stars."

This plan sounds great, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed possible.

The air-to-ship flying saucer is already very complete. In other words, we already have rich experience in the application of lateral anti-gravity technology, and it can naturally be used in the aerospace field.

If the lateral annihilation force field technology is used, it can greatly reduce the power required for the spacecraft to take off. Coupled with superconducting battery technology and superconducting technology, it can greatly improve the efficiency of energy power use.


Putting these technologies in the aerospace field will definitely make great progress in aerospace science and technology.

Many people have begun to look forward to it.

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